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Post on 20-Aug-2018






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Bhaumik Lecture Series

Department of Physics & Astronomy

Thursday, November 30, 2017 at 4:00 p.mUCLA/CNSI AUDITORIUM

Bhaumik Tea refreshments will start at 3:30 in CNSI Lobby

Mani L. Bhaumik Institute

for Theoretical Physics

Edward Witten

Integrability and Four-Dimensional Gauge Theory

Institute for Advanced SciencesPrinceton UniversityFields Medal Winner

Some years ago, Kevin Costello introduced a new approach to the Yang-Baxter equation and inte-grable systems based on an unusual gauge theory in four dimensions. The gauge theory in question is a close cousin of three-dimensional Chern-Simons theory, which almost thirty years ago was related to knot invariants and three-manifold invariants and has had a variety of physical appli-cations. The Yang-Baxter equation has a con-spicuous analogy with knot theory, but prior to Costello's work, it was unclear how the gauge theory/knot theory connection could be extended to the Yang-Baxter equation and integrability. The talk will be an introduction to Costello's approach, drawing also on recent work by Costello, Masahito Yamazaki, and the speaker. For background, one might consult arXiv:1611.00592.

Physics & Astronomy Colloquium

In conjunction with IPAM

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