day 2 - lecture note on concept of information

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Students should have the1. ability to perceive information from several angles;2. ability to generate information when and where

required;3. ability to know the various sources of information;4. ability to care for information for future use;5. ability to establish the use and values of

information;6. ability to assess information before adoption and

use;7. ability to differentiate between good & bad

information;8. ability to determine individual STANCE in the information

chain;9. ability to perceive information as a means to an end;10. In all…to see information as a necessity for all.

Expectations at the end of the class

Class should describe Info. To the best of their ability

Then, we look at definition from the books and establish the fact that, Information is best defined as perceived by

an individual or group.

Definition from the Books


establish the fact that, Information is best

defined as perceived by an individual or group

ability to generate information when and

where required

Print and Non Print Resources

Oral Sources

ability to establish the use and values of information….discuss

the importance of Info

Importance of Info

Oshilalu, H. Adeyinka CLN



VENUE – Lecture Room 201, Augustine University, Ilara-Epe


A Book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of

ink, paper, parchment or other materials, fastened together to hinge at

one side

A document of at least 49 text pages that communicates thoughts, ideas or


A single sheet between a book is a leaf while each side of the leaf is a page

A document of at least 49 text pages that communicates thoughts, ideas or information.

A Book is a set of written, printed, illustrated, or blank sheets, made of ink, paper, parchment or other materials, fastened together to hinge at one side

A single sheet between a book is a leaf while each side of the leaf is a page

Once you are privileged to possess a book, make sure you hold it backwards, from the side you open the book and not from the side you hold while reading.

A book is like a friend. You should take care of your book even if it's an old one, to always have it in perfect

shape and non damaged one.

A book is not a toy neither a weapon, as people do sometimes.

Open your book gently and avoid opening it more than 100 geometrical degrees.

Don't use a highlighter or any kind or pens for bookmarking. Instead of that, use a simple bookmark. You don't need to buy a fancy bookmark, an old piece of carton or anything thin clean 

and solid helps

If you really need to

mark a line in your

book. Use a pencil and

underline the words


If  you  want  to  mark  a whole  paragraph  or  a line,  use  parentheses from  the  beginning  of the  sentence  till  the word you want

Eat or drink after reading your book. Or take a break eat and drink then wash your hands. This doesn't mean you can't eat before reading, just remember to wash your hands before even touching your book.

Don't eat or drink while reading your book. 

Always wash your hands if you ate something.

Your book is your book; Don't give it to someone who simply asked you to borrow it. Only allow someone you trust VERY well to read the book next to you. Even if you trust someone you can't just give your book to him/her to read it in his/her place. There are other people in his place too, Do you know or trust them?

The best way to keep the book better in its shape is in sleeping position on a horizontal surface. Standing position seems more practical and logical to you. In fact by time if your book was in standing position, the glue on your book will be tiered and its papers will come off. Only if your 

book is squeezed in the library your glue can last for a longer time. Remember sleeping position can keep the book the way it was forever.

Don't put or leave your book on your bed, living room sofas, chairs

Open your book and dust it every month, every two months if you're lazy.When you dust your books, make sure to dust from the spine outward so that the dirt doesn't settle in the 

pocket behind the spine.

After dusting it keep it on a safe and high table for more than an hour.

Take good care of the binding.

Don't keep your book upside down when open; use a bookmark.

Similarly, don't fold the front or back cover of your book back

Keep your book away of children, sun, humidity.

Place your book gently back in your library and not in a hurry and brutal, fast squeezing way.

If you saw photocopy points and black drops, know that they will permanently stay on the page. You're not Mr. muscle or Windex and you can't use Tip-ex or any kind of cleaning product or pen from your 

school pencil-bag.

Make sure the library, the room or the place you put your book isn't humid.

If you're reading your book outside of your house, read it while sitting and not while you're passing the street, the parking or anywhere while walking or pretending you're reading in front of the public. You'll 

end up crashing a car a street light, a fine lady or anyone.

Wait until you come out if your bathroom or toilet to continue reading it.Reading on the toilet can cause serious bottom problems and the bathrooms are usually humid.

Enjoy your forever new book.

DOs•DO keep your books in a stable, moderate environment.  A good rule of thumb is that if

you’re comfortable, so are your books.  Room temperature, around 70 degrees (though

even cooler is better), and a moderate stable relative humidity (around 40-50%) is best. 

Too much heat or moisture can speed up deterioration or encourage mold growth. 


•DO keep your books away from direct sunlight and other high intensity light.  Ultraviolet

and visible light can speed up the deterioration of paper and cause fading or

discoloration of the vibrant colors of book covers or dust jackets.

 •DO clean your books regularly by dusting.  Simply hold the book closed and wipe the covers and

edges with a plain soft cloth.  Vacuuming books with a soft brush attachment can also safely

remove loose dust.


•DO shelve your books upright, and support them with bookends so they won’t slump or become

misshapen.  If you have oversize or large, heavy volumes that don’t fit upright on the shelf, store

them flat rather than on their spine or fore edge (side opposite spine).


•DON’T put your bookshelves along exterior walls, where they may experience more temperature and humidity

changes.  Try to place them along interior walls.


•DON’T repair damaged covers or paper with pressure-sensitive adhesive tape (the type of tape readily available

in office supply, craft, and drug stores).  Often this type of repair, done with even the best of intentions, can cause

more damage over time.


•DON’T use oil or leather dressing on your leather bindings.  Contrary to previously held opinion, oil or leather

dressing doesn’t keep leather supple, and it can actually cause deterioration to the volume as the oil or leather

dressing ages.  Simply wiping leather bindings with a plain soft cloth is best.


•DON’T pull on the top of the spine when removing books from shelves. This can cause the top of the book’s

spine to break and detach over time. Instead, push back books on either side and grasp the volume you want to

remove at the middle of the spine and pull to remove from the shelf.


•DON’T use self-stick notes, paper clips or rubber bands.  Self-stick notes leave a sticky residue that is not good

for paper. Paper clips can rust over time and rubber bands can tear pages or, as they decay, even stick to the

book.  Instead, use a slip of acid-free paper as a bookmark.

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