dear parents, - · 3 the egyptian american international school 5th compound, new...

Post on 10-Aug-2019






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The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

Dear Parents,

Another week has passed by and we’re super excited about unleashing the potentials of our students during every class. We have started our discussion for target skill in our first reading selection as well as working on chapters 3 and 4 from our novel.

Next week, we will continue discussing ‘The Good Deed’ by focusing on the main skill of the passage. In addition to this, we will be working on chapters 5 and 6 from our novel . Your child should read the chapters at home and be prepared to join in class discussion. The best outcome will happen when everyone is participating and no one is left out. We will also be doing a collective correction for our first weekend pack.

As you are aware, we will start our quizzes soon and our Literature quiz is scheduled for Sunday.

Please remember that we are here to help your child have the best possible outcome out of every class and we urge you to encourage them to always communicate to us any of the concers or doubts.

Thank you!

Mrs. Nermien Rabie :

Ms. Maram Arafat :

Grade 6 Teachers of Literature.

The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

Dear parents,

This week was light and easy; the students were introduced to subject and object pronouns with in depth details and started working on their writing. I introduced them to descriptive writing and gave them time to work on the first draft in class.

Our Language quiz is on Sunday and will cover context clues, vocabulary unit 1 A and what is a pro-noun.

I encourage studying from their personal grammar and vocabulary packs, and you can find everything posted on Edmodo as well.

Next week we will cover vocabulary unit 1 parts C and D and possessive pronouns.

Wishing my students an amazing and fruitful weekend.


Ms. Farah Temraz


The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

Dear grade six parents,

Hope you are fine.

The following lessons were covered this week:

- Complete Lesson 1.1: Divide Multi-Digit Number.

- Lesson 1.2: Prime Factorization.

- Revision Sheet 1(C.W).

The following points will be covered next week:

- Complete Lesson 1.2: Prime Factorization.

- Lesson 1.3: Least Common Multiple.

- Lesson 1.4: Greatest Common Factor.

- Lesson 1.5: Apply the Greatest Common Factor.

N.B: Model answers of the Revision Sheet1 are uploaded on the blog.

Feel free to contact me on:


Best Regards

Nashwa Ahmed


The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

Dr. Alia Mahran (

Dr.Heba Mukhtar (

Dear Family,

This week we had a very fruitful week in science, we continued with our topic of Classifi-cation Of Living Things .We have further discussed the kingdoms , Animals , Plants , Fungi , Pro-tists; Domain Bacteria and Archaea.

Our Inquiry lesson for this topic is on way , and our science students

smartly applied their knowledge of the Dichotomous Key .

Next week , we will start our new topic 4.3 How Do Plants Grow and Reproduce.

Lesson: 4.2 What is a Dichotomous Key?

4.3 How Do Plants Grow and Reproduce

Students’ book: p.191-204 Sheets: 4.2, 4.3

Kind reminders: Thursday :Our first quiz in Lab tools , Scientific method , and lesson 4.1 from page 175 till p.

190. For extra sheets, videos and power points; please visit our blog

The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

Dear Parents,

This week is Election Week for students. Through the week some students will be cam-paigning to be elected for Class President or Vice President. I have held a meeting with the stu-dents interested in nominating them selves so they are aware of the election process and their duties and responsibilities if elected. During class the students will learn about why we vote in class and how voting and having a voice is very effective in any society. The students will learn new vocabulary words that all have to do with the election process.

Also on Monday, October 2nd, the students have their first Quiz. All the material and les-sons that will be on the quiz is available in the Quiz Outline sent with this newsletter. Also, in class the students will be advised on how to study for their Quizzes.

I recommend the students redo their homeworks and classworks as practice and to thor-oughly review the lesson presentations and lessons in the text book.

Best Regards,

Ms. Samira Khalil

6th Grade Social Studies


The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

Dear Parent,

Next week, we will start our new lesson

(decrire une personne) and ( donner son emploi du temps)

-le livre : page 4 exercices 4 et 5

-Cahier d’activite : page 5

-Fiche : 2 ,3,et 4

Kindly visit the french blog for the sheets and extra links for more practice.

Thanks for your cooperation

Mme Passent Hamza,

Mme Salwa Ouda

For more information visit our French blog :

The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

Fatma Ibrahim

E/ Mail?

Blog :

Please be sure to:

always have supplies with you and ready in class.


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We covered last week

Eine E– Mail schreiben


Our plan this week:


Lektion 13 aus dem Kursbuch


Arbeitsblätter lösen


The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

Dear Parents:

Kindly be advised that the school will conduct MAP (Measuring Aca-demic Progress) Tests for our students starting 1st of October.

The MAP test is a creditable testing tool that precisely measures each student academic progress and growth according to learning level.

Wish All of my students the best of luck!

The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail: :اإلسبوع الرابع

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. إجابة تدريبات ورق العمل : الواجب

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.إجابة تدريبات ورق العمل : الواجب

) . كان وأخواتها (نحو : الحصة الثالثة

.إجابة تدريبات ورق العمل : الواجب

) . . كان وأخواتها (نحو : الحصة الرابعة

.إجابة تدريبات ورق العمل : الواجب

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سوف يتم التواصل مع أبنائى الطالب عن طريق

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The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

تاریخ : الدرس األول . 19ص ) دخول العثمانیین مصر(

The Egyptian American International School 5th Compound, New Cairo, Kattameyya

Telephone: 01283030151 E-mail:

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