dead poets society

Post on 18-Jul-2016






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Dead Poets Society


Dead Poets SocietyJA: EM: Liked the way he taught the class, MI, kines, jumping on desks, visual—glass casesLinguistic-verbal: poetry so duh. The using of words ad music. Naturalist MI going out side.Intraspective values.Didn’t like the way instructors were towards Keating. Really harmful towards students. Late 50s private school paddles. Dad’s perspective. Suppressing his son from life. Taking away ec. He wanted him to go to med school.DPS: Keating was cool about it. He didn’t wish it upon them. Very mixed because it was good for expression but they took it too far. Strict assertive discipline, EDI, essentialism. Hella out dated. Flipped bloom’s taxonomy

Earlier today, my movie buddy, Erik Mulidor, and I discussed our thoughts about the movie The Dead Poets Society. The movie is basically about how English teacher John Keating inspires his students to love poetry and to seize the day, or as they say “Carpe Diem.” Erik mentioned that he liked the way that Mr. Keating taught his class of gentlemen. He advocated living with passion and not always abiding by the rules. For example, he tells the boys to rip out the whole introduction of their textbook because he doesn’t agree with it.

He also appealed to the multiple intelligences that we discussed in class, such as kinesthetic by having the students jump off of his desk to prove a point. He also appeals to the visual intelligence when he shows them the glass cases in the beginning of the movie. There is the obvious aspect of appealing to the linguistic-verbal intelligence because of his appreciation for poetry and the English language. Keating appeals to the naturalist intelligence when he takes them outside for walks. He also makes one student recite a poem that appeals to the introspective intelligence. Erik mentioned that he didn’t like the way that the other instructors viewed Mr. Keating and his classroom. All of the other professors were really strict and quite mean. We didn’t like the physical punishment that was happening to get the students to talk about the Dead Poets Society. It is unfortunate that this happened in some private schools out there to correct behavior. We didn’t like the perspective that the father had on his son acting or doing any extra-curricular activities such as the Annual newspaper. This struck a chord with Erik and I because we’re both musicians. We could not imaging being told that we couldn’t do something we wanted to do like this boy is by his father. It is unfortunate that he wanted him to go to medical school. The Dead Poets Society itself was very interesting because Keating never imposed it on the gentlemen, but only exposed it to them. The society was a great means for expressive ideas and creativity, but was also dangerous because of the way the group was being run in secret.

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