dear parents, - · dear parents, we end the academic ... to being labelled on...

Post on 13-Jun-2018






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Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Dear Parents,

We end the academic year with so many aspects of school life to celebrate, yet the

happiness is inevitably tempered by our having to say goodbye to four colleagues

who have given so profoundly to St. Anthony’s and touched all of our lives in the

school community. Gill Hooper, my PA and Admissions Secretary, may well have

been the first voice and face many of you encountered; from initial enquiry, to

registration, to being labelled on an Open Morning, through, “I need to see the

Headmaster, immediately.”… she will have represented St. Anthony’s to you.

She has been such a loyal, conscientious and compassionate colleague. Her

position inevitably means she sees and hears the best and worst of us: to do the job

well, you must be shrewd, efficient, humane and above all forgiving! We wish Gill the

very best in her retirement and thank her for her generous commitment over thirteen


Equally difficult is the post of Deputy Head. The delightful way so many of you

applauded our announcing Simon’s elevation to headship and the letters, gifts and

messages which have flowed in since the news, testify to how important his

contribution has been. Simon has discharged his duties with diligence,

meticulousness, imagination and above all tact. Arbitrating with integrity and

diplomacy requires social skills and courage and Simon refutes the myth that a good

manager has to supress warmth and humour to be effective. We wish him and his

family the very best for St Teresa’s.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Kate leaves us after ten years of unstinting service as her family relocates. Those

who experienced the good fortune to have had their children taught by her, will know

how difficult it is to encapsulate her gifts without risking hyperbole. She has a very

precise, generous and creative intelligence which imbues all her teaching, displays

and planning with a zest and energy which excited pupils and colleagues.

To be cross-examined by Kate as to what you actually meant by

a policy, in a staff meeting, is to know that the Bar has been

denied one of its finest QCs! We share a love of parts of Monty

Python sketches which, if quoted, would get us both sacked in a

Prep School. We will miss her ability to segue seamlessly from

a discussion of Year 1 Phonics, to her favourite sections of The

Meaning of Life. And, her beautiful readings in the Carol


Crispin too leaves after ten years outstanding commitment. Looking back over my

newsletters of the past five years, it is staggering how many refer to something

Crispin has inspired. He is a remarkable Head of Drama but more importantly a

remarkable teacher of staff and children. I repeat what I said at the Year 8 Leavers’

Evening: Crispin embodies the highest vision and vocation of teaching which is to

allow a child to find his voice; and not so the child will praise him, massage his ego,

but so they can be themselves and discover the joys of their individuality.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


The production of Romeo and Juliet this term, the Year 6 Recitations and the Year 8

films are profoundly eloquent in their confirmation of this eulogy: simply count up the

number of boys involved; and the surprises you encountered when watching the

shows; and their shared delight in what they and their friends had achieved. I

cheekily said at the staff farewell that I hope Crispin fails all his auditions as he

returns to his acting career. The better angel of my nature wishes him well and we

won’t be surprised to see him on our screens next year.

Crispin has spoken generously about his successor who has been shadowing over

the last term wherever possible. Niyazi Unugur joins us having been Head of Drama

at the Greig Academy for the last 5 years. We have been extremely fortunate to

secure Sadhna Halai as my new PA and Admissions Secretary. She was my

secretary at South Hampstead High School and will be a delightful addition to the

school. As you will know, Nicholas Morrell becomes Deputy Head Academic. If his

superb organisation of the Summer Fayre and input over the last two terms are

indicative, he will build very effectively on Simon’s superb work to develop and enrich

academic provision.

The Maths department will be welcoming another specialist mathematician, Simona

Tudoran. Simona has been head of department in two other London schools and

represented her country, (Romania), in the International Maths Olympiad. She is also

a computing specialist and will be our new Head of Computing. Changes of exam

procedures over the past few years have convinced me that we must, wherever

possible, have specialist teachers and we are delighted to be able to strengthen

further the work of our outstanding Maths department which is inspired by Janet’s

remarkable diligence. We have been very fortunate to secure Rosalind Rowe to

cover Simon’s French teaching. Rosalind graduated in French at Sussex and

completed her PGCE at Goldsmiths. She has vast experience of teaching and has

recently returned from the Sorbonne, where she was completing her diploma in

French Language and Civilisation. In the Junior House, we welcome a new TA,

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Elizabeth Okri, and a new Reception class teacher, Elizabeth Mckeever.

We are saying farewell to a remarkable Year 8 and exceptional Year 6 11+ leaving

pupils too. This has been an outstanding year for senior school placements across

the year groups. All Year 8 met their CE requirements, with some outstanding

scores. We are in the unusual and enviable position of having all our Year 7 pupils

already placed in an impressively strong range of the leading day and boarding

schools as well. That is particularly reassuring given the increased complexity and

intensity of the competitive entry which characterises the London circuit.

Year 8 develop communication skills at the Science Museum

The boys have been remarkably diligent as well as maintaining their decency with

each other. The exam system is still evolving and we have once again recalibrated

our Y4-6 teaching and curriculum to respond boldly to the changes announced at

UCS and Mill Hill this term. Our aim is to do all we can to enable the boys to excel,

but to retain our commitment to an enriching holistic education, wherein, our boys

develop socially, spiritually and morally. It is an honour again this year to read the

feedback after the offers are made. The Senior School admissions teams repeatedly

refer to the boys’ imagination, warmth and loyalty to St. Anthony’s. Our

performances at schools such as Belmont, City, UCS, Highgate, Habs, Winchester,

Westminster, St Paul’s and Eton in Year 6, including four scholarship offers, bode

well for the next wave of hurdles.

How apposite that the Year 8 round of their careers here with such a rich diet of

cultural activities and in the company of so many staff who have nurtured them over

the years. The Battlefields Trip was particularly poignant this year with a member of

staff reading to the pupils extracts from his great grandfather’s letters, from the

trenches. Laying the St Anthony’s wreath has a deeper resonance with such

personal contributions from teachers.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


We will remember them…

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


The Leavers’ Evening Celebration was full of humour and the warmth and

camaraderie which so typifies the community. After a moving Mass and heartfelt

homily from Mgr. Phelim, we walked down through an idyllic misty summer evening

haze to enjoy a delicious mix of exceptional food and a diet of St. Anthony’s cultural


Year 8 Leavers 2015

The moral and cultural life of the school is vital to pupil development and we are very

proud of how many boys involved themselves with charitable work this year. Many

joined staff in fundraising for Mary’s Meals. We raised £16,000 for a range of our

school Charities and hopefully the November Ball will be a success too. One of the

added pleasures is seeing staff and pupils encouraging each other at these events.

Nicholas’ newly vamped Summer Fayre was a triumph.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Charity together.

Summer Fayre

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


The Junior House boys loved the Africa Week and produced some remarkable art

work. They were treated to very a very moving and informative talk by Rahel (one of

our cooks) on life in Eritrea and relished the chance to learn how to drum!

Year Two Drummers

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


The Summer term trips and end-of-term shows provided much joy for parents, pupils

and staff. The Wizard of Oz was a triumph with marvellous group and individual

performances. The Reception boys made me cry again! It is a great tribute to all

involved that every year group can sing and declaim and recite with such poise,

group confidence and evident delight. Year Four almost lifted the roof off and Louise

and Lenka’s Cup Song in Year 3 will live long in the memory.

Year Three at Kew Gardens.

The Mill on The Brue adventure for Year 4 proved rewarding and I should take this

opportunity to thank staff who give so willingly of their time to arrange the trips.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


The continuing developments in Computer Programming and DT & Robotics have

been exciting additions to the curriculum and Science Club has been thriving too.

Sally will be embedding further exciting initiatives from her on-going course at the

Science Museum through the next academic year. Boys have already had enriching

innovations this term


Year 5 spent this term exploring chemical reactions or “potions” as many liked to call

it. They adored that the Bunsen burner was introduced. In the second half of term,

we looked at the heart and circulatory system. The highlight was a dissection of a

heart, lung, liver and trachea. We even managed to inflate the lungs much to the

boys’ delight/disgust.

‘To see a world in a grain of sand..!’ Volcanic Activity in the Senior House

Year 4 was delighted to explore the natural world studying habitats and adaptations.

We were impressed by many boys’ passions and in depth knowledge of their

favourite animals, particularly sharks. Their favourite experiment was finding

woodlice in the school garden and placing them in a choice chamber.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Our very popular Science Club was filled with fun activities yet again. The boys

enjoyed making homemade lava lamps, rubber band cannons, amazing paper

airplanes and balloon rockets amongst others.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


This term’s First Communion for Year 3 was very moving and everyone present paid

tribute to Louise who took over preparation for this mammoth task from Mary. The

boys produced delightful family banners, for their pews, and the service also

contained beautiful singing.

Throughout the term, Nicholas and Joe have not only provided a rich musical

provision within their teaching, and concerts, but backed up on all the year group

performances. We are fortunate to have such outstanding musicians guiding our

pupils. Lewis leaves us this year to take up his music scholarship at Harrow, where

he will join last year’s award winner, Ludovico. It was evident from the twenty eight

pupils playing at the Senior school concert that we might anticipate other scholars

emerging next year and beyond. It is lucky for the boys that they have such excellent

music scholars guiding them and a privilege for us to have such strength in depth

musically. The platitudinous and oft quoted patronising claim in Shaw’s Man and

Superman, that: ‘Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.’ is ably refuted by our

staff. Speaking of Man and Superman, we cannot end the term without paying tribute

to Paul Cheetham who ran another excellent marathon this term. You may recognise

the poor runner trying to keep up with him!

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Leading from the front!

This has been a very special and rewarding term. Thank you to the whole community

for continuing to make life such fun at St. Anthony’s. This morning, I happened to

listen to Ken Dodd on a podcast in conversation with Jeremy Vine, discussing the

technicalities of different types of laughter. With real delight, and genuine

seriousness, he noted that if you want to hear the lightest and purest form of

laughter, you should ‘listen to children on a school playground’. How simple and how


Best Wishes for the summer.


Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Summer Term Sports Report

To the purists amongst the Physical Education and Games teachers’ fraternity, there

is no finer smell than that of the first cut of grass in late April. That simple, but very

familiar aroma, once inhaled, re-oxygenates the mind and body, bringing with it the

much awaited summer sports programme. This in turn leads to the boys frantically

knocking-in their new pieces of willow, restringing their rackets and applying a new

set of spikes to their track shoes; a ritual passed on from generation to generation.

The boy’s at St. Anthony’s were eager as ever to commence their Summer term

fixtures against other schools. The Summer term of 2015 was going to see a number

of ‘firsts’ for the school: The 1st XI competing in the National Cricket Cup, the U13

Tennis team in the LTA Competition and the U9s in Cricket matches.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Jonny and Paul C nurtured the talents of the Cricketers this season, leading to both

the U11A team and 1st XI producing some highly memorable performances.

Individuals shone in both XI’s, which helped guide both teams to victory. However, I

have never known or experienced in one cricket season, both the U11 As and 1st XI

drawing a game with scores tied after 20 overs. The U11 As drew with York House

with scores tied at 133 and the 1st XI with Westminster Cathedral Choir School, with

scores tied on 67.

The standout individual performances of the season came from the following: In the

U11A XI, Louis Penketh took 5 wickets, for 2, runs against Devonshire House. (A

game that saw St. Anthony’s post 47 runs and then bowl the opposition out for 38!)

With the bat, Shanmukh Challa blasted 66 runs for the U11A XI in the game tied

against York House. Both of these cricketers will be missed next year as they move

on to new schools – we send them our very best wishes for the future!

In the 1st XI, James Evans scored a very elegant 58 not out versus Arnold House. All

three boys received an inscribed cricket ball to acknowledge their contributions. The

Year 4’s travelled to Arnold House to play 8-a-side Pairs Cricket. Once again, this

was a most enjoyable afternoon of sport for the year group coined the ‘history

makers’. Honours were shared on the day, but a special mention must be made of

Jacob Rose – a Year 3 pupil who made his competitive sporting debut. Jacob

contributed with both bat and ball, which led to his team winning their game.

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Under 9 Cricketers victorious over Arnold House

The Athletes from St. Anthony’s continued to demonstrate their strength in track and

field, across all year groups, under Anthony’s fine coaching. The IAPS London

Regional Championships and the Catholic Preparatory Schools’ Competition were

the two red-letter dates for the season. On Monday 8th June, the boys competed in

the IAPS London Regional Championships at the Thames Valley Athletics Centre,

Eton. Mathew Obichere qualified for the 100m and 200m finals, Vasco Faria cleared

1.33m in the High Jump and received a bronze medal and Douwejan Yoong threw

27.14m in the Javelin; again receiving a bronze medal for his efforts.

On the Tennis court, both the U11 and U13 teams competed in high calibre

competitions. The U11s took part in the 10th annual Mill Hill School Junior Tennis

Open at the Gosling Tennis centre. The seven boys from St. Anthony’s had a

wonderful day and put their talents to the test in a very competitive Prep School

competition. Tom De La Chaise reached the quarter finals of the main competition

and Guy Jones won the plate competition. This was an impressive feat considering

there were over 50 competitors! The U13 team took part in the LTA’s Schools Tennis

Competition for the first time. The boys played both singles and doubles games in

each match. The team won matches against Winchmore School and Alexandra Park


Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


U11s at The Mill Hill Junior Open

Outside of the scheduled fixture card, the boys, staff and parents thoroughly enjoyed

the two Sports Days. Seeing the whole community come together to participate and

celebrate sport was one of my real highlights for the year.

The Year 7 and Year 8 Cricketers enjoyed a day at Lord’s to watch England play

New Zealand in the first Test Match of the summer.

Year 8 at Lord’s Cricket Ground

Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


To close the sporting year, I would like to thank all my colleagues who have assisted

with the coaching and officiating of fixtures this year; especially Anthony and Jonny.

Also to the parents and families who made the trip to support the teams from St.

Anthony’s over the past year. I wish you all a wonderful summer holiday, and look

forward to seeing you in September for the new season!

Best wishes


Headmaster’s Newsletter Summer 2015 (& Sports Report)


Another St. Anthony’s High Flier

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