decisions, consequences, and reflections final review 2015

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Decisions, Consequences, and Reflections

Final Review 2015


(adj.) so unimportant as to be disregarded

a. urbane b. negligiblec. punitive d. alienate

• B. negligible

What does apprehensive mean?

• Cautious about the future

(adj.) fierce and cruel

a. truculent b. imperviousc. amicable d. scrupulous

• A. truculent

What is an attainment?

• An accomplishment

“If you don’t look before crossing the street, you put yourself in ______ of being hit by a car.”

a. clemency b. accedec. jeopardy d. dearth• C. jeopardy

“When the student said she didn’t study for her finals, all the teacher could do was gape at her in shock.” What does gape mean in this sentence?

• Stare with open mouth

The boy is ambidextrous. What is the boy able to do, then?

• Use both hands with ease

“He is such a ______ man, always giving money to charity and donating his time.”

a. bequeath b. benefactorc. belligerent d. benevolent• D. benevolent

If someone is amiable then they usually are…

• Good natured; friendly

Some of you may be sojourning at the beach this summer, meaning that you are…

• Staying there for a time

“We sometimes wish there was a way to cure all the ills of the world, but sadly we possess no such ________.”

a. panacea b. gapec. clemency d. repose

• A. panacea

If someone is craven then they usually are…

• cowardly

If you are sophomoric, then you might be…

• Immature

(adj.) no affected or hurt by

a. impervious b. negligiblec. punitive d. benevolent

• A. impervious

What is the definition of “ironic”?

• Suggesting an incongruity between what might be expected and what actually happens

“In Greek myths, all-knowing beings are_________.”

a. urbane c. negligibleb. uncanny d. omniscient

• D. omniscient

If the amount of money in your bank account has been augmented, then it has been…

• Made larger

(v.) to regard highly

a. gibe b. abhorc. esteem d. brandish

• C. esteem


What is rhyme scheme?

• Pattern or sequence where the rhyme occurs

A character is alone on stage speaking and no one but the audience can hear him/her. This is called a…

• Soliloquy

What is diction?

• Author’s word choice

The following is an example of what type of rhythm (aka what type of unstressed/stressed syllables) and what type of meter?


• Iambic pentameter

What is a poetic foot?

• Unit of meter (2 or 3 stressed or unstressed syllables)

Name one rhetorical technique Antony uses to sway the plebians to his side during his speech.

• Rhetorical questions; repetition; echo effect; parallel structure

What is theme?

• Main message or idea of a story

What is tone?

• How author feels about a topic

If I said that the desk you are sitting in represents student oppression, then the desk is a _________ of student oppression.

• Symbol

How many feet are in this line?-- u/u/u/u/

• 4

What is a portmanteau?

• 2 words combined to create a new word

Appealing to human emotion is an example of what persuasive appeal?

• pathos

Name one persuasive appeal Antony uses to sway the plebians to his side during his speech.

• Pathos, logos

What is mood?

• How reader feels about a topic

Define “allegory.”

• An extended metaphor

Scientists arguing for climate control use _________ in their argument when they utilize data and facts.

• Logos

What is economy?

• Using diction very carefully in order to convey a message as clearly as possible, using just the right words

“There were a million firefighters on the roof.” This statement is an example of a…

• hyperbole

“He’s as hungry as a hippo.” This statement uses figurative language in the form of a…

• simile

Word order and punctuation is also called…

• syntax

Using a celebrity to market a product is an example of what persuasive appeal?

• ethos

What is a motif?

• A word, phrase, concept, etc. that is repeated throughout a literary work to hint at or enhance theme


What did Finny wear to the headmaster’s tea party?

• A pink shirt and a tie as a belt

Why does Finny say the war is all made up?

• Because he was trying to enlist but couldn’t due to this leg, so he couldn’t bear not being a part of something

True or False: Gene does not cry at Finny’s funeral because he knows Finny was his enemy.

• False; Gene doesn’t cry b/c it was like being at his own funeral, and you don’t cry then

True or False: The doppelganger motif is one way Knowles conveys duality in ASP.

• True; Gene and Finny represent the duality in man because they are complementary contrasts, or doppelgangers

Who sends a telegram to the school?

• Leper

What is Finny symbolic of?

• Youth, peace, innocence

What is the Naguamsett Riber symbolic of?

• Evil; war

True or False: The novel is told as a flashback.

• True; Gene narrates the tale as he is at the school as an adult

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