delivered from the enemy

Post on 12-Jul-2015






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Spiritual Warfare, pt. 7:

Our Armor

How does the

Lord of Heaven’s Armies

instruct His children to

contend with the Devil?

1 Samuel 17:41-45 - Goliath

walked out toward David with

his shield bearer ahead of him, 42 sneering in contempt at this

ruddy-faced boy.

43 “Am I a dog,” he roared at

David, “that you come at me

with a stick?” And he cursed

David by the names of his gods. 44 “Come over here, and I’ll give

your flesh to the birds and wild

animals!” Goliath yelled.

45 David replied to the Philistine,

“You come to me with sword,

spear, and javelin, but I come to

you in the name of the Lord of

Heaven’s Armies—the God of

the armies of Israel, whom you

have defied. NLT

The Wrong


Relying on the

Lord of Heaven’s




Ephesians 6:12 – For we are

not fighting against flesh-and-

blood enemies, but against evil

rulers and authorities of the

unseen world, against mighty

powers in this dark world, and

against evil spirits in the

heavenly places. NLT

Colossians 1:13-14 – For he has

rescued us from the kingdom of

darkness and transferred us into

the Kingdom of his dear Son, 14who purchased our freedom

and forgave our sins. NLT

2 Kings 6:8-16

Romans 8:31 & 37 – … If God

is for us, who can ever be

against us? 37No, despite all

these things, overwhelming

victory is ours through Christ,

who loved us. NLT

If God is for you

does it really make

a difference who or

what is against


Don’t Cower Stand Firm!

James 4:7-8 – So humble

yourselves before God. Resist

the devil, and he will flee from

you. 8Come close to God, and

God will come close to you. NLT

Spiritual warfare

can only

be won with

Spiritual Armor


Spiritual Armor

Ephesians 6:10-18 – Finally, be

strong in the Lord and in the

strength of his might. 11Put on

the whole armor of God, that you

may be able to stand against the

schemes of the devil.

12For we do not wrestle against

flesh and blood, but against the

rulers, against the authorities,

against the cosmic powers over

this present darkness, against

the spiritual forces of evil in the

heavenly places.

13Therefore take up the whole

armor of God, that you may be

able to withstand in the evil day,

and having done all, to stand

firm. 14Stand therefore, having

fastened on the belt of truth, and

having put on the breastplate of


15and, as shoes for your feet,

having put on the readiness

given by the gospel of peace. 16In all circumstances take up the

shield of faith, with which you

can extinguish all the flaming

darts of the evil one;

17and take the helmet of

salvation, and the sword of the

Spirit, which is the word of God,

18praying at all times in the Spirit,

with all prayer and supplication.

To that end keep alert with all

perseverance, making

supplication for all the saints, ESV

Our strength and

authority are from


Belt of Truth

reality from

God’s perspective

Ephesians 4:14 – Then we will

no longer be immature like

children. We won’t be tossed

and blown about by every wind

of new teaching. We will not be

influenced when people try to

trick us with lies so clever they

sound like the truth. NLT

Belt of Truth

reality from

God’s perspective - God’s word

Hebrews 12:1 – Therefore, since

we are surrounded by such a

huge crowd of witnesses to the

life of faith, let us strip off every

weight that slows us down,

especially the sin that so easily

trips us up. NLT

Secured under Truth

Sin stripped off


of righteousness

godly character, the

practical righteousness,

which is the fruit of


Ephesians 4:21-29



lack of joy

Meditation &


> Use the right weapons

> Be Alert, the Devil will

attack you but don’t be afraid

of him.

Meditation &


> If God is for you does it

make a difference who or

what is against you?

Meditation &


> Don’t rely on your own


> Rely on your

Spiritual Commander

Meditation &


> Walk in Truth

> Strip off anything that

hinders you in battle

Meditation &


> Be quick to

confess your sin

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