design camp cologne (public)

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frogpond © 2009

Flexible Architektur,Usability und Wikis

Einfachheit, Schnelligkeit, Klarheit

DesignCampCologne#dcc09 - 24./25. Januar 2009, Köln

Martin Koser, frogpond _ Enterprise Collaboration Consulting

frogpond © 2009


Warum Design und Usability ... mehr als „Aufhübschen für Akzeptanz“

Ein paar Erfahrungen

Diskussion und ich habe dann noch ein paar Fragen ...

frogpond © 2009


frogpond © 2009


frogpond © 2009

frogpond © 2009

„Design liegt nicht mehr im Trend. Und ich bin froh darüber. Weil es, obwohl die Leute Sinn für Design bewiesen haben, so viel Design-Schrott gibt, der eigentlich in die Luft gesprengt werden sollte. Wenn Design nicht wirklich etwas zu sagen hat, darf es gar nicht existieren.“

frogpond © 2009

I am not a Designer

frogpond © 2009

frogpond © 2009

Ingenieur & Organisationswissenschaftler

frogpond © 2009


frogpond is

frogpond © 2009

Web 2.0 Expert

frogpond © 2009

Web 2.0 = Vielfalt von Paradigmen, Prinzipien, Methoden und Werkzeugen

Paradigmen: Interaktionsstile, Menschenbilder, Kulturvermutungen

Prinzipien: Offenheit, Konnektivität, Flexibilität, Interaktion, ....

Methoden: Eternal Beta, schneIle Iterationen, Tagging, ...

Werkzeuge: AJAX, RSS, RoR, SaaS, APIs und Mash-ups, etc. etc.

frogpond © 2009

Web 2.0

frogpond © 2009

Usability 2.0

frogpond © 2009

We shape our buildings, ...

… and afterwards, our buildings shape us

frogpond © 2009

We shape our intranets, ...

frogpond © 2009

… and afterwards, our intranets ...

… they shape us

frogpond © 2009

Molly Wright Steenson

reconfigurable wallsethnocentric designadaptive and organic

frogpond © 2009

So you want a site on the Intranet…?1. Agree with the Communications Department Ext.xxxx that there is a business requirement for having an intranet site

2. Nominate a Web Author who will need to attend the Intranet training course ‘Developing Your Intranet Site’. Contact Mrs xxxxx to arrange this course.

3. The Webmaster will then create a template site ready for your new site to be designed.

4. If a Web Author is already trained in your area then they can begin to create the site.

5. Submit a form with your requirements to Communications Department. Who will review your requirements, complete the resource constraints part of the form and pass it to the Head of Communications who will approve the site.

6. On completion the sites nominated Data Content Manager will need to check the site editorially and approve the data contained within the site.

7. Decide which business process the site will be placed under by contacting Mrs xxxx

8. On approval the Webmaster will technically check the site. If all is well the new site will then be published

Intranet Standard Procedures ...

frogpond © 2009

Intranet 1.0 ...

frogpond © 2009

Wissensarbeiter und ihr Intranet 1.0?

Understand the user ...

frogpond © 2009

That’s the way it is ...

frogpond © 2009

prototyping, giving the product to the consumerand then improving it, and

improving it some more

frogpond © 2009

frogpond © 2009

frogpond © 2009

frogpond © 2009

design and creativity bring three critical attributes to Enterprise 2.0 innovation: 

synthesis, that is, a holistic, systems approach to problem solving and solutions creation;

style, which I think of as embodying a particular model or point of view in the organization and its work; and

humanity, which reminds us all that whatever is being developed - products, services, organizations, business processes - has to appeal to people - customers, as well as employees, partners and everyone else involved in the innovation ecosystem.

Why design for Enterprise 2.0?

frogpond © 2009

Designer‘s toolset ...

Prototypes Ethnographic Studies

Holistic Usability Creativity Tools ...

Usability Screening

frogpond © 2009

until it‘s really perfect

frogpond © 2009

frogpond © 2009

frogpond © 2009

Usability ...

five components ...

frogpond © 2009

Learnability ...

How easy is it for users to accomplish basic tasks the first time they encounter the design?

frogpond © 2009

Efficiency ...

Once users have learned the design, how quickly can they perform tasks?

frogpond © 2009

Memorability ...

When users return to the design after a period of not using it, how easily can they reestablish proficiency?

frogpond © 2009

Errrors ...

How many errors do users make, how severe are these errors, and how easily can they recover from

the errors?

frogpond © 2009

Satisfaction ...

How pleasant is it to use the design?

frogpond © 2009

Design, seeing, opportunities and creative thinking ...

... when we’re building and designing social tools

frogpond © 2009

We’re building and designing social tools

Using design to shape user behaviour&

Design with Intent and Persuasive Technology

frogpond © 2009

Small is the new Big

frogpond © 2009

People designing their own experiences

frogpond © 2009

frogpond © 2009

Contact me ...

www.frogpond.deEnterprise Collaboration Consulting

Steingaustraße 2773278 SchlierbachGermany

mk@frogpond.deSkype: mk.frogpond

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