defining your product strategy using ux

Post on 14-Jan-2015






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In this session we will discuss how using UX to validate, refine and even define your product’s strategy and business principles can lead to the coveted innovation we all aim for.


Defining your product strategy using UXJacques Woodcock


Thursday, November 17, 11

A little about me...

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Degree in Design

Thursday, November 17, 11

I started by getting my degree in design...

- Degree in Design- Multimedia Designer

Thursday, November 17, 11

...then started doing multimedia design...

- Degree in Design- Multimedia Designer- Multimedia Programmer

Thursday, November 17, 11

...then multimedia programming...

- Degree in Design- Multimedia Designer- Multimedia Programmer- Coldfusion, Javascript, PHP

Thursday, November 17, 11

...then started learning most web technologies....

- Degree in Design- Multimedia Designer- Multimedia Programmer- Coldfusion, Javascript, PHP- Project Managment

Thursday, November 17, 11

...then on to project management...

- Degree in Design- Multimedia Designer- Multimedia Programmer- Coldfusion, Javascript, PHP

- Business Dev, Ops Managment- Project Managment

Thursday, November 17, 11 development and operations management...

- Degree in Design- Multimedia Designer- Multimedia Programmer- Coldfusion, Javascript, PHP

- Business Dev, Ops Managment- Project Managment

- Strategy/UX

Thursday, November 17, 11

... and am now focusing on strategy and UX.


Thursday, November 17, 11

First, to make sure we’re all on the same page...

What is UX?

Thursday, November 17, 11

- UX is simply designing for the needs of your end-user in a manner that the end-user would expect or can easily interpret.

What is UX?

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Of course this is an oversimplification but I believe when you get rid of industry jargon, technical speech, you'll find this is the essence.

UX + Business Strategy

Thursday, November 17, 11

- So what does the design have to do with Business Strategy?


Thursday, November 17, 11

- Well, what is design?


Thursday, November 17, 11

- Most people will say it's making pretty pictures or something that has to do with art.


Thursday, November 17, 11

- I argue it has nothing to do with making pretty pictures or art, but it is a creative process.

Design is...

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Design is simply the structuring of elements into a pleasing, or usable, product for the target audience to consume.

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Okay, so why should we care about UX when defining our products.

UX Design as Business Strategy

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Let's look at it this way. Say, I'm tried of reading stupid websites that rates restaurants from some ambiguous person's perspective and they use some arbitrary rating system that doesn't mean anything in the real world.

UX Design as Business Strategy

Thursday, November 17, 11

I'm good with computers so I decide I'm going to make an App that allows my friends to rate restaurants and this rating system is something like dirty dishes dirty cook, great food, cheep food poor service, beer selection to die for and so fourth and so fourth.

UX Design as Business Strategy

Thursday, November 17, 11

Then you want to be able to favorite restaurants and book reservations.

UX = Defined

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Well, you've just designed a user experience.

UX != Completed

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Sure, you haven't put drapes on the walls yet, but you know the room has 3 windows, hardwood floors and skylight.

Product/Business Model User Experience

Thursday, November 17, 11

- The point is we come up with product ideas, business models and service ideas all based around delivering a desired experience to a group of users.

Product/Business Model User Experience

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Even if it's providing an experience that you know your users want but they don't know they want, it's a user experience that you are selling them.

Product/Business Model

User Experience


Thursday, November 17, 11

- We seem to forget this when we incorporate.

Product/Business Model

User Experience

Market Research

Product/Business Model

Product/Business Model

Business Climate VC

User ExperienceUser Experience

Thursday, November 17, 11

- We can hide behind market research, business climates and VC questions all day long and justify changes based on any of these points, but the fact stands that what forces your concept/product to change is each of these areas' understanding of what best user experience to deliver.

Product/Business Model

User Experience

Market Research

Product/Business Model

Product/Business Model

Business Climate VC

User ExperienceUser Experience

Thursday, November 17, 11

- So it alters your original vision. Some times this is good, some times this is bad.

MonetizeUser Experience + Product/Business Model=

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Of course you still have to find a way to monetize your product, but if you are solving a problem for a user, or should we say a customer, wouldn't they expect to pay you in some way?

Thursday, November 17, 11

- How many UX designers are here today? You're not going to like this much.

Product/Business ModelUser Experience =

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Okay, we've defined that our products are packaged user experiences and that all business strategist are actually part UX designers.

Product/Business ModelUser Experience =

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Boy, UX designers will beat me for saying that.

Product/Business ModelUser Experience =

Thursday, November 17, 11

- So the point here is embrace the fact that you MUST consider the user experience in all your business decisions, not just from a top level of "this product allows you to rate restaurants" but all the way down to "you can search by location or name,

Product/Business ModelUser Experience =

Thursday, November 17, 11

then you get a page with all the reviews that you can scroll through and even add your own review to, or get a phone number, website address or book a reservation, also save to your favorites."

User Experience

Product/Business Model

search by location or name

scrollable page with all the reviews

add your own review

get a number/website address

book a reservation

save to your favorites

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Consider this depth of thinking when you consider your strategy.

User Experience

Product/Business Model

search by location or name

scrollable page with all the reviews

add your own review

get a number/website address

book a reservation

save to your favorites


Thursday, November 17, 11

- I think when you embrace planning your business strategy around your user experience you'll start to ask the questions that will lead you to innovation.

User Experience

Product/Business Model

search by location or name

scrollable page with all the reviews

add your own review

get a number/website address

book a reservation

save to your favorites


Thursday, November 17, 11

- Innovation is rarely found in a technology alone, but is found when it's coupled with a user experience that allows that technology to be easily digestible by large masses of consumers.

Thursday, November 17, 11

I don't want to just sit here and debate definitions of Business strategy and user experience, I also want to talk about some techniques and tools for incorporating planning your business strategy around your user experience.

1. Dialogue

Thursday, November 17, 11

- The most important thing you can do no matter what you sell, is to have an open dialogue with at least 10 customers that make up the majority of your user demographic.

1. Dialogue

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Get to know these people, first names, families, friends, let them get to know you. Buy them drinks, coffees, lunches, sports games, whatever; just get an open dialogue with them.

1. Dialogue

Thursday, November 17, 11

- You'll find that this dialogue will be more crucial to you than just surveying your user base. You want/need the free opinions of a set of your users to be unfiltered and unsolicited.

1. Dialogue

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Survey's are typically questions that you answer yourself, from your perspective.

1. Dialogue

Thursday, November 17, 11

- To be a digestible survey, you have to provide preset answers. While you can dive into some great information, it's still filtered by your preconceived ideas when structuring the questions.

1. Dialogue

Thursday, November 17, 11

- So have these relationships with an open dialogue.

1. Dialogue

Thursday, November 17, 11

- You'll find that you probably already have these relationships, but with other business owners and other strategic thinkers, but do they use your product everyday?

1. Dialogue

Thursday, November 17, 11

- That's great insight to get, but it doesn't tell you what your users really want and need.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- You need to be testing all facets of your product, all the time.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Analytics, AB testing, setting up funnels and heat maps are all great. Use them.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Find out what features are working now and it will help you understand what will work in the future.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Use them to fine-tune your offering. If less than 10% of your user base is using a feature, consider dropping it.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- You'll save on support of the feature, have a cleaner offering and a tight user experience.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Some tools that I recommend using beyond analytics are focus groups and screen capturing.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- I can't say enough about screen capturing. Check out Lucky Orange. It allows you to actually see, in realtime, where your users are from, and how they use your site, even all their mouse movements.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Of course that is great for web offerings, but what about none web-based offerings.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- It's hard to think of products now a days that are not tied to the web. Take advantage of that.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- If they are not, focus groups are good, but don't compare to actually going out to see your product used in the real world.

2. Test

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Look for product groups, or spend time at a shop that sells your product.

3. Prototyping

Thursday, November 17, 11

- So how do you test for new products and business models?

3. Prototyping

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Prototyping.

3. Prototyping

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Quickly mock something up and get it into the hands of your potential users.

3. Prototyping

Thursday, November 17, 11

- You'll get what you spent on the prototype back in knowledge and save in future expenses.

3. Prototyping

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Prototyping can tell you if a product has the potential to sink or swim.

3. Prototyping

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Prototyping doesn't have to be perfect. It's main goal is to start a conversation with your potential market, to learn what will make it perfect.

4. Refine

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Is there ever a point where a product is perfect? We all know that answer, no.

4. Refine

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Be it for changes in technology, changes in market, or changes in user behaviors.

4. Refine

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Over time, the populace gets smarter about technology and what their expectations change.

4. Refine

Thursday, November 17, 11

- They may still want to sign up for emails, but the way they want to do it today is not the same way they wanted to do it 5 years ago.

4. Refine

Thursday, November 17, 11

- So refine.

4. Refine

Thursday, November 17, 11

- A tight product that is easy to understand as much as it's easy to use will never feel old to a user.

Finishing Up

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Lastly, on the point of finding innovation in business by focusing on your user experience, let me ask you what innovation is.

"a new idea, method, or device"

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Webster sums it up as "a new idea, method, or device"

"a new idea, method, or device"

Thursday, November 17, 11

- I believe this to be a wrong definition of what it means to be innovative.

"the creation of better or more effective products, processes, technologies, or ideas that are

accepted by markets, governments, and society."

Thursday, November 17, 11

- "the creation of better or more effective products, processes, technologies, or ideas that are accepted by markets, governments, and society."


Thursday, November 17, 11

- This to me means innovation.

New != Innovation

Better = Innovation

Thursday, November 17, 11

- What's the difference, the simple additions of "better".

Better = ?

Thursday, November 17, 11

- What ultimately makes something better?

Better = Problem Solved + UX

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Solving a problem & the user experience.

UX = Product

Thursday, November 17, 11

- Solving a problem & the user experience.

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