design and access statement

Post on 03-Mar-2016






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A document required for planning permission



P1 ...... Title Page

P2 ...... Contents

P3 ...... Contents

P4 ...... Design Introduction

P5 ...... Religious epicentre

P6 ...... Concept

P7 ...... Site section

P8 ...... Social

P9 ...... Economical

P10 .... Economical

P11 .... Planning

P12 .... Planning (Masterplan)

P13 .... Planning

P14 .... Planning

P15 .... Sustainability

P16 .... Sustainability

P17 .... Sustainability

P18 .... Access

P19 .... Access and Epilogue

P20 .... References


Portal, the life after death centre is designed to create a gateway between realms.

It uses Client donated information to generate an artificial intelligent life form (avatar).

The avatars can be created to emulate the client or if the client has ‘right of publicity’ of

another person they can create an avatar of that person. ‘Right of publicity’ is to control

the commercial use of one’s name, image, likeness or other unequivocal aspects of one's

identity. The ownership, control and transfer of information will replicate the Inheritance


Clients will fall into one of two groups:

A person knowing they will die soon may wish to create a lasting legacy via an

avatar memorial. Genealogy is a growth industry and when most are forgotten in

two generations, the avatar provides a perpetual interactive testament for ones


A client who has ‘right of publicity’ of another person may wish to create an avatar

memorial to celebrate a life of someone dear to them. The interactive avatar offers

a sense of continued life after passing and comfort when dealing with loss.

The project has the potential to turn the site into an epicentre for religious and social

community as leading health professionals such as Marie Curi use ‘Memory box’

techniques to provide comfort and solace to patients.

Religion is the area

The size of sphere represents the

number of participants





Greek orthodox


This benefit coupled with developing the areas circulation, public space etc. Portal will

maximise potential through development and evolution of the following elements.








The sites most important feature is the dominating height of the Cathedral that

represents man’s aspiration to reach heaven. This results in the surrounding buildings being

submissive to the Cathedral as religion dominates this site. The Cathedral and graveyard

suggested a symbolic theme of life and death (irrespective of denomination) and the

project’s function would concentrate on celebration life by linking the transition of life and


There is an interesting juxtaposition of Portal versus Cathedral. A fluid, organic building

nestled under the wing of an imposing rectilinear gothic structure.

Though submissive in scale to the Cathedral, it was important for the Portal not to be in

its physical shadow and hence is situated to the south where it can capture the greatest

solar energy within a multi level topography. These levels are a consequence of previous

quarrying, resulting in a nine meter deep excavation complete with 45° - 60° grassed

slopes which the Portal would sympathetically envelope. The Portal will complement and

enhance this area of natural (and built) beauty and provoke architectural conversation,

interest and opinion for all.

Site section


Through discussions about the Portal’s position in Liverpool, ethical and contextual

debates are bound to arise; however, before any planning permission is granted, the on-

site religious clergy would have to give permission. In order to ease some of the ethical

concerns, bishops, priests etc. will

educate, inform and promote the

projects positives. They range from

opening community free spaces to

stimulating the local economy.


The surrounding area would receive a multitude of benefits e.g. clients and staff will

provide an finical boost to the local economy, increasing trade in the local residential

area and during the Portal’s lifetime, local residents and businesses would receive

preferential treatment to encourage inclusivity and participation. Local employment,

trade & training opportunities will arise during the construction phase and throughout the

operational lifetime of the project. This will stimulate the local economy where local

tradesmen and materials will be preferred.

The Cathedral is

currently a ‘Top 10’ tourism

attraction on the ‘Liverpool

Tourism City Bus’ hop on - hop

off service route. The adjacent

Portal’s upper three floors are

designed to entice the public

in from the side of site with the

other tourism attraction by

continuing the life/ death

theme and thus

compounding the tourism

trade for both Cathedral and

Portal in a symbiotic manner.

Reference 1

Joining the Cathedral tourism site immediately creates a greater sphere of

influence. Together they will increase the profile of the area by promoting a positive

economic growth and encouraging further investment that could lead to an increase in

land value. The construction will begin with the existing 60m – 90m forest area providing a

visual and acoustic barrier during the six – eight month construction period.


The project will unlock and further develop a currently private 4000m2 of green space

as the main element of the transitional public master plan, subsequently increasing land

values, and encouraging other growth opportunities in the area. The building and its

landscaping are designed to impress and create a striking landmark without imposing on

the natural or urban landscape.

Voronoi (a parametric design program) diagramming from the building facade system

will bleed into the landscape providing transference of inside to outside space.

Landscaping is designed to open up public areas and invite the community to enjoy

green space whilst the surrounding forest is used to camouflage the building and lead

people through a transitional zone and into another realm.

Master plan

Bleeding Voronoi landscaping

Car park > Forest (buffer) > Building = Entrance > Transition area (buffer) > Function pods

The organic design sympathises with organic neo-classical gothic surroundings and

natural environment whilst absorbing existing land contours using hidden masses set into a

three storey excavation. The scale of the structure is respectful of St James Mount, using

approximately 12 % of the space for building and without comprising the Grade II* listed St

James house.

The design focuses on:

Solar orientation and sustainable energy

Natural site topography

Urban grain and surrounding massing

Privacy and microclimate

Solar diagramming ever 2 hours

during the spring equinox

Due the site residing on consecrated land, any plans would require the Bishops

permission (Town and Country Act 1947). Whilst there may be no legal duty, in order to

practice due diligence, approval/acceptance of plans by the local religious hierarchy &

diocese officials would be sought.

There will be minimal disruption to the graveyard and exhumations and re-

interments must be carried out both legally and with sensitivity.


In order to disinter graves from consecrated land, alterations are to be defined on

notices in local papers (at least twice) and notices on site, Open Spaces Act (1906).

Furthermore, no symbols, inscriptions or ornamentation of inappropriate religious nature

may be used (Interpretation Act 1889). The unique function won’t detract from any other

local businesses; however public consultations are still required.

Portal is more likely to receive approval from planning authorities if it can be

environmentally friendly and prove it wouldn’t increases strain on the local amenities but

aid them.


Portal will be an energy negative building. A system that generates more energy

than it needs and can therefore be energy self sufficient whilst provided some energy for

its surroundings. A symbiotic combination of the two energy generating systems and

energy conservation techniques will achieve this.

A micro hydro plant will generate

the majority of the Portals energy

by dropping 31m3 of water down

the natural occurring drop of 9m.

The water drops and forces

turbines to move which are

connected to an electrical

generator provides electricity. The

system will have paid its capital

cost back over 14 years and will

provide ample electrical

quantities for Portal.

Translucent Photovoltaic cells are located over the organic shaped structure at

optimum orientation and trajectory for annual solar gain and during off peak

electrical grid times is used to facilitate the movement of the water from the hydro

plant system to the upper tanks.

The buildings internal program is

based upon a 7m-14m passive

light and ventilation distance.

The ability to predominantly

service the maximum

percentage of Portal passively is

a main design focus.

Mechanical ventilation and

lighting will be needed but only

as a backup source.

The organic sloping shape of the

structure prevents any wind

buffering and wind tunnels and

all concrete structural members

consist of 50% concrete and 50%

Fly ash shotcrete (recycled high

thermal performance material),

and is produced less than 7 miles

away at a leading concrete

production company ‘Spotmix’.


The shotcrete external nodal system can be easily dismantled and reassembled in

a different size or format to become flexible based upon demand. This allows

Portals system to grow and shrink to eliminate excess waste.

Combining with the flexible form of the building the interior in generally

uninterrupted by permanent structural members with less than 10% of the building

being compartmentalised. This provides versatility, should the economy dictate a

change of function in the future and increase portal lifespan.

Environmental damage will be minimised by conserving material distribution,

replacing backfilled earth and re-planting displaced vegetation by incorporating it into

the master plan. This allows for minimal impact on the local environment flora and fauna.

Enabling and developing the sites current vehicle, pedestrian and service access is

another great way to minimise environment damage and strive towards more sustainable



Communications to and from site:

A bus stop is to be added to the current Liverpool C1 bus route to provide greater

access to and from city centre. The bus route already passes the Anglican Cathedral so

there is minimal impact of the bus that passes 6 times daily. Liverpool Lime Street train

station and Victoria Bus Station are both 1 mile away. Provision has been made for coach

drop off point.

Delivery and emergency service access is via an existing service road that facilitates

the Cathedral. All emergency services are within a 1.5 mile radius of the site, with ample

and uninterrupted service road access; Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service, A & E at

Royal Liverpool University Hospital and Merseyside Police headquarters.

The large quantity of car parking surrounding the site is fully utilised, so the site will

provide sufficient spaces with regard to staff and customer parking.

The highway agency standards will be met through a series of master plan essentials.

1. Disabled parking spaces are in close proximity to Portal’s entrance.

2. Road distances between adjacent roads to alleviate any increase in congestion.

3. Town Planners are to be satisfied with all aspects of road layout and appropriate

vehicle logistics

4. A one way herring bow drop off and extraction point located closest to the


5. A calculating quantity of both public and staff parking for a suitable range of

vehicles; cars, motorbikes, coaches, buses, bicycles etc.

Communications within the site:

The master plan encourages pedestrian circulation with improved East-West

circulation across the site via stairs to the north and south of the building and various

routes through the building. The stairs and paths offer controlled vertical movement up

and down the 9 metre grassed slope around the Portal whilst combined with the

combined effort of the disabled access ramps allow vertical circulation across the site

and together with lifts increased circulation throughout the building for all age’s and



The building and its surrounding landscaping will provide a welcoming, inclusive

atmosphere. For people who require a sensitive approach at this special time, they will

find a safe, secure and controlled environment which will allow them the time and setting

to gather their thoughts, memories and experiences to create a dignified epitaph.

Regardless of disability (e.g. hearing impaired, partially sighted etc) everyone will

receive a holistic sensory experience.

This bespoke facility pioneers cutting edge technology and delivers the finest

quality service to the highest standards. This iconic landmark will be a great addition to

the continuation of Liverpool’s new generation of architecture and augment the United

Kingdom’s most cultural city.


City seeing. (2012) Tour bus, [Internet]. Available from: <> [Accessed on the 29th March 2012].

Energy efficiency and sustainable power. (2012) Hydro power calculations, [Internet].

Available from: <

> [Accessed on the 2nd April 2012].

Spirit solar. (2012) Solar calculations, [Internet]. Available from:

<> [Accessed on the

2nd April 2012].

Spotmix. (2012) Shotcrete, [Internet]. Available from: <

> [Accessed on the 10th March 2012].

Town planning. (2012) Legislation, [Internet]. Available from: <> [Accessed on the 17th

March 2012].

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