definisi birokrasi

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10/03/2011 Public Administration

Bureaucracy comes from the word "bureau" means a desk or office, and the word "kratia" (cratein) which means the government.Initially, the term was used to refer to a systematic activities are organized or governed by an agency through administrative activities (Ernawan, 1988). In the English concept in general, bureaucracy called the "civil service". It is also often referred to as the public sector, public service or public administration. The definition in the dictionary of the bureaucracy has been a very consistent start. Dictionary of the French academy include the word in 1978 with a sense of power, influence, and the head of government agency staff. Dictionary of German language edition of 1813, defines bureaucracy as an authority or power that various government departments and branches for their own self memeperebutkan over fellow citizens. Dictionary Italian technique published in 1823 defines bureaucracy as power officials in the administration. Bureaucracy by definition suggested by some experts is a control system in an organization that is designed according to the rules of rational and systematic, and aims to coordinate and direct the work activities of individuals in the settlement of administrative tasks large scale (excerpted from Blau & Meyer, 1971; Coser & Rosenberg, 1976; Mouzelis, in Setiwan, 1998). Meanwhile, in the Big Indonesian Dictionary, the bureaucracy is defined as: 1. Government system run by government officials for having adhered to the hierarchy and hierarchy 2. How working or slow-paced work arrangement, and according to regulations (customs, etc.) that many twists and likunya and so on. This revised definition of bureaucracy, red tape which further defined as 1. System of government that is run by paid employees who are not elected by the people, da 2. The way the government was controlled by the employee. Based on these definitions, an employee or employees of the bureaucracy obtained from appointment or appointed (appointed) and not selected (elected).


Baik mari kita mulai dari bukunya Almond dan Powel (1966) yang dikutip oleh Soeprapto (2003). Almond dan Powel menuliskan: The government bureaucracy is a group formally

organized office and duties, linked in complex grading subordinates to the formal role makers.La Palomba memberikan pengertian birokrasi sebagai berikut: the bureaucrats of major

interest to us are generally those accup managerial roles. Who ara is some directive capability either in central agencies or in the field, who are generally described in the language of public administration as middle or top managements.Gimana gan, masih pengen lanjut dengan bahasa Linggis ya? Hehe... mari kita lanjutin dengan pake bahasa Indonesia aja gan. Widjaja (1994) mencomot beberapa definisi atau konsep birokrasi dari para ahli. Misalnya saja Fritz Morstein Marx yang mendifinisikan birokrasi sebagai tipe organisasi yang dipergunakan pemerintah modern untuk pelaksanaan tugas-tugasnya yang sifat spesialisasi dilaksanakan dalam sistem administrasi dan khususnya oleh aparatur pemerintah. Ferrel Headi yang mengutip rumusan Thompson menyatakan bahwa birokrasi disusun sebagai suatu hierarki otorita yang begitu terperinci yang mengatasi pembagian kerja dan juga diperinci. Selanjutnya ada Blau dan Page yang menformulasikan birokrasi sebagai tipe dari organisasi yang dimaksudkan untuk mencapai tugas-tugas administratif yang besar dengan cara mengkoordinasikan secara sistemik pekerjaan banyak orang. Dari formulasi Blau dan Page ini kemudian birokrasi meluas, bukan hanya dilingkungan pemerintah saja dikenalnya, tetapi juga ke organisasi niaga, swasta, juga militer. Fiuh, capek juga ngetiknya gan. Tapi blom afdol klo kita nglewatin pengertian birokrasi menurut Max Weber gan. Karena di Indonesia birokrasi Weberian paling dikenal. Oke dah yuk kita lanjutin belajarnya

Menurut Weber, yang dicomot oleh Widjaja (1994) birokrasi adalah sebagai salah satu sistem otorita yang ditetapkan secara rasional oleh berbagai peraturan. Birokrasi dimaksudkan untuk mengorganisasi secara teratur suatu pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan banyak orang. Kalo yang dicaplok HG Surie (1987:99) weber menyebut bahwa birokrasi adalah suatu atau sejumlah daftar ciri-ciri yang sifat pentingnya yang relatif secara hubungannya satu sama lain telah banyak menimbulkan perdebatan. Ane agak kurang paham juga tentang definisi Birokrasi menurut Weber yang kedua ini gan. Apa Webernya yang lagi ngantuk nulis buku atau penerjemahnya yg kurang paham bahasa Linggis kali ya. Hehehe... Tapi intinya Weber menekankan pada EFISIENSI (maaf ini bukan nama bus ya) Ok gan, segini aja ya. Kalo di catat semua jadi buanyak banget. Blom lagi para ahli dari Indonesia gan. Masih banyak, ntar sedikit ane cantumin di artikel ane berikutnya yang insya Alloh berjudul Pengertian Birokrasi.Sumber:

Understanding Bureaucracy

1. Bureaucracy must be ingested as a sociological phenomenon. And bureaucracy should be seen as the fruit of the process of rationalization. 2. connotation or a negative impression of the bureaucracy is not really reflect the whole bureaucracy in the figure. Bureaucracy is a form of organization, appointed on the basis of technical excellence, where organizations require strict coordination, because it involves so many people with skills highly patterned variety. 3. There are three trends in formulating or defining bureaucracy, namely: a structural approach, behavioral approach (behavioral) approach and achievement of goals. Ideal Type of Bureaucracy Max Weber

1. What has been done by Max Weber is to present the conceptualization of history and general theories in sociology. Among the most prominent is his theory of bureaucracy.

2. Defects are often actually more accurately described as a dysfunction of bureaucracy digested. And furthermore, the bureaucracy itself is a basic requirement of modern civilization. Modern society requires a form of bureaucratic organization. Discussion of bureaucracy resemblance to what is observed by classical organization theory. 3. In discussing the authority. Weber filed 3 consists of ideal types: traditional authority, charismatic and rational legal. Traditional Authority basing itself on the pattern of supervision where legimitasi placed on the loyalty of subordinates to superiors. Being charismatic authority suggests legimitasi based on personal traits incredible. The rational legal authority subordinate compliance is based on formal legality and official jurisdiction. 4. weakness of Weber's theory lies in the reluctance to acknowledge the existence of conflict between the authorities arranged hierarchically and difficult to connect the bureaucratization of the modernization process taking place in developing countries. 5. typology proposed by Weber, further developed by other scholars, such as by Fritz Morztein Marx, Eugene Litwak and Textor and Banks. Characteristics of Bureaucracy

1. According to Dennis H. Wrong key structural characteristics of bureaucracy are: division of labor, hierarchy of authority, rules and regulations are detailed and impersonal relationships among workers. 2. Characteristics of bureaucracy by Max Weber as follows: there is a formal principle and jurisdiction, there is the principle of hierarchy and levels of authority, management based on written documents, there is specialization, there are demands for a full work capacity and the effect of general rules to know management. 3. There istwo views in formulating bureaucracy. First, look at the bureaucracy as a tool or mechanism. Second, look at the bureaucracy as an instrument kekusaan. 4. There is seven important things that need to be considered to develop a bureaucratic organization.

Importance of Bureaucracy

1. theory that old saw bureaucracy as a political instrument. But in the subsequent development, the theory was rejected, stating the importance of the role of bureaucracy in all phases or the public policy process. 2. According to Robert Presthus, expressed the importance of bureaucracy in his role as "delegated legislation", "initiating policy" and "internal drive for power, security and loyalty". 3. In discussing the bureaucracy there are three fundamental questions that must diperhati her, (1) how the bureaucrats selected, (2) whether the role of bureaucracy in decision-making, and (3) how the bureaucrats ruled. In relation to the second question, the first thing to realize is there is a difference

between the actual decision-making process by which formal. In fact bureaucrats are part of the decision-makers. 4. importance of the bureaucracy is very prominent in the developing countries where they have all been given priority which all tannya the implementation of national development. In these countries Weaknesses and Problems in Bureaucracy

1. bureaucratic weaknesses lie in terms of: a. setting efficiency standards that can be implemented in functional b. overly emphasize aspects of rationality, impersonalitas and hierarchy c. bureaucratic tendency to distort the goals of the organization d. enactment of red tape in organizational life 2. weaknesses contained in the bureaucracy does not really mean that the bureaucracy is a form of organization that negative, but as pointed out by K. Merton is more of a "bureaucratic dysfunction" with its main characteristic "trained incapacity". 3. effort-to improve the appearance of red tape bureaucracy theory presented in the form of representation system. The assumption is that the bureaucrats dipergunaksn influenced by the view of the values of the social group to which it belongs. In turn, the administrative activities oriented towards the interests of social groups. Meanwhile, internal controls can not be executed. So with the bureaucratic system of representation is expected to be applied to those under the internal mechanism. The theory of representative bureaucracy system is conceptually very stimulating, but it is impossible to implement. Because the theory is not realistic, it is not clear representation criteria, emotional and neglect the role of education. Sumber:

Understanding Bureaucracy Understanding Bureaucracy Bureaucracy is derived from the bureaucracy (english bureau + cracy ), defined as an organization that has a chain of command with the shape of a pyramid, where more people are below the level of the top level, usually found in the nature of administrative agencies and the military. (Wikipedia)

Here are some definitions of bureaucracy according to the experts:

Jay M Shafritz and E. W Russell (1997) Jay M Shafritz and E. W Russel formulate bureaucracy as:

All Government Offices All offices that carry out public functions are run by the government.

All Government Employees All government employees from the lowest to highest, elected or appointed.

Negative Characteristics Everything indicates negative characteristics such as bureaucratic corruption, rigid, procedural, convoluted and inefficient.

Structural characteristics according to Max Weber Bureaucracy is identical to the structural characteristics suggested by Max Weber, as a pembidangan clear tasks, principles of hierarchy, specialization and formalism

Max Turner and David Hulme (1997) Defining the same as the administration of the state bureaucracy is to look at the unique aspects of the administration of the country such as the relationship with the administration of the state government or the state, the relationship with the law, and the aspect of public accountability.

Brown (1989) Suggests a minimalist definition of bureaucracy, which suggests minimal assumptions about how the bureaucracy is supposed to work and more see the real bureaucracy.

Big Indonesian Dictionary Bureaucracy is defined as:

Government system run by government officials for having adhered to the hierarchy and hierarchy.

How working or slow-paced work arrangement, and according to regulations (customs, etc.) that many twists and likunya and so on. This revised definition of bureaucracy, red tape which further defined as:

System of government that is run by paid employees who are not elected by the people. The way the government was controlled by the employee. Characteristics of Ideal Type Bureaucracy The characteristics of the ideal type of bureaucracy by Max Weber is as follows:

Administrative office of the organized / arranged hierarchically. ( Administratice offices are organized hierarchically ) Each office has its own area of competence ( Each office has its own area of competence ) Civil servants are determined, not selected, based on their qualifications, techniques evidenced by diplomas or exam. ( Civil cervants are appointed, not electe, on the basis of technical Qualifications Diplomas or as determined by examination ) Civil servants receive fixed salaries according to rank or position. ( Civil Servants According to receive fixed salaries rank ) The work is limited to career, or in essence, his job as a civil servant. ( The job is a career and the sole, or at least primary, employment of the civil servant ) Officials did not have his own office. ( The official does not own his or her office ) Officials as subject to control and discipline. ( the official is subject to control and discipline ) Promotion is based on the consideration that exceeds the ability of the average. ( Promotion is based on superiors judgment ) Understanding Appointed and Elected Understanding appointed is an employee or employees of the bureaucracy whose appointment is made by the competent authority, because his career will be determined by the above officials in the hierarchy of the organization while understanding elected officials or employees of the bureaucracy is a way to get through the election as President, Ministers, Governors, Regents and Ward .

Understanding Title Structural and Functional a. Occupation Structural

Structural positions are positions that explicitly exist in the organizational structure. A position of structural graded from the lowest level (Echelon IV / b) to the highest (Echelon I / a). Examples of

structural positions in the civil service centers are: the Secretary-General, the Director-General, Bureau Chief, and expert staff. While examples of structural position in the Rally are: regional secretaries, heads of departments / agencies / offices, chief, chief, section chief, sub-district, district secretary, village heads, village chiefs and secretaries.



Functional positions are technical positions that are not listed in the organizational structure, but from the point of view of its function is indispensable in pelaksansaan basic organizational tasks, for example: auditor (Auditor Functional or JFA), teachers, professors, doctors, nurses, midwives, pharmacists, researchers, planners, computer administration, statisticians, laboratory educational institutions, and motor vehicle examiners.

Source of Reference:

From the Book:

Dra. Sri Yuliani, M.Si, Introduction to Public Administration , Faculty of Social University Eleven March, Surakarta, 2004

Birokrasi adalah alat kekuasaan bagi yang menguasainya, dimana para pejabatnya secara bersama-sama berkepentingan dalam kontinuitasnya. Ditinjau dari sudut etimologi, maka perkataan birokrasi berasal dari kata bureau dan kratia (Yunani), bureau artinya meja atau kantor dan kratia artinya pemerintahan. Jadi birokrasi berarti pelayanan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah dari meja ke meja. Max Weber memandang Birokrasi sebagai suatu istilah kolektif bagi suatu badan yang terdiri atas pejabatpejabat atau sekelompok yang pasti dan jelas pekerjaannya serta pengaruhnya dapat dilihat pada semua macam organisasi. Secara teoritis birokrasi adalah alat kekuasaan untuk menjalankan keputusan-keputusan politik, namun dalam prakteknya birokrasi telah menjadi kekuatan politik yang potensial yang dapat merobohkan kekuasaan. Birokrasi juga merupakan alat politik untuk mengatur dan mewujudkan agenda-agenda politik, sifat kekuasaan aparat birokrasi sebenarnya bukan tanpa kendali tetapi tetap dibatasi oleh perangkat kendali dari luar dan dari dalam. Birokrasi juga dapat dibedakan dengan dua tipe, yaitu tipe birokrasi klasik dan birokrasi perilaku. Dalam pemerintahan, kekuasaan publik dijalankan oleh pejabat pemerintah atau para birokrat yang melaksanakan tugasnya sesuai dengan peranan dan fungsinya dalam sistem birokrasi negara dan harus mampu mengendalikan orang-orang yang dipimpinnya. Birokrasi dalam hal ini mempunyai tiga arti, yaitu : 1. Sebagai tipe organisasi yang khas;

2. 3.

Sebagai suatu sistem; Sebagai suatu tatanan jiwa tertentu dan alat kerja pada organ negara untuk mencapai tujuannya. Fritz Morstein Marx mengatakan (terjemahan) : bahwa tipe organisasi yang dipergunakan pemerintah yang modern untuk pelaksanaan berbagai tugas-tugas yang bersifat spesialis, dilaksanakan dalam sistem administrasi dan khususnya oleh aparatur pemerintah.

Birokrasi juga dimaksudkan untuk mengorganisir secara teratur suatu pekerjaan yang dilakukan banyak orang, birokrasi adalah tipe dari suatu organisasi untuk mencapai tugas-tugas administrasi besar dengan cara mengkoordinasi secara sistematis atau teratur pekerjaan dari banyak orang. Birokrasi sebagai suatu sistem kerja dimaksudkan sebagai sistem kerja yang berdasarkan atas tata hubungan kerja sama antara jabatan-jabatan secara langsung mengenai persoalan yang formil menurut prosedur yang berlaku dan tidak adanya rasa sentimen tanpa emosi atau pilih kasih, tanpa pamrih dan prasangka. Apa yang ingin ditonjolkan disini adalah suatu tata hubungan antara jabatan-jabatan, pejabatpejabat, unit instansi dan departemen pemerintahan. Dalam tata hubungan ini, bagaimana suatu penyampaian gagasan, rencana, perintah, nilai-nilai, perasaan dan tujuan dapat diterima dengan baik oleh pihak lain sebagai penerima dengan cara penyampaiannya harus mudah dan tepat serta berdasarkan hukum. Birokrat dalam melaksanakan tugas dan kewenangannya harus dilandasi persepsi dan kesadaran hukum yang tinggi, adapun ciri-ciri birokrasi, yaitu : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Adanya pelaksanaan prinsip-prinsip organisasi dengan sepenuhnya; Adanya peraturan yang benar-benar ditaati; Para pejabat bekerja dengan penuh perhatian menurut kemampuan masing-masing (sense of

belonging);Para pejabat terikat oleh disiplin; Para pejabat diangkat berdasarkan syarat-syarat teknis berdasarkan peraturan (meryt system); Adanya pemisahan yang tegas antara urusan dinas dan urusan pribadi. In implementing the state bureaucracy, every official in performing his duties has two principles, namely: 1. Principle of Legality This principle means that none of the actions or decisions of officials or bureaucrats are concerned, may be made without the basis of a statutory provision, for those officials or bureaucrats should pay attention to the eight elements of legality, the rule is written, dissemination or use of regulations, not retroactive, understandable rules, not against one another, not demand beyond the capacity of people, do not change often and the fit between the regulation and implementation. 2. Principle Freies Ermessen or discretion

That means officials or bureaucrats should not resist taking a decision on the grounds there are no rules, so it is given the freedom to make decisions according to their own opinion as long as it does not violate the principle of legality. In every thing that is done by the state administrative apparatus, it can be seen what the rights, obligations, responsibilities and the role of the state administrative apparatus. The rights and obligations to be performed by a state administrative officials (bureaucrats) are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mandatory or to obey the laws and regulations in force; Shall make a policy of a thing though there are no regulations that govern it, this is in accordance with the Freies ermessen ; Must be in accordance with the order of the division of tasks; Obliged to implement the principles of the organization; Shall implement the General Principles of Good Governance (AAUPB). Bureaucracy should work to serve and pro-progress to serve the ruler of the partisanship in politics and power. Society has so far argued that the bureaucracy (public administration) with the government, but they are different and can not be equated.Bureaucracy is a necessary tool of the state has its own rules and is supported by its own laws, therefore the correlation between the bureaucracy and the executive should be arranged in such a way that the bureaucracy becomes really work as civil servants and not as a man of power. Administration of the state as an organ of the state bureaucracy are the tools of the state run state duties, including duties of government. This thinking assumes that the government is not always the same as the state and therefore the state apparatus is not always the government. Bureaucracy also plays an important role in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of public policies, including the evaluation of its performance. B irokrasi the government as a public service providers often or always complain because the lack of efficient and effective . To encourage the formation of a government that is clean and respectable then all government officials (bureaucrats) must implement good governance ( good

governance ). Indonesia bureaucratic power can actually be a tremendous engine of an able be utilized toadvance the welfare of the people.


Understanding Types of Bureaucracy and the State Bureaucracy AUTORE SETA BASRI8 COMMENTS INTRODUCTORY POLITICAL SCIENCE Share: digg Bureaucracy is an important entity of a country. What is a bureaucracy? Etymologically, the bureaucracy comes from the Bureau (table) and Kratein (government), which when synthesized means government

Desk. Certainly a bit 'funny' sense like this, but it is so because of the bureaucratic nature of these institutions are rigid controlled by the people behind the counter. Why is that? In the institutional approach (institutional), particularly in the scheme, stated 'traffic' of the state administration executives 'down' to the Policy Administration, and the Administration and the latter to the voters. That is, any policy of any state policy that held the executive translated into administration policy, in which the implementation of the administration is carried out by the bureaucracy. We may be familiar with agencies such as the Department, Regional Office, Village Office, Office Samsat, where the offices are all agencies of the state bureaucracy that implements the state policy and is directly related to the community. Indonesia Images Michael G. Roskin, et al., Called the notion of bureaucracy. For them the bureaucracy is "any large-scale organization comprised of appointed officials, where the main function is to carry out (to implement) policies that have been taken by the decision makers (decision makers). Ideally, bureaucracy is a system rational or organized structure is designed in such a way as to allow for the implementation of public policies that effectively and efficiently. Bureaucracy is also operated by a set of rules and procedures that are fixed. There is a chain of command in the form of hierarchy of authority in which the responsibilities of each of its parts 'flow' from 'top' to 'down.' In addition, the bureaucracy is also referred to as the body which organizes Civil Service (public service). Bureaucracy made up of people who are appointed by the executive, and their position is 'come and go.' That is, those sitting in the bureaucracy sometimes removed or retained based on their work performance. An employee will normally lazy bureaucracy reprimanded by superiors, that if the warning is ignored, it will most likely be dismissed from his position. However, if an employee shows a satisfactory work performance, it is likely he will get promoted to a higher position (of course with the salaries and greater authority anyway). Characteristics of Bureaucracy Generally referred to bureaucratic characteristics are presented by Max Weber. According to Weber, there are at least eight characteristics of bureaucracy, namely: 1. Arranged in a hierarchical organization 2. Each section has a specific work area. 3. Public service (civil sevants) consists of people who are appointed, not elected, in which the appointment was based on the qualifications skills, education, or testing (examination). 4. A public servant receives a base salary based on position.

5. Works well as a career. 6. The officials / workers do not have their own offices. 7. Every worker must be controlled and disciplined. 8. Promotions are based on penilaiaj boss (superior's Judgments). Considered politically, the characteristics of bureaucracy according to Weber just mention the things ideal. That is, sometimes the pattern of employment in the bureaucracy that should be based on education or exam results, often not implemented. This is due to the ongoing recruitment patterns based on the interests of the government. Types of State Bureaucracy To see the types of state bureaucracy, can presumably be utilized separation ideal type of bureaucracy by typhus United States. Ideal typhus are then we komparasikan with what is in Indonesia. In the United States, there are 4 types of bureaucracy, namely: (1) The Cabinet Departments (ministries in the cabinet), (2) Federal Agencies (federal agencies), (3) federal Corporation (owned federal corporations federal) and (4) Independent Regulatory Agencies independent regulation agencies). Departments in the cabinet consists of several multiple bureaucratic institutions distinguished by their duties. There is a department of labor, department of defense, or education. The main task of these departments are implementing the general policy outlined by the executive and judiciary. Federal agencies is an arm of the presidency. It is formed based on the selection of the president being ruled, and therefore it is more political than purely administrative. NASA organization there is one example of federal agencies. An example of the bureaucracy was also positioned by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation). In Indonesia, agencies such as the National Atomic Energy Agency (Batan), the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (Lapan). Corporations are federal bureaucracy that combines its position as a government agency as well as a business institution. In Indonesia, most examples are endekati SOE (State Owned Enterprises). Although the state (executive) sometimes still are the most decisive in the appointment of officers, but in general ----- ----- business as an institution it has the authority to determine the types of capital and also decide whether the company will make the division or organization otherwise, downsizing. In Indonesia, an example of state-owned corporations such as the Company's Railway Bureau (PJKA), Garuda Indonesia Airways (GIA), the State Electricity Company (PNL) or Bank Mandiri. Independent setting agents, as the latter type of bureaucracy, red tape merupkan established based on the need to organize the economic regulation of the business world, where the organization is directly

related to the welfare of society. In Indonesia has now formed Restructuring Agency (IBRA), which serves to make restructuring businesses homeland in the past considered many countries financial harm, and further, the welfare of the people of Indonesia due to, say, 'bad loans' them. In addition, as an example we can mention the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK), the General Election Commission (KPU), the Business Competition Supervisory Commission (KPPU), the Indonesian Broadcasting Commission (KPI), and the like. Role of Government Bureaucracy in Modern Michael G. Roskin, et al. meneyebutkan that there are at least 4 functions of a government bureaucracy in modern dealam. Fungs These functions are: 1. Administration

Modern administrative functions including administration, services, settings, permissions, and collecting information. With administrative functions meant that the function of a bureaucracy is to implement legislation that has been drafted by the legislature as well as the interpretation of the law by the executive. Thus, the administration means the implementation of the general policy of a country, where public policy itself has been designed in such a way as to achieve the goals of the entire country. 2. Service

Sessungguhnya bureaucracy geared to serve the community or special interest groups.Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMG) in Indonesia is a good example of this, where the agency is intended to serve the interests of the people who will be traveling or evacuate themselves from possible natural disasters. To a certain extent, some corporations or countries like PJKA POS and Telecommunications Bureau also perform the function of this public service. 3. Settings (regulation)

Regulatory function of a government is usually designed to safeguard the welfare of society. In performing this function, the agency bureaucracy anatara usually faced two choices: individual interests versus the interests of the community at large. Agency state bureaucracy usually faced with two options. 4. Spooler (Information Gathering)

Information required by the two principal objectives: Is a policy of having a number of violations or the need to make new policies to be drawn up by the government based on the factual situation. Bureaucratic bodies, therefore spearhead the implementation of the policy would provide data with respect to these two things. For example, improper collection of money (extortion) when people make a driver's license or vehicle registration must have swollen. Illegal is a violation of the ideals of the state administration, and therefore must be dealt with. With the discovery of evidence of extortion, the government will create a new procedure for the manufacturing license and registration so as not to give room for the chance to do extortion. Besides Roskin,, Andrew Heywood also expressed a number of functions inherent in bureaucracy. For Heywood, a function of bureaucracy is: 1.Pelaksanaan Administration.

This function is similar to that expressed Roskin,, that the primary function of bureaucracy is to implement or execute the laws and policies of the state. In connection with this function, Heywood distinguishes two roles in the government. First, the role of policy-making in which this role is in the hands of politicians. Second, the role of policies in which this role is in the hands of bureaucrats. Therefore, often called that a regime called the "administration." For example, the administration of Gus Dur, Sukarno administration, SBY administration, or the administration of Barack Obama. This is due to the fact, the new policy will "feel" if it has been implemented. Administrative functions, therefore, is a central function of the state bureaucracy. 2.Nasehat Policy (Policy Advice)

Bureaucracy occupies a central role in providing policy advice to the government. This is due to the bureaucracy is forefront in the implementation of a policy, they are executing.Therefore, the problem in an information policy is automatically collected in bureaucracies. Heywood bureaucrats distinguish three categories: (1) a top-level civil servants, (2) middle-ranking civil servants, and (3) junior-ranking civil servants. Top Level Civil Servant much contact with politicians, while the middle and junior civil servants over the routine jobs in the "field." Top Level Civil Servants can act as a policy advisor for politicians, in which the information gained from the implementation of their policies and the middle junior civil servants. 3.Artikulasi interests

Although not its primary function to articulate interests (this is a function of political parties), but the bureaucracy often support the articulation and aggregation of interests.In follow their daily contact with a lot of bureaucratic interest groups in a country. It evokes tendencies "corporatist" in which there is

ambiguity between the interests of well-organized government offices (the bureaucracy). Interest groups such as associations doctors, teachers, farmers, and business went on to become "the client" served by the state bureaucracy. In one "clientelism" is positive in the sense of the bureaucracy in near being able to articulate the interests of the groups that in fact is the "people" who have served. However, on the other hand "clientelism" is a negative effect, especially when dealing with the bureaucracy of big business interests like Bakri Group (remember the Lapindo case), printing groups in the case of National Examination in Indonesia, in which the government's decision "biased" interests the groups. 4.Stabilitas Politics

Bureaucratic politics acts as stabilizer in the sense that the focus of their work is the stability and continuity of the political system. This role is mainly noticeable in developing countries in which the institutionalization of democratic politics are still unreliable. (Sb)

-------------------------------------- References 1. Michael G. Roskin, et al., Political Science: An Introduction, Chapter 16 2. B. Guy Peters and Vincent Wright, "Public Policy and Administration, Old and New, in Robert E. Goodin and Hans-Dieter Klingemann, A New Handbook of Political Science, Part VII, Chapter 27 3. Andrew Heywood, Politics, Second Edition, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2002) Sumber;


CONCEPT OF BUREAUCRACY Bureaucracy is an important instrument in modern society whose presence can not be inevitable. The existence of this bureaucracy as a logical consequence of the primary duty of states (governments) to provide social welfare ( social welfare ). State sued involved in producing the goods and services needed by the people ( public goods and services ), either directly or indirectly. Even in certain circumstances the state to decide what is best for its people. For that mernbangun state administration system that aims to serve the interests of the people who called the bureaucracy. Bureaucracy for some people interpreted as a procedure complicated, difficult and annoying. But for most others bureaucracy understood from a positive perspective that is an attempt to regulate and

control the behavior of the public to be more orderly.Order in question is the order in terms of managing various resources that distribute these resources to every member of society is justice. Different opinions on the above can be understood from the perspective of each. For those who believe posisif the bureaucratic red tape that is a necessity for him. But for those who think negative then became one of the bureaucratic obstacles to achieve goals that the existence of bureaucracy should be eliminated. , and bureaucracy itself is a working system that applies in an organization (public or private), which regulates the inside or out. For many people, the concept of bureaucracy attached to the seal ineffective, slow, clumsy, and even annoying. Such seals on one side to see some truth in the facts on the ground. However, others are true stereotypes still debatable validity. The concept of bureaucracy were examined follow two quite influential theorists in this field. First is the concept of bureaucracy posed by Max Weber. Second is the concept of bureaucracy offered by Marin Albrow. Max Weber on Bureaucracy Before entering the Weber view about bureaucracy, it is better in terms of bureaucracy etymology is derived from the word bureau.The word comes from the French bureau who then introduced Germany. So the meaning of the word bureau desk or sometimes extended into the office. Therefore, the rule of bureaucracy is controlled by a desk or office. In perkembangnnya, bureaucracy is not just a tool or at least not the kind of power felksibel such as democracy, aristocracy, or oligarchy. On the cusp of a bureaucratic power are the type of power that is less bureaucratic as parliament or the executive. It delivered Max Weber himself never definitively mentions the meaning of bureaucracy. Weber called this concept just last menganilisis what characteristics should be attached to the bureaucracy. Symptoms were assessed Weber bureaucracy real-patrimonial bureaucracy. BureaucraticPatrimonial was held in the Weber was still alive, the bureaucracy which was developed in the Prussian Hohenzollern dynasty. Bureaucracy is considered by Weber irrational. Many appointments are referring to the political-will-led dynasty. As a result, many state jobs are mismanaged or do not achieve maximum results. On the basis of ketidakrasional it, Weber then develop what it should (ideally typhus) inherent in a bureaucracy. Weber's famous conception of ideal types (ideal typhus) for a legal authority can be held as follows: 1. The duties of officers organized on the basis of continuous rule. 2. The tasks are divided into different areas according to their functions, each of which is equipped with requisite authority and sanctions. 3. Positions arranged in a hierarchical manner, which is accompanied by details of the control rights and complaint (complaint). 4. The rules are in accordance with the work directed both technically and legally. In both cases, people are trained to be necessary. 5. as members of different resource orgaisasi members as private individuals.

6. Incumbent is not the same as his position. 7. Administration is based on written documents and this tends to make the office (bureau) as USAT modern organization. 8. Legal authority systems can take many forms, but viewed its original form, the system remains in a bureaucratic administrative staff. For Weber, if all the above eight properties attached to suah bureaucracy, the bureaucracy can be said to have the character of legal-rational. Furthermore, Weber went to the side of the workers (staff) on legal-rational organization. For weber, staff position in a legal-rational organization are as follows: 1. The staff members are pribadii be free, in the sense that only perform duties in accordance with their positions impersonal. 2. There is a clear hierarchy of positions. 3. Office functions are explicitly defined. 4. Officials appointed under a contract. 5. The officials chosen by kelaifikasi professional, ideally based on a diploma (diploma) obtained through examinations or school. 6. The officials are paid and usually also dilengakapi pension rights. Salaries are tiered according to position in the hierarchy.Officials can always occupy his post, and in certain circumstances, officers may also be dismissed. 7. Post office is the principal employment for officials. 8. A career structure and promotion on the basis of seniority dimunkinkan and expertise (skills) as well as the opinion of the superiority (superior). 9. Officials so may not fit with the post office as well as the resources available at the post. 10. Officials subject to discipline and control system of uniform. Weber also said the bureaucracy was the system of power in which the leader (super-ordinate) mempratekkan control over the subordinate (sub-ordinate). Bureaucratic system of emphasis on discipline. Therefore, weber also include bureaucracy as a legal-rational system. Legal means are subject to the rules of writing and may be listened to by anyone else. Rational meaning can be understood, studied, and clear explanations and causal. Especially Weber noticed the phenomenon of super-ordinate control over sub-ordinate. This control, if not limiting, resulting in the accumulation of absolute power in the hands of the super-ordinate. As a result, the organization is no longer running as desired rationally but mere leader. For Weber, pembatasa necessary for any power in the bureaucracy, which includes the following points:

1. Collegiality. Collegiality is a principle involving others in making a decision. Webe admit that in the bureaucracy, the boss took one decision alone. However, the principle of collegiality can be applied in order to prevent the corruption of power. 2. Separation of Powers. Separation of powers means sharing responsibility for the same functions between two or more entities.For example, to agree on the state budget, agencies need a joint decision between the Parliament and the President. Separation of powers according to Weber is not stable but may limit the accumulation of power. 3. Amateur Administration. Amateur Administration needed but the government can not afford to pay people to work on bureaucratic tasks can be recruited citizens to the task. For example, if the Election Commission (state bureaucracy Indonesaia) hassles counting letters for each polling station. Mothers are given the opportunity to calculate household and honor. Of course, there is the accompanying Commission officials during the task. 4. Direct Democracy. Direct democracy is useful in making people accountable to a tribunal. For example, the Governor of Bank Indonesia, although it is a prerogative of the President to lift, must first be-fit-and-proper test by the House. This allows the central bank governor appointed feels responsible to the people as a whole. 5. Representation. Representation is based understanding an appointed official representing his constituents. In the performance of the bureaucracy, political parties can be relied upon to monitor the performance of officials and staff of the bureaucracy. This is due to the indirect sense that the members of the House of Representatives of the political parties representing their constituents. Until now, the notion of bureaucracy is strongly influenced by the views of Max Weber on top. With modifications and rejections here and there on pandanagan Weber brokrasi analysis they do. Bureaucracy Concept Martin Albrow Martin Albrow is a sociologist from the UK. He has written about the view of experts around the concept brokrasi Weberr. Finally, he himself proposed some conception about bureaucracy. Albrow divided into seven perspectives of bureaucracy. Seventh perspective is used as a blade analysis to analyze the phenomenon of bureaucracy that many dipratekkan in the modern era. Seventh Albrow bureaucratic conception are: 1. Bureaucracy as the rational organization Bureaucracy as the most rational organization menhikut on understanding Max Weber. However, the rationale here should not be understood as anything measurable and clear. Social studies never produced anything definite by hypothesis raised. Bureaucracy can be considered as organizations of which maximizes efficiency in administration. Technically, the bureaucracy also refers to the model of organization with the primary goal to maintain the stability and efficiency in organizations large and complex.Bureaucracy also refers to the rational arrangement of activities geared towards the achievement of organizational objectives. The difference with Weber is if weber proclaimed as organnisasi rational bureaucracy. While Albrow mean bureaucracy as an organization in which people apply the criteria of rationality to their actions.

2. Bureaucracy as Infesiensi Organizations Bureaucracy is the antithesis of (resistance) of the power of administrative and managerial creativity. Bureaucracy is also expressed as a manifestation of institutional arrangement that tends toward inflexibility and depersonalization. In addition, the bureaucracy also refers to the imperfections in the structure and function within large organizations. Bureaucracy too believe precedence (rule made earlier), lack of initiative, continues to be a delay (slow in many affairs), the proliferation of forms (too much formality), duplication of effort and departementalisme. Bureaucracy is also an organization that can not correct their behavior by learning from kesalahnnya. The rules in the bureaucracy tends to be used for the benefit of its members themselves. 3. Bureaucracy as a power run by officials. Bureaucracy is the exercise of power by a professional administrator. Or, is the government bureaucracy by officials. In this sense, the officer has the power to set up and do something. Also, seringakali said bureaucracy is the power of the elite officials. 4. As the administration of the state bureaucracy (public) Bureaucracy is a component of the political system, either civil or public administration. It includes all government employees.Bureaucracy is a system of administration, which is a structure that allocates goods and services within a government. Through the bureaucracy, state policies are implemented. 5. Bureaucracy as administration officials executed Bureaucracy is considered as a structure (body). In that structure, the administrative staff who run the daily authority becomes an important part. Staff was made up of people who are appointed. They are referred bureaucracies. Functions of the people referred to as the administration. 6. Bureaucracy as a organsasi Bureaucracy is a form of organization of large-scale, formal, and modern. An organization can be called a bureaucracy if not follow the characteristics previously mentioned. 7. Bureaucracy as a Modern Society Bureaucracy as modern society refers to a condition in which people are subject to the rules organized by the bureaucracy. To that end, does not differentiate between large corporate bureaucracy swasa or state bureaucracy. During the public subject to the rules that exist in the two types of bureaucracy, it is said that modern society said. Bureaucracy Concept Relations with Public Administration Bureaucracy comes from the Administration. Used in Public Administration so that means more populist in the community. In a bureaucracy, there are 2 types of the Executive to function as a public servant, namely: 1. Executive Politics (Political Officer), which consists of the president, members of parliament, the Assembly and Parliament.

2. Administration Executive (Acting Career), which consists of the Secretary, Echelon I, II, III, IV, and Echelon. Acting career itself consists of: - Functional Officer. Officials functional one in which a bureaucrat climbing the career by continually honing his craft, as Lecturer. - Officials structural. Officials are achieved by structural forces through mechanisms selections berprestasilah leadership and to lead. Basically, public administration that wants out that the administration should not have to live the independent value and attention to and addressing social problems that reflect the values that developed in the community. Frederickson (1971), one pioneer of this movement more firmly states that public administration should incorporate aspects of equity and social justice in the concept of the administration. He even asserted that the administration can not be neutral. By doing so, the public administration must change the mindset that has inhibited social justice. The presence of the new ideas that portray the birth of a new paradigm in science administration. The concept of bureaucracy actually trying to apply the principles of organization that are intended to improve the efficiency of the administration, despite the outrageous bureaucracy often would lead to no good effect. Mouzelis added that the bureaucracy there is a rational rules, organizational structures and processes based on technical knowledge and the highest efficiency. In addition to the meaning given that quite positive, bureaucracy is often interpreted negatively. In this negative perspective bureaucracy interpreted as as a convoluted process, a long time, be expensive and lead to complaints that ultimately there is the assumption that the bureaucracy is inefficient and even unfair. Public administration is not simply an instrument of state bureaucracy, its function is more than that as an instrument of collective public administration as a means of public governance menyelegggarakan common interest in collective networks to achieve public goals that have disekepakati. This marks a shift in public administration has entered the more public role subsantif. And with the influence of Managerialism in public administration in the UK and other countries, and then also in the United States appeared new thinking to the concept of New Public Management. This concept focuses on the separation of bureaucracy on smaller units, the competition between the government and the private sector in the provision of public services and changes in motivation and just public services as given in private business. LIST OF REFERENCES Albrow, Matin. , 2004. Bureaucracy . Yogyakarta; Tiara Discourse Frederickson, H. George. , 1971. Toward a New Public Administration, the Frank E. Marini, Toward a New Public Administration: The Minnowbrook Perspective . Novato: Chandler Publishing Company Sumber:

What is a bureaucracy? The first should be given an explanation for the existence of a common misconception that the definition of bureaucracy is given to such things if one wants to get specific information sent from one official to another official, without getting the desired information. Similarly, the forms must fill in six pages or more. So bureaucratic bottlenecks associated with the administration or lack of efficiency. Yet understanding the bureaucracy that is not it. Bureaucracy is intended to organize a regular work to be done by many people. Bureaucracy is a type of an organization that is intended to accomplish administrative tasks by coordinating the systematic (regular) work of many people. In a different formulation argued that bureaucracy is the type of organization that used modern government for the implementation of the various tasks that are specialized, implemented in systems administration and particularly by government officials (Tjokroamidjoyo, Bintoro, 1988). 1. Bureaucracy According to some experts: 1.1 Max Weber Basically, Max Weber has never been definitively mentions the meaning of Bureaucracy. Weber calls this concept and just analyze what characteristics should be attached to the bureaucracy. Symptoms were assessed Weber bureaucracy real-patrimonial bureaucracy. Bureaucratic-Patrimonial took place in the lifetime of Weber, the bureaucracy which was developed in the Prussian Hohenzollern dynasty.

Bureaucracy is considered by Weber as irrational. Many appointments are referring to the politicalwill -led dynasty. As a result, many state jobs "mismanagement" or do not achieve maximum results. On the basis of "ketidakrasional" it, Weber then develop what it should (ideally typhus) inherent in a bureaucracy. Weber's famous conception of ideal types (ideal typhus) for a legal authority can be held as follows: a. official duties organized on the basis of continuous rule;

b. tasks are divided into different areas according to their functions, each of which is equipped with the requisite authority and sanctions; c. Occupation-positions arranged in a hierarchical manner, which is accompanied by details of the control rights and grievance (complaint); d. rules in accordance with the work directed both technically and legally. In both cases, people are trained to be necessary; e. f. A different organizations as a resource to members as private individuals; holder of this office is not the same office;

g. administration based on written documents and this tends to make the office (bureau) as a center of modern organization, and

h. authority of legal systems can take many forms, but seen in its original form, the system remains in a bureaucratic administrative staff. For Weber, if the above eight properties attached to a bureaucracy, the bureaucracy can be said to have the character of legal-rational.

Furthermore, Weber went to the side of the workers (staff) on legal-rational organization. For Weber, the position of staff in an organization's legal-rational is as follows: a. The staff members are personally free, in the sense of just running impersonal tasks according to their position; b. c. d. girarki There is a clear position; positions functions defined explicitly; officials appointed under a contract;

e. officials selected based on professional qualification, ideally based on a diploma (diploma) obtained through examinations; f. officials are paid and usually also include pension rights. Salaries are tiered according to position in the hierarchy. Officials can always occupy his post, and in certain circumstances, officers can also be dismissed; g. Postal employment positions is essential for officials;

h. A structure nd career promotion possible on the basis of seniority and expertise (merit) and the opinion of the superiority (superior); i. officials very likely incompatible with the post office as well as the resources available in the post terbut, and; j. officials subject to discipline and control system of uniform

Weber also said that bureaucratic power system, in which the leader (superordinate) to practice control over subordinates (subordinate). system bureaucratic emphasis on "discipline." Therefore, Weber also include bureaucracy as a legal-rational system. Legal and therefore subject to the rules of writing and may be listened to by anyone else. Rational meaning can be understood, studied, and clear explanations of cause and effect. In particular, Weber noticed the phenomenon of superordinate control over subordinate. This control, if not limiting, resulting in the accumulation of absolute power in the hands of subordination. As a result, the organization is no longer running as desired rationally but mere leader. For Weber, there should be any restrictions on the powers that be in the bureaucracy, which includes the following points:



Collegiality is a principle involving others in making a decision. Weber admits that in the bureaucracy, the boss took one decision alone. However, the principle of collegiality can be applied in order to prevent the corruption of power. b. Separation of Powers.

Separation of powers means sharing responsibility for the same functions between two or more entities. For example, to agree on the state budget, agencies need a joint decision between the Parliament and the President. Separation of powers, according to Weber, is not stable but may limit the accumulation of power. c. Administration Amateur.

Amateur Administration required when the government can not pay people to do the work the bureaucracy, citizens can be recruited to carry out the task. For example, when the Election Commission (state bureaucracy Indonesia) "hassles" count ballots for each polling station, the mothers were given the opportunity to calculate household and honor. Of course, there is the accompanying Commission officials during the task. d. Democracy Live. Direct democracy is useful in making people accountable to a tribunal. For example, the Governor of Bank Indonesia, although it is a prerogative of the President to lift it, must first be-fit-and-proper test by the House. This allows the central bank governor appointed feels responsible to the people as a whole. e. Representation.

Representation is based understanding an appointed official representing his constituents. In the performance of the bureaucracy, political parties can be relied upon to monitor the performance of officials and staff of the bureaucracy. This is due to the indirect sense that the members of the House of Representatives of the political parties representing their constituents. Until now, the notion of bureaucracy is strongly influenced by the views of Max Weber on top. With modifications and rejections here and there over Weber's view, the analysis of bureaucracy they do.

1.2 Martin Albrow Martin Albrow is a sociologist from the UK. He has written about the view of experts about Weber's concept of bureaucracy. Finally, he himself proposed some conception about bureaucracy. Albrow split seven perspectives of bureaucracy. Seventh perspective is used as a blade analysis to analyze the phenomenon of bureaucracy that is widely practiced in the modern era.

Seventh Albrow bureaucratic conception are: a. bureaucracy as the rational organization

Bureaucracy as the most rational organization follow Weber understanding. However, the rationale here should not be understood as anything measurable and clear. Social Studies tidap never produced anything definite by hypothesis raised. Bureaucracy can be said as an organization that maximizes efficiency in administration. Technically, the bureaucracy also refers to the mode of organization with the main objective to maintain the stability and efficiency in organizations large and complex. Bureaucracy also refers to the rational arrangement of activities geared towards the achievement of organizational objectives. The difference with Weber is, if the bureaucracy as Weber proclaimed "rational organization", Albrow intended bureaucracy as "an organization in which people apply the criteria of rationality to their actions." b. Bureaucracy as inefficiency Organizations

Bureaucracy is the antithesis of (resistance) of the administrative and kretivitas manajerianl vitality. Bureaucracy is also expressed as a manifestation of institutional arrangement that tends toward inflexibility and depersonalization. In addition, the bureaucracy also refers to the imperfections in the structure and function within large organizations. Bureaucracy too believe precedence (rule made earlier), lack of initiative, delay (slow in various affairs), the proliferation of forms (too much formality), duplication of effort, and departementalisme. Bureaucracy is also an organization that can not correct their behavior by learning from his mistakes. The rules in the bureaucracy tends to be used for the benefit of its members themselves. c. Bureaucracy as a power run by officials.

Bureaucracy is the exercise of power by a professional administrator. Or, is the government bureaucracy by officials. In this sense, the officer has the power to set up and do something. Also, it is often said to be the power of the bureaucracy is the elite officials. d. bureaucracy as an administrative state (public)

Bureaucracy is a component of the political system, either civil or public administration. It includes all government employees. Bureaucracy is a system of administration, which is a structure that allocates goods and services within a government. Through the bureaucracy, state policies are implemented. e. bureaucracy run as administration officials.

Bureaucracy is considered as a structure (body). In that structure, the administrative staff who run the daily authority becomes an important part. Staff was made up of people who are appointed. They are referred to birokrasai-bureaucracy. Functions of the people referred to as the administration. f. bureaucracy as an organization

Bureaucracy is a form of organization of large-scale, formal, and modern. An organization called bureaucratic or may not follow the characteristics that have been called g. Bureaucracy as modern society

Bureaucracy as modern society, refers to a condition in which people are subject to the rules organized by the bureaucracy. For that, do not distinguish between the bureaucracy of large private companies or the state bureaucracy. During the public subject to the rules that exist in the two types of bureaucracy, it is said that modern society said.

2. Bureaucratic Reform Bureaucracy can lead to empowerment of the community, and give priority to service to the community without discrimination. Bureaucracy can thus be achieved if established a system in which there is a mechanism for efficient and effective bureaucracy by keeping konstiruktif synergy between government, private sector and communities.

The position, authority and role of bureaucracy is still very strong, both in the mobilization of resources for development, planning, and implementation of governance and development are still impressed centralized. In addition, the sensitivity of Bureaucracy to anticipate the demands of the development community about the economic, social and political bureaucracy lacking so that the position should be as public servants tend to be top-down vertical rather than horizontal partisipative .

Bureaucracy is happening in Indonesia is still not efficient, among others, characterized by an overlap of activities between institutions, structures, norms, values, and regulation is still oriented towards power, bureaucratic culture which still is "served" rather than "serve ", and also many important positions in our bureaucratic institutions that are not filled by people who are competent. In fact, the bureaucracy in a country is an important institution in the country which is a tool to serve the community. Therefore, a change in the bureaucracy we have implemented, or commonly known as bureaucratic reform.

Such reform is one way to build the trust of the people. Understanding yourself is bureaucratic reform, an effort essential change in a system whose purpose is to change the structure, behavior, and the presence or long habit. Bureaucratic reform its scope is not limited to processes and procedures, but also linked changes in the level and structure of attitudes and behavior. It deals with issues that intersect with formal authority or power (the power).

According to Prof. Eko Prasojo, professor of public administration as well as experts from the Faculty of Social UI, for the realization of bureaucratic reform, it is necessary bureaucratic reform strategies, namely: 1. Policy level , have created policies that encourage compliance oriented bureaucracy civil rights citizens (legal certainty, deadlines, procedures, participation, complaint, lawsuit).

2. organizational level , through competency-based recruitment process improvement, education and training that is sensitive to the interests of society, the creation of Individual Performance Standards, Performance Standards Performance Standards Team and Government Agencies. 3. operational level , made improvements through increased service quality dimensions include tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy . 4. government agencies periodically conduct customer satisfaction measurement and doing repairs.

In addition to requiring strategies, as well dipelukan stages bureaucratic reform, the improvement of public services in order to earn back the trust of the people, public service-oriented community empowerment, and improving the welfare of employees.

Bureaucratic reform became an urgent effort considering the vast implications for society and the state. Obviously, serious efforts need to be reform bureaucracy to be smooth and continuous. A few points here are the steps to be taken towards reforming the bureaucracy. 1.1. internal step a. Align orientation

Bureaucratic reform should be oriented towards democratization and not on power. Bureaucratic changes should lead to a mandate of the people because of bureaucratic reform should lead to community service. b. Strengthen commitment

Determination bureaucrats to change must be grown. This prerequisite is important, because without a strong commitment from the bureaucrats to change the bureaucratic reform will face many obstacles. To strengthen the resolve of change among bureaucrats need no stimulus, such as welfare, but at the same time not give forgiveness to those who make mistakes or do not work properly. c. Establishing a new culture

Bureaucratic culture we are so bad, negative connotations such as mechanisms and procedures convoluted and abuse of state needs to be changed. Instead, to reform the culture and ethics of bureaucracy with the concept of transparency, to serve openly, and clear code of ethics. d. Rationalization

Institutional structures tend to be obese bureaucracy and inefficient. Institutional rationalization and personnel to be important so that the bureaucracy becomes lean and agile in solving problems and in adapting to the changes that occur in the community, including the advancement of information technology. e. Strengthening legal protection

Bureaucratic reform efforts need to be based with the rule of law is clear. Clear legal rules could be in the running corridor changes. f. Improving the quality of Human Resources

All efforts to reform the bureaucracy will not provide optimal results without qualified human resources and professional. Therefore to get a human resources (HR) required adequate staffing arrangements and recruitment system, payroll system, the training, and welfare.

1.2. Steps external a. commitment and exemplary political elite

Bureaucratic reform is a big job because it involves the system of the countries that experienced a bad tradition for a long period. To break the old traditions and create a new order and tradition, need strong leadership and exemplary. Strong leadership means the presence pemimpinpemimpin bold and decisive in making decisions. While the example is the courage to set an example to subordinates and the public.


Surveillance society

Bureaucratic reform will have a direct impact on the community, because peranbirokrasi the main thing is to provide services to the community. At this level people can be engaged to supervise the performance of the bureaucracy.



Understanding Bureaucracy and Government Reforms in a

In the process of the life of society, nation and state we often medengar term "bureaucracy", especially in discussing the matter and the state government. There are several definitions of the meaning of the word bureaucracy, including: 1. According Tjokroamidjoyo bureaucracy is the type of organization that used modern government for the implementation of the various tasks that are specialized, implemented in systems administration and particularly by government officials. 2. According to Max Weber also said that bureaucratic power system, in which the leader (superordinate) to practice control over subordinates (subordinate). system bureaucratic emphasis on "discipline." Therefore, Weber also include bureaucracy as a legal-rational system. Legal and therefore subject to the rules of writing and may be listened to by anyone else. Rational meaning can be understood, studied, and clear explanations of cause and effect.

According to the liberal theory that government bureaucracy is running the government policies that have direct access to the people through the electoral mandate obtained. Accordingly, the government bureaucracy is not only dominated by bureaucrats alone, but there are certain parts occupied by officials politics (Carino, 1994). vice versa that the government bureaucracy is not only owned by political leaders alone but there is also the head of a professional career bureaucracy.

During the New Order until the eve of the transition period in 1998, the condition of the bureaucracy in Indonesia sick bureaumania like tendencies inefficiency, abuse of authority, corruption, collusion and nepotism. Bureaucracy as a tool to co-opt the status quo (in collaboration) community to maintain and expand power. New Order bureaucracy used structurally to support the political party winning government. And bureaucracy is needed as an actor public services are neutral and fair, in some cases become an obstacle to development and other issues of justice and democracy, leading to discrimination and abuse of facilities, programs and state funds.

That Indonesia is not the fall that Indonesia needs to reform the bureaucracy as a whole. Reforms that actually should be seen within the framework of an extensive theoretical and empirical, includes the strengthening of civil society ( civil society ), the rule of law, economic development strategies and political development are interlinked and affect. According to Prof. Prijono, "The main purpose of bureaucratic reform that produces public service that is responsive, impartial and professional aimed at reducing the low confidence in the government's role in meeting and serving the public interest". Thus, reform is also an integral part in the effort to consolidate our democracy today. Reform is a step-by-step improvement of the process of political decay, including the poor performance of the bureaucracy.

Due to the state bureaucracy in Indonesia's chaotic post-New Order, it is necessary to reform the bureaucracy at every bureaucratic institution in Indonesia. Therefore, we as people and citizens need to know what that reform of the bureaucracy, but it also so that people can know how effective bureaucratic reforms already underway in Indonesia bureaucratic institutions to date. Such reform is one way to build the trust of the people. Understanding yourself is bureaucratic reform, an effort essential change in a system whose purpose is to change the structure, behavior, and the presence or long habit. Bureaucratic reform its scope is not limited to processes and procedures, but also linked changes in the level and structure of attitudes and behavior. It deals with issues that intersect with formal authority or power (the power).


Interest Reforms

Bureaucratic reform aims to provide the best possible service to the community, by improving the quality of human resources, so as to provide prosperity and a sense of justice in society. On the other hand the bureaucracy is loaded with many tasks and functions, because it is not only just focus on

service delivery, but also the duty and function as a motor of development and empowerment activities. The reform process should be done bureaucracy seems not easy having to reformat a full critique and corrective actions that bureaucratic structure and configuration of all-sa k ral feudal to completely rational and professional. The reform process of thinking versatile shades aristocracy (Ambtenaar) bureaucracy toward a rational configuration with authority, that the level of cultural empirical'm served a culture serve as a public servant (publicservice) . M ccording Weberian bureaucracy concept that power is in any position hirearki. The higher hirearki the higher powers. And vice versa the lower hirearkinya will also lower the power. People are most rendahhirearkinya so he does not have any power.

Discipline bureaucratic model of Weber stated that the hirearki must not dare or can not resist the power hirearki (in Thoha, 1999). The main task of government is to provide services to its people in order to meet the needs of the people want. Even so the importance of public services by the government is so often used as a benchmark for the success of a regime, especially now when the paradigm of good governance (good governance) which emphasized accountability, effectiveness and efficiency became the benchmark in public sector services.

It has been also presented in the preceding discussion above, the purpose of the reform of the bureaucracy by Prof. Prijono, "The main purpose of bureaucratic reform that produces public service that is responsive, impartial and professional aimed at reducing the low confidence in the government's role in meeting and serving the public interest".

In general, the goal of the reform of the bureaucracy itself is to change the order, the system, the behavior and direction of policies issued by the government as state officials, who at first was impressed even authoritarian, full of corrupt state bureaucracy transformed into a clean and neutral . Therefore the executive agency that acts as the implementing rules that have been made by him (the institution itself Executive ata Legislative approval) as well as higher institutions of other states the authority to make policy / rules. Must be coordinated bureaucracy devices are clean (free of corruption, collusion and nepotism) in favor of the interests of the people.


Realization Strategy Reforms

According to Prof. Eko Prasojo, professor of public administration as well as experts from the Faculty of Social UI, for the realization of bureaucratic reform, it is necessary bureaucratic reform strategies, namely: 1. Policy level , have created policies that encourage compliance oriented bureaucracy civil rights citizens (legal certainty, deadlines, procedures, participation, complaint, lawsuit).

2. organizational level , through competency-based recruitment process improvement, education and training that is sensitive to the interests of society, the creation of Individual Performance Standards, Performance Standards Performance Standards Team and Government Agencies. 3. operational level , made improvements through increased service quality dimensions include tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy . 4. government agencies periodically conduct customer satisfaction measurement and doing repairs.

In addition to requiring strategies, as well dipelukan stages bureaucratic reform, the improvement of public services in order to earn back the trust of the people, public service-oriented community empowerment, and improving the welfare of employees.

D. 1.1

Definition of Good Governance ( GOOD GOVERNANCE ) Meaning of Good Governance

Governance which translates into good governance, is the use of authorized economy, politics and administration to manage the affairs of the state at all levels. Governance includes all mechanisms, processes and institutions in which citizens and community groups to express their interests, exercise their right to legal obligations and to bridge the differences between them.

Another definition says governance is a mechanism for the management of economic resources and social influence involving sec k or n Egara and non-governmental sectors in a collective effort. This definition assumes a lot of actors are involved in which nothing very dominant that determine the motion of the other actors. The first message of the terminology in governance denied formal understanding of the workings of institusiinstitusi countries. Governance recognizes that within the community there are many centers of decision-making that works at a different.

While acknowledging there are many actors involved in the social process, governance is not something that happens a chaotic, random or unpredictable. There is a set of rules followed by different actors differently. One important rule is the authority which is run by the state. But keep in mind, the concept of governance authority is assumed not to be applied unilaterally, but through a kind of consensus among the different actors. Therefore, because it involves many parties and does not work based on the dominance of the government, the non-government actors should have the competence to take shape, control, and obey authority formed collectively.

Furthermore, it is mentioned that in the context of development, the definition of governance is "the mechanism and management of economic resources for social development purposes ", so that good governance , with that, "is a mechanism for resource management and social economy are substantial

and its application to support the development of a stable the main requirement is efficient), and (relatively) evenly. "

According to documents United Nations Development Program (UNDP), good governance is "the use of political and economic authority to manage the administrative affairs negra at all levels. Tata government covers all mechanisms, processes and institutions in which citizens and community groups to express their interests, exercise their right to legal obligations and to bridge the differences between them.


Building Good Governance

Establishing good governance is to change how the state , making the government accountable , and to build actors outside the State competent to participate to make the new system beneficial general. In this context, there is no single development goals that can be realized by either simply by changing the characteristics and ways of working of state institutions and the government. We have to remember, to accommodate diversity, good governance must also reach out to the various levels of the political realm. Therefore, establishing good governance is a major social project. To be realistic, the business should be done gradually. For Indonesia, the flexibility in understanding these concepts is necessary in order to deal with reality.



bureaucracy is an organization or work unit that serves as a public service provider.bureaucracy concept widely accepted until now is a theory developed by max weber the defining characteristics of an organization that maximizes stability and to control the members of the organization in order to achieve common goals. bureaucracy is often used in several senses. there are at least seven terms that are often contained in bureaucratic terms.according to Albrow (in warwick, 1975:4), bureaucracy is defined as:

1. rational organization ( rational organization ). 2. inefficiencies in the organization ( organizational inefficiency ).

3. government officials ( rule by Officials ). 4. public administration ( public administration ). 5. administration officials ( by official administration ). 6. form of organization with the specific characteristics and quality as well as the hierarchy of rules ( type of organization with specific characteristic and quality as hierarchies and rules ). 7. one of the characteristics of modern society are absolute ( an essential quality of modern society ). bureaucracy as a form with specific characteristics, the center of attention of experts for various social science disciplines max weber services. in his work, the theory of economic and social organization , weber proposed his concept of the ideal type of bureaucracy to formulate basic characteristics are more in line with the organization of modern society. this is summarized by Albrow (in warwick, 1975:4) in four main characteristics, namely: 1. the existence of a hierarchical structure that involves the delegation of authority from the top down in the organization ( a hierarchical structure involving delegations of authority from the top to the bottom of an organization ). 2. the positions or positions that each has duties and responsibilities expressly ( a series of official positions or offices, each having prescribed duties and responsibilites ). 3. the rules, regulations and standards governing the operation of formal organizations and the behavior of its members ( formal rules, regulations and standards governing the operations of the organization and behavior of its members ). 4. the personnel who are technically qualified, are employed on the basis of a career, a promotion-based qualifications and performance ( techincally qualified personnel employed on a career basis, with promotion based on Qualifications and performance ). Sumber: KONSEP BIROKRASI Birokrasi merupakan instrumen penting dalam masyarakat modern yang kehadirannya tak mungkin terelakkan. Eksistensi birokrasi ini sebagai konsekuensi logis dari tugas utama negara (pemerintahan) untuk menyelenggarakan kesejahteraan masyarakat (social welfare). Negara

dituntut terlibat dalam memproduksi barang dan jasa yang diperlukan oleh rakyatnya (public goods and services) baik secara langsung maupun tidak. Bahkan dalam keadaan tertentu negara yang memutuskan apa yang terbaik bagi rakyatnya. Untuk itu negara mernbangun sistem administrasi yang bertujuan untuk melayani kepentingan rakyatnya yang disebut dengan istilah birokrasi. Birokrasi bagi sebagian orang dimaknai sebagai prosedur yang berbelit-belit, menyulitkan dan menjengkelkan. Namun bagi sebagian yang lain birokrasi dipahami dari perspektif yang positif yakni sebagai upaya untuk mengatur dan mengendalikan perilaku masyarakat agar lebih tertib. Ketertiban yang dimaksud adalah ketertiban dalam hal mengelola berbagai sumber daya yang mendistribusikan sumber daya tersebut kepada setiap anggota masyarakat secara berkeadilan. Pendapat yang berbeda di atas dapat dipahami dari perspektifnya masing-masing. Bagi yang berpandangan posisif terhadap birokrasi maka baginya birokrasi adalah sebuah keniscayaan. Akan tetapi bagi mereka yang berpandangan negatif maka birokrasi justru menjadi salah satu penghalang tercapainya tujuan sehingga keberadaan birokrasi harus dihilangkan. Dan Birokrasi itu sendiri adalah suatu sistem kerja yang berlaku dalam suatu organisasi (baik publik maupun swasta) yang mengatur secara ke dalam maupun keluar. Bagi banyak orang, konsep birokrasi lekat dengan stempel tak efektif, lambat, kaku, bahkan menyebalkan. Stempel-stempel seperti ini pada satu sisi menemui sejumlah kebenarannya pada fakta lapangan. Namun, sebagian lain merupakan stereotipe yang sesungguhnya masih dapat diperdebatkan keabsahannya. Konsep birokrasi yang dikaji mengikut pada dua teoritisi yang cukup berpengaruh di bidang ini. Pertama adalah konsep birokrasi yang disodorkan oleh Max Weber. Kedua adalah konsep birokrasi yang disodorkan oleh Marin Albrow. Max Weber on Bureaucracy Sebelum masuk pada pandangan Weber soal Birokrasi, ada baiknya ditinjau dari etimologi Birokrasi ini berasal dari kata bureau. Kata bureau berasal dari bahasa Perancis yang kemudian diintroduksi Jerman. Jadi arti kata bureau yaitu meja atau kadang diperluas menjadi kantor. Sebab itu, birokrasi adalah aturan yang dikendalikan lewat meja atau kantor. Pada perkembangnnya, birokrasi bukan sekedar merupakan alat atau minimal bukan sejenis kekuasaan felksibel semisal Demokrasi,

Aristokrasi, ataupun Oligarki. Di titik puncak sebuah kekuasaan birokrasi terdapat jenis kekuasaan yang kurang birokratis misalnya parlemen atau eksekutif. Hal yang disampaikan Max Weber sendiri tidak pernah secara definitif menyebutkan makna birokrasi tersebut. Weber menyebut begitu saja konsep ini lalu menganilisis ciri-ciri apa yang seharusnya melekat pada birokrasi. Gejala birokrasi yang dikaji Weber sesungguhnya birokrasipatrimonial. Birokrasi-Patrimonial ini berlangsung di masa Weber masih hidup, yaitu birokrasi yang dikembangkan pada Dinasti Hohenzollern di Prussia. Birokrasi tersebut dianggap oleh Weber tidak rasional. Banyak pengangkatan pejabat yang mengacu pada political-will pimpinan Dinasti. Akibatnya banyak pekerjaan negara yang salah urus atau tidak mencapai hasil secara maksimal. Atas dasar ketidakrasional itu, Weber kemudian mengembangkan apa yang seharusnya (ideal typhus) melekat di sebuah birokrasi. Weber terkenal dengan konsepsinya mengenai tipe ideal (ideal typhus) bagi sebuah otoritas legal dapat diselenggarakan, yaitu : 1. Tugas-tugas pejabat diorganisir atas dasar aturan yang berkesinambungan. 2. Tugas-tugas tersebut dibagi atas bidang-bidang yang berbeda sesuai dengan fungsi-fungsinya, yang masing-masing dilengkapi dengan syarat otoritas dan sanksi-sanksi. 3. Jabatan-jabatan tersusun secara hirarkis, yang disertai dengan rincian hak-hak kontrol dan pengaduan (complaint). 4. Aturan-aturan yang sesuai dengan pekerjaan diarahkan baik secara tekhnis maupun secara legal. Dalam kedua kasus tersebut, manusia yang terlatih menjadi diperlukan. 5. anggota sebagai sumber daya orgaisasi berbeda dengan anggota sebagai individu pribadi. 6. Pemegang jabatan tidaklah sama dengan jabatannya. 7. Administrasi didasarkan pada dokumen-dokumen tertulis dan hal ini cenderung menjadikan kantor (biro) sebagai usat organisasi modern.

8. Sistem-sistem otoritas legal dapat mengambil banyak bentuk, tetapi dilihat bentuk aslinya, sistem tersebut tetap berada dalam suatu staf administrasi birokratik. Bagi Weber, jika ke delapan sifat di atas dilekatkan ke suah birokrasi, maka birokrasi tersebut dapat dikatakan bercorak legal-rasional. Selanjutnya Weber melanjutkan ke sisi pekerja (staf) di organisasi yang legal-rasional. Bagi weber, kedudukan staf di sebuah organisasi legal-rasional adalah sebagai berikut : 1. Para anggota staf bersifat bebas secara pribadii, dalam arti hanya menjalankan tugas-tugas impersonal sesuai dengan jabatan mereka. 2. Terdapat hirarki jabatan yang jelas. 3. Fungsi-fungsi jabatan ditentukan secara tegas. 4. Para pejabat diangkat berdasarkan suatu kontrak. 5. Para pejabat dipilih berdasarkan kelaifikasi profesional, idealnya didasarkan pada suatu diploma (ijazah) yang diperoleh melalui ujian atau sekolah. 6. Para pejabat memiliki gaji dan biasanya juga dilengakapi hak-hak pensiun. Gaji bersifat berjenjang menurut kedudukan dalam hirarki. Pejabat dapat selalu menempati posnya dan dalam keadaan-keadaan tertentu, pejabat juga dapat diberhentikan. 7. Pos jabatan adalah lapangan kerja yang pokok bagi para pejabat. 8. Suatu struktur karir dan promosi dimunkinkan atas dasar senioritas dan keahlian (skill) serta menurut pertimbangan keunggulan (superior). 9. Pejabat sangat mungkin tidak sesuai dengan pos jabatannya maupun dengan sumber-sumber yang tersedia di pos tersebut. 10. Pejabat tunduk pada sistem disiplin dan kontrol yang seragam. Weber juga menyatakan birokrasi itu sistem kekuasaan di mana pemimpin (super-ordinat) mempratekkan kontrol atas bawahan (sub-ordinat). Sistem birokrasi menekankan pada aspek

disiplin. Sebab itu, weber juga memasukkan birokrasi sebagai sistem legal-rasional. Legal artinya tunduk pada aturan-aturan tertulis dan dapat disimak oleh siapa pun juga. Rasional artinya dapat dipahami, dipelajari, dan jelas penjelasannya serta sebab akibatnya. Khususnya Weber memperhatikan fenomena kontrol super-ordinat atas sub-ordinat. Kontrol ini, jika tidak dilakukan pembatasan, berakibat pada akumulasi kekuatan absolut di tangan super-ordinat. Akibatnya, organisasi tidak lagi berjalan secara rasional melainkan sesuai keinginan pemimpin belaka. Bagi Weber, perlu dilakukan pembatasa atas setiap kekuasaan yang ada di dalam birokrasi, yang meliputi point-point berikut : 1. Kolegalitas. Kolegalitas adalah suatu prinsip pelibatan orang lain dalam pengambilan suatu keputusan. Webe mengakui bahwa dalam birokrasi, satu atasan mengambil satu keputusan sendiri. Namun, prinsip kolegalitas dapat saja diterapkan guna mencegah korupsi kekuasaan. 2. Pemisahan Kekuasaan. Pemisahan kekuasaan berarti pembagian tanggung jawab terhadap fungsi yang sama antara dua badan atau lebih. Misalnya, untuk menyepakati anggaran negara, perlu keputusan bersama antara badan DPR dan Presiden. Pemisahan kekuasaan menurut Weber tidaklah stabil tetapi dapat membatasi akumulasi kekuasaan. 3. Administrasi Amatir. Administrasi amatir dibutuhkan tetapi pemerintah tidak mampu membayar orang-orang untuk mengerjakan tugas birokrasi dapat saja direkrut warga negara yang dapat melaksanakan tugas tersebut. Misalnya, kalau KPU (Birokrasi negara Indonesaia) kerepotan menghitung surat bagi tiap TPS. Ibu-ibu rumah tangga diberi kesempatan menghitung dan diberi honor. Tentu saja, pejabat KPU ada yang mendampingi selama pelaksanaan tugas tersebut. 4. Demokrasi Langsung. Demokrasi langsung berguna dalam membuat orang bertanggung jawab kepada suatu majelis. Misalnya Gubernur Bank Indonesia, meski merupakan prerogatif Presiden untuk mengangkatnya, terlebih dahulu harus di-fit and proper-test oleh DPR. Ini berguna agar Gubernur BI yang diangkat merasa bertanggung jawab kepada rakyat secara keseluruhan. 5. Representasi. Representasi didasarkan pengertian seorang pejabat yang diangkat mewakili para pemilihnya. Dalam kinerja birokrasi, partai-partai politik dapat diandalkan dalam mengawasi kinerja

pejabat dan staf birokrasi. Ini akibat pengertian tidak langsung bahwa anggota DPR dari partai politik mewakili rakyat pemilih mereka. Hingga kini, pengertian orang mengenai birokrasi sangat dipengaruhi oleh pandangan-pandangan Max Weber di atas. Dengan modifikasi dan penolakan di sana-sini atas pandanagan Weber analisis brokrasi mereka lakukan. Konsep Birokrasi Martin Albrow Martin Albrow adalah seorang sosiolog dari Inggris. Ia banyak menulis seputar pandangan para ahli seputar konsep brokrasi Weberr. Akhirnya, ia sendiri mengajukan beberapa konsepsinya seputar birokrasi. Albrow membagi menjadi 7 cara pandang mengenai birokrasi. Ketujuh cara pandang ini dipergunakan sebagai pisau analisis guna menganalisis fenomena birokrasi yang banyak dipratekkan di era modern. Ketujuh konsepsi birokrasi Albrow adalah : 1. Birokrasi sebagai organisasi rasional Birokrasi sebagai organisasi rasional sebagian besar menhikut pada pemahaman Max Weber. Namun, rasional di sini patut dipahami bukan sebagai segalanya terukur secara pasti dan jelas. Kajian sosial tidak pernah menghasilkan sesuatu yang pasti menurut hipotesis yang diangkat. Birokrasi dap

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