delight 2012 | keynote by dave wieneke

Post on 05-Aug-2015






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1. ISITE Design Dave Wieneke @UsefulArts #Delight2012 Dare to Delight 2. ISITE DesignISITE Design Get your axe on 2 3. ISITE Design You: Designer 3 4. ISITE Design @UsefulArts | @ISITE_Design The Future cant just be decided but it can be Designed. 5. ISITE Design The 3 Ds of Delight Decide to Differentiate Executive alignment on brand ideals. Design Experience which manifests brand truth. Deliver Delight Differentiation + Design -> Delight! 5 6. ISITE Design THE PREMIUM FOR 6 BOLD DECISIONS 7. ISITE DesignISITE Design Firms associated with ideals have a strong relationship with consumer preference, consideration and choice. 50 top performers out index the S&P 500 by 400%. 7 Distinct Brand Ideals @JimStengel 8. ISITE Design Delivering happiness through Wow service Celebrate journeys of progress and success. Inspire moments of happiness Energize the world Inspire imagination and enrich lives in a world of limitless possibilities. Help human needs and those of the planet be one and the same. Connect people with their most important content anywhere, anytime. Create connections for self- discovery and inspiration. Democratize fashion trends. Celebrate personal authenticity And independence. 8 Transform occasions in to celebrations 9. ISITE Design Who are you? Why are you here? 9 10. ISITE Design Flavors of Delight Inspire moments of happiness Happiness via Wow service Democratize fashion trends. Create connections for self-discovery and inspiration. Connect people with their most important content anywhere, anytime. Celebrate journeys of progress and success. Inspire imagination and enrich lives in a world of limitless possibilities. Energize the world Celebrate personal authenticity and independence. Help human needs and those of the planet be one and the same. 10 Eliciting Joy Enabling Connection Inspiring Exploration Evoking Pride Impacting Society 11. ISITE Design Operating Margin Growth in Excess of Competitive Peers 11 Source: IBM, CEOs are expanding the innovation horizon: important implications for CIOs -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 Product/service/marketplace innovators Operations innovators Business model innovators Compound Annual Growth Rate Over Five Years 12. ISITE Design He that will not apply new remedies must expect new evils. Francis Bacon 12 13. ISITE Design CONSUMERS ARE 13 BOSS 14. ISITE Design Most customer touch points are beyond brand control 39 26 22 28 10 5 21 37 31 12 26 43 Initial-Consideration Set Active Evaluation Closure Store/agent/dealer interactions Past Experiences 14 Source: McKinsey Quarterly 1Based on research conducted on German, Japanese, and US consumers in the following sectors: for initial consideration autos, auto insurance, telecom handsets and carriers; for active evaluation-auto insurance, telecom handsets; for closure autos, auto insurance, skin care, and TVs; figures may not sum to 100% because of rounding. Word-of-mouth Online research Offline and/or print reviews Consumer-driven marketing Company-driven marketing Traditional advertising Direct marketing Sponsorship In-store product experience Salesperson contact 15. ISITE Design Brand and Delivery 15 @ChiefMarTec 16. ISITE Design Customers Write Ads Ideal: help all women realize their personal beauty potential 16 17. ISITE Design Document & Support 17 Ideal: move the web forward through tools & services 18. ISITE Design Affiliate and Gather 18 Ideal: authentic, high-value outdoor products for active consumers 19. ISITE Design DIGITAL 19 ASPECTS 20. ISITE Design Why is Digital Leading the CX Push? 20 Source: Q4 2011 Global Customer Experience Peer Research Panel Online Survey 1% 6% 22% 29% 43% 48% 61% 74% 77% None of the above Other Improving the phone self-service customer experience (IVR/speech) Improving the store/branch customer experience Improving the experience of interacting with a call center agent Using communities and other types of social computing Adding or improving mobile customer experiences Improving cross-channel customer experiences Improving the online customer experience Which of the following are major objectives of your companys customer experience program in 2012? Base: 86 customer experience professionals (multiple responses accepted) @RonRogowski @kerrybodine 21. ISITE Design Balance Complexity 21 Customer Experience Splinternet IntegrationIntegration Channel Search Social Web Aps Data / Seg.Analytics Bus. Plan Brand 22. ISITE Design M.I.S.T. AMPS 22 DELIGHT 23. ISITE Design Delightis a change which increases the potential customers see in brands. 23 24. ISITE Design Mysterious 24 25. ISITE Design Whats in the Blush Box? 25 26. ISITE Design Intimate 26 27. ISITE Design Intimate 27 28. ISITE Design Sensuous 28 @KRConnect 29. ISITE Design Trustworthy 29 30. ISITE Design O 2 O 2 O OnlineOffline 30 31. ISITE DesignISITE Design 31 32. ISITE Design StayTuned Your brand can be featured in a Delight Webinar on using M.I.S.T. 32 33. ISITE Design Ideas to Use Say less, do more Participation Share your ideals Be your people Listen, be a peer Measuring is listening Simplify Mobile means personal. M.I.S.T. O-2-O-2 Decide Design Deliver Delight HTsL @JimStengel @ChiefMarTech @KRConnect @RonRogowski @kerrybodine Indulge dreams to live 33 delight. 34. ISITE DesignISITE Design Experience Heroes Dare to Delight 34

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