describe the relationship between the russian people and the...

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Journal 4/26

Describe the relationship between the

Russian people and the government.

What were the issues. Explain

Journal 4/30/18

• Think back to last semester and

summarize the French Revolution.

• What was the cause, what happened

during the revolution, and what were the

effects (short term and long term)

Table of Contents

Unit 7: Communism1. Title Page (extra credit for decorating)

2. Table of Contents

3. Prelude to the Russian Revolution

4. 14.1 Assessment pg 439 #1 – 8

5. Russian Revolution – Primary Documents

6. The Russian Revolution

7. 14.2 Assessment pg 445 #1 - 8

• Karl Marx was a German

philosopher and political activist

whose contribution to sociology

can be found in conflict theory

• Marx lived during the Industrial

Revolution, when major societal

changes were leading to the

emergence of capitalism, the

economic system that is based

on the private for-profit

operation of industry.

• The Communist Manifesto

was published in 1848

• The book was and still is

considered controversial

• Communism is completely

contrary to capitalism of

Europe and USA

• Argues that the only way

path to communism is

through revolution and

seizing the means of


• Marx believed that

capitalism was creating

class conflict and

social inequality

between the

bourgeoisie, who

owned the means of

production (money,

factories, natural

resources, land), and

the proletariat, who

were the workers.

I completely agree that people should be

equal. If no one works for anyone else,

then we eliminate classes. Democracy is

cute and all, but it still means that a

majority controls a minority. The goal

should be the elimination of possessions

and governments… and that’s


I keep using the

name Lenin, and

now it’s growing

on me. Maybe

I’ll just switch my

name to Lenin.

I was starting so much

trouble that the Czar

started hunting for me

by name. I had to run

away to Germany to

escape arrest.

Lenin worked as a writer in Germany, but he kept all

of his attention on Russia. He made new contacts

and kept the Bolshevik movement alive. Now it was

just a matter of waiting for the right time to return…

The March Revolution – March 8, 1917

• Women led a strike of nearly 200,000 workers

who marched to Petrograd demanding bread

• The Petrograd soviet organized the worker’s

protest into a massive uprising

• Nicholas II forced to abdicate the throne when

his soldiers joined the riot

• The royal family was arrested and a provisional

government was established by the Duma


Meanwhile, in


Sir, our intelligence

informs us that

Russia is a mess

right now.

If we can add

pressure now, they

might finally back out

of this war.

Very well. How about we stir up their government

some more. Let’s arrange to send back that loud

commie who’s been hiding out in our country for

the last fifteen years. What was his name again?

Bolshevik Revolution - 1917

• Lenin returned from exile with the help of

the Germans

• The Bolsheviks soon took over the

Petrograd Soviet

• Gained support by promising “peace, land,

and bread.”

Let’s give the people

what they want

Time for a

fresh start

You ready to

lead an army?


Bolshevik Revolution - 1917

• Leon Trotsky led an army of Bolshevik

workers, the Red Guard, in an attack on

the provisional government

• They arrested all of the former leaders and

toppled the provisional government in a

matter of hours

• Lenin took control of the new government

I decree that all farm land be

distributed equally among the


And we should give control of

the factories to the workers.

And let’s sign a treaty with the

Germans and get out of this

stupid war.

Signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

Signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk

The Civil War (1918-1920)

• Bolshevik signing of the treaty of Brest-

Litovsk caused discontent

• Lenin tried to use secret police to silence

enemies in the homeland

• A struggle for power broke out between

the Bolshevik Reds and the anti-

communist Whites

The Civil War (1918-1920)

• Reds (unified communists) wanted to

eliminate internal “enemies”

• Whites (loyalists, democrats, moderate

socialists) didn’t want communism in


• Trotsky’s leadership led the Red Army to

win the war and put Lenin back in Power

Time to get this

communism thing

going. I guess to get

started it would be best

to keep all of our ethnic

groups together.

We’ll maintain order by

keeping workers united

in soviets. And then

we’ll make a big ol’

union of all of these


English: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR)

Russian: Сою́з Сове́тских Социалисти́ческих

Респу́блик (CCCP)

The Civil War (1918-1920)

• Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

created in 1922

• Each republic was controlled from the new

capital in Moscow

I pulled off the big

communist dream.

Everything is just

right. And when I

die, my good buddy

Trotsky will take


Journal 5/2/18

• Was Lenin a good person or a bad person?

• Explain and use supporting evidence from

the book/class

Table of Contents

Unit 7: Communism1. Title Page (extra credit for decorating)

2. Table of Contents

3. Prelude to the Russian Revolution

4. 14.1 Assessment pg 439 #1 – 8

5. Russian Revolution – Primary Documents

6. The Russian Revolution

7. 14.2 Assessment pg 445 #1 – 8

8. Stalin: Man of Steel

Transition of PowerFrom Lenin to Stalin


Communists take Control

• Lenin suffered a series of strokes between

1922 – 1924

• Stalin attempted to put himself in positions

of power

• Lenin feared Stalin would succeed him as

ruler of Russia

• Lenin was going to write letters and

speeches to “crush Stalin politically”, but

died before then.

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