democracy in the face of covid-19 have less democratic

Post on 07-Jun-2022






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Democracy in the Face of COVID-19 Have Less Democratic Countries Been More Effective at

Preventing the Spread of This Pandemic?

Yi Chen

University of California, Berkeley

Undergraduate Honors Thesis

Spring 2020


This paper attempts to answer whether democracies have been more or less effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19. The primary data points of interest were the total number of screening tests conducted within a country and the total number of positively detected cases and confirmed deaths within a country, collected from independent Ministry of Health websites and WHO situation reports respectively. Using a regression analysis model with controls, this study finds that higher scores on the democracy index are correlated with more screening tests conducted on average. However, lower democracy indices are correlated with lower death rates relating to COVID-19 on average, suggesting that less democratic countries have been better at containing the outbreak of this pandemic within their borders, despite testing less on average. Freedom of speech indices are not statistically significant in their correlation with the outcome variables of this study, suggesting that free media has not been more effectively advancing disease containment efforts than restricted media. Results are consistent across two different selected time-horizons of analysis, as well as extensions of the regression model with omitted controls. While the regression outputs do not necessarily discount the significance of testing, they point to the possibility that actions taken after issuing screening tests are more pivotal in preventing the spread of COVID-19.

Key words

COVID-19, Democracy, Regime Types, Testing, Containment Efforts


I thank Professor David-Roland Holst for his advising of this research project. I am grateful for the support of Kevin Nguyen in the data collection process. All remaining errors are my own.


1 Introduction

COVID-19 has been identified as the cause of a respiratory illness that found its origins

in Wuhan, China back in November of 2019 (Adhikari et al., 2020). As of March 20th, 2020, this

coronavirus has spread to 152 countries and 22 territories across the world (WHO). Statistics on

mortality rates and characteristics of susceptible populations are constantly evolving as COVID-

19 infects countries with varying levels of medical resource availability. Based on data from a

study published on January 29th, the median age of a 425 patient sample population was 59

years, with 65% of this population being males (Li et al., 2020). The incubation period, defined

as the period between exposure to COVID-19 and the first appearance of symptoms, was on

average 5.4 days, with 95% of the population developing symptoms within 12.5 days (Li et al.,


While the discreet nature of the virus in its initial stages of host infection is one of the

most discussed topics of COVID-19, its rate of transmission and potential for fatality is arguably

even less certain. While human-to-human transmissibility is already confirmed, the speed of

transmission is still a figure up for debate. The basic reproduction (R0) of this virus is estimated

to range from 2.2 (Riou et al., 2020) to 6.47 (Tang et al., 2020) depending on the transmission

model. In other words, with no intervention, an expected 2.2 to 6.47 cases will be generated by

one case of COVID-19 in the population. In fact, the effective reproduction number (R) of

COVID-19 is currently estimated at 2.9, a value substantially higher than the reported effective

reproduction number of 1.77 for SARS in its early stage (Adhikari et al., 2020).

As for mortality rate estimates, values as high as 12% are reported in the Wuhan

epicenter of the pandemic back in February (Mizumoto et al., 2020). However, when adjusted for

a thirteen-day lag time from symptom onset to death, case-fatality risks were estimated at 3.5%


in China and 4.2% in the 82 other infected countries recorded in the study (Wilson et al., 2020).

Even then, a broader range of 0.25%-3.0% for case-fatality risk estimates is recommended, with

the upper limit more appropriate in resource poor settings with known medical constraints, or in

high-income countries with limited surge capacities in hospital resources (Wilson et al., 2020).

[Current Situation]

As of March 20th, 2020, global cases of COVID-19 were reported at 234,073, with a

death toll of 9840. While it took three months to reach the first 100,000 confirmed cases,

reaching the next 100,000 as of March 19th, 2020 only took 12 days. In fact, in just the 24 hours

of Marth 19th, the European Region confirmed another 17,506 cases. Shifting focus towards

independent country statistics, World Health Organization figures show that while China still

ranks highest with 81,174 confirmed cases, the total new deaths reported has tapered out to 11.

In contrast, Italy, the second most severely affected country with a total case count of 41,035,

reported 429 new deaths in this same 24-hour window. The United States, as the country

reporting the highest number of infection cases in North America, has a total of 10,442

confirmed cases, with 50 new deaths reported on March 19th. (WHO)

With the pandemic reaching more than 150 countries, the media has been brimming with

conversations comparing different governments and their responses to the coronavirus. In the

US, the state of California ordered its 40 million residents to “Shelter in Place,” a policy intended

on keeping the population within their respective residences as of March 20th (Hutt, 2020). This

took place two months after the first case of coronavirus was confirmed on January 20th in

Washington, California (Holshue et al., 2020). In China, where the likely first case of

coronavirus was confirmed on November 17th, 2019 (Ma, 2020), the government decided to seal

off Wuhan on January 23rd, 2020 (MEE, 2020). In Italy, the government issued its first lockdown


on February 23rd the President ordered the first lockdown in the country, this one affecting

eleven municipalities in Lombardy (Gazzetta Ufficiale, 2020). Italy’s first case was reported on

January 31st, 2020 (Giovanetti, 2020).

With each country having its own unique governance system and set of initial cases to

respond to, research has yet to show explicitly any relationship between the type of government

and their response speed and efficacy on this matter. Yet past research has shown some trends

worth noting in terms of countries and how they are affected by global pandemics. For one,

developing countries are faced with a unique, preexisting challenges that lend them less prepared

to tack on a pandemic in comparison to industrialized nations (Oshitani et al., 2008). In

particular, healthcare systems are often inadequate in developing countries (Oshitani et al.,

2008). Indeed, a country’s ability to respond to surge demands for medical resources during

pandemics is considered a crucial determinant in its overall ability to mitigate the effects of a

pandemic within its borders (Manuell, 2011). Yet hospital readiness is not a healthcare system

characteristic that perfectly correlates with a country’s GDP or level of development (Blavin,

2020). Thus, both a country’s level of development and pandemic preparedness should be

factored into any analysis of its ability to respond to a pandemic.

Bearing in mind these key explorations, I want to focus my research on the analysis of

different government types, as characterized by their levels of reported democracy, and their

responsiveness thus far the COVID-19 world crisis. The intention of this paper is to hopefully

shed light on how effective different governments have been in the early months of 2020 in

response to this pandemic.


2 Literature

Are democratic countries more effective at responding to and consequentially controlling

the current coronavirus outbreak? This section of the paper covers past research on related

topics. Numerous academic sources argue that democracies are more efficient for the economy

during normal times. However, confining analysis to times of pandemics, outbreaks and crisis

raises interesting observations and debates.

Rugers (2005) argues that a lack of democratic institutions has impactful, negative effects

on the nation’s health. He takes into account three major public health events in China, namely

the 1958-1961 famines, SARS and HIV/AIDS, to assert using historical statistics that censored

media and information leads to gross health detriments. While the paper highlights important

historical events in support of its argument, I hope to provide a more empirical analysis using

data from the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic in contribution to this body of literature.

Gerring et al. (2012) look at the relationship between democracy and human development

by using infant mortality rates as their main indicator variable for human development. In terms

of data methodology, they conducted a series of time-series, cross-national statistical tests. The

empirical test involved regressing the natural log of infant mortality rate against democracy and

other controls. Their sample involved all countries for which relevant data was available during

the 1960 to 2000 time period, which amounted to 149 countries in the smallest samples and 192

countries in the largest samples. To control for endogeneity, Gerring et al. added time lags to the

independent variables and employed spatial controls as robustness checks for the aforementioned

country fixed effects from the original regression. The paper ultimately concludes that stock of

democracy in a country over the past century has a substantial effect on levels of human

development as measured through infant mortality rates. Thus, this paper seems to substantiate


the fact that democratic governments may be more effective at ensuring their citizen’s health.

This would arguably mean that democracies would respond more quickly in situations like a

pandemic. Taking into account the regression model employed by Gerring et al. (2012), my

paper instead focuses on a different set of dependent variables during a very specific, historical

moment. I contribute to the literature here by analyzing the mid-crisis response efficacy of

different governments. Rather than exploring long-term, sustained effects that democracy may

have on public health, I chose instead to focus on health matters correlated with short-run


In the same body of literature, Bollyky et al. (2019) takes a panel dataset of 170 countries

to assess the relationship between democracy and cause-specific mortality, thereby exploring

pathways connecting democracy to health gains within the country. The paper mentions that at

least four studies have found no link between democracy and infant mortality, with authors of

these papers attributing the improvements in health outcomes to factors such as country income

and institutional capacity. Bollyky et al. contributes to the literature by comprehensively

assessing the international effect of democratic governance on non-communicable diseases and

injuries. They collected information on regime type from the Varieties of Democracy project and

found that democracies were more likely than autocracies to benefit from health gains for causes

of mortality that aren’t heavily targeted by foreign aid.

Empirically, the paper used synthetic controls to compare observed data from countries

that have undergone democratic transition to constructed counterfactual scenarios. These

counterfactuals were generated from the weighted average of 55 countries that remained entirely

autocratic. The main robustness analysis employed in this paper involved a manipulation of

various fixed effects for sensitivity analysis. Some fixed effects they employed were democratic


experience, national income, development assistance for health, urbanicity, mortality shocks and

country fixed effects. Finally, to make their results more practical for policy advisory, they

decomposed democratic experience into key components defining the democracy index so as to

identify which ones had the most significant effect on HIV-free life expectancy. These

methodologies and valuable to my research in terms of implementing robustness checks for my

regression results. Taking the experience of Bollyky, I contribute to the literature by looking at

how effective democracies are when hit by more abrupt health crises such as COVID-19.

Research on the question of whether more democratic countries are more effective in

their response to the COVID-19 outbreak is particularly relevant because of heated debates

concerning China’s actions in the late months of 2019. The World Health Organization

commended China on January 30th, 2020 in the Coronavirus Emergency Committee’s Second

Meeting for “setting a new standard for outbreak response.” Yet the topic has been highly

debated in various news outlets since.1 Thus, in addition to contributing to existing literature by

analyzing the response efficacy of democracies in times of health crises, this paper also seeks to

provide more empirical evidence for a highly contested claim in contemporary news.

3 Data

I draw from three main sources of data to construct all the variables of interest in this

study. All information concerning coronavirus positive cases and death counts by country were

drawn from the World Health Organization’s daily situation reports. Information about country

1 Berengaut, Ariana A. 2020. “Democracies Are Better at Fighting Outbreaks.” The Atlantic. (accessed March 21, 2020).

Kavanah, Matthew M. 2020. “Authoritarianism, outbreaks, and information politics.” The Lancet, 5:3, pp. 135-136.

The Economist. 2020. “Diseases like covid-19 are deadlier in non-democracies.” (accessed March 21, 2020).


population, hospital bed numbers, GDP, population density and annual tourism counts were

drawn from World Bank databases. Yet the bulk of data collection concerned the government

testing variable, which measures the number of tests issued by the government as of thirty days

after the first-case discovery date. The data search involved looking at a combination of

government health ministry websites and news sources to either create estimates or collect exact

figures for the number of screening tests conducted. Much of this work launched off the efforts

of Our World in Data, but this paper provides a more comprehensive list of countries under

analysis. Finally, the variable concerning country shared borders2 was measured using a

combination Google Maps and WHO’s daily situation reports.

To analyze how effective governments were in responding to COVID-19, a combination

of case numbers at the 30-day mark as well as tests issued at the 30 day mark were used as

dependent indicators. Case numbers were selected as an indicator to measure the effectiveness of

a country’s containment response, with death counts added as an additional layer to the analysis.

The assumption drawn in this decision is that positive cases may not precisely measure the

number of actual cases in a country, as it is a figure that is also contingent on the number of tests

issued in the country overall. Nonetheless, it gives a window of insight into the potential spread

of COVID-19 within a country. Death counts by COVID-19 on the other hand are assumed to

have less variation since patients with more severe cases are more likely to visit the hospital and

get tested.

Yet apart from using case counts as an indicator, this paper also seeks to focus in on

government actions during this pandemic. Specifically, the number of total tests conducted was

2 The variable called shared borders is a dummy variable defined by whether countries bordering the country of interest had already confirmed their first case of COVID-19 prior to the first day our country of interest discovers its first case.


used as an indicator variable because of the widely advertised effectiveness of such measures by

numerous international entities.3 A case study of Singapore reveals that the strong surveillance

and containment measures implemented by the country may have been useful for the detection

and containment of COVID-19 (Ng et al., 2020). The first step of this paper is to determine

whether the controls selected for the study were actually correlated with our outcome variable.

Then, test count indicators were used to characterize country differences in surveillance

decisions on the testing front. The results of these regressions will be combined with that of the

case count regressions to determine which governments have been more effective at containing

and controlling the current pandemic.

This section of the paper clarifies the decisions made in the data collection process in

terms of time frames, countries and estimations selected in the analysis. Under each topic, this

section addresses some of the concerns that arose in the process of data collection, as well as the

robustness checks that were implemented to alleviate these concerns.

3.1 Time frame

The time frame of indicator selected was set to thirty days after first case reported in any

given country. This is a time adjustment meant to make the figures in each country more

comparable. Due to the recent nature of the pandemic development, to ensure that country

sample sizes remain large enough to conduct analyses, this paper chose to restrict the time

horizon of indicators collected to thirty days.

The downside of this selection is that the absolute differences in country case counts will

be relatively smaller, since COVID-19 case development seems to take on an exponential

pattern. Furthermore, this limit in time horizon obscures observations concerning the time it

3 Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director-General of WHO, spoke of the vital importance of testing in media briefing on COVID-19. (Wood, 2020).


takes for governments to ultimately contain COVID-19, as measured by a downturn in daily case

counts. However, given the rapidly evolving and not-yet concluded nature of this event under

study, analyses concerning the ultimate results of this pandemic can only be left for future


To account for some robustness check against the timeframe selected, this paper also uses

total case counts 45 days after first case discovery as a dependent indicator. Within the

limitations of a study that measures a current event, this indicator is added in hopes of providing

some insights into country case developments over time.

As the ultimate goal of this paper is to analyze the effectiveness and thus speed of a

country’s response, 30 days after first case discovery was determined to be a reasonable

comparison point. This is both enough time for most governments to have issued some form of

response to the pandemic, and also a short enough window to determine characteristics of a

government’s response in what can be defined as the “beginning” of the pandemic.

3.2 Countries

Countries in this study were selected based on the countries that had already been

infected as of February 27th, 2020 according to the World Health Organization situation reports.

The reason these countries were particularly selected is due to the fact that indicators for this

study are adjusted to thirty days after first case reports. Therefore, at the time of this study, only

these countries would have encountered this 30-day time horizon. However, as a preliminary

extension, I also included countries that had reached at least 100 confirmed cases of COVID-19

as of March 19th, 2020. The intention is to extend this project to include all countries by the end

of this pandemic.


As of now, there are 68 countries included in this paper. China, however, is excluded

from the segment of the study involving number of screening tests conducted 30 days after first

case reported. This is for two major reasons. First, given that COVID-19 screening tests

development is contingent on knowing the genetic sequence of the virus, using China’s first

reported patient case would not be a just comparison since the sequence was not even discovered

until more than thirty days after China’s first reported case. Given this, I then thought to choose

Jan 10th as the first date of consideration given that this was the day China discovered and

released the COVID-19 genetic sequence. However, due to limited data, I was only able to find

the number of screening tests conducted for one province in China. Thus, for the sake of data

consistency and comparability, China was excluded from the study.

3.3 Estimates on Government Response Variable

The government response variable in this study was chosen to be the total number of tests

conducted within a given country up until 30 days after the first case reporting. While most of

the data could be accurately collected from official government websites, certain governments

were less transparent about their figures. Thus, to ensure comprehensiveness, I estimated testing

figures based on data that was available on dates not coinciding with my time horizon of interest.

For the estimate employed in my study, I assumed a linear relationship between the

number of positive cases detected and the number of total tests conducted. This assumption is

based on the consideration that positive cases also grow exponentially, and thus growth trends

could potentially be accounted for using this estimation method. When multiple data points were

available for a country, but all not on the 30-day date of interest, an average of all estimates was

selected. The specific equation used for estimation is as follows:


𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠!∗ ∙ 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑!𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒𝑠!

= 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑!∗

Here, t* represents the 30-day date of interest, and t represents the date with which the

actual data collected corresponds.

The downside of this estimate is that it doesn’t account for unpredicted changes in testing

counts that result from changes in government verdicts. For example, in the days between my

date of data retrieval and the actual 30-day horizon, a government may have authorized and

released and unprecedented number of tests into the economy. Similarly, if the data of data

retrieval was later than the actual 30-day horizon, this estimate may capture changes in

government action that occurred after my date of comparison.

To account for errors in estimation, I created an indicator variable for the quality of data

collected on the government response variable. 0 represents a data point for which the data was

directly collected from an official government website on the exact date of interest. 1 and 2

respectively represent data that was estimated based on data that corresponds to a date less than

10 days away from the 30-day date of interest, and data that corresponds to a date more than 10

days away from the 30-day date of interest. Three regressions are run to control for errors in

estimation, excluding the lower quality data points with each iteration of regression.

Worth particularly noting were estimates conducted for Canada and Slovakia. For

Canada, the official data was an underestimate when compared to the sum of a subset of

province data. Thus, while the estimates were calculated using a data point that lies within a five-

day window from the date of interest, the quality of data was assigned a value of 2. In the case of

Slovakia, given that the country announced daily testing amounts, estimates were instead


calculated by adding those daily amounts to publicized data on March 20th, for which a total

overall testing value was available.

3.4 Democracy Indicator

The democracy indicator was selected from a group of more than 470 indicators in the V-

Dem Dataset.4 From these indicators, this paper selects a few more detailed components to

identify which ones have a stronger effect on government response efficacy during the COVID-

19 pandemic. Similarily to Bollyky et al. (2019), I choose to focus primarily on the

multiplicative polyarchy index from the V-Dem dataset. This indicator measures the

responsiveness and accountability between leaders and citizens, which I believe is a meaningful

indicator to track during this pandemic. The assumption here is that a responsive leadership can

be defined as one that has its citizens interests and livelihoods at heart. Health is certainly a

component of both citizen interest and livelihood. Thus, the hypothesis would be that a

government that ranks high on this indicator scale responds better to the pandemic.

Furthermore, as media has been heavily involved in this pandemic, this paper also selects

the freedom of expression and alternative sources of information index as an independent

variable of observation. Since media has the ability to convey the government’s verdicts and also

spread general knowledge of facts, in one sense it should help mitigate the spread of COVID-19.

However, media can also be highly politicized and thus focus its readers aspects of the pandemic

that are not conducive to the active prevention of viral spread.

As popularly perceived standards of democracy often reference back to the democracy

index compiled by the Economist Group, this paper uses Intelligence Unit democracy indices as

4 Bollyky et al. (2019) similarly use this dataset, but decompose democratic experience into key components defining the democracy index so as to identify which ones had the most significant effect on their dependent indicator, HIV-free life expectancy.


well to get a grasp on whether commonly accepted democratic nations have been responding

more effectively to the COVID-19 outbreak.

As an extension of this, the paper also selects the Functioning of Government Index from

the Economist Group’s Intelligence Unit. This index takes into account questions concerning

government corruption, popular perception of citizens’ freedom of choice, public confidence in

the government, and government’s extent of jurisdiction. By this specific breakdown of index

composition, one may assume that a country with a higher Functioning of Government Index

would be more effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19. Thus, this index was also

included in the study for analysis.

3.5 Summary Statistics

Table 1: Summary Statistics (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) VARIABLES N mean sd min max

positive test cases 30 days after first case 68 2,648 7,151 1 42,282

COVID-19 deaths 30 days after first case 68 69.82 218.3 0 1,284 positive test cases 45 days after first case 64 7,461 19,330 2 142,823 COVID-19 deaths 45 days after first case 64 298.4 687.9 0 3,294 population (millions) 68 86.92 241.0 0.0340 1,439 density 68 406.667 1280.858 3.249 79.52.998

hospital beds (per thousand) 68 3.659 2.467 0.500 13.40 GDP (millions) 68 12.72 1.657 7.398 16.84 total COVID-19 screening tests conducted in the 30 days after first case 59 34,835 69,850 54 403,266 quality of tests 68 1.721 2.962 0 9 shared border (dummy variable) 68 0.632 0.486 0 1 inbound tourism (millions) 67 17.663 20.082 0.084 89.322 Democracy index 67 6.467 2.234 1.930 9.870 Function Gov Index 67 6.159 2.374 0 9.640 Multiplicative Polyarchy Index 67 0.460 0.320 0 0.841 Freedom of Expression Index 67 0.710 0.285 0.0770 0.969 Government type 67 2.239 1.074 1 4


Table 1 above presents a comprehensive overview of the data used in this study. Note in

particular that this study takes from a wide range of countries but does not cover every country

due to the nature of the methodology design. Yet this does not preclude the study’s ability to

represent a wide range of democracies. The following two graphs illustrate the range of

democracy indices assigned to the countries in this study.

Figure 1: Distribution of Democracy Indices in Dataset


Figure 2: Distribution of Democracy Indices Globally

Note here that compared to the global distributions, this study’s sample has some gaps.

However, the study does cover both ends of the distribution and also has a fair representation of

the overall range of indices. Thus, with the acknowledgement that improvements to methodology

design could indeed be made in the future once more 30-day time-horizons transpire for

countries, I proceed with the research design as presented below.

4 Methodology

4.1 Principle Regression

The methodology used in this paper draws heavily on the work of Bollyky et al. (2019) in

terms of modelling a regression government response against democracy indices with fixed

effects. All analyses are conducted using Stata, version 15.1.

The main regression on which this paper revolves is as follows:


𝑡𝑒𝑠𝑡. 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝛼 +𝛽"𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 +𝛽#𝑝𝑜𝑝. 𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 +𝛽$ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙. 𝑏𝑒𝑑 +𝛽%𝑔𝑑𝑝

+𝛽&𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑. 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 + 𝛽'𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑚 +𝜀(

Description for each variable is presented below:

Table 2: Regression Variable Descriptions Variable Description


the number of total COVID-19 screening tests per thousand people population conducted by the country in question up until 30 days after the date of first positive COVID-19 case discovery within the country

democracy one of the four democracy indices chosen as part of the analysis, as described in the data section

pop.density the population density in a given country measured in terms of persons per thousand square kilometers

hospital.bed the number of hospital beds available per thousand people in a given country

gdp the gross domestic product of the country in millions, 2018 figures


a dummy variable marking whether a country’s bordering nations had already experienced their first positive case of coronavirus prior to said country’s first COVID-19 case discovery

tourism a count of inflowing tourism as measured in terms of thousands of people

4.2 Control Variables

As noted above, several control variables were selected for this study. Here I will be

reasoning through why these specific variables were chosen in order their appearance in Table 2.

Democracy, as the primary independent variable of interest in the study, need not be further

justified. Pop.density is used as a control for differences in each country’s population density that

may lead to variances in the total number of positive tests conducted. This variable was

introduced with the understanding that COVID-19 is a human-transmitted disease and therefore


proliferates faster in more densely populated areas. However, the following table illustrates that

density is in fact not as highly correlated with the outcome variables in the study as expected,

and thus are excluded in later extensions of the regression.

Table 3: Density Variable Correlation with Outcome Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) VARIABLES c30_rate c45_rate d30_rate d45_rate test_rate Pop.density -1.47e-05 -5.64e-05 5.74e-07 -3.04e-07 -0.000296

(2.11e-05) (3.56e-05) (1.74e-06) (3.10e-06) (0.000272) Constant 0.317*** 0.701*** 0.0116 0.0321** 4.041***

(0.115) (0.201) (0.00880) (0.0158) (1.081)

Observations 68 65 68 65 59 R-squared 0.000 0.002 0.000 0.000 0.003 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Here, I introduce a precursor to the rest of the variables with the following figure to

illustrate the predicted effect that each control has on the outcome variables.

Figure 3: Relationship Between Control Variables and Outcome Variables


Hospital.beds is included because of the assumption that countries with more hospital

beds per capita will be able to better respond to pandemics. As seen in the introduction of this

paper, a country’s ability to respond to surge demands for medical resources during pandemics is

considered a crucial determinant in its overall ability to mitigate the effects of a pandemic within

its borders (Manuell, 2011). The number of hospital beds available per capita was assumed to be

a valuable indicator of this readiness to respond. The positive coefficient of Figure 3 is

interesting, and perhaps illustrates the fact that countries with more hospital beds and stronger

health systems actually take more care to test their populations, thereby discovering more

positive cases. However, the regression below illustrates that hospital beds is in fact not

significantly correlated with the outcome variables of interest in our study, and consequentially I

won’t put further meaning to the positive trend noted above. More importantly, to balance both

sides of the argument, this variable is removed from extensions of the regression.

Table 4: Hospital Beds Variable Correlation with Outcome Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) VARIABLES c30_rate c45_rate d30_rate d45_rate test_rate Hospital.bed 0.0188 0.0394 0.000379 0.00246 0.0196

(0.0207) (0.0434) (0.000687) (0.00236) (0.217) Constant 0.242** 0.533** 0.0105 0.0230 3.833***

(0.121) (0.225) (0.00864) (0.0162) (1.348)

Observations 68 65 68 65 59 R-squared 0.002 0.004 0.000 0.002 0.000 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

GDP was included as another control variable since a country that is wealthier may be

able to respond more rapidly to changes in its environment. Similar regressions as above reveal

that GDP is significantly correlated with the majority of our outcome variables, and thus is left as

a control.


Shared.border was selected as a control variable under the assumption that countries

whose neighbors were already testing positive for COVID-19 may be more alert than others due

to geographic vulnerability. However, a similar regression as above reveals that there is no

significant correlation between this dummy variable and the outcome variables. Thus, this

control is dropped in extensions of the principle regression.

Table 5: Tourism Variable Correlation with Outcome Variables (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) VARIABLES c30_rate c45_rate d30_rate d45_rate test_rate tourism -0.00910* -0.0179** -0.000443 -0.000915 -0.0982**

(0.00503) (0.00847) (0.000412) (0.000720) (0.0381) Constant 0.477** 1.005*** 0.0199 0.0487* 5.801***

(0.200) (0.335) (0.0163) (0.0287) (1.618)

Observations 67 64 67 64 58 R-squared 0.037 0.050 0.014 0.019 0.065 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Finally, we are left with the tourism variable. Trends from Figure 3 illustrate that a higher

count of annual inbound tourism is actually correlated with lower COVID-19 positive tests per

thousand people populations. This is very interesting, and quite counter to my original intent in

including this control variable. However, a likely explanation could be that tourism is positively

correlated with a country’s level of development and infrastructure, and thus countries that

attract more tourism are actually better able to respond to changes. Another potentially more

plausible explanation is that countries that attract more tourism have traditionally attracted more

tourism, and thus have historically dealt with more cases of global epidemics. As a result, they

would have more experience in dealing with a pandemic like this one. A regression similar to the

ones above also show significant correlation between tourism and the majority of outcome

variables in this study, and thus I include it in all the regression extensions.


4.3 Extensions of Regression

Since a subset of government testing data was estimated using a linear model that takes in

positive test cases as an input, I chose to run the above regression three times. Each data point on

government testing is assigned a data quality level of 0, 1 or 2. 0 represents data of the highest

quality, collected from an official government website on the day of interest. 1 represents data of

second-tier quality, corresponding to a date that is within a 10-day window of the date of interest.

2 represents the lowest quality of data, corresponding to a date that is more than 10 days off from

the date of interest. With each regression, I drop another one of the lower-quality data groups and

observe the differences in outcome.

As noted in the data section, to also see how effective democratic countries were at

containing COVID-19 in general, I look at the following regression as well:

𝑐𝑎𝑠𝑒. 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝛼 +𝛽"𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 +𝛽#𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 +𝛽$ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙. 𝑏𝑒𝑑 +𝛽%𝑔𝑑𝑝

+𝛽&𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑. 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 + 𝛽'𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑚 +𝜀(

Here, the dependent indicator of interest is the total number of positive COVID-19 cases

per thousand people population in a given country by the date of the 30-day time horizon. This

regression is supplemented with the following, perhaps more accurate representation of how

rampant COVID-19 is within a given country.

𝑑𝑒𝑎𝑡ℎ. 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 = 𝛼 +𝛽"𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑐𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑦 +𝛽#𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦 +𝛽$ℎ𝑜𝑠𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙. 𝑏𝑒𝑑 +𝛽%𝑔𝑑𝑝

+𝛽&𝑠ℎ𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑑. 𝑏𝑜𝑟𝑑𝑒𝑟 + 𝛽'𝑡𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑚 +𝜀(


The variable death.rate represents the total number of deaths per thousand people

population caused by COVID-19 in a given country by the date of the 30-day time horizon. This

is potentially a more insightful measure since patients who are severely affected by COVID-19

are more likely to visit the hospital, leading to less cases left undiagnosed. Thus, the data on

deaths caused by COVID-19 can be assumed to be a more accurate measure of the severity of

COVID-19 developments within any given country.

As the time horizon selected for analysis was somewhat arbitrary, I implement a short

robustness check using COVID-19 positive test cases and death counts using a 45-day time

horizon as the dependent variable of interest.

5 Results

Have democracies been more or less effective at preventing the spread of COVID-19? In

this section, I first bring up the discussion of COVID-19 screening test rates. Then, I present the

results on positive test rates as well as confirmed death rates pertaining to COVID-19. Finally,

some extensions of the regression framework are explored to provide robustness checks on the

chosen analysis framework.

5.1 Test Rate

Looking at the COVID-19 screening test rate regressions, I find that there is a positive

relationship between democracy indices and test rates. The full regression output table is

presented in the Appendix. Here, I pull the results from regressing all recorded test rate data.


Table 6: Regressing COVID-19 Screening Test Rate Against Various Democracy Indicators (1) (2) (3) (4) VARIABLES test_rate test_rate test_rate test_rate dem1 1.168*

(0.693) dem2 1.167*

(0.650) dem3 7.538*

(3.863) dem4 4.743

(3.760) density -8.90e-05 -0.000189 0.000203 -0.000126

(0.000274) (0.000402) (0.000289) (0.000236) hospitalbed -0.176 -0.133 -0.254 -0.0722

(0.267) (0.271) (0.273) (0.256) gdp -1.53e-07 -1.81e-07 -1.34e-07 -1.14e-07

(2.19e-07) (2.33e-07) (1.97e-07) (1.99e-07) share_border -0.232 -0.704 -0.411 -0.410

(2.418) (2.522) (2.483) (2.567) tourism -0.0966** -0.0863*** -0.0985** -0.0942**

(0.0376) (0.0322) (0.0388) (0.0381) Constant -1.252 -0.932 3.248 2.895

(3.427) (2.955) (2.520) (2.749)

Observations 58 58 58 58 R-squared 0.149 0.157 0.133 0.090 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

What we see is that a country’s overall level of democracy, as measured by the

Economist’s Intelligence Unit, is positively correlated with test rates at the 0.1 level. Every one-

point increase in this democracy index is correlated with a 0.1168% increase in the population

test rate. To better understand what the democracy index scale means in this case, note that full

democracies score 8 or above on the index, flawed democracies score between 6-8, hybrid

regimes score 4-6 and authoritarian regimes score between 1-4. Thus, a two-point increase in

democracy index scoring differentiates two countries by entire regime categorizations under the


Economists’ specifications. Interpreting these specifications in a more comprehensible manner,

we find that with every one-level increase in democracy categorization, there is on average a

0.2336% increase in population test rate.

Looking at the second democracy index, which marks the functioning of government as

specified by the Economist as well, we see that there is also positive and significant correlation

between the index and COVID-19 screening test rates. A one-point increase in the Functioning

of Government Index is correlated with a 0.1167% increase in the population test rate. As the

index is taken from the same dataset as above, I will omit repeated definition of the index scales.

Once again, the important takeaway is that the relationship is positive and significant.

Furthermore, as with the first democracy index, this positive correlation holds across all three

data quality specifications. The data significance drops off when only excluding the lowest-

quality test-rate data, but once again picks up to a 0.1 significance level when excluding all but

the highest tier data.

Now referencing the regression outputs in columns 3 and 4, we note first that the results

need to be read slightly differently since the V-Dem indices range from 0 to 1. Dem3

corresponds to the Multiplicative Polyarchy Index from the V-Dem dataset, an index that

measures the responsiveness and accountability between leaders and citizens through the

mechanism of competitive elections. Here, we also see a positive correlation, with every 0.1

increase in the index correlating to a .07538% increase in population test rate, significant at the

0.1 level. What we see is that higher scores on the Multiplicative Polyarchy Index are correlated

with higher levels of population test rate.

Similarly, with the freedom of expression index, we note that although the relationship is

positive, the results are not significant. Yet consistent across all extensions of the regression


model here is the observation that more democratic countries seem to be testing a larger

percentage of their population, confirming the hypothesis that these countries are perhaps

responding more to their citizens demands through testing. As cited before, many research

reports have claimed the significance of testing. Thus, countries scoring high on a

“responsiveness” index should expectedly be issuing more tests for their citizens in response to

demands. This is indeed what we observe here. Interestingly, freedom of expression and media

doesn’t seem to play as significant a role here, albeit the relationship is still positive.

Despite these positive correlations, what lies ahead in the regression results present an

interesting twist to the popular view that democracies and countries that are testing more are

better containing the spread of COVID-19.

5.2 Positive Cases

To compare positive case detections by COVID-19 across varies countries, I adjusted the

variables in proportion to the country’s population size. Thus, as my independent variable, I had

a positive case detection rate, defined as the number of positive cases over a thousand persons

unit of the population. I also defined COVID-19 death rate as the number of deaths due to

COVID-19 over a thousand persons unit of the population. Bearing this definition in mind, the

results below indicate that more democratic countries have experienced higher rates of case



Table 7: Regressing COVID-19 Positive Case Detection Rate Against Various Democracy Indicators (1) (2) (3) (4) VARIABLES c30_rate c30_rate c30_rate c30_rate dem1 0.0836**

(0.0391) dem2 0.0839**

(0.0376) dem3 0.579**

(0.262) dem4 0.391*

(0.213) density -1.06e-05 -1.85e-05 1.38e-05 -8.66e-06

(1.23e-05) (2.36e-05) (1.74e-05) (1.14e-05) hospitalbed -0.00256 -0.000247 -0.00890 0.00668

(0.0178) (0.0184) (0.0180) (0.0176) gdp 1.25e-09 -4.46e-09 0 -6.20e-10

(1.36e-08) (1.18e-08) (1.29e-08) (1.21e-08) share_border 0.0553 0.0327 0.0380 0.0384

(0.144) (0.146) (0.148) (0.154) tourism -0.00566 -0.00524* -0.00569 -0.00506

(0.00340) (0.00312) (0.00352) (0.00329) Constant -0.247 -0.217 0.0548 -0.0126

(0.151) (0.138) (0.129) (0.126)

Observations 66 66 66 66 R-squared 0.152 0.165 0.137 0.087 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Before launching into the analysis of death rate results, I’ll first delve more deeply into

Table 6 above. Based on the results, one-point increase in the Economist’s overall Democracy

Index is correlated with a 0.00836% increase in positive case detection in a country’s overall

population, significant at the 0.05 level. Similarly, a one-point increase in a country’s

Functioning of Government Index is correlated with a 0.00839% increase in positive case

detection as a percentage of population, significant at the 0.05 level. A 0.1-point increase in the

V-Dem Multiplicative Polyarchy Index is correlated with a 0.00579% increase in COVID-19

positive case detection rate, significant at the 0.05 level. Finally, a 0.1-point increase in the


Freedom of Expression Index is correlated with a 0.00391% increase in COVID-19 positive case

detection rate, significant at the 0.1 level.

Here, I want to present a slight variant of the data above, using instead data collected 45-

days after a given country’s first-case detection date. In addition to providing a simple robustness

check against the arbitrary 30-day threshold selected for this study, I also hope to shed some

light on advances that can be made in this study as the pandemic progresses.

Table 8: Regressing COVID-19 Positive Case Detection Rate Against Various Democracy Indicators, 45th Day Indicators (5) (6) (7) (8) VARIABLES c45_rate c45_rate c45_rate c45_rate dem1 0.187**

(0.0717) dem2 0.181***

(0.0662) dem3 1.472***

(0.500) dem4 1.091**

(0.432) density -3.67e-05* -5.50e-05 2.86e-05 -2.49e-05

(2.09e-05) (3.97e-05) (3.01e-05) (2.67e-05) hospitalbed -0.00365 0.00391 -0.0272 0.00819

(0.0375) (0.0389) (0.0373) (0.0374) gdp 9.66e-09 -5.27e-09 1.02e-08 8.20e-09

(2.71e-08) (2.32e-08) (2.62e-08) (2.42e-08) share_border 0.159 0.110 0.122 0.114

(0.265) (0.270) (0.268) (0.284) tourism -0.0142** -0.0127** -0.0152** -0.0133**

(0.00609) (0.00565) (0.00630) (0.00605) Constant -0.516* -0.425 0.122 -0.106

(0.300) (0.263) (0.240) (0.253)

Observations 63 63 63 63 R-squared 0.220 0.230 0.229 0.152 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Notice that the results actually increase in significance as well as magnitude. Magnitude

can be explained by the fact that technology may have been able to advance during this two-


week window, allowing countries to get more access to testing kits and hence detect more cases

as a result of more widespread testing. Furthermore, as COVID-19 exhibits an exponential rather

than linear growth pattern, this notable increase in magnitude of the coefficients is rather

justifiable. More importantly, all results continue to remain positive and statistically significant.

In fact, with the exception of the first democratic index, the statistical significance increases for

each regression when using 45-day data. What can be said about this is that, as the pandemic

progresses and the consequences of each country’s response displays itself more prominently in

these positive case-detection data points, we are able to see a statistically stronger correlation

between a country’s system of government and its efficacy in containing COVID-19. Apart from

this, the increased level of significance in the data may also point to the possibility of time lag in

indicators that allows us to see the effects of actions taken by the government more clearly only

after some time has passed.

Now looping back to the discussion of the interpretation of the coefficients themselves,

we first note that they are all positive. Thus, the data shows that democratic institutions have

actually detected more positive cases of COVID-19. This in itself is not necessarily a negative

reflection on democratic institutions. Increased rates of detection may be correlated with the

positive test conduction rates since patients often do not exhibit symptoms and thus will not be

accounted for in the data unless actively tested for. Thus, I will leave further interpretation on

this aspect of the results to the death rates section. Another characteristic of the results worth

pointing out is that there is an increase in statistical significance of the positive coefficients on

the Freedom of Speech Index. One interpretation could be that media has not in fact been

leveraged by more democratic institutions to promote the containment of COVID-19 more so

than it has been in less democratic institutions. Noting this significance in the positive coefficient


on the Freedom of Speech Index at the 45-day time horizon, we may even take this a step further

in saying that the less democratic institutions may have been better leveraging the media to

contain the spread of COVID-19.

Of course, these interpretations rely on a certain set of assumptions which will be

explored further in later discussions of the limitations to this study. Nonetheless, the results here

present a positive and significant correlation that may serve as the basis for more rigorous study

of specific topics concerning this pandemic in the future.

5.3 Death Rates

Similar to my treatment of positive case rates in this study, I adjusted the death count

variables in proportion to the country’s population size. Specifically, I defined COVID-19 death

rate as the number of deaths due to COVID-19 over a thousand persons unit of the population.

The results here are to reinforce certain, perhaps stronger interpretations of the results

demonstrated above. First, I present the table of outputs below.


Table 9: Regressing COVID-19 Death Rate Against Various Democracy Indicators (1) (2) (3) (4) VARIABLES d30_rate d30_rate d30_rate d30_rate dem1 0.000720*

(0.000421) dem2 0.000787*

(0.000400) dem3 0.00569*

(0.00290) dem4 0.00348

(0.00259) density -1.24e-07 -1.90e-07 1.29e-07 -1.04e-07

(1.84e-07) (1.44e-07) (2.37e-07) (2.37e-07) hospitalbed 3.91e-06 5.64e-06 -9.01e-05 7.86e-05

(0.000170) (0.000180) (0.000163) (0.000188) gdp 0 -0 0 -0

(1.58e-10) (1.39e-10) (1.60e-10) (1.46e-10) share_border 0.00280** 0.00259** 0.00263** 0.00265*

(0.00134) (0.00128) (0.00129) (0.00133) tourism -4.04e-05 -3.70e-05 -4.16e-05 -3.53e-05

(3.86e-05) (3.59e-05) (4.09e-05) (3.78e-05) Constant -0.00283 -0.00289 -0.000407 -0.000876

(0.00264) (0.00239) (0.00124) (0.00178)

Observations 66 66 66 66 R-squared 0.120 0.137 0.126 0.088 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

Just as above, we find a positive correlation between various democracy indices and

COVID-19 death rates as defined by number of deaths per thousand persons population. The

numbers here are smaller, and so I won’t walk through the interpretations line by line. Notably,

the correlations are all positive and statistically significant except for that of the Freedom of

Expression Index. This is very similar to the case we saw above with the positive case detection

rate. Before launching into interpretations, I first present below the data outputs for 45-day time

horizon indicators.


Table 10: Regressing COVID-19 Death Rate Against Various Democracy Indicators, 45th Day Indicators (5) (6) (7) (8) VARIABLES d45_rate d45_rate d45_rate d45_rate dem1 0.00484**

(0.00183) dem2 0.00488***

(0.00183) dem3 0.0456***

(0.0143) dem4 0.0349***

(0.0124) density -5.19e-07 -9.84e-07 1.65e-06 2.40e-08

(1.10e-06) (7.97e-07) (1.17e-06) (1.57e-06) hospitalbed 0.00111 0.00125 8.44e-05 0.00114

(0.00167) (0.00162) (0.00137) (0.00157) gdp 2.20e-10 -1.68e-10 3.06e-10 2.57e-10

(7.51e-10) (6.83e-10) (8.16e-10) (7.50e-10) share_border 0.0155* 0.0142* 0.0143* 0.0140*

(0.00796) (0.00770) (0.00757) (0.00777) tourism -0.000298* -0.000259 -0.000342* -0.000285*

(0.000164) (0.000161) (0.000177) (0.000165) Constant -0.0232* -0.0218* -0.00848 -0.0161

(0.0118) (0.0121) (0.00776) (0.0100)

Observations 63 63 63 63 R-squared 0.170 0.182 0.210 0.154 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

The results are once again very similar to that of the positive case detection rates. The

key assumption on which the rest of data interpretation in this section lies has been presented

once before in the methodologies section, but I will reiterate here for sake of clarity. While case

detection rate is highly contingent on a country’s COVID-19 screening test policies, death rates

are arguably a clearer indicator of a country’s ability to contain COVID-19, as patients who fall

in this category can rarely go undetected due to the severity of their condition. Thus, data in this

category must more accurately reflect the actual conditions and prevalence of COVID-19 in a

given country. The exception of course, is if a country actively corrupts their data. This will be a


topic explored further in another section of my paper. For now, I rest my interpretations on these

assumptions and proceed as follows.

In all cases, we note a positive correlation between each democracy index and death rates

by COVID-19. The data is thus showing that more democratic countries have experienced

numbers of death by COVID-19 in proportion to the size of their populations. This is perhaps

more surprising than the other data points, as in countless past papers, democracy has been

associated with higher levels of GDP and higher levels of responsiveness to citizens’ needs.

These, and many other characteristics of democracy, would predict a lower percentage of deaths.

Having controlled for the influx of tourism, we also note that the higher flow of inbound

international traffic is not correlated with these higher death rates. Thus, the question remains for

further studies: why is there a higher proportion of deaths in these countries that most would

predict to have had more resources to respond better?

I leave my hypothesized response to this question for the conclusion of this paper.

However, as they are merely conjecture at this point in the study, I will first conclude the

presentation of data and a reiteration of limitations before delving into postulations that may aid

in future studies.

5.4 Extensions of the Regression Model

As mentioned in the methodologies section, to ensure the results shown above are

actually consistent when removing control variables that aren’t significantly correlated with the

outcome variables, I’ve included the analysis below. In different iterations of the regression, I

separately removed the variables density, hospital.bed and shared.border. In all cases, the results

either remain equally significant or increase in statistical significance. Here I will present just the

regression results upon removing all three variables mentioned above.


The results for COVID-19 screening test rates remain largely similar and thus are

presented in Table 5B of the Appendix for reference rather than included in this section. Notably,

the statistical significance of each coefficient remains exactly the same, though magnitudes of

each coefficient increased. This is expected of removing control variables from the regression

model, and thus does not add further information to the interpretation presented in previous

paragraphs. Nonetheless, the results confirm that the regression model chosen in this study is

sound in that the results are not drastically uprooted by the addition of these control variables.

In the case of COVID-19 positive case detection rates and death rates, the regression

results after removing the controls for density, hospital.bed and shared.border for the 45th-day

time horizon indicators are presented below.

Table 11: Extensions of the Regression Model, 45th Day Indicators (5) (6) (7) (8) (5) (6) (7) (8) VARIABLES c45_rate c45_rate c45_rate c45_rate d45_rate d45_rate d45_rate d45_rate dem1 0.188*** 0.00533***

(0.0655) (0.00187) dem2 0.185*** 0.00547***

(0.0617) (0.00204) dem3 1.362*** 0.0455***

(0.420) (0.0146) dem4 1.157*** 0.0408***

(0.399) (0.0141) gdp 5.32e-09 -6.71e-09 2.83e-09 5.80e-09 -3.25e-10 -6.65e-10 -3.45e-10 -2.22e-10

(2.53e-08) (2.05e-08) (2.30e-08) (2.25e-08) (6.63e-10) (5.63e-10) (6.84e-10) (6.93e-10) tourism -0.0143** -0.0128** -0.0151** -0.0133** -0.000258* -0.000219 -0.000304* -0.000248

(0.00611) (0.00573) (0.00614) (0.00598) (0.000151) (0.000151) (0.000162) (0.000151) Constant -0.450 -0.388* 0.165* -0.0623 -0.0132 -0.0129 0.00138 -0.00768

(0.277) (0.227) (0.0915) (0.165) (0.00836) (0.00829) (0.00298) (0.00571)

Observations 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 63 R-squared 0.212 0.222 0.221 0.148 0.122 0.139 0.172 0.117 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1


Here we notice that not only do the magnitudes of the coefficients increase as expected,

the statistical significance of some of the figures increase as well. Overall, interpretations of

results remain largely the same. Iterations of these regressions in which I remove each variable

independently of one another reveal the same results.

6 Limitations

The results illustrate that higher levels of democracy are correlated with higher rates of

testing, but also higher rates of death as a result of COVID-19. Yet to preface any conclusions

that may result from this paper, I must point out some of the limitations to this study. First of all,

of widespread concern is that countries, regardless of their levels of democracy, may not have

the most accurate data on COVID-19 at the moment. This could be due to corruption, which is

unfortunately an inevitable possibility at any point in time. However, in this particular period of

time, data on these indicators may be especially inaccurate since, understandably, all countries

have more urgent matters to deal with than accurate data reporting. A concern that is also

relevant for the first thirty days of the pandemic spread in any given country is that there may not

have been enough systems in place to even properly detect and account for the cases of death

that may fall under the category of COVID-19.

Data quality thus becomes a very valid concern when perusing the results of this study.

This concern may be mitigated in future extensions of the study in several ways. First, at this

future point in time, countries may have more time to spend on updating their databases and

reporting more accurate figures. Second, one could look into other studies that have accounted

for corruption in data reporting to get a more accurate estimate on the effectiveness of

democracies during this global pandemic.


Yet another potential limitation of the study is that it only identifies the existence of a

statistically significant correlations between democracies and a measure of effective COVID-19

containment in the first 30 days. To specifically identify the reasons why these correlations exist

would require further studies. I propose some ideas in the conclusion of this paper for reference.

The contribution of this paper is in collecting the data necessary to identify this positive and

statistically significant relationship, as well as to set the foundations for iterations of analysis

once the pandemic is over. Bearing these limitations in mind, I conclude the findings below.

7 Conclusion

The paper began by exploring whether more democratic countries have responded more

effectively in face of the COVID-19 pandemic. In one respect, the study chose to focus on

analyzing which countries were conducing more screening tests by the 30-day mark since many

case studies have shown that screening tests lead to more effective containment. However, while

more democratic countries have in fact conducted more screening tests on average, they have not

been more effective at containing the spread of the disease. The latter is measured using two

indicators, death rates and positive case detection rates. In both cases, a higher democratic index

significantly correlates with higher rates of positive case detection and death. Based on the

results, a one-point increase in the Economist’s overall Democracy Index is correlated with a

0.00836% increase in positive case detection in a country’s overall population, significant at the

0.05 level. The same one-point increase in this Democracy Index is correlated with a 0.000072%

increase in death rates as a percentage of overall population in a given country on average,

significant at the 0.1 level. These figures also jump to 0.0187% for positive case detection rates

and 0.000484% for death rates when looking at the 45-day time horizon indicators. Respectively,

the significance levels lie at 0.05.


Arguably, the results concerning positive case detection could just mean that the more

democratic countries have been more effective at detecting asymptomatic carriers. This makes

sense in light of the regression results on screening test rates as well, since the results show that

every one-point increase in the Economist’s Democracy Index is correlated with a 0.1168%

increase in the population test rate, significant at the 0.05 level. Thus, a positive correlation

between democracy and positive test rates could just be reflecting better data collection

capabilities on the part of more democratic nations. However, the study addresses this limitation

by using the death count indicator as well. The assumption here is that death counts will be a

more accurate indicator of the spread of COVID-19 since the majority of patients at this level of

infection must be reporting to hospitals for treatment, and thus will be included in any data

recordings. The statistically significant positive correlation thus indicates that more democratic

countries have been less effective at containing the spread of COVID-19.

This interesting set of results gives rise to an even more interesting set of questions. If on

average, more democratic countries have been testing more, and yet have also experienced

higher death rates as a result of COVID-19, what drives the containment of this disease? The

paragraphs to follow involve questions that may invite future research on the topic.

By simple observation, one will notice that the COVID-19 pandemic has been politically

and racially charged. The virus originated in China late last year. Even before it physically

spread to other countries, COVID-19 had ignited a slew of racially charged misconceptions.

Similarly, the media has frenzied to blame the Chinese government for its inadequacies in initial

containment efforts. Yet with millions worldwide suffering from this infectious disease, sitting at

my desk in my final semester of undergraduate studies, I can’t help but feel that the focus of

media and at times even government decisions have been misguided. What is truly driving better


containment efforts worldwide? Why is it that, at least according to this study, democracies have

not been able to contain the spread of the disease as well despite issuing more widespread

testing? Perhaps it’s the fact that these less democratic countries are willing to enact more

marshal laws that ultimately benefit their people in these extreme times? Perhaps in these times,

state control over media has some benefits in the diffusion of important information? Perhaps it’s

a question of the culture that develops as a consequence of democracies? Are stay-at-home laws

being received in the same manner by citizens in every country?

Of course, drawing back these questions with more empirical reasoning, this paper can

only conclude in conjectures on these topics. The results of this study do not discount the fact

that screening tests may be an effective tool in containing the disease, but rather point out the

possibility that actions taken after issuing screening tests are more pivotal in preventing the

spread of COVID-19. To gain more insight on this point, one would have to collect more

indicators on these actions, such as an index on how strictly the government reinforces

quarantine for those who test positive. What this study suggests is that whatever these specific

measures taken beyond just screening the population may be, less democratic countries seem to

be pushing forth better results. The questions of what aspect of these less democratic countries

are most important in realizing more effective responses and what specific actions they’re taking

to more efficiently contain COVID-19 are left as the subject of future research.

On a larger scale, different systems of governments have much to learn from each other

despite their differences, as evidenced by the patterns we’re observing in the outcomes of this

global pandemic. There is no absolute right, so instead of focusing on who is right and who is

wrong, maybe with the gentlest of nudges, this paper can help us focus on what exactly is going

to help save more lives.


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9 Appendix



Table 11A: Extensions of the Regression Model, COVID-19 Positive Case Detection Rate Indicators (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) VARIABLES c30_rate c30_rate c30_rate c30_rate c45_rate c45_rate c45_rate c45_rate dem1 0.0832** 0.188***

(0.0358) (0.0655) dem2 0.0845** 0.185***

(0.0348) (0.0617) dem3 0.539** 1.362***

(0.222) (0.420) dem4 0.423** 1.157***

(0.199) (0.399) gdp -6.02e-10 -4.93e-09 -2.52e-09 -1.44e-09 5.32e-09 -6.71e-09 2.83e-09 5.80e-09

(1.24e-08) (1.02e-08) (1.13e-08) (1.08e-08) (2.53e-08) (2.05e-08) (2.30e-08) (2.25e-08) tourism -0.00566* -0.00529* -0.00563 -0.00494 -0.0143** -0.0128** -0.0151** -0.0133**

(0.00338) (0.00314) (0.00344) (0.00326) (0.00611) (0.00573) (0.00614) (0.00598) Constant -0.221 -0.208* 0.0719* 0.00797 -0.450 -0.388* 0.165* -0.0623

(0.141) (0.122) (0.0386) (0.0679) (0.277) (0.227) (0.0915) (0.165)

Observations 66 66 66 66 63 63 63 63 R-squared 0.149 0.162 0.134 0.084 0.212 0.222 0.221 0.148 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1


Table 11B: Extensions of the Regression Model, COVID-19 Death Rate Indicators (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) VARIABLES d30_rate d30_rate d30_rate d30_rate d45_rate d45_rate d45_rate d45_rate dem1 0.000731* 0.00533***

(0.000424) (0.00187) dem2 0.000824* 0.00547***

(0.000418) (0.00204) dem3 0.00552** 0.0455***

(0.00270) (0.0146) dem4 0.00420 0.0408***

(0.00265) (0.0141) gdp -1.00e-10 -1.39e-10 -1.15e-10 -1.05e-10 -3.25e-10 -6.65e-10 -3.45e-10 -2.22e-10

(1.45e-10) (1.30e-10) (1.46e-10) (1.40e-10) (6.63e-10) (5.63e-10) (6.84e-10) (6.93e-10) tourism -3.60e-05 -3.35e-05 -3.74e-05 -3.01e-05 -0.000258* -0.000219 -0.000304* -0.000248

(3.66e-05) (3.42e-05) (3.86e-05) (3.64e-05) (0.000151) (0.000151) (0.000162) (0.000151) Constant -0.00114 -0.00151 0.00109 0.000536 -0.0132 -0.0129 0.00138 -0.00768

(0.00222) (0.00197) (0.000912) (0.00147) (0.00836) (0.00829) (0.00298) (0.00571)

Observations 66 66 66 66 63 63 63 63 R-squared 0.077 0.099 0.088 0.050 0.122 0.139 0.172 0.117 Robust standard errors in parentheses *** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1

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