dental history

Post on 25-May-2015






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Dental History


Ancient Origins

• 7000 BC – First evidence of Dentistry• 5000 BC - “tooth worms” as the cause of

dental decay. • 2600 BC - Death of Hesy-Re• 1800 BC - In the 18th century BC, the

Code of Hammurabi referenced dental extraction twice as it related to punishment.  

• 166-201 AD - The Etruscans practice dental prosthetics using gold crowns and fixed bridgework.

Dental drilling

Middle ages and The Renaissance: Beginnings of the dental profession

• 500-1000 - medicine, surgery, and dentistry, are generally practiced by monks .

• 1130-1163 - barbers assume the monks’ surgical duties: bloodletting, lancing abscesses, extracting teeth, etc.

• 1210 - A Guild of Barbers is established in France.  

• 1530 - the first book devoted entirely to dentistry The Little Medicinal Book for All Kinds of Diseases and Infirmities of the Teeth (Artzney Buchlein) 

• 1563 - Batholomew Eusttachius published the first accurate book on dental anatomy, 'Libellus de dentibus'

  1575 - In France Ambrose Pare, known as the Father of Surgery, publishes his Complete Works.  • 1683 - Antony van Leeuwenhoek

identified oral bacteria using a microscope.

Dental Pelican

Dental Key

Modern Forceps

The story of dentistry: 18th Century: From toothdrawer to dentist

• 1723 - 'Le Chirurgien Dentiste'  (The Surgeon Dentist) by Pierre Fauchard

• 1746 - Claude Mouton describes a gold crown and post to be retained in the root canal.

• 1776 - first known case of post-mortem dental forensics, Paul Revere verifies the death of his friend

. • 1790 - Josiah Flagg, a prominent

American dentist, constructs the first chair made specifically for dental patients.

Waterloo Teeth

19th Centruy: Advances in Science and Education


 • 1825 - Samuel Stockton begins

commercial manufacture of porcelain teeth. ( S.S. White. )

• 1830’s-1890’s The 'Amalgam War' • 1831 - James Snell designed the first

reclining dental chair.• 1839 - The American Journal of Dental

Science, the world’s first dental journal, begins publication.

• 1839 - Charles Goodyear invents the vulcanization process for hardening rubber.  

• 1843 - First British Dental Journal was published.

• 1844 - Horace Wells discovered the use of nirtous oxide as anesthesia, a Connecticut dentist, discovers that nitrous oxide can be used as an anesthesia and successfully uses it to conduct several extractions in his private practice. He conducts the first public demonstration of its use as an anesthetic in 1845 but the demonstration is generally considered a failure after the patient cries out during the operatio

• 1846 – Discovered ether as an anesthesia another dentist (and a student of Wells), William Morton

• 1859 - American Dental Association was founded.

•   1880 - British Dental Association founded.

• 1890 - Willoughby Miller an American dentist in Germany, notes the microbial basis of dental decay

• 1895 - Wilhelm Roentgen (1845 - 1923),

discovers the x-ray. • 1896 - Greene Vardiman Black principles

of cavity preparation.  • 1899 - Edward Hartley Angle classifies

the various forms of malocclusion

20th Century

• 1900 - Federation Dentaire Internationale (FDI) is founded.

• 1901- Novocaine was introduced as a local anaesthetic by Alfred Einhorn. In 1905 Einhorn formulates the local anesthetic procain, later marketed under the trade name Novocain.

• 1913 - Alfred C. Fones opens the Fones Clinic For Dental Hygienists in Bridgeport, Connecticut, the world’s first oral hygiene school. Father of Dental Hygiene.


• 1930–1943 - Frederick S. McKay, a Colorado dentist, is convinced that brown stains (mottling) on his patients’ teeth are related to their water supply.  

• 1937 - Alvin Strock inserts the first Vitallium dental screw implant.   

• 1950’s - The first fluoride toothpastes are marketed.

 • 1957 - John Bordern introduces

the high-speed air-driven

contra-angle handpiece

St Apollonia the Patron Saint of Dentistry

Philippine Dental History

• Capital Jose Arevalo, popularly known as Capitan Cheng- Cheng is the First Filipino Dentist

• 1858 - Monsieur M. Fertri,

Spanish regime

• practice of dentistry was popularly known as the profession of the sacamuelas or tooth pullers.

• special course was established in the University of Santo Tomas for cirujanos ministrantes which was eventually changed to cirujano dentistas

American Regime

• Major General Elwell Otis, authorized the then Provost Marshall General to determine the fitness of those who were already practicing dentistry

• 1903, passed the famous Act No. 593• Sociedad dental de Filipinas was

organized• Colegio Dental del Liceo de Manila

was the first dental school and later renamed as the Philippine Dental College

• University of the Philippines (1915), National University, Centro Escolar University (1925) and the Manila College of Dentistry (1929).

• 1929 Philippine Legislature passed a law known as Act No. 3538 lengthening the dental course from three to four years and in 1930 enacted a reciprocity provision forbidding foreign dentists from practicing in the Philippines if they came from countries which did not grant same privilege to Filipino dentists.

• 1936, the United States’ dental education adopted a minimum two-year pre-dental course as a pre-requirement for the study of dentistry.

Japanese Regime

• Filipino Dentists became inactive

After the Japanese Regime

• Philippine Dental Association was established

• 1948, the Philippine College of Dental Medicine was opened and later renamed as the College of Dentistry of the University of the East.

• Visayan Islands three institutions were founded. These were: Southwestern Colleges, Iloilo City Colleges and the University of San Agustin.

• 1948, the Congress of the Philippines enacted H.B. 2783 and was signed into Republic Act No. 417 by President Elpidio Quirino. This law specifically provided for practical tests in the dental board examinations; imposed a two-year pre-dental course as admission requirement for the study of dentistry set and increased the penal provision for illegal practice of dentistry; and effected changes in the qualifications and tenure of office and duties of the members of the Board of Dental Examiners.

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