delusions of mediocrity

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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-You know what I really hate? When you hold the door for someone and she doesnt even acknowledge it. A Thank you, a smile, even a nod would be alrightbut babble on a cell phone? No thanks.Nathan followed the girl inside and passed her as he took his usual seat in the front row of the auditorium. He took out his notebook and then a pen, which he proceeded to twirl about his fingers. -Caliban Canibal; *sigh* Montaigne Prospero Change or lack thereof => Paper Now that were finishing up La Tempesta, the professor cracked a smile as he tried to show off his knowledge of Italian, you guys need to start reading our next work A general groan broke out across the room, as if a As I was saying, you guys need to get a copy of The Mourning Bride for next time a great play! Anyone know who wrote it? The professor scanned the hall and got a bunch of blank stares and a glare from the weird kid at the front that seemingly bowed down to him when he first entered the room. Ill give you guys a hint, he continued, Its the source of famous sayings Music has charms to soothe a savage beast and Hell has no fury like a womans scorn! -I cant believe they let this idiot teach here. A damned movie critic psh! What the hell were they thinking? He probably cant even spell Congreve I guess it would be too much to hope that he could quote him correctlyDer Tod in Venedig Morte a Venezia Hearse Speak Ah! Ass Peeker B.O. died today - strangeresque Nate Gore Nameless => end letter w/ name Third Grade: 2 friends + friend at school => mark and chris Turtle on road Guitarist playing zz top destin

Blind guy listening rocking

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