de tanning your skin this summer - home made tips

Post on 21-Mar-2017



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Home made Tips for De-Tanning Your Skin This Summer

Summer has arrived and all the lovely ladies must be super excited about their summer dresses, soothing fashion, and their outdoor fun. But with all these fun come the ugly tan and sunburn which not only occurs in the face but also in the hands and feet and in any exposed areas which are sometimes very embarrassing and ugly because of the visible dual tone. As most of the ladies are much concerned regarding their tan in the face they completely ignore the tan in hands and feet. But no parts of the body should be ignored as tan really looks very ugly in any part.Some of the ladies either choose to bleach or do various cosmetic treatments for the removal of tan, but such treatments are effective for an instant only, and do not work in the long run rather they harm the skin. But one needs the patience to remove the stubborn sunburn or sun tan by few home remedies which are very much effective. They not only remove the sun tan and lighten the skin tone, but they restore back the lost luster of the skin.Here are some easy home made tips for De-tanning your skin this summer without any side effects !


Lemon juice has some natural bleaching property which works effectively in removing sun tan. One has to apply the lemon juice directly on the parts which are badly affected by sun tan and then leave it to dry, once it is dry wash it with water. Honey can also be added to the lemon juice for a better result.


Cucumber not only works effectively to get rid of suntan but it cools and soothes the skin. Cucumber also contains Vitamin C which helps to retain the moisture of the skin. To remove sun tan make a pack with cucumber, lemon juice, and rose water and apply it on the face hands and feet. Keep it for 30 minutes and then wash it to get a wonderful result.


Tomato has antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins which work effectively in the removal of suntan moreover, it makes the skin look healthy and rejuvenating. Make a pack with tomato pulp, one tablespoon of yogurt and some oatmeal and apply it on your skin. Keep it for 5-10 minutes and then wash it to get the clear and glowing skin.


Potato is rich in Vitamin C and works as a great bleaching agent. It works great for the removal of sun tan. Prepare a paste with peeled potatoes and apply it over the affected areas for 20 to 30 transactions. Wash it with cold water and get an amazing result. Lemon juice can also be added to the paste for a better result.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is very good for the skin. Not only it works for tan removal, but also helps to get the clear youthful skin. It cleanses and nourishes the skin and makes the skin glowing. For best result use aloe-Vera regularly on the skin.


So these are some home remedies to get rid of tanned skin easily without much hassle, but one should cover the face

and hands during this scorching heat. Moreover, drink plenty of water to keep the skin hydrated. Apply adequate amount of sunscreen lotion before going out and wash the

face with cold water and face wash immediately after coming back. By applying these simple things one can get

rid of tan very easily.

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