day 3_session i_using technology in your classroom

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Creating Relevant, Meaningful

Learning & Teaching Opportunities

College Ready

provide a learning opportunity that didn’t exist before?

enable independent learning? provide a unique form of collaboration? create an authentic context for learning? capture and sustain students’ participation? help students to achieve success? enable students to assess the extent of their

learning? promote higher order thinking processes? promote a constructivist approach to learning?

Does the technology you use…..

My students learn by……

High School Students Want More Technology in CollegeJuly 19th 2010 Converge Magazine

Student college selection criteria•63 percent of current college students say technology on campus was important in their college search.  •93 percent of today's high school students say campus technology is important in their college criteria.  •95 percent of today's high school students expect to use technology in their college classes. -High school students want to use this technology to do class assignments, communicate with classmates and professors, and prepare for the technology expectations in their field.

An online survey of 1,019 college students- CDW-G 2010 21st-Century Campus Report

Students Lack Opportunities to Use Tech in ClassJune 18, 2010 Classroom Technology

•60 percent of students say their teachers regularly use technology to teach, but only 26 percent of the students say they can use technology to learn.   •84 percent of students say technology is important to their education, and more than half of them say they will be ready to use technology in college or the work force (57 percent).   •18 percent of faculty members say they've fully integrated technology into their classes, but 9 percent of students say their teachers have fully integrated technology into their classes  •64 percent of faculty members don't usually talk to students about 21st-century skills including creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, digital citizenship and communication.  •47 percent of teachers do not design lesson plans that allow students to use technology or incorporate students' feedback into their lessons.

CDW-G 2010 21st-Century Classroom Report

Today’s students

“Our students have changed radically. Today’s students are no longer the people our educational system was designed to teach.

They have spent their entire lives surrounded by and using computers, videogames, digital music players, video cams, cell phones, and all the other toys and tools of the digital age.

Today's average college grads have spent less than 5,000 hours of their lives reading, but over 10,000 hours playing video games (not to mention 20,000 hours watching TV). Computer games, email, the Internet, cell phones and instant messaging are integral parts of their lives.”

Our Learners' Changing Brains

Marc Prensky's "Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants"

Millennials: Born 1982 – 2002 Generation X: Born 1965 – 1982 Baby Boomers: Born 1946 - 1964

Who are today’s students?

born after 1980 always connected, multitasking team-oriented, collaborative expect structure/fairness community-oriented drawn to new technologies optimistic & confident goal & achievement-focused

Millenials: Who Are They?

grew up in a time of economic prosperity – how times have changed!

went to “play groups” and played soccer from the age of 3

the most protected generation in terms of government regulations on consumer safety

often indulged as a result of changing child-rearing practices

Characteristics of Millennials

used to being consulted in decision-making by their parents

typically strong bonds between these students and their parents, particularly with their mothers, and they stay very connected even when they go away to school

expected to excel by their parents highly scheduled and sheltered in childhood

More Characteristics of Millennials

constant social contact with friends via e-mail, Instant Messaging, cell phones, and video games

digital natives (Prensky, 2001)◦ raised in a technological environment◦ accepts that environment as the norm ◦ grown up surrounded by digital devices and

regularly uses these devices to interact with other people and the outside world.

Adapted From Digital Native website –

More Characteristics of Millennials

The 2010 Horizon Report: K-12 Edition, examines emerging technologies for their potential impact on and use in teaching, learning, and creative expression within the environment of pre-college education.

◦ Technology is increasingly a means for empowering students, a method for communication and socializing and is a ubiquitous, transparent part of their lives.

◦ Technology continues to profoundly affect the way we work, collaborate, communicate and succeed.

◦ The perceived value of innovation and creativity is increasing.

◦ There is increasing interest in just-in-time, alternate or non-formal avenues of education, such as online learning, mentoring and independent study.

◦ The way we think of learning and environments is changing.

Page 4 of the Report, discusses key trends that are currently affecting the practice of teaching, learning and creativity:

All students need to be actively engaged with the material we are trying to teach them

Active engagement promotes deeper levels of cognitive processing and learning because it creates stronger connections

Active learning facilitates long-term memory through the process of elaborative rehearsal that uses meaning rather than rote memorization

Given Millennials’ Preferences, What Makes the Most Sense from a Cognitive Learning Perspective?

Provide High, Clear Expectations

Offer individual feedback

Engage with/through technology where appropriate

Utilize group work: collaborative learning techniques

Incorporate reflection and metacognition

General Strategies for Engaging Millennials

Ask thought provoking open-ended questions rather than questions aimed at eliciting rote memory responses

Find ways to get students working with a partner

Design collaborative learning exercises that encourage students to hear each other’s diverse viewpoints and then to reach consensus on an issue using the “round-robin” process

Specific Strategies for Teaching Millennials

Adapted from Clement, 2009

Specific Strategies for Teaching Millennials

Set goals

for each class

Focus the


Have students apply the

material on what they

have learned

Review, conclud



Part IIHands-on exercise

FUN & Free Web 2.0 Tools!

◦ Creative photo editing tool◦ social networking site that allows users to tell

a story using pictures, video clips, audio tracks and text.◦ comic-creating tool that allows you to create

your own cool comic strips with just a few drag ‘n drops ‘n mouse clicks◦ graphic representation of the most

frequently used words in a blog, free write, or speech◦ Internet search engine for searching blogs◦ Instant audience feedback tool

More Free Tech Tools◦ web-based presentation tool using a

map layout and zooming to show contextual relationships◦ free service that allows your students

to create personalized speaking avatars and embed them on a blog or wiki or send them via e-mail.◦ is a text-to-movie website which

allows you and your students to create short films with your own scripts using very clever text-to speech technology.


Free Lesson Plan Sharing Websites

Free Professional Development Resources

Closing Exercise

Please respond in writing to any of these prompts: What I learned today … What I re-learned today … What I most appreciated about what we

discussed today …

Picture What They Can Become

Frances Villagran-GloverAssociate Professor /Evening

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