dentistry v

Post on 25-Nov-2015






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  • By

    Venice Ibrahim

  • Index

    - Introduction

    -Herodotous and the ancient Egyptian civilization

    -Egyptian language and its interpretation

    -Information & data concerning ancient dentistry

    -Ancient Egyptians dentists

    - Ancient Egyptians medical tools

    -Ancient Egyptians dental diseases

    -The Egyptian medical papyri

    -Egyptians medical recipes& interventions

    -The use of Modern science and Technology



  • Introduction

    - Ancient Egyptians were skilled in medicine in different fields known today

    - The profession of dental physician existed since the early third millennium

    - Physicians were specialized for specific diseases or organs, some dealt with

    eye, head and some with teeth or belly etc.

    -Lioness Sekhmet was believed to bring epidemics and disease. She was also the

    patroness deity of doctors, other Gods and Goddesses for the diseases, ex., Gods

    Amun and Horus were responsible for treatment of eye diseases etc.,

    -Imhotep was chief vizier to Zozer, high priest, astrologist, pyramid designer, a

    physician, the founder of medicine, Egyptianssw believed that he had great

    healing powers, and considered him as a God of medicine.

    -Since the 1st dynasty (3150 2925 BC), medical institutes called peri-ankh

    or houses of life existed as teaching centers, and in those houses medical

    books and papyri were written and preserved.

    -A code of ethics was followed, with an oath was made by physicians. In the

    tomb of Nenkh-Sekhmet, Chief of Physicians in the 5th dynasty, the following

    sentense is written: Never did I do anything evil towards any person.


  • Born : c.484 BC Halicarnassus, Caria, Asia Minor

    Died : c.425 BC (aged approximately 60)

    Thurii, Calabria or Pella, Macedon

    an ancient Greek historian who was born in Halicarnassus, Caria (modern day Bodrum,

    Turkey) He has been called the "Father of History", and was the first historian known to

    collect his materials systematically, and test their accuracy to a certain extent and arrange


    Herodotous and the ancient Egyptian civilization


    HERODOTUS, mentioned that 'The practice of

    medicine in Egypt is so divided among them, that

    each physician is a healer of one disease and no

    more. All the country is full of physicians, some

    of the eye, some of the teeth, some of what

    pertains to the belly, and some of the hidden


  • Herodotous and the ancient Egyptian civilization


    In the fifth century B.C. Herodotus

    remarked on the degree of specialisation he

    found in Egypt.

    Most of the known specialist medical titles

    were carried by a certain Ir-en-akhty

    except for dentists who carried the separate

    title ibeh

    False door of the multi-specialist

    Ir-en-akhy (10th Dynasty)

  • Egyptian language and its interpretation


    -Athanasius Kircher German polyhistorian (1602 - 1680) proposed

    nonsensical allegorical translations (Lingua Aegyptical restituta, 1643).

    Athanasius Kircher Dr. Thomas Young

    -Thomas Young (1773 -1829), the author of the undulatory theory of light,

    assigned correct phonetical values to five hieroglyphic signs .

  • Egyptian language and its interpretation




    Rosetta Stone

    -Finding the Rosetta stone was the final decipherment, starting in 1822, by

    the work of the Frenchman Jean-Franois Champollion, 1790 - 1832, cf.

    Prcis du systme hiroglyphique des anciens gyptiens par M.Champollion

    le jeune, 1824.

    Samples of three different scripts on the Rosetta Stone

    Top: Heiroglyphs; Middle: Demotic; Bottom: Greek.

  • Information & data concerning ancient dentistry


    Egyptian dentists tomb,

    at Saqqara, near the

    step pyramid-oldest in


    Hieroglyphic details, including eye and tusk symbols representing dentistry

    profession chiseled on the entrance of the tomb honoring 3 dentists served the

    nobility in ancient Egypt-Iy Mry -the chief dentist is pictured on the wall ,thus the

    swallow, tusk and arrow, meant 'chief dentist and doctor

  • Information & data concerning ancient dentistry


    Modern investigations employ

    virtually nondestructive techniques

    to study disease in mummies,

    members of the Manchester Mummy

    Project used endoscope to take tissue

    samples from the mouth of a

    mummy. Manchester Museum,

    University of Manchester)

    Rosalie David unwrapping the

    female mummy 1770 in 1975

  • Information & data concerning ancient dentistry


  • Information & data concerning ancient dentistry


    The earliest evidence of ancient dentistry we have is an amazingly

    detailed dental work on a mummy from ancient Egypt that

    archaeologists have dated to 2000 BCE.

    The work shows intricate gold work around the teeth. The two

    donor teeth had holes drilled into them, wires were strung through

    the holes and then around the neighboring teeth.

    El-Quatta Bridge'

    The World first Dental Bridges

    mandible of a 4th dynasty

    mummy (2625 - 2510 BC). with a

    gold wire bridge

  • Information & data concerning ancient dentistry


    - Examining skeletal and mummified remains from ancient Egypt can provide

    evidence for the dental health of the ancient Egyptian civilisation where tooth

    ailments was frequent as some mummies show evidences of severe infections and

    loose teeth, as people believed that the cause of the decays were worms.

    - Egyptian pharaohs were known to have suffered from periodontal (gum) disease,

    Radiographs of mummies confirm this fact.

    - The skulls and jaws found in burial shafts and tombs almost all show attrition.

    Dental Surgery, Jaw of ancient Egyptian

    showing drill holes used in dental repair.

    Courtesy of the Gordon Museum

    Upper jaw of Tao II Seqenenre.

    The teeth are heavily worn,

    healthy and tartar free

    Worn ancient Egyptian teeth

    showing an abscess drainage hole

  • Information & data concerning ancient dentistry


    Ancient Egyptian mandible c. 1,500

    BC. Courtesy of Duckworth

    Collection, Cambridge University

    The dental drill dates back

    9,000 years ago


  • Information & data concerning ancient dentistry


    study of more than 3,000

    mummies has revealed a

    nightmare array of dental


    Head of the mummy of

    Amenhotep III. He had lost

    some of his front teeth due

    to alveolar abscesses

  • Ancient Egyptians dentists Ancient Egyptians dentists


    -The earliest ever record of a physician was Hesy-Ra, 2700

    BC, who was "Chief of Dentists and Doctors" to King


    -Merit Ptah (2700 BCE)was an early physician in ancient

    Egypt. She is most notable for being the first woman

    known by name in the history of the field of medicine, and

    possibly the first named woman in all of science as well.

    Her picture can be seen on a tomb in the necropolis near

    the step pyramid of Saqqara. Her son, who was a High

    Priest, described her as "the Chief Physician".

    -Also Peseshet (2400 BC, 4th dynasty, old kingdom) was

    known as the supervisor of all female doctors her own stela

    in the tomb of Akhet-hotep, probably her son, in Giza

    Hesy-Re, head of dentists

  • Ancient Egyptians dentists Ancient Egyptians dentists


    Hesy-re, Head of

    Dentists Old Kingdom,

    3rd Dynasty

    Peseshet Imhotep

    Merit Ptah

  • Ancient Egyptians medical tools


    Com Ombo temple

    Wall of twin temple of Com Ombo temple with

    surgical instruments carvings and queen in

    labor on an obstetric chair

  • Ancient Egyptians medical tools

    (1) knives; (2) drill; (3) saw;

    (4) forceps or pincers; (5) censer; (6)


    (7) bags tied with string; (8, 10) beaked

    vessel; (11) vase with burning incense;

    (12) Horus eyes; (13) scales;

    (14) pot with flowers of Upper and

    Lower Egypt;

    (15) pot on pedestal;

    (16) graduated cubit or papyrus scroll

    without side knot (or a case holding reed


    (17) shears; (18) spoons.


    Com Ombo

    inscription detailing

    ancient Egyptian

    medical tools

  • Ancient Egyptians medical tools


    Wooden tools Bronze tools

    has basically three functions for which it is

    Stone tools Copper tools

    Iron tools

  • Ancient Egyptians dental diseases


    -Attrition was the most common affection in ancient

    Egypt, Caused by the coarse diet (which may have

    lacked minerals and vitamins) and the presence of

    sand, husks, and sometimes straw in their bread.

    -Abscesses, inflammation of the gums and jawbone,

    and tooth loss was also detected.

    -As well caries ,calculus formation and others

    root caries on the

    mandibular right

    third molar [left]

    and left first molar


    abscess on

    mandibular right


    suffering from


  • Ancient Egyptians dental diseases


    mandibular M2

    displays large caries

    maxillary M3 with

    a large cavity

    apical abscess on

    right maxillary PM2

    and antemortem

    tooth loss Extensive dental wear

  • Ancient Egyptians dental diseases


    Lower jaw with traces of a periodontal

    abscess ( the small hole in the bone)

    Dental wear and impacted


    A skull showing severe

    periodontal disease,

    antemortem tooth loss,

    Calculus formation and

    apical abscesses

  • The medical papyri


    The first medical texts, date from late 12th Dynasty to 20th Dynasty (2000-

    1090B.C), and there are Several Egyptian medical papyri and the most

    important of all are as follows:

    -The Kahun Gynecological Papyrus (1820B.C) gynecology

    The Kahun Gynecological Papyrus

  • The medical papyri


    -The Ebers Papyrus (1534 B.C) where tooth extraction, treatment of mouth ulcers and treatment of jaw dislocation were dealt with.

    -Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus (1600 B.C) wounds and fractures it also

    contains a list of instruments, including lint, swabs, bandage, adhesive plaster

    (x-formed), support, surgical stitches and cauterization

    Edwin Smith Surgical Papyrus

    Part of the The Ebers papyrus

  • The medical papyri


    -The Hearst Papyrus (14 50B.C)

    -The Erman Papyrus (1550 B.C)

    -The London Papyrus (1350B.C)

    -The Berlin Papyrus (1350B.C)

    -The Chester Papyrus (12000B.C)

    Hearst Papyrus London Papyrus Berlin Papyrus

    Chester Papyrus

  • Egyptians medical recipes& interventions


    1. Eb. 89. 2-3. For fixing a loose tooth. A mixture of crushed seeds, ochre, and honey made

    into a paste and applied to the tooth.

    2. Eb. 89. 4-6. For toothache. A paste of ground-up vegetable and mineral substances

    with honey.

    3. Eb. 89. 6-7. For a septic tooth (lit. 'a tooth that gnaws into an opening in the flesh'),the

    ingredients are of an astringent nature: cumin, colocynth, and frankincense.

    4. Eb. 89. 8-9. For treating the teeth by rinsing in the mouth. In this case two plants are to

    be chewed and spat out. The vehicle is sweet ale.

    5. Eb. 89. I O - I I . For inflammation of the gums, perhaps stomatitis. The drugs are the

    homely date and beans, which are to be exposed to the dew, mixed with milk, and chewed

    and spat out, for nine days.

    Honey Frankincense

    Ochre clays(limonite)

    hydrated iron (III) oxide Herbs

  • Egyptians medical recipes& interventions


    6. Eb. 89. 11-12. Another for the same. In this case the vehicle is oil and water.

    7. Eb. 89. 12-13. A paste for 'making healthy' the teeth. Two vegetable drugs, mandrake

    and species of Potentilla, chewed and spat out. The vehicle is sweet ale.

    8.Eb. 89. 14-15. For 'eating blood' in a tooth. This idiomatic expression is understood by

    Dr. Ebbell to mean 'scurvy'.






  • Egyptians medical recipes& interventions


    1. Fixing a loose tooth mixture of crushed seeds, ochre, and

    honey made into a paste and applied to the tooth.

    2. Toothache paste of ground up veggies and minerals with


    3. Septic tooth cumin, colocynth, and frankincense.

    4. Treating the teeth by rinsing the mouth two plants are

    chewed and spat out.

    Inflammation of gums dates and beans, which are exposed to

    dew, mixed with milk, and chewed and spat out, for nine days.

    5. Making teeth healthy two vegetable drugs, mandrake

    and species of Potentilla, chewed and spat out




  • Egyptians medical recipes& interventions


    The gold wire is 0.35 m in

    diameter, its tubular

    construction is demonstrated

    by the seam along its length.

    Magnification x8 of some of

    the fractured ends revealed its

    central bore.

    Pharaonic dentists were experts with reconstruction

    works as there have been three instances of a dental

    bridges where one or more lost teeth were

    reattached by the use of a gold or silver wire to the

    surrounding teeth

  • Modern science and technology used


    CT scan of the skull at the level of

    the posterior fossa in an excellent

    condition of maxillary teeth with no

    discernible enamel wear. The right

    third molar is partially erupted

    indicating that the individual was

    young at death

    Tooth spaces show open

    Magnetic resonance

    based 3-dimensional


  • The use of Modern science and Technology


    frontal reconstruction of

    dentition damaged mesial

    neck of teeth 15 and

    27 due to caries (arrows)

    Coronal caries on the first

    molar is shown (arrow)

  • The use of Modern science and Technology


    British Museum

    mummies being


  • Conclusion


    Ancient Egyptians were pioneers in various field of

    science and knowledge and most probably what we

    know about them is just a little of what they had and

    more will be known and discovered through

    excavations, discoveries, use of technology, etc.,

    Great appreciation to our ancestors, makers of

    civilization hoping to follow their lead enlighting and

    enriching life with useful science.

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