definition: period of human history that began with...

Post on 02-Oct-2020






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The Metal Ages

• Definition: Period of human history that began with

the use of metal and ended when the written word appeared.

• Characteristics:

• Metalworking

• Craftsmen and Trade

• First Cities

• Megaliths

• They started using metal:

• At first they beat cold metal into shape

• Later they used forges to heat the metal first, making it easier to shape

• With the invention of smelting, metal could be given any form

• Craftsmen & Trade :

• Metalworking was difficult First specialist appeared. Later they began

organising into different social groups.

• First craftsmen (jewllers, blacksmiths and potters), received food in exchange of their


• First Cities:

• When population and wealth increased, some Neolithic villages get bigger and turned

into towns.

• Some groups began to accumulate wealth and power.

• From among this groups, a chief or king was chosen to govern

• To protect wealth, warriors appeared

Metal Ages: Characteristics

Metal Ages: Metalworking

•The first metal they used

was copper.

•In about 3,500 B.C. they

learned to combine copper

with tin to make bronze.

•Later, iron, which was

more efficient and resistant

than stone.

Metal Ages: Metalworking

Metal Ages: Metalworking

Copper axes

Bronze sword

Bronze jewlerie

Copper dagger


The Metal Ages: Megaliths

• Megaliths are huge monuments made of blocks of stones. They can be up to 20 metres high

• The word “megalith” comes from ancient Greek

language: MEGAS = great LITHOS= stone

• Where? In different parts of the world • When? Mostly in the Neolithic and in the Bronze Age. • Why? Often rituals. Sometimes also graves • Types: According to their shape, there are several types:

Metal Ages: Types of Megaliths

Menhir: A single standing stone.

Metal Ages: Types of Megaliths

Dolmen: A chamber consisting of upright stones with one or more large flat capstones forming a roof .

Metal Ages: Types of Megaliths

Stone Circle: A circle formed by menhirs or dolmens.

Metal Ages: Types of Megaliths

Passage Grave: A square, circular or cruciform chamber with a slabbed

or corbelled roof, accessed by a long, straight passageway, with the whole structure covered by a circular mound of earth.

Metal Ages: Megaliths

How did they do it?

Homework Metal Age: pg. 97 ex. 1

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Pg: 99

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