david norse — increasing food security and minimising greenhouse gas emissions through improved...

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The Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) jointly hosted the International Conference on Climate Change and Food Security (ICCCFS) November 6-8, 2011 in Beijing, China. This conference provided a forum for leading international scientists and young researchers to present their latest research findings, exchange their research ideas, and share their experiences in the field of climate change and food security. The event included technical sessions, poster sessions, and social events. The conference results and recommendations were presented at the global climate talks in Durban, South Africa during an official side event on December 1.


Increasing food security and minimising greenhouse gas emissions through improved

nitrogen management – lessons from the Chinese experience

David Norse

International Conference on Climate Change and Food Security, Beijing, November 6-8, 2011

Agriculture is part of the problem and part of the solution

Agricultural drivers for climate change are a threat to current food security as well as to long

term food security


• N fertilizer and the trade-off between food security and climate change

• Overuse and misuse of N as a threat to current food security

• Minimising greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions through improved nitrogen management (INM) and other policy measures

• Implications of the Chinese experience for other developing countries

N use in China & food security

N fertilizer

Grain yield

N production and use as drivers for climate change

• Agriculture is the main source of the powerful GHGs CH4 and N2O driving climate change globally & China

• Synthetic N fertilizer production & use and manure are the main source of N2O & livestock are now the main source of CH4

• Food demand exceeds the amount that can be produced from organic N inputs

Agricultures contribution to global GHG emissions

Global mean:

70% of agricultural GHG

emissions are connected

with N fertilizer  use: CO2 & N2O

Source: IPPC 4th Report

GHGs emissions from China’s agriculture

Source: SAIN, 2011

Source CO2 Methane Nitrous



N fertilizer production & transport

(43 Mt)

235 26 13 274

P&K fertilizer production & transport 18 18N fertilizer use for crops (32 Mt) 57 (170 rice*) 176* 233(403)Other agricultural uses (3-5Mt) 15-25 15-25 30-50Livestock – enteric & manure 295-443 172-258 467-701Direct fossil energy inputs to agriculture 190 190Total agricultural emissions 515-25 491-639 376-472 1382-1636

Total economy emissions 6,000 7,230

Agricultural emissions as % of total national emissions

* not closely N related *provisional estimate for indirect N2O


Food demand, organic N inputs& unavoidable trade-offs

• Currently about 30 % of China’s N input comes from manure

• In the longer-term about 30% of synthetic N use could be replaced by N in manure & compost and biological N fixation but they also release GHGs

• Consequently food security will continue to be dependent on anthropogenic N inputs with some trade-offs between food security & climate change

Complexity of trade-offs betweenfood security and climate change

Much of the complexity stems from the way that overuse and misuse of N increases:

(a)GHG emissions & drives climate change, but

(b)Also causes or intensifies a range of other negative environmental impacts that increasingly threaten current food security

Current direct and indirect threats to food supply related to N use

• Yield loss• Restricted root growth• Soil acidification• Negative impacts on soil biology• Higher losses from pests & diseases• Increased lodging and greater harvesting losses• Greater eutrophication and increased frequency

and area of algal blooms

N overuse by province and crop

Province  Crop  Farmers rate


Recommended Rate* kg.N/ha 

% overuse 

% yield loss from overuse

Jiangsu  rice  300  200  50  3

6 provinces  rice  195  133  47  >5

N China plain  wheat  325  128  150  4

N China plain  maize  263  158  66  5

Shaanxi  wheat  287  150‐225  >30  0

Shaanxi  maize  249 125 100  8

Shandong  tomato  Up to 630  150-300 >80 10  

Overuse of N and poor root growth

SAIN Policy Brief No 2

N Overuse Optimum N

Increase in top soil acidification:1980s -2000s

• Soil pH declined significantly in all major crop production areas & is projected to get worse

• It was caused primarily by high inputs of N fertilizer

• Acid deposition had only a small impact• Reduced productivity – toxic metals• Control is difficult and labour intensive

Source: Guo et al., 2010

Soil acidification greater with vegetables and fruit than cereals

Source: Guo et al., 2010

Soil group/region

1980s 2000s 2000s

All crop systems Cereals Vegetables & fruit

pH value pH value pH value

Red & yellow soils of South China

5.73 5.14 5.07

Paddy soils 6.33 6.20 5.98

North East 6.32 6.00 5.60

N China Plain & Loess Plateau

7.96 7.69 7.38

N related increase in eutrophicationand harmful algal blooms/red tides

1970s 1990s 2000 Mid 2000s 2008

Lake eutrophication %*

5 51 55-61

Red tides/year** 5 45 68

* 25-50% from crop N

** up to 60% estuarine N from crop production

Overuse of N and > crop diseases:Rice sheath blight

Source: Cu et al., 1996

Overuse and misuse of N as a threat to current food demand

Excess costs of production from overuse cause:•Reduced net farm income•Lower productivity growth & higher food price inflation which can limit the ability of the poor to buy all of their food needs

Costs of N overuse Province  Crop  Farmers 

rate kg.N/ha 

Recommended Rate* kg.N/ha 

% overuse  Cost of overuse RMB/ha

Jiangsu  rice  300  200  50  400

6 provinces  rice  195  133  47  250

N China plain  wheat  325  128  150  800

N China plain  maize  263  158  66  420

Shaanxi  wheat  287  150‐225  >30  250-550

Shaanxi  maize  249 125 100  500

Shandong  tomato  Up to 630  150-300 >80 1320-1920  

Impact of overuse & misuse of N on farm incomes in Shaanxi

Source: Lu Yuelai, 2010

Income level(收入水平)

Total household income (yuan)


Cost of N overuse (yuan)

% of household income (占家庭收入百分比)

1st Q 1664 153 9

2nd Q 6489 249 4

3rd Q 10442 225 2

4th Q 20260 221 1

Average 平均 9728 212 2

Agriculture as part of the solution: most of the cost-effective measures to minimise agricultural GHGs emissions involve improved N management in crop and livestock production

Minimising agricultural GHGs

• Integrated nutrition management• Increased water use efficiency• Increased soil carbon• Improved livestock waste management • Feed productivity• Subsidies, PES, & environmental taxes• Monitoring & evaluation

What is improved nitrogen management (INM)

• Use of application rates of synthetic N fertilizers that allow for the N already in the soil, in manure and in irrigation water & do not exceed the amount needed for optimum crop yields.

• Ensuring that N fertilizers are applied at the right time & best place.

• Choosing the correct mix of N, P & K and the best type of fertilizer to minimize GHG & ammonia emissions

INM is not just about limitingN overuse

It is also correcting:•Lack of micronutrients which can limit N availability•Bad water management e.g. excessive irrigation which leaches nitrate below root zone•Tillage & residue management practices that reduce carbon sequestration

All of these can increase direct & indirect N2O emissions – complex trade-offs

INM and potential GHG savings in Beijing/Hebei/Shandong

Derived from Ju el., 2006

Farmers N rate

INM rate N saving from INM

% GHG reduction from INM

N input & GHG benefitkg synthetic N fertilizer/ha/yr

588 286 302 51

Other benefits:

Reduced N loss by leaching

56 23 33

Reduced N loss as ammonia

135 46 89

Livestock waste management– mix of policy instruments

• Planning controls on location• Building regulations regarding drainage &

waste storage requirements• Limits on stocking rates & manure or slurry

disposal• Support for anaerobic digestion and

organic fertiliser production

Water use efficiency

Mix of regulatory and economic incentives:• controls on abstraction; • full economic cost water pricing; • subsidies or grants for installing drip-

irrigation & fertigation

Implications of the Chinese experience for other developing


• Importance of limiting overuse of N• Improving INM• Importance of good communications

between farmers, extension workers, scientists & engineers

• Sharing technological progress• Importance of appropriate funding for

agricultural development

Limiting overuse of N

Underuse rather than overuse is the main problem in most developing countries but:•Overuse is common in parts of India where there is cereal intensive production•Hot spots occur elsewhere in Asia, Africa and Latin America eg. peri-urban intensive vegetable production•Hence China’s experience with INM is helpful

Adopting and adapting INM

• IRRI has promoted the sharing of INM experience among rice producing countries but there is scope for extending this to other cropping systems

• Chinese experience with estimating N budgets, GHG emissions & other environmental impacts can provide other countries with methods and default values to formulate their approach to INM

Sharing technological progress

• Chinese progress in the development of cost-effective slow-release formulations of N fertilisers and nitrification inhibitors

• Development of small scale machinery for tillage and fertiliser placement

• Global public goods - hybrid varieties and advances in biotechnology


• N essential for food production but it creates substantial GHGs and other negative environmental impacts that threaten food security

• These trade-offs are current as well as long-term and can be reduced but not eliminated

• INM is a cost-effective win-win-win approach to reducing both current and climate change related threats to food security but wider policy measures are needed

• Underuse of N is the problem in most developing countries but there are N hotspots needing INM

Thanks to Project partners & funding bodies: MoA, China; defra, FCO & dfid in UK


•CAU (Zhang Fusuo, Zhang Weifeng, Ju Xiaotang)•CAS Centre for Chinese Agricultural Policy (Huang Jikun, Jia Xiaoping•4 case study Provinces: (Shaanxi –NWAFU; Shandong; Jiangsu – CAS Institute of Soil Science & Nanjing Agricultural University; Jilin)


•Rothamsted Research (David Powlson)•North Wyke Research (David Chadwick) •University of East Anglia (Lu Yuelai)

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