dealing with difficult people at work

Post on 15-Aug-2015



Self Improvement



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  1. 1. Alina Afzal Dealing with Difficult People at Work
  2. 2. Types of Difficult People Cranky Aggressive Sniper Complainer Silent
  3. 3. Individuals behave in a difficult manner because they have learned that doing so keeps others off balance and incapable of effective action. says Robert M. Bramson, Ph.D., author of Coping with Difficult People
  4. 4. Some people may be purposefully cranky because it helps them get their own way. For others, crankiness is simply a reflection of their own inner turmoil. Why are people cranky?
  5. 5. How to Deal with Cranky People Try to determine the real message the person is telling you. Are you any part of the problem? What can you change about your own behavior? Dont remain silent. Agree with any part of the cranky persons statement that may be true. In a neutral tone of voice say, Would you please speak to me in a calmer tone of voice?
  6. 6. Aggressive People Overly aggressive people expect others to either: Run away from them React with rage
  7. 7. How to Deal with Aggressive People Stand up to them, but dont fight. Wait for them to run out of some steam. Call the hostile person by name and assert your own opinions with confidence. Mr. Jones, I disagree with you. Mary, you interrupted me. We can discuss my proposal after you listen to it.
  8. 8. Subtle Snipers These people are experts in pot shots and sneak attacks in subtle ways, such as: Humorous put downs Sarcastic tones of voice Disapproving looks Innuendos
  9. 9. How to Deal with Subtle Snipers Respond to the sniper with a question. What are you trying to tell me with that look? A sniper will usually respond with denial or volley the responsibility to you. Im only joking. Youre so serious. Cant you take a joke? Speaking up lessens the chance of similar attacks in the future.
  10. 10. Complainers These are fearful people who have little faith in themselves or others because they believe in a hostile world. Their constant discouragement and complaining can bring everyone to despair.
  11. 11. How to Deal with Complainers Dont try to argue them out of their negativity. Respond with your own optimistic expectations. I think that everything will turn out great. I am sure we will get done on time.
  12. 12. Silent People They are timid people who, like turtles, retreat into their shells to avoid conflict and responsibility. They get away with not talking because most people are uncomfortable with silence and are too quick to fill in the gaps.
  13. 13. Dont #1 A difficult persons behavior is habitual. He behaves this way with most people.
  14. 14. Dont #2 Think of other people who have faced adversity and have not become difficult. You lose control when you make excuses for difficult people.
  15. 15. Dont #3 Dont try to beat them at their own game. They have been practicing their skills for a long time, and you are a beginner by comparison.
  16. 16. It wont work because difficult people have an insatiable appetite for more. Dont try to appease them. Dont #4
  17. 17. Keep Practicing You will break the difficult persons ability to interfere with your effectiveness. You will stand up for yourself in a compassionate and respectful manner. You will feel more confident. You will be able to enjoy your workdays.

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