davies 11.6

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Rob Burke


Philosophy Paper

There are several effective and sufficient philosophies in education that can be beneficial

for a Social Studies teacher. By implementing strategies and procedures into the classroom, it

allows the student to broaden their knowledge in a social studies standpoint. Social Studies is

often taught through the perspective of traditional thinking and excessive textbook work. It is

important to focus on the other aspects of Social studies as well such as the culture, sociology

and psychology of social studies. Several philosophies that I have personally viewed in previous

classes have given me insight on how to effectively teach a class while applying certain

procedures to keep the students on-task and focused on their work.

Dewey’s progressive educational system is trying to prepare students for the future but at

the same time, trying to give these students an understanding and a respect of the past. In the

traditional education setting students are being set up for failure. Dewey states, “Theirs is to do

and learn, as it was the part of the six hundred to do and die. Learning here means acquisition of

what already is incorporated in books and in the heads of the elders. Moreover, that which is

taught is thought of as essentially static.”(Dewey, 19) In a traditional school setting, teachers are

afraid to accept that education is changing. They teach the basics and what previous educators

and philosophers have in scripted into their minds. The main problem here is that traditional

education educators do not explore their horizons; they keep everything too simple and too

broad. For example, a history teacher in a traditional education system would teach their students

from a textbook, rather than a primary source which has historical significance. This puts these

students at a disadvantage because when they are preparing for reality, they are lost and do not

really have much to fall back on. Dewey implies that change is acceptable in education and

certain subjects that are present in this philosophy of education can benefit from change. This

strategy could be implemented into a social studies classroom by using unique techniques in their

lesson plans. Instead of using textbooks, teachers should use technology such as Smart boards

and Power Points that will help them learn visually. The students should be entertained in the

classroom by the lesson plan this is why teachers can use educational games to better the

student’s knowledge of the subject sufficiently. Any way that can keep the students on-task with

the subject they are learning while using Dewey’s strategies.

Cooperative learning allows students to not only work together, but assist his or her

fellow students with any problems that occur during a lesson. Students usually feel more

comfortable when they are split into groups and speak with their partners, rather than listen to the

teacher lecture for the entire class. There are many cooperative learning groups presented to

students and educators, Slavin states, “PALS is a structured cooperative learning method in

which students work in pairs, taking turns as teacher and learner, using specific metacognitive

strategies.”(Slavin pg.234) Peer Assisted Learning Strategies allows the students to see what

each other’s strengths and weaknesses are. If a student is struggling in math for instance the

other student can provide assistance and give him or her help with solving a problem. It is more

effective if a student is cooperating and learning with another student rather than a teacher

because students can relate to each other much easier. In Peer Assisted Learning Strategies it

students are paired together by their intelligence in the classroom, so the smartest student will be

paired with the student who is having the most difficulty with the certain subject. By applying

PALS into a Social Studies classroom it allows students to work together with any subjects a

student is struggling with. For example the judicial systems can be rather confusing for a high

school student, by using PALS students who are not doing well in this specific topic can receive

help from a student who is persevering on this topic.

Certain Place-Based strategies work sufficiently in certain areas such as Co- Seed which

is an organization that is made up of different schools district, community organizations,

environmental learning centers and a higher education institution, that help keep environment

connected with education. These seed teams help educators who want to incorporate place-based

education into his or her curriculum, “In Littleton, New Hampshire, for example, community

partners include the town planner’s office, the town engineer, local businesses, the historical

society, the solid waste manager, and a local group called Envisioning Littleton’s future”(Sobel

pg.44). This shows how major companies and high positions in this local town want to help

support these schools when it comes to place-based education. This makes it possible for the

community and students to work together in ensuring that the environment is intact. Rick

Nannicelli uses the Co-Seed principles at Great Brook Middle School where he is the current

principal he states, “My vision for the next five is to see education outside of the walls of the

school and to see the walls of the school transformed. I want to see kids do something important

for themselves, for the community, and the environment”. (Sobel pg.53). Co-Seed is an effective

organization that allows the students and community to support the environment. Placed-Based

Education strategies in my opinionare one of the most relevant aspects of historical education. It

allows students to relate specific historical events to their hometown. For example in my

hometown there was a visit from both George Washington and President Dwight D. Eisenhower

later on. As a teacher by instrumenting local history and relating it to American history will

create a positive learning experience.

Critical Pedagogy is important to incorporate into the classroom because it does not

depict any certain race, culture, religion, etc. to being inferior to another. Culture is oppressive

because it is dominated by the groups that are considered to be the social norm. This is because

materials such as textbooks do not broaden the students mind in a sense of culture. Textbooks do

not discuss the diversity of culture; most textbooks strictly explain the cultures that have a

distinct hierarchy that is considered “better” than the cultures of the lower class. McLaren

believes that culture is a necessity while providing critical pedagogy in the classroom.

McLaren’s class was made up of many cultural diverse students that came from many ethnic

backgrounds. One student in particular came from Spanish Town, Jamaica which was a very

poor community that did not have the best living conditions. McLaren asked her many questions

about her family and if she liked Canada. It is important to have an understanding of each

student’s ethnic background because not only should the educator keep away from any

prejudices against any races or ethnicities, but the educator should also include many different

cultures into his or her lessons. It is important in a Social Studies classroom to create a safe

environment for the students. Social Studies may contradict certain cultures, religions and

ethnicities but by making sure there are not any racial distinctions about certain groups it will

create an environment in the classroom that will not disrupt the student or their peers. For

example if a student is of some sort of religious background and we are learning about that

specific religion, teachers must alter the way they teach toward the student and his or her peers.

Make sure there are not any racial distinctions and if the student feels comfortable let him or her

make any comments or concerns they have about this topic.

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