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Demystifying Rails Plugin Development

Nick Plante ::Voices That Matter

Professional Ruby Conference

November 18th, 2008

Obligatory Introduction

Plugins are generalized, reusable code libraries

Extend or override core functionality of Rails

Can save you a lot of time

Provide standard hooks, helpers… Rails scripts, hooks Generators, etc


core plugin

but more like …

Plugin Examples

User Authentication Restful Authentication, Closure

Pagination Will Paginate, Paginating Find

Asynchronous Processing Workling, Background Job, etc

View Helpers Lightbox helper, Flash media player helper, etc

Why Develop Plugins?

Internal re-use, productivity boosterOpportunity to refactor, clean up

project code is_rateable vs. gobs of in-line ratings code

Contribute to the Ruby OSS ecosystem Get feedback, contributions, inspire

others Profit^h^h^h^h^h^h“Marketing”

Is Plugin Development ‘Hard’?

Is developing software in Ruby/Rails hard?

Depends on what you’re trying to accomplish, right?

The plugins system itself is simple Writing plugins can be hard, but it doesn’t

have to be

Plugin Genesis: Extraction

Most plugins don’t start out as plugins

Usually extracted & generalized from a useful feature created in a larger project

What interesting problems have you solved lately?

Validating ISBNs

How would we implement thisin a Book modelfor a plain old Rails project?

ISBN-13: 978-1-59059-993-8ISBN-10: 1-59059-993-4

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base validates_presence_of :title, :author, :isbn

def validate unless self.isbn_valid? errors.add(:isbn, "is not a valid ISBN code") end end

ISBN10_REGEX = /^(?:\d[\ |-]?){9}[\d|X]$/ ISBN13_REGEX = /^(?:\d[\ |-]?){13}$/

def isbn_valid? !self.isbn.nil? && (self.isbn10_valid? || self.isbn13_valid?) end

# ...end

Wait! There’s More!

# more code in your model…def isbn10_valid? if self.isbn.match(ISBN10_REGEX) isbn_values = self.isbn.upcase.gsub(/\ |-/, '').split('') check_digit = isbn_values.pop # last digit is check check_digit = (check_digit == 'X') ? 10 : check_digit.to_i

sum = 0 isbn_values.each_with_index do |value, index| sum += (index + 1) * value.to_i end

(sum % 11) == check_digit else false endend

# and yet more code in your model…def isbn13_valid? if self.isbn.match(ISBN13_REGEX) isbn_values = self.isbn.upcase.gsub(/\ |-/, '').split('') check_digit = isbn_values.pop.to_i # last digit is check

sum = 0 isbn_values.each_with_index do |value, index| multiplier = (index % 2 == 0) ? 1 : 3 sum += multiplier * value.to_i end

(10 - (sum % 10)) == check_digit else false endend

Your Model Code


Let’s clean up that messy model Encapsulation & Information Hiding Makes our model easier to read

We can move this code to a module in lib Or yank it all out into a plugin!

Either way, we need to build a validation module, right?


Designing the Interface

We need a clean interface DON’T judge a book by its cover But DO judge a plugin by its interface KISS -- there is beauty in simplicity / minimalism

Goal is often to extend the Rails DSL in a natural way We have pre-existing examples to guide our hand ActiveRecord::Validations (see

ActiveRecord Examples

acts_as_list :scope => :todo_list

validates_http_url :link

is_indexed :fields => ['created_at', 'title’]

has_attached_file :cover_image, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>” }

ActionController Examples

class BooksController < ApplicationController sidebar :login, :unless => :logged_in? permit "rubyists and wanna_be_rubyists" include SomePluginModule def index @books = Book.paginate :page => params[:page], :per_page => 20 endend

ActionView Examples (View Helpers)

<%= lightbox_link_to “My Link”, “image.png” %>

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base validates_isbn :isbn, :with => :isbn13, :unless => :skip_validationend

A Little Cleaner, Right? Yeah.


We need to create a validates_isbn class method on ActiveRecord::Base Generalize our code a bit

No longer married to a particular model attribute

Hide it behind a Rails-ish DSL

Extend AR::Base with our own module

module IsbnValidation # may want to namespace this def validates_isbn(*attr_names) config = { :message => "is not a valid ISBN code" } config.update(attr_names.extract_options!)

validates_each(attr_names, config) do |record,attr_name,value| valid = case config[:with] when :isbn10; validate_with_isbn10(value) when :isbn13; validate_with_isbn13(value) else validate_with_isbn10(value) || validate_with_isbn13(value) end

record.errors.add(attr_name, config[:message]) unless valid end end

# other methods, constants go here tooend

Making of the Module

Why is it a module, and not a class? A module is like a degenerate abstract class You can mix a module into a class

Include with a module to add instance methods Extend with a module to add class methods

Also use modules for organization Group similar things together, namespacing

Mixing It Up with Modules

Don’t have to stash this module in a plugin Can use it directly from lib, too…

require ‘isbn_validation’

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base extend IsbnValidation validates_isbn :isbnend


But why not go the extra step?

So you can easily reuse it across projectsAnd share with others

Generate a Plugin Skeleton

Use the supplied plugin generator The less we have to do, the better!

$ ruby script/generate plugin isbn_validation

in vendor/plugins/isbn_validation:- lib/

- isbn_validation.rb- tasks/

- isbn_validation_tasks.rake- test/

- isbn_validation_test.rb- README- MIT-LICENSE- Rakefile- init.rb- install.rb- uninstall.rb

Plugin Hooks: Install.rb

Auto-run when plugin is installed via script/plugin install

Potential Uses Display README Copy needed images, styles, scripts

Remove them with uninstall.rb

Plugin Hooks: Init.rb

Runs whenever your application is startedUse it to inject plugin code into the

framework Add class methods in IsbnValidation module

to AR::Base

ActiveRecord::Base.class_eval do extend IsbnValidation end

Adding Instance Methods?

Use include instead of extend

self.included class method is special Executed when the module is mixed in with

include Gives us access to the including class Common Ruby idiom allows us to extend the

base class with a new set of class methods here, too

def self.included(base) base.extend(ClassMethods)end

Should I Test My Plugin?

If you’re extracting a plugin, you probably already have tests for a lot of that functionality, right?

Testing Strategies

Varies depending on the type of plugin Mock/stub out your environment if possible

Test the behavior of the system with plugin installed

Rather than the eccentricities of the plugin code itself

For model plugins, consider creating an isolated in-memory database (sqlite3)

Rake testing tasks already provided See Rakefile and sample test provided by

generator rake test:plugins

Test Helper

$:.unshift(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib')RAILS_ROOT = File.dirname(__FILE__)

require 'rubygems'require 'test/unit'require 'active_record'require "#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../init"

config = YAML::load( File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/database.yml'))ActiveRecord::Base.logger = File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/debug.log")ActiveRecord::Base.establish_connection( config[ENV['DB'] || 'sqlite3'])

load(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/schema.rb") if File.exist?( File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/schema.rb")

Dummy Test Models (models.rb)

class Book < ActiveRecord::Base validates_isbn :isbn, :message => 'is too fantastical!'end

class Book10 < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'books' validates_isbn :isbn, :with => :isbn10end

class Book13 < ActiveRecord::Base set_table_name 'books' validates_isbn :isbn, :with => :isbn13end

Unit Testing

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/test_helper'require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/models'

class IsbnValidationTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @book = end

def test_isbn10_should_pass_check_digit_verification @book.isbn = '159059993-4' assert @book.valid? end

# ...


Rspec fan?

Use Pat Maddox’s RSpec plugin generator Uses RSpec stubs instead of Test::Unit Also sets up isolated database for you!


Install the pluginruby script/generate rspec_plugin


Distributing Plugins

Use a publicly visible Subversion or Git repository.

It’s that easy.

Options: Google Code (Subversion) RubyForge (Subversion) GitHub (Git) <= Recommended!

ruby script/plugin install \ git://

Distributing Plugins as Gems?

Can also package plugins as RubyGems In environment.rb:

config.gem “isbn_validation”, :source => “”, :version => “>= 0.1.0”

Then, to install it in the project: rake gems:install rake gems:unpack rake gems:unpack:dependencies

Gem Advantages

Reasons to prefer Gems for packaging Proper versioning Dependency management

GitHub makes Gem creation easy Gems will be automatically created for

you Installable via


GitHub workflow Create a rails/init.rb file in your repository Change original init.rb to include only:

require File.dirname(__FILE__) + ‘/rails/init.rb’

Create a Gemspec in the root of your repository Rake task to generate a Gemspec!

Check RubyGem box on GitHub project edit page

Can now install as either a RubyGem or a Plugin!

spec = do |s| = %q{isbn_validation} s.version = "0.1.0" s.summary = %q{adds an isbn validation...} s.description = %q{adds an isbn validation...}

s.files = FileList['[A-Z]*', '{lib,test}/**/*.rb'] s.require_path = 'lib' s.test_files = Dir[*['test/**/*_test.rb']]

s.authors = ["Nick Plante"] = %q{}

s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.add_dependency(%q<activerecord>, [">= 2.1.2"])end

desc "Generate a gemspec file"task :gemspec do"#{}.gemspec", 'w') do |f| f.write spec.to_ruby endend

What Else?

Rake tasks Put them in plugin tasks directory

Note: this does not work for GemPlugins yet Namespace them appropriately

namespace :isbn do …

Automatically made available in the host Rails project’s list of Rake tasks

Test and rdoc tasks are free


Every plugin will require different strategies for development & testing Model, Controller, View Plugins Plugins that generate code Plugins that wrap third party daemons & libraries

Fortunately, lots of OSS plugins to look to for examples -- no better way to learn! - Good luck & don’t forget to let us know about your

new plugin!


Nick Plante. @zapnap

Partner, Software DeveloperUbikorp Internet Services



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