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Rotary Club of Exmouth & District

Issue 61 August 2014

Paul Harris Award for

David Matthews


Paul Harris Award Membership Development - Managing Change President’s Handover On Safari International Dictionaries for Life Last Night of the Proms

Simon Says A new year begins amidst change and stability. The Safari Supper was enjoyable for those who attended, all thanks to Alan for hosting the deserts and Ian and cliff for their excellent organisation. We've continued our programme of giving Dictionaries to many year 6 children in the district. The children were excited to receive such nice gifts and I expect them to be well used over the next few years. The meetings trial began with Membership

Services reporting to the whole club, and I'm sure most members felt more informed on the many aspects of the club's activities. We have just started on the road to what we hope is a more attractive club. Change brings us an opportunity to look at what we've achieved in a fresh light and whether it is effective in today's world. The-se changes are not set in stone, and we'll review them after 6 months. Signing off now from soggy bridport.....










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Chairman of this year’s Membership Development Committee, John Thorogood writes, The 2014 Membership Development Committee is a larger Committee this year and is a balanced mix of older and younger members in terms of length of membership. It is the Committee’s intention to put in place both a long term and a short term plan to increase membership of the Club with a special emphasis on younger members. SHORT TERM The short term plan will include (a) the implementation, monitoring and tweaking of the proposals put on 16th June, that is to say modernising the image of the Club by dropping the Grace, Loyal Toast, relaxation of the dress code, attendance requirements and frequency of meetings. (b) Improve liaison with local Businesses using links with the Chamber of Commerce with a view to gaining members from that quarter. (c) It will include other ideas the Committee may from time to time propose

and develop for immediate action.

LONG TERM (d) A longer term plan will include a plea for each member to introduce a new member to the Club in the forthcoming year.

(e) Putting in place an emphasis on promoting the Club and it’s work in the

town by greater use of the local media, Press / Radio Stations etc., and improving internet publicity by the increased use of social media. (f) Monitoring and reviewing the opinions of new members who join the Club with a view to making the Club more ‘attractive’ to new members and to improve retention. (g) Monitoring output from the RIBI Membership Committee on Associate Membership, Corporate Membership and other innovative and flexible Clubs for useful ideas”.

Changes in Practice

Frank reports that a change in the format of club

meetings was trialled on Monday 21st July. He says that the meeting was received with mixed feelings. 28 members attended to hear Membership Services committee report on a number of their responsibilities. The Membership Services meeting was conducted whilst the meal was in progress and this did disrupt the flow of communications from the floor. The main principles behind our changes are transparency and communication; with, hopefully, less, valuable time spent in committee and to encourage new membership. Members points of view will, of course, be considered when the format is reviewed. President Simon and the Membership Development committee will be keen to

hear our comments bearing in mind that the club cannot stand still and has to change one way or another.

Survival Instinct Frank

and Bev demonstrate that their survival instincts are alive and well and that a fear of swimming in the waters around Singapore could well be justified. But what were they worried about? Find out on page 7.






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Dictionaries for Life

President Simon reaches out to the children in our community presenting Dictionaries for Life at local schools. Our picture is of the presentation to pupils of Marpool and The Beacon schools. Thanks are due to Gerald for his continuing work on making this hap-pen.

Exmouth Kite Festival By Malcolm Pressey 2015 is going to be a year to look forward to. The Kite Festival is up and running again, this time our Rotary Club is working in partnership with the Exmouth Town Council’s Festival Committee. It has already started to plan for another major event. With each member specialising in a certain aspect. Carla Hiley and John Wokersien are planning two concerts this year. A fun concert on Friday night that should appeal to the younger audience and maybe a more formal outdoor concert with your picnic

for the Saturday night. Malcolm Pressey & Norman Hawkins looking after the Kite Performers and the Traders. There will be a new timetable for performers at this Festival – opening to the public at 11.00am and closing at 5.00pm. (Allowing time for the concerts at 7.30pm). Daniel Smith (Vibrant Pulse) is already excited to be promoting the Festival, especially using Social Media. The ‘World Record Attempt’ for the total number of Kites flying at one time’ returns. I know, we did not manage it last time, but the publicity was fantastic and once again the tides are right for us to use the sand on Sunday. With the Added help of Councillors Alison Greenhaugh and David Chapman we are optimistic that sponsorship will again help us to put on this great event.

It has been really successful in previous years and many locals have kept asking when it is to return. I have already start-ed a list of ‘friends of Rotary’ who have volunteered to help with stewarding during the Festival. So don’t book your holidays in May – keep the 30th and 31st Free and make sure you enjoy the atmosphere and Fellowship that this club will create at this fundraising event. Finally, please remember that this event is for Charity and it has been agreed that the profits will be split so that a third will be presented to the Samaritans (The Mayor’s chosen Charity) the Children’s Hospice SW (The Charity chosen by the Rotary Club of Exmouth and District) the last third will be split between the two organising partners for further use within their organisations.










Members of the Rotary Club of Exmouth & District 2013/14 with a few of the guests at Brian Drake’s President’s Lunch on Saturday 14th June 2014 (Pictures by Sue Wokersien).

Aperitifs on the deck at Ocean Blue - Guests enjoying the amazing view before lunch. The hospitality suite and deck is brand spanking new - A ‘Top’ venue in every way!

Lunch was served in style and was much enjoyed by all. We were taken care of by Annette at Ocean Blue every step of the way, with great attention to detail, making the President’s lunch a relaxed, unhurried and pleasant occasion for all.





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Tank Sherman (left) - provided the laughs. “My wife left me the other day. She complained that I didn’t hold the car door open for her. To be honest with you, it was all I could do to hold my breath till I reached the surface!”. You get the drift! The jokes just kept coming, one after the other, delivered in a lugubrious Devonshire dialect. A very funny man with a memory like an elephant and Torbay Rotarian to boot.

President Brian (right) presents a community service award to a very surprised and deserving Sandy Lenn. This was in In recognition of outstanding service to the community and a positive contribution to the Rotary Club of Exmouth & District. In other words Sandy has worked her socks off for years with Cliff. Some might say she IS the power behind the throne. Cliff wouldn’t dare deny it - not in earshot anyway.

David Matthews (above) looks at his Paul Harris award with surprise and pleasure. Another well deserved award. This time recognising David’s hard work in the club and District. His particular interest in Youth Services at both levels of Rotary, his organising skills and dedication to young people are particular hallmarks of his Rotary Service.

Ian Winks (above) holds everything together as MC.



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Club Handover Meeting

Retiring President Brian Drake hands over the Club Charter at the Annual change over meeting to new President Simon Wood.

Rotary in


Shahine wrote this message to the club when on his recent visit to Bangladesh. “Greetings from me & Rotary Club of Comilla. I just had a very wonderful evening with our friends Rotary Club Of Comilla. I have been given a bunch of flowers and a banner from the club and been invited for Hon. Secretary's Dinner with the administrator from the District Council”.






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Never smile at a crocodile - This beast seen by Frank on the tropical River Exe? between camps (see below). Is that a Rotary Emblem I see? Frank never misses a chance to sell an emblem no matter what the risk! Does he remember any of this? Hic! Or was it Singapore?

On Safari in Exmouth

Cliff writes, “It was a hot sultry tropical evening on the Exmouth savannah when 38 intrepid explorers set out on safari in search of food and fellowship; they found it in abundance! Starting the search at President Simon’s Fernside lodge, where the natives, led by chief gamekeeper Alexis, plied nibbles and liquor to ensure release of the gastric juices before setting out into the bush for the unknown. Ritual local fare and delicacies were sampled at campsites all around the Exmouth and Budleigh sub-continent with tribal chieftains ensuring that a good time was had by all. All such things come to an end [eventually!] and Chief Big Al, who had grafted all day with wattle and daub to prepare his hut, welcomed

the explorers as they reeled in through an alcoholics haze to devour the remains of his supper and various sweet courses. A big thank you to all who took part, especially the hosts and providers of food, and some reassurance too! Blackmail will not be an issue

as nobody thought to bring a camera and evidence of your misdemeanours is lost! Until next year, then, when Ian and I would love somebody else to organise the event.“ Editor’s Note: All drivers between campsites were abstemious and are thanked for their sacrifice.



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Date Event Stewards

22nd Sept Lunch with speaker Prof Bautz Foreign Aid in India

Eric Watts and Francis Williams

23rd Sept Club Council

29th Sept Lunch & Business Ian Winks and Malcolm Wood

6th October LUNCH - Dining Room Dick Bishop and David Brunwin

10th to 12th October

District Conference

13th October Lunch Martin Clook and John Danzelman

20th October Lunch Brian Drake and Angie Drummond

27th October Lunch & SGM to elect reps for various District Offices

Gerald Garraway and Stephen Govier

28th October Club Council

1st November Ceilidh Bud Salt Public Hall

3rd November Evening & Guest Speaker Rebecca Tinsley Network4Africa

Frank Hart-Venn and Norman Hawkins

Where we Meet

The Rotary Club of

Exmouth & District

Meets at the Manor Hotel, The Beacon, Exmouth EX8 2AG Mondays 12.30pm for 1.00pm lunch. On the first Monday of each month at 6.30pm for 7.00pm dinner. Phone: 01395 272549 Email: secretary @exmouth.rotary1170.org

Sport and Social - Fellowship Sport and Social - Fellowship

Contribute to Club News?

Contact John Wokersien 01395 223182 email john@wokersien.eclipse.co.uk

Views expressed in this publication may be those of individuals and not necessarily reflect club policy. Thanks to all

contributors and in particular to Exmouth Community College and Allison Heyworth for printing Club News.

A friendly (is their any other kind?) skittles match will be at the White Hart Woodbury on Sept 10. It will be Exmouth v ‘and District’ (Budleigh and villages) with David M leading Exmouth and Norman leading ‘and District’. A board will be circulated mid August, supporters welcome but need to be noted on board for catering. Ed. A friend-ly match if ever I saw one tee he!

It’s Croquet

Time at


Join a fun Introduction to croquet at Budleigh Salterton croquet club followed by a light supper. Starts at 5pm on Sunday, 24th August. Cost approx £12 all in or approx £6 food only. Wet weather alternative available. More players needed.

Skittles 2013/14

Martin Clook, Directer of Sports says, “There will be a play-off between Exe Valley, Tiverton and ourselves. We all finished the season with 14 points. I know no more than that. How it will be done and when - who knows!! I will let you know”.

Stop Press The play off match will be on the 26th August for a 7.30 start at the lamb and flag Ottery St Mary it is £4 per head for food. Still unclear how the play off will be arranged but no doubt all will be revealed in the fullness of time.

Another of Frank’s pictures from Singapore. Send us your best picture from your holidays for publication.

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