€¦ · dedicated to st peter and holy cross, and the day of the fair was chosen to coincide with...

Post on 30-Apr-2020






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We welcome you to St Peter and Holy Cross Church

Wherwell and invite you to share with us the history of this

lovely village and then to look round our Church.


Before the Reformation the Parish of Wherwell was in the hands of an

important Abbey of Benedictine Nuns, whose Abbess was Lady of the

Manor of an area much larger than the existing Parish.

Wherwell is remarkable for an extraordinary dramatic history. In the

early days, when the influence of the Abbey was most powerful, it

must have been a place of considerable importance. Kings hunted in

the surrounding forests, and Queens, when exiled, took refuge there.

The first mention of Wherwell is to be found in the will of King Edred

[946-955 AD), in which he bequeathed to Hyde Abbey, Winchester,

The "towns of Wherwell, Andover, and Clere".

The Abbey was founded in the reign of King Ethelred, son of King

Edgar and Queen Elfrida. In the words of the old chronicler, William

of Malmesbury, it is thus recorded:-

"There was a nobleman of celebrity called Aethelwold, one of the

confidants of the King, and him he commissioned to visit Elfrida,

daughter of Ordgar, Duke of Devonshire, (whose charms had so

fascinated the eyes of some persons that they had commended her to

the King) and to offer her marriage if her beauty were equal to the


Hastening on his embassy and finding everything consonant to

general estimation, he concealed his mission from her parents and

procured the damsel for himself Returning to the King; he told a tale

which he made for his own purpose, that she was a girl of vulgar and

commonplace appearance, and by no worthy means of such

transcendent dignity.”

The cover picture of this history was drawn by the late Tom 0'Connor, a resident and worshipper of Wherwell who sadly died in February 1998.

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“This caused the King to lose interest in Elfrida, but eventually he had

reason to suspect that he had been duped by his friend. To put the

matter to the test, the King appointed a day when he would visit this

far-famed lady. Her husband, greatly alarmed by this prospect, went

ahead to his wife, confessed what had happened and besought her

that she would protect him by attiring herself as unbecomingly as

possible. Elfrida appeared to consent this stratagem, but instead

adorned herself at the mirror and omitted nothing which could

stimulate the desire of a young and powerful man".

Nor did events happen contrary to her design, for, as the Chronicler

states, "he fell so desperately in love with her the moment he saw her

that dissembling his indignation he sent for the Earl into a wood at

Warewell under the pretence of hunting and ran him through with a


There is in the depth of Harewood Forest in the Parish of Longparish

(Middleton) a cross, commonly known as "The Monument" which

bears this inscription on the plinth :

"About the year of our Lord DCCCCLXIII (AD 963) upon this spot

beyond the time of memory called Deadman’s Plack, tradition reports

that Edgar, surnamed the peaceable, King of England in the ardour

of youth love and indignation, slew with his own hand his treacherous

and ungrateful favourite Earl Athelwold\ owner of this forest of

Harewood\ in resentment of the Earl's having basely betrayed and

perfidiously married his intended bride and beauteous Elfrida, daughter of

Ordgar, Earl of Devonshire, afterwards wife of King Edgar, and by

him mother of King Ethelred II, Queen Elfrida, after Edgar's death,

murdered his eldest son, King Edward the Martyr, and founded the

Nunnery of Wor-well”

On the back of the plinth is another inscription saying:

"This Monument was erected by Col. William Iremonger

AD MDCCCMV (1825)”

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Deadman’s Plaque in Harewood Forest

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The murder of King Edward the Martyr, Queen Elfrida’s stepson, at

Corfe Castle, is a matter of history. Edward went to visit his stepmother

and half brother at Corfe Castle on 18th

March 978, nearly three years after

his father unexpected death in July 975. Why he went is not known, but

that evening, after a day's hunting, the young king was murdered by

thegns at the gap of Corfe and his body was thrown into a bog where it

remained for nearly one year. Whilst there has never been any evidence to

establish the complicity of Queen Elfrida, the result was that her own son,

Ethelred, became King.

According to the Chroniclers Ethelred, who was only ten years old,

was not party to this murder. When the report of his half brother's

death reached him, Ethelred wept. This so irritated his furious mother,

that, not having a whip at hand, she snatched up some candles, and

nearly beat his life out, so that he dreaded candles all the rest of his


Whether Ethelred was unready or not, he certainly showed no

gratitude to his mother for his elevation. When he came of age, he

forced her to retire from active political life. For her part Queen

Elfrida thought that it was time to smooth her passage to a higher

authority. Tradition tells that on her way to London, she came to the

gates of Salisbury, but the people of Salisbury shut the gates and

threatened to stone her. She went on to Amesbury, where there was a

nunnery, and there she did penance for the bloodshed in which she had

been concerned. As proof of penitence she founded Wherwell Abbey

in AD 986, and became its first Abbess.

At some stage later she also founded the Parish Church. According to

the chronicler, "And in the peace, which by the inhabitants is called

Wherwell, founded the Church of the Holy Cross, beseeching Christ,

that He who wounded on the (ever) memorable Cross, shed His blood

for the redemption of the human race, might deign to grant her the

pardon (purchased) by His death, His wounds and by the shedding of

His blood rich (in graces) "

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Queen Elfrida spent the rest of her days in quiet contemplation and

penitence until one day in AD 1002 , looking in the river, she fell in

and was drowned. In the Cartularv of Wherwell in the possession of

Joshua Iremonger in 1743, it is thus touchingly put:

"in the year of Our Lord 1002, the 15th

December, died the lady

Elfrida of pious memory, Queen of Edgar the Peaceable, formerly

King of England."

Following the death of his mother, King Ethlered confirmed the rights

of the nuns and further endowed the Parish Church.

"The King Ethelred\ son of the Queen, endowed the same Church,

and augmented it with various possessions, and with the agreement of

blessed Dunstan, then Archbishop of Canterbury, and of St Ethelwold

Bishop of Winchester, instituted nuns in the aforenamed place of

Wherwell that they might serve God there”

In the years leading up to the Norman conquest, the Abbey thrived.

By the time that the Domesday Book was drawn up, the Abbey is

mentioned as holding in its possession Wherwell, Tufton, Goodworth

(Clatford), Ann, Middleton (Longparish) and Bullington, which

together were known as the Wherwell Hundred. Fullerton was part of

Wherwell. Reckoning up the various classes on these six Manors, we

find a total of 36 villeins, 48 borderers, 25 freemen (who were all in

Wherwell) and 30 servants. The religious were not reckoned. In

Wherwell there was wood for 25 hogs, and in Tufton and Ann there

were copses for fences; while at Middleton there was a fishery for the

use of the hall. The Abbey also owned properties in Winchester, in

Flesmanger's Street (St Peter's Street), Scowitens Street (Jewry Street)

and Colwern Street (Parchment Street).

A religious house was primarily a place of contemplation and retirement,

but the Abbess of a great establishment like that of Wherwell was also

the Lady of many Manors. She discharged all the business of their

management, and gave hospitality to travellers.

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She dispensed justice through her manorial courts, collecting fines

from offenders and heriots (a kind of death duty) when the new

owners wished to take up their rights. The Abbey of Wherwell even

possessed the right to seize the chattels of fugitives. One case is

recorded of a Henry Harold of Wherwell who had killed his wife

Isabel. He fled to the Abbey, whereupon the Abbess promptly seized

his chattels to be value of thirty five pounds, four shillings and eight

pence. We only know of this case because the seizure was disputed by

the crown, which felt, wrongly, that it, not the Abbey, had the right to

the chattels.

Throughout its history the Abbey was an important place of sanctuary

or refuge for those in need. In addition to Queen Elfrida, the list of

refugees includes two other Queens of England, Queen Emma who as

married to King Canute and Queen Eadygth, wife of Edward the

Confessor, as well as the sister of Edward the Confessor - who became

Abbesses in 1051. The Norman royal family never established such a

close relationship with Wherwell Abbey, but, despite this lack of direct

royal patronage, the Abbey retained a certain social cache amongst

those well born ladies who could not find suitable husbands. It was

also a useful haven for knights needing to find a safe place for their

wives and daughters to live whilst they were off at the wars.

The Nunnery flourished under many good Abbesses until it was

destroyed by fire in AD 1141 during the Civil War between King

Stephen and his cousin the Empress Matilda. The Empress had

occupied Winchester and was besieging the Bishop of Winchester in

his castle. When Stephen's troops approached, Matilda sent a garrison

to guard the crossing of the river Test at Wherwell. These were

attacked by Stephen's troops, led by William of Ypres, "an evil man

who respected neither God nor man". The guards fled into the Abbey

and claimed sanctuary. Stephen's troops were in no mood for such

niceties. William ordered the nuns to hand over Matilda's men. The

Abbess refused and William then ordered his men to burn down the

Abbey, killing Matilda's guards and driving out the nuns. The Empress

herself was defeated at Stockbridge.

Incidentally, this event is also recorded in Ellis Peters' historical novel,

"An Excellent Mystery”.

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In AD 1215 King John granted to the Abbey the important right to

hold an Annual Sheep Fair. The Fair was held, with interruptions, until

1920 on what is still known as the "Fair Piece". The Parish Church is

dedicated to St Peter and Holy Cross, and the day of the Fair was

chosen to coincide with the Festival of the Exaltation of the Holy

Cross; this being the Anglo-Saxon Roodmas Day which was celebrated

on 14th

September (now 24th September in the present day calendar).

Apart from being a market place, the Fair also acted as a labour exchange.

Farm hands would travel considerable distances to look for new masters.

Carters would come with a plaited whipcord over their shoulders, and

shepherds with a piece of sheep's wool in their caps.

From AD 1226 to AD 1257 the Abbey was ruled by a very remarkable

woman, the Blessed Euphemia.

"Realising that the Lord had called her to rule the Abbey of

Wherwell not that she might live there at ease, but might, with care

and dispatch, uproot, destroy and dissipate all that was most noxious,

and direct that which would be most useful she re-built the insanitary

buildings in the court of the Abbey Manor"

"It is most fitting" says her convent chartulary, "that we should

always perpetuate the memory, in our special prayers and suffrages,

of one who ever worked for the glory of God, and for the weal of both

our soul and bodies. For she increased the number of the Lord's

handmaidens in this monastery from forty to eighty, to the exaltation

of the worship of God. To her sisters, both in health and sickness, she

administered the necessaries of life with piety, prudence, care and

honesty. She also increased the sum allowed for garments by 12

pence each. The example of her holy conversation and charity, in

conjunction with her pious exhortations and regular discipline,

caused each one to know how, in the words of the Apostle, to possess

her vessel in sanctification and honour. She also, with maternal piety

and careful forethought, built, for the use of both sick and sound, a

new large farmery away from the main buildings and in conjunction

with it a dorter (a bedroom or dormitory) and other necessary offices.

Beneath the farmery she constructed a watercourse, through which a

stream flowed with sufficient force to carry off all refuse that might

corrupt the air. Moreover she built there a place set apart for the

refreshment of the soul, namely a chapel of the Blessed Virgin, which

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was erected outside the cloister behind the farmery. With the chapel

she enclosed a large place, which was adorned on the north side with

pleasant vines and tress. On the other side, by the river bank, she built

offices for various uses, a space being left in the centre, where the nuns

are able from time to time to enjoy the pure air "

She was equally attentive to secular business. "She also so conducted

herself with regard to exterior affair" says the admiring chronicler,

"that she seemd to have the spirit of a man rather than of a woman

She levelled the court of the abbey manor and built a new hall, and

round the walled court she made gardens and vineyards and

shrubberies in places that were formerly useless and barren and

which now became both serviceable and pleasant.”

The dorter was rebuilt following the near disastrous collapse of the bell

tower at matins one day. Despite the fact that the nuns were in the

dorter below, some in bed and some at prayer, no one was killed or

even injured. An "obvious miracle from heaven" which could only serve

to enhance the Blessed Euphemia's reputation. It is supposed to

be her effigy, which is now at the West end of the Church. Formerly it

was under a stone canopy in the wall of the churchyard, but fearing the

stone would be destroyed by the passing of the years and the inclement

weather, it was moved about 1940 into the Church, with the aid of

grants from the Field Path Association, an Antiquarian Society, and the

Lady of the Manor, Mrs Jenkins.

In AD 1266 Henry III granted to the Abbess and her successors, the

right to hold a weekly Market to be held on Wednesdays. There is no

trace of this now, but it must have been a source of considerable profit

to the Lord of the Manor.

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Rumours of bad behaviour amongst nuns were constantly circulating,

especially susceptible to temptation were the Abbesses. For example in

1284 the stern reformer Archbishop Peckham wrote injunctions to the

Abbess of Wherwell. Apart from prohibiting young boys from

attending the school, which was run there to educate children, he

reprimanded the Abbess on her personal behaviour. Apparently she

had been stinting her nuns of food and drink, whilst causing

magnificent feasts to be prepared for herself in her own room.

Peckham ordered that whenever there was a shortage of food in the

convent, she was to dine with the nuns, and no meal was to be laid in

her chamber for servants or strangers, but all visitors were to be

entertained in the exterior guest hall. If at such times she were in ill

health, and unable to use the common diet, she might remain in her

room in the company of one or two of the nuns. At times when there

was no lack of food in the convent and when she was entertaining

guests in her own room, all potations were to cease and all servants

and visitors to depart at the hour of compline (seventh and last of the

canonical hours). To reinforce his injunctions and ensure that they

followed to the letter, Archbishop Peckham appointed a certain J. de Ver

to act as co-adjutress (whose duties were no doubt similar to those of a

political officer in the Red Army).

Further injunctions were written seeking to reverse the introduction of

individual cells. It was felt that proper behaviour could only be

ensured if sleeping arrangements were communal and there were not

even curtains in the dorter. But it was an up-hill struggle. In 1368

William of Wykeham wrote to the Abbess of Wherwell: "Lately, it has

come to our ears by popular report of trusty men, that contrary to the

honesty of religion you admit various religious men, especially of the

mendicant orders, lightly and promiscuously to pass the night in your

habitations, from which grows much matter for laxity and scandal,

since the cohabitation of religious clerks and nuns is altogether

forbidden by the constitutions of the Holy Fathers".

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Again in 1387 William of Wykeham wrote exceptionally full and

formal injunctions to ensure the correct and proper claustration of all the

nuns. He also complains of the abbess's illicit detention of "certain

distributions and pittances as well as in money as in spices" which

divers benefactors had bestowed.

However, a study of the visitation documents makes clear that the

nuns never really made any attempt to obey the rule, which imposed a

strict enclosure upon them. In the end the church decided to try to

regulate rather than control this behaviour. For example the rules for

visiting friends ran as follows:

"No lady of religion is to go and visit her friends, but if it be once a

year at the most and then for reasonable cause and by permission;

and then let her have a companion professed in the same religion, not

of her own choice but whomsoever the Prioress will assign to her and

she who is once assigned to her for companion shall not be assigned

the next time... "

Wherwell remained an important and peaceful place for years, looking

after the needs of the surrounding neighbourhood and even helping

King Henry VIII in AD 1523 by supplying 52 Archers and 118 Billmen

when a muster of men was called in Hampshire to help in the war with

France. But life in the Abbey was never to recover the peak it had

reached under Euphemia and immediately thereafter. The most serious

blow was the Black Death, which ravaged the area in the period 1348

and 1349. By 1501 the number of nuns had only recovered to 22,

whilst at the time of the dissolution on 20th

November 1539 this had

risen to 25.

The Dissolution of the monasteries, which followed as a result of

Henry VIII's quarrel with the Pope, was an inevitable step to bind the

propertied classes to his assumption of authority over the Church in

England. The economic impact was great, and not everyone felt that

the change was for the good. A petition was presented to the King at

the time:

"Great hurt and decay is thereby come, and hereafter shall come to

your realm, and great impoverishment of many your poor obedient

subjects, for lack of hospitality and good householding which was in

them to be kept to the great relief of the poor people of all the

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country adjoining to the said monasteries, besides the maintenance

of many servants, husbandmen and labourers that daily were kept in

the said religious houses".

Nevertheless there was to be no turning back. The last Abbess of

Wherwell was Morphuet Kyngesmill, cousin of the last Prior and first

Dean of St Swithin's Cathedral at Winchester, and sister of one of the

Commissioners of the Dissolution. It is to be noted that she was able

to arrange for herself an annual pension of £40 p.a. A considerable sum

in those days. The former prioress of Wherwell, Alice Gilford,

received a mere £6 p.a.

On 3rd

March 1540 the whole of the Abbey lands were transferred to

Sir Thomas West, Lord de la Warr, in exchange for Manors in Sussex

and a fifth of a Knight's service. One of the conditions of sale was that

all the religious buildings be destroyed. These included: "The church

'Quyer' and steeple covered with lead, the Cloister covered with tiles

and certain gutters of lead. The Chapter House, Frater, Dormitory,

Convent Kitchen, and all the old lodgings between the Granary and

the hall door covered with tiles."

The buildings assigned to remain were "The late Abbess' lodging with

the houses within the Quadrant as the water leadeth from the East side

of the cloister to the gate; the (In)firmery, the Mill and Millhouse with

the Slaughterhouse adjoining. The brewing and baking houses with

the Granaries to the same. The Barn and Stables in the outer court."

Very little of the original buildings can now be seen. Recent resistivity

tests have located the site of the Abbey Church, see plan on the back

cover. The church was about 70 metres long with a large steeple, which

must have been nearly as high as Salisbury cathedral. The cloisters have

also been located immediately to the south of the church. Since the days

of the Abbey the course of the steam has been moved to the west by

about 10 metres in the area of the church. Mediaeval foundations can still

be seen along the stream and the central core of the Priory

Buildings are also much earlier than the house itself. The barn to the

south of the main buildings, which used to be the stables, has recently

been dated to the second half of the 13th

Century. From samples of

wood taken for analysis, it would appear that the building was

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constructed in two sections with the oak being cut in 1249 and 1279.

The roof of this building remains very largely intact, and is considered

one of the most complete 13th

Century roofs in the country. The

building is listed Grade 1.

Although the main buildings of the present Priory present a unified

appearance, they have been extensively altered and added to over the

years. The Priory is built around a very old core, possibly mediaeval.

The south facade is late 16th

Century. During the 17th

Century and 18th

Century there was a brick and flint building with the main entrance

facing East (the main entrance is now on the north side). During the


Century the bow windows in the North East and South East

corners were added. The present white regency facade was built in the

period 1820 -1830. It is believed that at this time the dining room was

constructed, the drawing room was enlarged and the main entrance

moved to the North. During the middle of the 19th

Century the main

drive was relocated from Winchester Lodge and a new drive

constructed to Andover Lodge. At the end of the 19th

Century bow

windows were added to the North West corner. During the early part

of the 20th

Century the existing office buildings were added.

On the Priory side of the wall, by the Priory Churchyard gate, there is

a stone with the following inscription:-







In the West end of the Church, in addition to the recumbent figure of

the Abbess (Euphemia) which has been mentioned, there are five other

small fragments, two of them let into the wall, one of these representing

the Harrowing of Hell. All these fragments were brought back into the

Church in 1940 and 1941.

In the gable wall of the Old Vicarage is a 14th Century Cross.

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The Abbey and Parish had no separate existence before the Dissolution

of the Monasteries in 1540; the Superior of the Monastery (Abbess)

was the Lady of the Manor. Up to the Dissolution there was a (male)

Prebend on the Staff of the Monastery who acted as Parish Priest.

The estate belonged to the Lords de la Warr until AD 1695, and then

passed into the hands of Edmond Boulter, a merchant of London, who

sold all the outlying Manors except Goodworth Clatford. Boulter died

in 1709 and bequeathed his estate to his nephew, John Fryer, a

Pewterer of London and an Alderman who, when he died in 1726, left

it equally among his three daughters Bithiah, Susannah and Delicia.

Delicia married Joshua Iremonger in AD 1742; and he, in AD 1743,

bought out his two sisters-in-law, thus becoming Lord of the whole of

the two Manors.

In AD 1914 the Wherwell estate passed from the possession of the

Iremongers into that of Colonel and Mrs Jenkins, whose daughter,

Marjorie, Countess of Brecknock, held until her death in 1989. Her son,

Marquess Camden, retained the land, but the Priory buildings with the

surrounding parkland were sold in 1990 to Mr. and Mrs. James Hogg.

The house is now called Wherwell Priory, not Wherwell Abbey as

might have been expected. The name is believed to have been changed in

the 17th

Century. (The Prior was normally the officer next under the Abbot

of an Abbey).

The Manor of Fullerton was Abbey Land until the Dissolution. In AD

1892, after passing through a number of hands, it became the

property of Mr William Cory, whose sister later became the owner.

She in turn left it to her nephew, Major Charles Liddell MC.

After enjoying an independent existence for a thousand years the

Parish of Wherwell was united with its neighbour across the river,

Chilbolton. By the Union of Benefices Act, it was laid down that

when one or the other of these Benefices became vacant, the surviving

incumbent should be inducted to the joint benefice. This occurred in 1943

when the Rev Alfred Lewis, Vicar of Wherwell, retired, whereupon the

Rev Canon H L Marsh, who had been Rector of Chilbolton since 1935,

became also Vicar of Wherwell.

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The two parishes remained separate for about 65 years, and the right of

Patronage was exercised alternately by the Ecclesiastical Commissioners,

represented by the Bishop of Winchester, (for Chilbolton) and by

Marquess Camden (for Wherwell).

Canon Marsh retired in 1948 when the Rev W W Russell-Chapman

became Rector of Chilbolton and Vicar of Wherwell. He in turn

retired in 1966 (and died a few weeks later) and the Rev Murray E

Gawne was inducted to the livings of both Parishes. He was followed

by Rev Christopher M Hubbard in 1977 who served both parishes

until the end of 1990 and by Rev Errol Williams from 1991 until 2006.

In 2008 the Down Benefice was formed and united the Parishes of

Littleton, Crawley, Sparsholt, Chilbolton and Wherwell. The Rev

Juliet Montague of Littleton was inducted to the Benefice and was

assisted by a curate, Stuart Rason, who lived in the Rectory at Chilbolton.

Little or nothing is known of many early incumbents, with the exception

of the Rev Stephen Bachelor (or Bachiler), and his successor Rev John

Bate (1605-1633) who seems to have been his brother-in-law, and Rev

Jonathan Heskins (1679-1680).

It appears that there was a suit in Star Chamber in which George

Wydley of Clatford, who in some way combined the professions of

medicine and theology, preferred a charge of slander against Bachelor

and Bate, and Stephen Bachelor junior; in proof whereof he stated that

they not only composed verses derogatory to his character and fame, but

set them to music and sang them publicly and privately. The wording of

the verses has not survived; only the statement that they would hardly be

classed as parlour literature.

The life histories of Jonathan Heskins (1621-1680) and his step-brother

Samuel are recorded in the Chilbolton and Wherwell Community

Magazine (editions March-May 2012), which have been archived on the

Wherwell website.

In addition to the pre-Reformation fragments there are four post-

Reformation memorials, one an altar tomb of Sir Owen West, who

died in 1551, and his wife. (West was the family name of Lord de la

Warr at that time) and three let into the floor of the Nave.

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(1) John Cropp who died in 1740 and Mary his wife (date illegible)

(2) John West, son of Lord de la Warr, who died "a child" in 1656

(3) Mary, daughter of Ferdinando Hudleston Esq of Millom Castle in

Cumberland, and wife of The Hon Charles West. (undated)

Many of the records of the Parish since the Reformation must have

been lost in the fire, but the Parish Registers of Births, Marriages and

Deaths have been preserved, going back to 1634, and also the account

books of the Overseers of the Poor, who were responsible for

dispensing poor relief, in money or kind, are in existence from 1790 to

1794 and from 1806 to 1821.

From 1723 onwards there is an entry against each burial "a certificate

was brought" or "an affidavit was brought". The certificate or affidavit

related to the law whereby all burials had to be in woollen shrouds and

the certificate had to be bought within 8 days of interment. If buried in

a linen shroud, a penalty had to be paid into the hands of the

Churchwardens for the benefit of the poor of the Parish.

This is recorded for example, as having happened on October 6th 1742

when Bethiah, wife of Nathaniel Brassey Esq was buried - there are

many similar references in the burial register.

In 1781 a more formal register was introduced with printed instructions

at the front and the sheets ruled to ensure that all necessary

details were included. One such detail was the cause of death, and it is

noteworthy that in the first 100 entries there was only one case of

cancer, but many of "decline" (? TB or other debilitating illnesses which

were unidentified, but the person slowly deteriorated until

death) and fits, and of course old age - this was generally the cause if

the person was over 60 years at death (!).

Finally, in 1812 an act was passed "for the better regulating and

preserving Parish and other Registers". After this there were three

separate Registers, with a supplementary record of the publication of

the banns at the back of the Marriage Register.

Stuck into the back of one of the Registers is the Memorandum below.

Page 17

August 19 1771

We the Minister and underwritten inhabitants of the Parish of

Wherwell acknowledge that there is no old accustomed road by the

Mill to the Church, Vicarage House or Parsonage Yard but the

present way was first made about 20 years ago by Mr Iremonger....

and that in testimony of his sole right in it the said way was shut up

and the gates locked on Sunday July 14th

1771 as a proper ……

[illegible] against its ever being claimed as a public way.

Be it remembered likewise that there is no road through the

Churchyard but by permission of the Vicar.

Signed by R King, Vicar and 5 others.

Tithe map of Wherwell from 1841

Further details of the tithe numbers and of the

tithes and rents payable can be obtained from

the Wherwell History Group or from the

Hampshire Record Office. Sussex Street, Winchester,

SO23 8TH

tel 01962 846154

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Page 19

Key Dates in the History of Wherwell & Wherwell Abbey




































Wherwell, Andover and Clere bequeathed to Hyde Abbey, Winchester in the Will

of King Edred (946 - 955)

King Edward the Martyr stabbed in the back at Corfe Castle by order of Elfrida

Wherwell Abbey founded by Queen Elfrida

Queen Elfrida died, falling into River Test at Wherwell.

King Ethelred (son of Elfrida) appointed a new Abbess Haenfled, endowed the

Church and endowed nuns 'in the aforenamed place of Wherwell'

Queen Emma, wife of King Canute, takes refuge at Wherwell

Queen Eadygth, wife of Edward the Confessor, took refuge at Wherwell

Domesday Book – The Wherwell Hundred comprises the six Manors of

Wherwell, Tufton, Goodworth (Clatford), Ann, Middleton (Longparish) and

Bullington. Annual revenue amounted to £14 10s.

During the Rout of Winchester, Empress Matilda's forces (commanded by

Robert of Gloucester) attempted to fortify Wherwell and were defeated by King

Stephen’s forces (commanded by William of Ypres) - Abbey destroyed by fire.

Abbess Maud ‘of sweet memory’ rules for 40 years

Abbess Matilda

King John grants the Abbey a right to hold an Annual Fair

Abbess, ‘The Blessed Euphemia' (d.1257) rebuilds Abbey.

Abbess and successors granted a weekly market by King Henry III

Abbess Elaine de Percy

Archbishop Peckam’s injunctions

Abbess Isabella

Abbess Maud Littleton

Abbess Amitia Ladde

Plague ‘The Black Death’ 1348-1350 kills 1.5 million people (population 4m)

Abbess Constantia de Wintreshal

Abbess Joan Cotterell

Abbess Cecilia Lavington

Assets of Henry Harold seized

William of Wykeham’s injunctions

Abbess Alice Parys

Abbess Anne Quarley

Abbess Alice Serk

Abbess Juliana Overy

Abbess Matilda Rowse

Abbess Avelina Cowdrey

Wherwell provided 52 Archers and 118 Billmen, part of the Hampshire

contingent for Henry VIII's war with France.

Abbess Anne Colta (or Colle)

Cromwell commands Abbess, Morphuet Kyngesmill to resign

Dissolution of the Monasteries (Wherwell had 25 nuns)

Manor lands sold to Sir Thomas West, Lord de la Warr

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Abbey ruins grown over and a commemorativplaque erected outside the Church

Manors bought by Edward Boulter, merchant of London.

Outlying Manors sold, except Goodworth Clatford

Wherwell Manor bequeathed to John Fryer, Pewterer, Alderman of London

Manor left to three daughters, Bithia, Susannah and Delicia

Delicia married Joshua Iremonger

Bithia and Susannah bought out by Joshua Iremonger

Act of Parliament for recording Births, Marriages and Deaths in Parish Registers

Monument Dead Man’s Plack erected in Harewood Forest by Col. Iremonger

Work commenced on building a ‘new’ Church overlaying the footprint of the

Norman Church. Architect – Henry Woodyer, Builder – Mr Holdway

Church of St Peter & Holy Cross consecrated by Bishop of Winchester,

Very Reverend Charles Richard Sumner and Iremonger family mausoleum built

A mother and daughter in the Iremonger family succumb to a harsh winter

Railway carved through Wherwell

Countess of Lovelace (mother of Colonel "Teddy" Jenkins) rented Wherwell

from the Iremonger family

Church clock installed to commemorate the coronation of George V

Wherwell Priory Estate bought by Sir Ernest Cassel and passed into the hands of

Colonel and Mrs Jenkins (niece)

Wherwell School moved from the Old Hill to a new site in Longparish Road

The first Wherwell Pageant performed in the grounds of Wherwell Priory

Alfred Lewis resigns as last Vicar of Wherwell, parish combined with Chilbolton

Priory Estate switches to the National Grid, power from River Test moth-balled

Wherwell Priory Estate bequeathed by Mrs Jenkins to her daughter Marjorie,

Countess of Brecknock Death of Marjorie, Countess of Brecknock

James, Clare & Domini Hogg move into The Priory (Thomas-Neil arrived 1991)

Geophysical survey of the Abbey site conducted by Southampton University

The Downs Benefice was formed; Wherwell joins Littleton, Crawley, Sparsholt

and Chilbolton, with Rev. Juliet Montague the minister in charge.

Major fund raising campaign successfully puts a new roof on the Church & Spire

Medieval encaustic tiles discovered under wooden flooring

Church turret clock restored

Page 21



The detailed history of the Saxon Church of the Holy Cross at Wherwell,

founded by Queen Elfrida in AD 986, is to be found earlier in this

booklet. The present building is an excellent example of mid-

nineteenth century gothic revival where both the stone work and the

timber are simple in style and free from the excessive decoration so

often found in later Victorian Churches. It is of course a replacement

of an ancient building, small pieces of which have been preserved as

described later.

Picture of the old church, razed by fire in the middle of the 19th


Page 22

The massive stone corbels at the west wall and the heavy capitals to

the drum' columns in the nave, together with the broad flat undersides

to the arches are typical, but they do not overpower - as with both the

plain walling above and the delicate roof corbels the height of the

central section of the Church is enhanced.

The timber roof is slender and yet at the same time, beautifully

constructed to give a sturdy and workmanlike appearance and the

Choir roof is in fine hammer beam style. The separate internal support

to the timber belfry tower is unusual in its Swiss style but is an entirely

acceptable intrusion and as a piece of functional architecture is of


The use of the entrance from the Choir to the Vestry is again an

excellent example of early Victorian treatment, where a delightful

effect has been gained by the use of a colonnade of cusped arches to

support the wide opening; the result is entirely pleasing and delicate,

the plain columns with thirteenth century style capitals and fifteenth

century plinths working in perfect harmony.

Viewed from the east end of the Church the detached columns frame

the west window with great effect.

Stained Glass There are several good examples of mid-nineteenth century glass,

highly coloured in the medieval style; the large east window and the

two smaller ones south of the Choir stalls are to the memory of the

Iremonger family who owned the adjacent Wherwell Priory at the time

of the reconstruction; the smaller windows being dedicated to a

Mother and Daughter of the family who died within nine days of each

other in the winter of 1872.

A fine small window of the same period to the right of the Altar is to

the memory of Sir Charles Chatterton and dated 1855. The beautiful

west window, erected in the early part of the twentieth century is by

contrast in the more restrained colours of the time, and is also to the

memory of the Iremonger family.

Page 23

Etched Glass In 1999, in anticipation of the Millennium, three of the windows on the

South Side of the Church, adjacent to the main door, were removed

and replaced with an etched glass laminated window, worked by Tony

Gilliam, and fitted by Lydia Gould, to commemorate 2000 years of

Christianity. This window was partially funded by the sale of the

individual glass diamonds which had been removed and the balance

was raised through the efforts of the villagers of Wherwell.

A separate leaflet is available which explains this feature in more detail.

Preserved Early Stone Work There are a few interesting pieces from the former Church which

survived the replacement by the present building in 1857, these being

located at the west end of the nave and in some cases outside the


Notably the recumbent figure of the great Abbess Euphemia of AD

1226 referred to elsewhere in this booklet.

The Elizabethan tomb of Sir Owen West who died in AD 1551 (of the

De la Warr family and with a possible connection with the American state

of Delaware & New Hampshire).

Some fragments are set into the walls; one a thirteenth century shaft

from a Cross with interlaced design of Saxon origin, and another a

fifteenth century capital or plinth with a Tudor Rose which could have

been used as a corbel. The bas relief panels are probably of an earlier date.

On the floor of the nave are three memorial slabs:-

to John West, son of Lord De La Warr who died in 1656

to John Cropp who died in 1740.

to Mary, Daughter of Ferdinando Hudleston of Cumberland, wife

of the Honorable Charles West

A small illustration representing the Tudor Church on the site,

(undated) can be seen on the west wall to the left of the font.

Page 24

Hand worked Kneelers and Cushions Many visitors will find the kneelers of special interest, these having

been worked, as in many similar parishes, by local residents and depict

where appropriate, parishioners' family crests and in others, a motif

related to any particular facet of their life; one for example to a life in

the service in twenty-one ships of the Royal Navy.

In the Choir Area Hand work in the misere seats include the arms of the fourteenth

century Penfold family of Cornwall with three birds close on a white

field with a sable chevron, surmounted with a bare arm holding a

battle axe; the arms of Sir Percy Orde's family from Northumberland

quartered with three fish on a tenne field, an azure Maltese Cross on a

white/silver field, surmounted by a tilting helm and deer's head; of the

Reverend Murray Gawne, a former Vicar, bearing a white horse's

head, this now being located in the Bishop's chair.

Also, in the officiating Priest's stall is the arms of a previous

incumbent, The Reverend Christopher Hubbard, blazoned with three

heads of an opinicus charged on a green field with white chevron and

surmounted by the head of an opinicus, armed and collared with a

crest wreath and a coronet; the motto translated means "Seek higher


Six of the Choir stall cushions are in the design of the late Louisa

Pasel known for her work with the Victoria and Albert Museum, the

Royal Society of Arts and the British Association; the designs being

those she produced for Winchester Cathedral.

In The Nave Area Worked kneelers here are predominately red with the exception of

special references to a few residents in the Parish of Wherwell.

The pew to the left facing east, used by the lay Rector the late Marjorie

Countess of Brecknock of Wherwell Priory, illustrates her connection

with St John Ambulance, having occupied the post of Superintendent in

Chief of that organisation when relinquished by her Cousin Lady Edwina


Page 25

To the opposite side, kneelers relate by heraldic device to the late

Anthony Tuke, sometime Warden of Winchester College by an

illustration of "The Faithful Servant" (being a standing ass in

seventeenth century dress) and the black, gold and white eagle of

Barclays Bank of which he was Chairman; these being worked by Lady


There are several kneelers depicting appropriately St Peter the fisher-

man and Holy Cross.

At The Lectern The mat here describes the ancient Wherwell legend of the dreaded

cockatrice that wrought death and terror in the dark ages as described

under the heading Legend in this booklet.

Outside the Church Several early gargoyles from the gothic building are set into the eaves

of the Victorian Mausoleum located to the south of the present Church

and in the Churchyard. There is a fourteenth century cross built into the

gable of the adjacent Old Vicarage and at a time when fire and-decay

damaged the earlier buildings, portions of the stone work have been used

as a source of material elsewhere in the Village of Wherwell.

To the right of the font A stone wall tablet dated 1691 (9 years after the founding of the City

of Philadelphia USA) informs that one "Philadelphia Whitehead

Purchased from the Right Hon John Lord La Warr out of the yearly rent

of the White Lion Inn Wherwell the sum of 12 shillings to be payd

yearly to 12 old men and women of Wherwell at Christmas and for ever”.

This charity now consolidated with a number of other small charities

is still maintained to this day - now by the Parish Council

Page 26

Church Plate Like many Churches in Hampshire, Wherwell Church possesses a

number of pieces of silver plate, of which the following are most


Chalice Height 75", Weight 12ozs 17dwts

No mark of Assay but probably about 1650 Maker's mark -

a fleur-de-lys thrice repeated.


Marks - as Chalice

Inscription - Thomas Smith Churchwardens of John Booter Whorwell

Both of these vessels are of rude workmanship and may be of local


Paten (actually the stand of a caudle cup)

Diameter lOt"

Weight 14ozs lOdwts

Marks - London Assay for 1662 and S R with fleur-de-lys for the

maker. The rim is wide, boldly chased with tulip and flower work, often

found on Dutch work of this period, In the centre is a rayed ornament

of unusual and late design, with the sacred monogram in the centre.

This has been exhibited in the Treasury at Winchester Cathedral.

These details are taken from "Church Plate in Hampshire" by

Braithwaite (1909).

Page 27

The Church Clock

The clock is defined as a small ting-tang quarter, flatbed tower (or turret)

clock with strike, with the clock face being three feet in diameter made of

cast iron with a skeleton dial. The clock was installed in 1911 to mark the

Coronation of King George V. There is no makers name visible on the

movement, but it does resemble the workmanship of Haycocks of


Before 1911, time keeping in the village was managed by William

Harding, chiming the Curfew bell at eight o’clock every evening. William

Harding was Head Gardener at The Priory and tolled the bell for over

thirty years.

Since then, the practice was to wind up the clock every Wednesday

and Sunday after Church. This was done for over thirty years by

Mr Fred Goddard, who had combined the offices of Church Warden,

Parish Clerk, and Verger through the Second World War.

The Wherwell estate ceased to take electricity from the water power of

the River Test (150 volts only) and came on the national grid in 1952.

In 1965, an electric auto-winding system known as ‘monkey on a stick’

was added to the Church clock.

Page 28

LEGENDS of Wherwell

The Cockatrice The legends of Wherwell are numerous, the best being that of

the Cocktatrice, of which there are several versions. Here is one:-

A duck laid an egg in the crypt of the Abbey, which was hatched by

a toad, and turned into a Cockatrice - a kind of dragon. It grew to

an enormous size and had an insatiable appetite. It flew from the

Abbey in search of food and many of the villagers were snatched

and taken to the Abbey to be eaten.

This state of affairs could not continue and a reward of four acres

of land was offered to anyone who could kill the Cockatrice.

A man named Green polished a piece of steel until it gleamed like

a mirror and lowered it down to the beast's lair. On seeing its

reflection the Cockatrice fought it until it was exhausted, and then

Green ran the beast through with a javelin and claimed his reward.

Today in Harewood Forest there is still an area known as "Green's Acres".

For many years the weather vane on the Church was in the form of a

Cockatrice, but it was taken down and is kept in Andover Museum. In

2011, a new cockatrice vane was erected at Wherwell Village Hall in

memory of Vic Pyke (licensee at the White Lion Inn) and his wife Mary.

The Romsey Nuns Another legend is that of the Romsey nuns, who, on fleeing from the

Danes, came to Wherwell Abbey, but before reaching there they got

lost in the woods and many of them died from exposure and starvation.

Tradition says they sat down in despair and began to reproach the

Almighty, and that when they died their souls were transformed into

wild cats which used to roam in the woods.

Healing Nuns The Churchyard and nearby fields are white with snowdrops in the

early spring. Monasteries used these bulbs as medicaments in the

middle ages. It is quite possible that the nuns cultivated them in their

herb gardens, the destruction of which now results in a delightful show

every February.

Page 29

The Mizmaze The small field adjacent to the Churchyard on the west side, is so

described by the Rev R H Clutterbuck in 1898. There is a ritual

significance in mazes, both as protection against the supernatural and

as a path which the dead must follow on their way to the world of

spirits. In medieval times certain mazes were constructed under

ecclesiastical patronage, formed in tiles at the place of worship, or built

in or near churchyards.

This maze could have been in existence at the time of Wherwell

Abbey, when the same Church would serve both nuns and villagers.

This story presumes an access (even if difficult) for the villagers to the

Church from the west, and contrasts with the memorandum of

Rev Richard King of August 1771.

Corpse Lights Seen by some in Wherwell Churchyard. Jeanne Nolder, who produced

these notes in 1980, suggests they be accounted for by the lights

reflected from glow-worms in the mists rising from the water

meadows. (Glow-worms can still be seen of a mild midsummer night in

Wherwell gardens and on the neighbouring Chilbolton Common).

Errant Gravestones The rebuilding of the Church in 1856-58 caused many grave and

other stones to be removed. Some were replaced close together in

the Churchyard, others incorporated in the new Church or the

surrounding walls. One dated about 1747 forms a small landing at

the top of the belfry steps.

Other stones, broken by accident perhaps, are buried by the builder

behind May Cottage, as well as placing a stone figure probably

from the old Church, in the centre of the wall facing on to

Fullerton road. These stones came to light when a trench was dug

for main drainage in 1962 and made a firm foundation for the pipes

in the boggy ground.

Page 30

Wherwell - Vicars From the Reformation

Date Name Remarks

1538 Cobbe, Richard BA (on death of Thomas Purt)

1559 Fleen, John

1569 Parret, Edward

1587 Bachelor, Stephen Transferred to Newton Stacey,

later emigrated to New England

1605 Bate, John Brother-in-law of above

1633 Smith, John

1661 Dowling, William

1679 Heskins, Jonathan

1683 Acton, Paul (by resignation of Enoch Sambee)

1698 Ogden, Samuel

? Ogden, Abram

1742 Burlton, Theodore (on death of Abram Ogden)

1744 King, Richard

1791 Iremonger, Lascelles

1801 Chamberlayne, George

1803 Iremonger, Richard

1819 Iremonger, Frederick (on death of Richard)

1820 Towers, James (on death of Frederick Iremonger)

? Iremonger, Lascelles MA

1830 Durnford, Richard (on death of Lascelles Iremonger)

1835 Goddard, William Stanley DD

(on death of Richard Durnford)

1838 Evans, Robert (on death of James Towers)

1840 Iremonger, Thomas Lascelles

? Iremonger, Edward Reginald

1886 Harrison, William

1898 Walker, Francis Robert

1898 Lee, Lawrence Cust

1917 Taylor, Bertram Charles

1926 Lewis, Alfred (resigned as last Vicar of

Wherwell only in 1943)

Page 31

* Notes: This list is based on that provided by the late Anthony

Tuke in 1975 amended by detail from the Hampshire

Records in 1989.

When the Lord of the Manor, in the case of Wherwell, the

Lay Rector, was ordained, this led to some duplication

the former being known as the Prebendary of Wherwell.

Vicars of Wherwell and Rectors resident in Chilbolton

1943 Cannon H L Marsh - Rector of Chilbolton since 1935

1948 Russell-Chapman, W W

1966 Gawne, Murray E

1977 Hubbard, Christopher M

1991 Williams, Errol

2008 Montague, Juliet


If after having looked round our fine Church you would like to help us

keep it in good repair, would you please consider making to our

Church Building Fund either a 'gift aid' donation, or a bequest in your


For further information please write to:

David Etchells,

Hon. Treasurer, Wherwell Parochial Church Council,

The Olde Malt House, Fullerton Road, Wherwell, Andover, SP11 7JS

Tel: 01264 860575

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