day 11 - 2016 - reagan&coldwar-i - dol.pptx

Post on 13-Apr-2018






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  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'(*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

    Warm Up

    78ard as nails toward the So#iet nion in his campaignspeeches& Reagan saw no reason to soften up after hechec9ed in at the White 8ouse! 8e claimed that the So#ietswere :prepared to omit any crime& to lie& to cheat& in pursuitof their goals of world con;uest! 8e denounced the So#ietnion as the :focus of e#il in the modern world! Reagan

    believed in negotiating it! t!e "oviet#$b%t onl&'rom a po#iton o' over!elming #trengt!.< merican)ageant 1*, +enned&o!en

    ,! Why do you thin9 a strict :hard as nails approachtoward the So#iet nion was a good thing6 Bad

    thing60! What do you thin9 is the danger of calling the

    So#iets the :focus of e#il in the modern world6

    //E0E " Analyze the sentence highlighted in

    blue What do you thin9 the conse;uences are of thisapproach by Reagan and the !S!6

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'(*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

    Unpacing Ob4ectiveit! #ill and E.Q.

    SWBAT describeReagans foreign policiesduring the Cold War and analyzehowthey impacted!S! " So#ietrelations!(Bric9 Words =! .ortar Words)

    Todays 1ssential /uestion' >eals with = anal&5e how Reagans foreign

    policies =

    Analyze 2to ?udge or determine the signi@cance& worth& or;uality of assess'

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    "et %p &o%r ornell0ote#

    Title' Reagan and the Cold War "

    >ate' April 0& 0*,

    Write down theTopical 1ssential /uestion!

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx



    Regan and theCold War

    Regans hardline oncommunism 1nd of dDtente&

    1#il 1mpire

    .ilitary spending

    S> EF treaty

    All of these and howthey impacted !S! "

    So#iet Relations

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

    6n'erring 7ataRe#%lt# v.


    1. RE7 E8/UTEonl& 9 atlea#t 1min%te.

    2. W!at8R6/E"are in t!edata;

    3. W!at aret!e RE"U/T"o' t!e data;

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    E>ect# o' Reagan?#@ilitar& "pending

    Reagans increase in defense spending forcedthe So#iets to ta9e notice and continue theirdefense spending

    Along with staggering economic recessions across satellitenations& Russias economy was far worse than the Ss

    Spar9ed some uprising in satellite nations

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    T!e Evil Empire

    The !S!S!R! had been#ery e%pansionist2mindedduring the four years ofGres! Carter

    Reagan called the So#ietnion an :1#il 1mpire ina Speech in ,H- !S!S!R wanted a :nuclear


    mpact to !S! So#ietRelations

    Iutraged the So#iet Gremierand many communist partymembers

    Created more tension J badfeelings

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    "trategic 7e'en#e6nitiative ("76A

    etting t!e 6"T >econstruct the main points of thisclip! Write down = -* si% 9ey pointsK

    8ow do you thin9 this message made American feel6

    1%plain and Lustify with e#idence!

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    "trategic 7e'en#e6nitiative ("76A Reagan wanted to defeat the

    So#iet nion and end the Cold War

    ncreased defense spendingand escalate the arms race

    Focus 2 ways to defend against threat of

    nuclear warfare 8ope 2 force !S!S!R! to spend itself to point of


    8is program was called the "trategic7e'en#e 6nitiative ("76A Reagans proposed defense system " popularly

    9nown as 7Star Warsespite many researchers wor9ing on thepro?ect& it ne#er actually came to be

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    E>ect# o' Reagan?#@ilitar& "pending

    So#iet defense spending plateaued between ,H, and

    ,H! So#iet defense spending collapsed from ,HH onwards!

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    E>ect# o' Reagan?#@ilitar& "pending Gremier .i9hail

    $orbache# felt thatbettering relations withthe S would sa#e theSo#iet economy

    $orbache# signs to6ntermediate-Range0%clear Borce# Treat&(60B Treat&A

    Agreement between the !S!and So#iet nion

    eliminated some weaponssystems and allowed for

    on2site inspection ofmilitary installations

    TW": ReCect

    Why do you thin9

    the strategy by$orbache# ofimpro#ingrelations with the!S! was a goodidea6 1%plainK

    //E0E "8ow do you thin9people in thenited Statesgreeted the news

    of $orbache#s

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    "ilent 7ebate

    Based upon what you 9now& argue one of the followingin the form of a S11 statement (State& 1laborate&1%emplify N0) on your note card'

    As2 Eegotiating with belligerent (aggressi#e) countries

    "OU/7 "O@ET6@E"be consideredBs2 Eegotiating with belligerent countries "OU/70E8ERbe considered

    Switch cards with your partner Write a rebuttal for one of your partners main points

    Switch cards bac9 Write a counterargument to your partners rebuttal

    Tae--"tand:n 02- sentences& write your ownargument for this discussion point! Split2the2Room

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    old War

    etting t!e 6"T >econstruct the main points of thisclip! Write down = -* si% 9ey pointsK

    From this clip& what is the legacy of Reagan in the ColdWar6 1%plain and Lustify with e#idence!

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    0 minutes

    On t!e rig!t !and #ide o' &o%rnote# plea#e an#er t!e

    e##ential D%e#tion:


    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

    (1 1 1 2

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx



    Reagan and t!e oldWar

    Evil Empire and U.".@ilitar& "pending

    "76 and 60B


    Reagan and orbec!ev

    U.". and "ovietRelation#

    U.". "oviet "%mmit#

    Setting p Tomorrow(1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!

    (1 1 1 2

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    Glace a TR60/E ne%t to the .aindeaJs co#ered in todayOs lesson! (deaJsthat you would @nd in our Ib?ecti#e)!

    Glace a 6R/E ne%t to the supportingideas that help with your understandingof the Ib?ecti#e!

    Write a ;uestion in the left portion of yourCornell Eotes concerning the :Triangle!

    nteracti#e EoteTa9ing

    (1.1a, 1.2g,1.3c, 1.3e)SWBAT describeReagans foreignpolicies during theCold War andanalyze how theyimpacted !S! "So#iet relations!

    $i#en an e%itcard& SWBAT'

    (*+ acc) ,!Answer - .C /s0! Write a S11Cpar that analyzes'Reagans o#erallstrategy in

    dealing with theSo#iets

    T-EQ:What impactdid Reagans ColdWar policies ha#e

    on the So#iet2!Srelations!


  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


    7O/ )re#ident Ronald Reagan?# con#ervative per#pective on 'oreign a>air#


    a) Ee#er negotiation with the So#iet nion!b) >ecreasing regulations on industry!

    c) n#ading Central America!

    d) ncreasing military spending!

    T!e "trategic 7e'en#e 6nitiative

    a) Ped to So#iet negotiations for disarmament!b) Gut defense satellites in orbit for the S!

    c) Ped to the @rst man on the moon!

    d) ncreased nuclear tensions with the So#iets!

    6t can be #aid t!at t!e #trategie# o' Reagan in t!e 1FG# 'orced

    a) The So#iets to ta9e a hard line and push towards a military solution to the Cold Warb) The So#iets to ree#aluate their political and economic system& leading to e#entual collapse

    c) The So#iets to concentrate on their economy more& e#entually ma9ing treaties with the!S!

    d) The So#iets to remo#e themsel#es from the nited Eations security council

    Write a "EE paragrap! 'or t!e 'olloing prompt:

    ) Reagan# overall #trateg& in dealing it! t!e "oviet#

  • 7/26/2019 Day 11 - 2016 - Reagan&ColdWar-I - DOL.pptx


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