def case histories from today public art in spain-politecnico milano

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When the public is the creator. Case - histories from today’s Public Art in Spain.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Festival INTERFERENCIA, Artistic Interventions in Public Space, Barcelona. Four Editions: 2004-2008 Aimed to: - Understanding public space as a place for permanent dialogue, open to artistic experimentation and citizen participation. - Fostering site specific projects that transform, rethink, question public space. - Conceiving the city as a laboratory, where public is no longer a passive spectator, but contributes to the investigation. - Proposing art as a never-ending investigation process on the social environment.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Festival INTERFERENCIA, Artistic Interventions in Public Space, Barcelona. Four Editions: 2004-2008

Events we organized:

- 10 projects of artistic intervention. - Cycle of three-days conferences. - Audiovisual screening - program. - Workshop for associations engaged with social matters.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


«When the public is the creator»: What I mean by that is the ‘artwork’: 1. arised out of the strict collaboration with local agent and inhabitants. 2. created for people to be able to «use» it according their need.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


A public art project addresses concepts as follows: - Cultural and social elements - Institutions, events and commissioned projects - Artists, architects and interdisplinary collective - Various ways of public art practices

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Lara Almarcegui, Zaragoza, 1972 disclosing the city

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


“I always think it is good to know what is going on in urban planning city. Wastelands are important because they are the only places in the city

that remain without definition. Untouched by design, everything that takes place in them happens by chance and not according to a plan…I see great value in this lack

of design, and that is why I would like to ‘preserve’ these wastelands in my works.”

(, Wien, on the occasion of Lara Almarcegui personal show,

September – November 7, 2010)

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Wastelands of the port of Rotterdam, Portscapes project, 2009, Rotterdam (commissioned by SKOR, Amsterdam, curated by Latitudes, Barcelona)

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Tour Wastelands, Nov., 8th, 2009 - Portscapes project, 2009, Rotterdam (00:02:22)


Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


The commissioners: how they saw the Portscapes Project: values and strong points (00:04:49)


Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Other projects: - Guide to Ruined Buildings in the Netherlands, XIX - XXI Century, 2008, The Ultraperiferic, SKOR, 2008 - Relocated Houses, Britton Yard, One Day Sculpture, New Zeland, 2009 - Going down to the recent excavated underground processes, Madrid Abierto, 2009 - Madrid Subterráneos, Ca2deMayo, Madrid, 2012

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


LARA ALMARCEGUI FEATURES - Focus on processes of urban transformations. - Interest in the relationship between architecture and urban context: urban layers as material basis of social structures. - Engaged with the “soft”, slow processes development: of chance, erosion or entropy: wastelands, construction materials, ruins. - Collection of historical, geographic, ecological, and sociological data in order to reveal the time. - Production of guidebooks and maps that offer an alternative reading of the city landscapes and promotion of singular sightseeing to transitional anti-landmarks. - Site specific art work: collaboration with local agents and inhabitants.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Santiago Cirugeda, Seville, 1972 (Recetas urbanas) activating the city

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


“In both the professional areas of my work and in teaching I have always insisted that a citizen must be responsible for knowing the rules of our system. The more people understand their rights and

restrictions, the more they will be able to intervene in the context of the city, or in the development of a creative process in a very different way than they would have been able to accomplish

without that knowledge. I insist that people realise this.”

Santiago Cirugeda interviewed by Ramon Parammon in Direct architecture, Politcs and Space (exhibition catalogue), 2007

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Practices and intervention strategies in 5 categories of URBAN RECIPES: A) Strategies for Subversive Urban Occupation B) Housing C) Collaborative Architecture D) Trucks Containers Collectives E) Complex Settlements

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


ADVERTENCIA (Be aware of) All the urban prescriptions showed next are public domain and may be used in all its strategic and juridical proceedings by the citizens who may try out to do it. Recommends a full research on the different urban locations and situations in which the citizen may want to intervene. Any physical or intellectual risk produced by such interventions will be on each citizen account. Santiago Cirugeda. Recetas Urbanas.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


A) 001 Dumpsters A) 002 Scaffolding B) 005 Roof housing

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Trucks, Containers & Collectives, 2007

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


URBAN PRESCRIPTIONS Trucks, Containers & Collectives – La Nau de les Arts / ProyectaLab

(promoted by Benicassim’ s Municipality)

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


URBAN PRESCRIPTIONS Trucks, Containers & Collectives – La Nau de les Arts / ProyectaLab

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli

Santiago Cirugeda – Smart Urban Stage, Madrid (00:01:51)


RECETAS URBANAS FEATURES ( - Social architecture meant to improve urban research and housing issues; to trigger social change. - “A-legality” actions by exploiting loopholes in city-planning regulations. - Temporary and reversible architecture tailoring the needs of locals. - Bottom-up strategies driving citizens participation. - Recetas (recipes) develops protocols to be replicated. Long-term projects, that can be followed up on by citizens on their own. - Collective architectures meaning self-organized and self-managed collaborative practices in the construction of the urban equipment and furniture.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


POST- IT CITY, Ciutats ocasionals, CCCB, Barcelona, 2008 (78 case studies selected from some 200 submissions following a call for papers sent out to more than 2,000 contacts)

“With the idea of the occasional urbanities city we refer to this type of change, the result of growing complexity of urban society which makes it impossible to contain them in a specific urban space according to a logic of strict rationality. We use the term “Post-it” to identify these transitory breaks or temporary interventions that call into question the rational distribution of function in urban space and thus generate new forms of urbanism and urban aesthetics, causing new sets of problems”.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Observatori Nomada Barcelona, 2007 roaming through the city

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


“At the O.N. we understand the territory as a ‘geography of events’. We start from the first-hand personal experience of the territory

in order to rescue it from the simple two-dimensional reading of the map. We thus propose to walk the map, considering this simple fact as an action

that generates experiences, a form of expression and a useful tool for a knowledge of the contemporary territory and its transformations.“

ON, Canòdrom, CoNCA, Barcelona, 2009 (exhibition catalogue)

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Rieres/ramblas, Routes around the Barcelona urban area , 2007 Two objectives to accomplish: a) to document the urban transition area. b) to find new models for interpreting and reading the territory, with roaming and interaction with it as basis. Two phases of work: 1) “Roaming”: January-September 2007 A three-day group walk (12th-14th April), five different departure points and five areas simultaneously researched on. Starting points: Sitges, Olesa, Viladecavalls, Llinars del Vallès and Sant Andreu de Llavaneres (the second ‘growing-arch’ of Barcelona). 2) “Variable Distance and Multiple Identities”(2007-2008). Workshop and working group in order to carry out research into and reflect on.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Rieres/ramblas, Routes around the Barcelona urban area, 2007 (promoted by Stalker, with the collaboration of Can Xalant, Matarò)

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Rieres/ramblas, Routes around the Barcelona urban area, 2007


Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Rieres/ramblas, Routes around the Barcelona urban area, 2007


Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


On Prat, 2010 (commissioned by the local government of El Prat; collaboration with University of Barcelona)

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


On Prat, 2010 (commissioned by the local government of El Prat; collaboration with University of Barcelona)

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


ON BCN FEATURES - Multidisciplinary group. - Territory as geography to roam through. - Personal and direct experiences as tools to understand urban landscapes. - Human being as the real measure for the urbanism and architecture. - Relationship between physical space and social space. - Site specific practice. - Documentation of the action of exploration.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


SUMMARY Public space intended as urban space to discover, activate or roam through. -Lara Almarcegui: in order to disclose the city and reveal time. -Santiago Cirugeda and Recetas Urbanas: as a DIY kit to solve the gap between urban planning and citizen needs. -ON BCN: to find new models for interpreting dynamics of growth of a city.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli



FESTIVALS Madrid Abierto, Madrid (ten editions, 2002-2012) ( Interferencia, Barcelona (four editions, 2004-2008) ( INSTITUTIONS and PROJECTS Observatory on Public Art, University of Barcelona ( AcVic, Vic ( Resulting from a collaboration among the Ajuntament de Vic, Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya and H. Associació per a les Arts Contemporànies. Idensitat ( ) Supported by the Ajuntament de Calaf, Ajuntament de Manresa, Generalitat de Catalunya and Diputació de Barcelona.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


SOME EVENTS AND INSTITUTIONS FOCUSING ON PUBLIC ART CONTENTS ACVic - Centre D’Arts Contemporànies, Vic, Barcelona ( - Focusing on the relationships among educational activities, territory and social interaction. - Encouraging an understanding of artistic practices as practices affecting and transforming social space. - Proposing to generate an area of confluence between artistic production and educational action.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


SOME EVENTS AND INSTITUTIONS FOCUSING ON PUBLIC ART CONTENTS IDENSITAT, ( - To investigate ways to impact the public sphere through creative proposals that work with place and territory exploring their physical and social aspects. - To experiment with new forms of involvement and interaction in social space.

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Situaciones urbanas / Santiago Cirugeda Santiago Cirugeda / Collective Arquitecture Spanish, TENOV, Barcelona, 2007 English/Spanish , VIBOK, Seville, 2010

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli A short biliography


Lara Almarcegui, Projects, 1995-2010 Lara Almarcegui / secession English, Edited by Latitutes, Archive Books, Berlin, 2012 German/English, Wien, 2010

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Post-it City, Ciutats Ocasionals Francesco Careri, Walkscapes Catalan/Spanish/English, CCCB, Barcelona, 2008 Walking as an Aesthetic Practice Spanish/English , GG Edition, Barcelona, 2009

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


Q & A

Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli




Politecnico di Milano (Campus di Piacenza) School of Architecture and Society

Course of Site Specific Art Seminar: Case - histories from today Public Art in Spain January, 8th, 2012 – Domenico Berardinelli


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