design of a battery free wireless identification and sensing...

Post on 30-Aug-2018






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Design of a battery free wireless identification and sensing


Alanson Paul Sample

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering

University of Washington


Program Authorized to Offer Degree: Department of Electrical Engineering

University of Washington Graduate School

This is to certify that I have examined this copy of a master’s thesis by

Alanson Paul Sample

and have found it complete and satisfactory in all respects, and that any and all revisions required by the final

examining committee have been made.

Committee Members:


Alexander Mamishev


Joshua Smith


Brian Otis

Date: _________________

In presenting this thesis in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a master’s degree at

the University of Washington, I agree that the Library shall make its copies freely

available for inspection. I further agree that extensive copying of this thesis is allowable

only for scholarly purposes, consistent with "fair use" as prescribed in the U.S.

Copyright Law. Any other reproduction for any purposes or by any means shall not be

allowed without my written permission.




Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction.................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Motivation.......................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Objective ............................................................................................................ 2

1.3 Potential Impact ................................................................................................. 3

1.4 Scope.................................................................................................................. 4

Chapter 2 Background .................................................................................................... 6

2.1 RFID system ...................................................................................................... 6

2.2 RFID Reader ...................................................................................................... 7

2.3 RFID Protocol: EPC Class 1 Gen 2 ................................................................. 11

2.4 RFID Tags........................................................................................................ 12

2.4.1 Passive Tags................................................................................................. 13

2.4.2 Active Tags .................................................................................................. 16

2.5 State of the Art - Sensor Enhanced RFID Tags ............................................... 17

2.5.1 Prior Work ................................................................................................... 17

2.5.2 Prior Work on WISP.................................................................................... 19

Chapter 3 Wireless Sensing & Identification Platform ................................................ 21

3.1 Analog Front End............................................................................................. 23

3.2 Demodulation and Modulation ........................................................................ 25

3.3 Digital Section and Power Conditioning ......................................................... 26

Chapter 4 Firmware & Power Management Algorithm ............................................... 28

4.1 Power Management Algorithm........................................................................ 28

4.2 Communication and Application Layers ......................................................... 30

Chapter 5 Power Budget............................................................................................... 32

5.1 Turn On Power Requirement ........................................................................... 32

5.2 Duty Cycle ....................................................................................................... 34


5.3 Active Energy Consumption............................................................................ 35

Chapter 6 Communicating with the WISP ................................................................... 37

6.1 Overloading the Identifier................................................................................ 37

6.2 Gen 2 Read Command ..................................................................................... 38

6.3 Gen 2 Select Command ................................................................................... 38

6.4 Gen 2 Write Command .................................................................................... 39

Chapter 7 Experimental Results ................................................................................... 40

Chapter 8 Sensors and Peripherals ............................................................................... 43

Chapter 9 Conclusion ................................................................................................... 49

Chapter 10 Future Work ............................................................................................. 52


List of Figures

Figure Number Page

1 Progression of work on wireless sensing and computing based on passive

RFID technology........................................................................................................ 5

2 Block Diagram of an UHF RFID System. ................................................................. 7

3 EPC Generation 2 RFID readers.............................................................................. 10

4 915 MHz RFID reader patch antennas with covers. ................................................ 10

5 915 MHz RFID reader patch antennas without covers. ........................................... 11

6 EPC RFID tag class structure (source .............................. 13

7 Block Diagram of a typical commercial RFID tag. ................................................. 15

8 Alien RFID tag, Model ALN-9540 "Squiggle" ....................................................... 15

9 Alien RFID tag, Model: ALL-9460 "Omni-Squiggle" ............................................ 16

10 The α-WISP uses two tilt switches orientated in opposite directions as a

simple one bit RFID accelerometer. ........................................................................ 19

11 Block Diagram of the WISP. ................................................................................... 22

12 Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP). ........................................... 22

13 Data logger version of the Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform............... 23

14 Schematic of the Analog Front End......................................................................... 24

15 Oscilloscope plot of the demodulated data extracting data from the RF

waveform transmitted by the RFID reader. ............................................................. 26

16 Block diagram of the power management algorithm for the WISP......................... 29

17 Oscilloscope scope plot of the WISP responding to EPC queries along

with its rectified voltage........................................................................................... 31

18 Rectified voltage (left scale) and output power at 1.9V (right scale) are

plotted verse input power measurements using multi-meter and network

analyzer for RF signal insertion into the antenna ports. .......................................... 34

19 WISP performance: harvested voltage, Uplink Packet Errors, and

Responses per Query as a function of input power.................................................. 42


20 Cold impulses are applied to WISP and a Fluke thermal probe and

plotted over time. ..................................................................................................... 44

21 Light level measured by WISP in a 13 hour period................................................. 45

22 Received measurement of the acceleration of earths gravity long two

axes using the WISP enabled with a 3D accelerometer........................................... 46

23. WISP data logger with operational Super capacitor. ............................................... 48



To my wife


and my parents

Michael, Melinda, Karen, & Mani


Chapter 1 Introduction

1.1 Motivation

Over the last decade, advances in integrated circuit design and RFID

manufacturing techniques have enabled a cost effective method for producing passive

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags, capable of reporting a unique ID when

queried. These devices typically consist of a printed antenna bonded to an integrated

circuit (IC), and are completely powered from the RF energy transmitted by an RFID

reader. Once the tag is powered on, the IC’s digital logic analyzes data from the RFID

reader and responds with a unique ID when necessary [10].

To date, industrial efforts have focused on the long standing goal of

manufacturing a passive UHF RFID tag, which sells for five cents. This price is widely

viewed as the tipping point at which wide-spread adoption of RFID technology will

occur. Unfortunately, there are numerous obstacles facing the industry and, for the

foreseeable future, this target is unobtainable [26][29].

On the other hand, by adding a small amount of functionality to passive RFID

tags, it has been shown that profitability can be significantly increased. For instance,

Intermec sells a rigid RFID tag that can be placed on metal objects and is capable of

withstanding extreme temperatures and exposure to hazardous environments. This

product sells for around five dollars, but still uses a standard RFID chip [14]. Another

product, from KSW-Mitochon, incorporates a temperature logger into a near field active

RFID that can be used to detect dangerous temperatures in food products during transit


Both of these examples suggest that, although the price of traditional RFID tags

may not decrease sufficiently for all potential tracking applications, enhanced tags can

provide increased functionality, which is more valuable to the customer then wireless

identification alone. Thus, enhancing RFID tags and developing new applications that

can create innovation in the RFID industry is one motivation for this research.


While the functionality of commercial passive RFID tags is extremely limited,

today's tags are essentially a wireless micro-computing platform with a RF transceiver

and a nearly unlimited lifetime. As these tags become more pervasive in our work places

and homes, they present an untapped resource that is continually waiting in the

background for power and are able to independently execute instructions.

A second motivation for this research is to capture the truly wireless, micro-

computing nature of passive RFID and explore applications beyond simple barcode

replacement. This new paradigm of transmitting both data and power to an object

represents a fundamental shift in the way people use technology. Just as the advent of

wireless communication technology enabled an expansive array of mobile products and

gadgets, cutting the last cord allows for a new set of devices and usage models to

become feasible. Due to advances in the semi-conductor industry it should be now

theoretically possible to create a class of devices, enhanced with sensors and capable of

doing computational work, that never needs to be physically wired for data and power,

nor ever needs to have their batteries replaced.

1.2 Objective

The objective of this thesis is to investigate the building blocks and algorithms

necessary to create a general purpose Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform.

Referred to as a WISP, this device will be an enhanced passive RFID tag, with sensing

and computing capabilities, that remains completely wirelessly powered. In particular,

this thesis aims to accomplish the following:

• Investigate methods for harvesting RF energy from standard UHF RFID


• Integrate sensors and a general purpose microcontroller into a passive

RFID platform

• Determine the limitation of powering large loads from harvested power

• Communicate data using the standard a RFID protocol


• Design a PCB-based, flexible RFID tag that can be reused to investigate a

wide variety of applications

1.3 Potential Impact

The Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP) proposed in this thesis

is intended to be a research vehicle that allows people inside and outside the RFID

community to explore new applications and usage models for RFID. Traditionally, RFID

tag designers have been specialists in integrated circuit design. They have generally

focused on innovating CMOS circuit blocks, such as RF rectification, power

management, and low power state machines, with the goal of increasing tag read range.

The process of manufacturing these custom Integrated Circuit (IC) tags presents a

significant barrier to entry when considering the high cost of software, servers, chip

fabrication, and specialized testing equipment, not to mention the long fabrication


Consequently, when researchers do add additional functionality, such as ADC

and light sensors, the focus is on the device and is not driven by any particular

application. It is important to note that custom IC tag design will undoubtedly offer

longer range, better performance vs. power consumption, and lower manufacturing costs

in large volumes. However, it is difficult under this design paradigm to develop new

applications that will take RFID beyond simple item tracking and identification.

In contrast, WISPs are PCB-based flexible platforms that allow a relative novice

to prototype both hardware and software RFID designs in a bench-top setting. The full-

featured microcontroller allows for fast code development with debugging support.

Sensors and peripherals can be easily added via the exposed headers or by using an

optional daughter board. Testing equipment generally consists of an RFID reader and an

oscilloscope. When compared to IC tags, probing and debugging circuit elements is easy

and straightforward, as many of the signal lines are exposed by the PCB design.

The WISP fundamentally lowers the barrier to entry and allows people from a

wide variety of fields to develop RFID technology. Whether it is students as part of a


class project, security specialists, consumer electronics designers, or even artists, it is

believed that a diverse group of people will be able to advance RFID technology and

find new application spaces and usage models. The hope is that when compelling ideas

are discovered, IC tag designers will be able to draw upon the lessons learned from the

WISP implementation when designing their custom tags.

1.4 Scope

In an effort to increase the capability of RFID based sensing, the author of this

thesis has investigated topics which have culminated in the creation of the Wireless

Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP) [24][25][28]. This thesis focuses on the

integration of sensing and computational capability into a UHF passive RFID tag. The

hardware design of the PCB-based WISP is presented. In particular, RF harvesting

techniques, communication, and power management circuitry are described, along with

performance analysis.

Figure 1 shows an overview of efforts on RFID based sensing and computing

made by members of Intel Research Seattle and the department of Electrical Engineering

at the University of Washington over the last several years. Significant contributions by

the author are marked with green dots. Yellow triangles indicate team efforts. Green dots

and yellow triangles represent efforts towards problems with iterative solutions where

the author made contributions as well as worked with team members during the design


A description of the power management algorithm implemented by the MCU and

in conjunction with the hardware features is discussed. However, a detailed discussion

of the code used to implement the EPC protocol (Gen1 and Gen2), developed by Dan

Yeager with assistance form Polly Powledge, is not discussed. Although, the usage of

the EPC protocols for transmitting data to and from the WISP is presented for


Finally, since the completion of the WISP, a number of researchers have been

able to implement new RFID applications using the platform. Their work ranges from


medical to security applications, and are described in [31][12][13]. Additionally, a low-

cost, touch interface for passive RFID tags, which is compatible with modern

manufacturing processes, has been designed and implemented by the author.

Initial RFID Sensing Prototypes

Alpha-WISP: used mercury switches to select one of two

commercial RFID ICs

Pi-WISP: A MCU used a digitally controlled RF mux to switch

between two commercial RFID ICs

Wireless, Battery Free

Computational &

Sensing Platform













EPC Gen 1

EPC Gen 2










UHF Rectifier



Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform




Capacitive TouchA Low-Cost Capacitive Touch


for Passive RFID Tags

Passive Data LoggerWirelessly-Charged UHF Tags for

Sensor Data Collection

Neural WISPAn Energy Harvesting Wireless

Brain Interface with 1m Range

SecurityMaximalist cryptography and

computation on the WISP UHF

RFID tag

RFIDs and Secret

HandshakesDefending Against Ghost-and-

Leech Attacks with Context-Aware


RFID Enhanced DevicesPacemakers and implantable

cardiac defibrillators: Software radio

attacks and zero-power defenses

RFID Applications using the WISP

Figure 1 Progression of work on wireless sensing and computing based on passive RFID technology.


Chapter 2 Background

2.1 RFID system

In recent years, rapid development of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

technology has resulted in a wide variety of applications and devices used for

identification and tracking purposes. RFID systems typically consist of small, low-cost,

battery-free devices called “tags”, which use the radio signal from a specialized RFID

reader for power and communication. When queried, each tag responds with a unique

identification number by reflecting energy back to the reader though a technique called

backscatter modulation. Tags are application specific, fixed function devices that have a

range of 10-50cm for inductively coupled devices and 3-10m for UHF tags.

Traditionally, RFID tags have been used as a replacement for barcodes in applications

such as supply chain monitoring, asset management, and building security [10].

Figure 2 shows a block diagram of a typical UHF RFID installation scenario. A

RFID reader queries a set of tags by transmitting energy and data through its antenna.

This energy travels through the air in the “far field” regime, meaning that energy is

radiated away from the reader as a coupled electromagnetic wave. If the tag is within the

interrogation field of the reader, an alternating RF voltage will be induced on the

transponder’s antenna. This RF signal is then converted into DC power by the tag’s

rectifier and used to turn on its state machine and digital logic. Once activated, the RFID

transponder will analyze the data from the reader and reply with its ID number when

selected by the reader. The RFID reader implements a thorough protocol to identify all

tags in its interrogation field and reports the data back to a host computer or database.







RF Power & Data





Figure 2 Block Diagram of an UHF RFID System.

2.2 RFID Reader

In typical applications, the RFID readers act as a middle man between the RFID

tags and the application layer. The role of the reader is to provide power to the tags,

identify individual tags out of a population, and report those IDs to the host. Figure 3

shows three popular EPC Gen2 UHF RFID readers. UHF readers generally drive linearly

or circularly polarized patch antennas due to their good antenna gain and small size.

Three types of patch antennas are shown with and without covers in Figure 4 and Figure

5, respectively.

All readers must perform the following primary functions:

• Provide power to the RFID tag in the form of a RF carrier wave

• Transmit data to the tag by modulating the RF carrier wave

• Detect and decode the backscatter signal from the transponder

• Singulate individual tags out of a population

• Report the ID of the tags in the interrogation field to a host application


RFID readers are highly specialized forms of two-way radios, which transmit

data as well as power to the tag. In order to deliver power to the tag, the reader emits a

continuous wave that is received by the tag’s antenna and rectified into DC power. To

transmit data, the reader modulates the amplitude of its carrier. Clearly, the more power

that is transmitted the longer the read range of the tag. However, there are two main

factors that limit the amount of energy that actually reaches the tag.

First, there are regulatory limitations on the amount of RF power that can be

safely transmitted. In the United States, the Federal Communication Commission (FCC)

limits the power transmitted in the Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) radio band

(902 MHz – 928 MHz) to 4W (EIRP) [9]. Effective Isotropic Radiation Power (EIRP),

also known as Equivalent Isotropic Radiation Power, refers to the peak power density

that a theoretical isotropic antenna (which distributes power evenly in all directions)

would produce for a given input power. Basically, the FCC wants to limit the amount of

power per unit area to insure safety. However, power density is not easily measured.

Thus, equation (1) is used to normalize the power output of antennas with different gains

so that the power density in any one direction is equivalent to an isotropic antenna.

cat LGPEIRP −+= (1)

Pt is the transmitter power measured in dBm, while Ga is the antenna gain

expressed in dBi. Often times, it is important to take into consideration the losses of the

cable that connects the transmitter to the antenna. This is done with the term Lc, which

has units of dB.

The second factor that limits tag reader range is the fundamental propagation of

the electromagnetic wave through space. In the ideal case, the power radiating from an

isotropic source travels on a uniform sphere that grows in size as the wave travels away

from the RFID reader. Since the surface area of the sphere increases with distance, the

power density at any one point on the sphere will decrease with distance. This

phenomenon is described in the Friis path loss equation (2), shown here in logarithmic




PP ++


log20 (2)

In this equation, the power transmitted by the reader is PT (dBm) and the tag’s

received power is PR (dBm). The wavelength λ is measured in meters. The transmitter

and receiver antenna gains are GT (dBi) and GR (dBi), respectively. Finally, the term d

represents the distance between the tag and the reader measured in meters. If the power

to turn on a tag is known, then the use of equations (1) and (2) can be used to estimate

the range at which the tag will respond. Although not readily apparent in the logarithmic

form of the Friis equation, the power received by the tag diminishes quadraticaly with


One of the key features that separate RFID readers from traditional radio

transceivers is that the RFID reader receives backscattered signals rather the broadcasted

RF signals. The term backscatter (or alternatively “backscatter radiation”) refers to the

communication method used by a passive RFID tag, where data is encoded in the RF

energy that is reflected off of the tag’s antenna and sent back to the RFID reader.

This is analogous to how a stranded hiker would use a signal mirror to alert

rescuers to his or her location. The light from a source, such as the sun or search lights,

is reflected off of the signal mirror and bounces to the rescuers. If the hiker chooses to,

he or she can encode data in the reflected signal by moving the mirror back and forth.

Since there is potentially very little energy that is backscatter, the RFID reader must be

sensitive enough to identify and decode the signal while simultaneously transmitting a

high-power, continuous wave.

One significant challenge to designing RFID systems is identifying tags out of a

large population quickly and efficiently. This problem has largely been solved for static

ID tags with protocols developed by the RFID industry. Implementation varies from

system to system; as an example, the EPC Class-1 Generation-1 protocol used a binary

tree search method [7], while the EPC Class-1 Generation-2 uses a slotted aloha

algorithm [8]. However, it is still an open research question if either of these methods is


sufficient for effectively handling senor data and other higher level communication

traffic. Chapter 2.3 describes an overview of the EPC Class-1 Generation-2 protocol.

Figure 3. EPC Generation 2 RFID readers.

Figure 4. 915 MHz RFID reader patch antennas with covers.


Figure 5. 915 MHz RFID reader patch antennas without covers.

2.3 RFID Protocol: EPC Class 1 Gen 2

As mentioned earlier, the EPC Generation-2 protocol [8] is based on the Framed

Slotted Aloha algorithm [23], where each frame has a number of slots and each tag

responds in one randomly selected slot per frame. The number of slots in a frame is

determined by the reader and can be varied on a per frame basis. Before starting a frame,

a reader can optionally transmit a Select command which limits the number of tags

eligible to respond by providing a bit mask and a memory location, as only tags with IDs

(or memory locations) that match this mask will respond in the subsequent frame.

To begin a frame, the reader transmits a Query command which indicates the

number of slots. Upon receiving a Query, each tag randomly chooses a slot in which to

reply. If a tag chooses zero for its slot counter it responds immediately with a 16 bit

random number (RN16). The reader echoes this RN16 in an ACK command and the tag

responds with its ID. At this point, the tag is singulated. When a tag is singulated the

reader can read and write tag memory.

After singulating a tag, the reader transmits a QueryRepeat command which

indicates the end of the slot. This signals to the tag that its ID has been read successfully

and it should not respond in subsequent frames. Additionally, all other tags decrement


their slot counter and transmit an RN16 if their counter reaches zero. Of course, tags

may choose the same initial value for their slot counter. In this case, their transmissions

will collide, the tags will not be singulated, and they will remain selected in the next

frame. A series of frames are conducted, each with a decreasing number of selected tags,

until all tag IDs have been read. This mechanism enables the rapid identification of tags.

The Gen 2 standard specifies a memory architecture that includes banks for

storing tag configuration information and the tag identifier, as well as user memory with

a size bounded only by the device hardware. In the case of the sensor enhanced tags, this

user memory can be used to store sensor data. For instance, data for a particular sensor

could be written to a given memory location or a time series can be written to a

sequential range of memory locations.

2.4 RFID Tags

The term “RFID tag”, which is synonymous with the term “RFID transponder”,

is an often overused, catch-all term that refers to a device that performs some type of

wireless identification, and may or may not include: a multi-bit ID, wireless power

capabilities, batteries, a microcontroller, GPS receivers, Wifi transponders, sensors, etc.

Therefore, when discussing RFID tags, it is important to clearly identify what type of

device is under consideration and its inherent limitations. Generally, RFID devices can

be placed in one of two categories:

• Passive Tags - Wirelessly power by the reader (battery free)

• Active Tags - Batteries are used to power part or all of the system


Figure 6. EPC RFID tag class structure (source

EPCglobal, which is the organization that defined the Electronic Product Code

(EPC) specification, has further subdivided RFID tags into the sub-classes shown in

Figure 6. Class 0 and Class 1 tags contain a write once memory for storing an Electronic

Product Code identifier. Class 2 tags are loosely defined as tags with additional

functionality. This has typically meant a tag with additional memory that can be changed

frequently for the purpose of data storage. Class 3 tags add batteries for longer read

ranges and higher reliability, but still use passive backscatter modulation for

communication. Class 4 tags are active tags that can communicate with other Class 4

tags as well as readers. Class 5 tags are essentially battery powered, wirelessly

networked readers. These tags have the ability to interrogate all classes of tags,

communicate with readers, and report data directly to the host computer.

2.4.1 Passive Tags

Passive RFID tags are fixed function devices that are powered and read by a

standard RFID tag. UHF tags consist of a thin 2D printed antenna and a CMOS

Application Specific Integrated Circuit (ASIC). The absence of an onboard battery

means that the device can be quite small and is suitable to be used as a label or sticker.


Although their read range is limited to roughly 3-10m, the lack of batteries means that

the tag has an extremely long lifetime that can be measured in decades. Furthermore, the

simplicity in design makes them suitable for mass manufacturing and has become a

valuable method for asset tracking and access control.

Figure 7 shows a basic block diagram of an RFID tag. The design goal is to

maximize read range while providing compliance with the protocol. Read range is

primarily limited by the amount of RF power that can be transmitted by the reader, and

the rate at which this RF power is attenuated as it travels through free space. Since the

tag is entirely passive, it relies on the energy provided by the incident radiation to power

up. The electrical current induced in the antenna by the incoming radio frequency signal

is converted into DC power by the rectification block. IC tags typically use diode

connected MOS transistors configured in a multi-stage, voltage doubling configuration.

The regulation block powers the rest of the circuit once the minimum threshold of

rectified voltage has been met. The demodulator thresholds the amplitude shift key data

transmitted from the RFID reader into logical ones and zeros. This serial stream of data,

along with a clock signal from the ring oscillator, is passed into the digital state machine.

The state machine is responsible for interoperating the RFID protocol and responding

with its ID when directed. RFID chips usually contain non-volatile memory, so that a

unique ID can be programmed after fabrication.

When it is the tag’s turn to transmit data, the RFID reader will broadcast a

continuous RF waveform. The tag will then modulate the impedance of its antenna

between two states using a RF transistor. This impedance mismatch will cause a

reflection of RF energy which will travel back to the RFID reader. Since the RFID tag

only has to toggle a transistor to encode data, the power requirement and complexity of

the design is far less then that of traditional radios. Conversely, since the signal sent to

the reader is simply a reflection, there is potentially little signal strength available for the

reader to decode. Thus, in order to have inexpensive, long range RFID tags, much of the

burden of RF communication has been transferred to the reader, which must be able to

detect and decode the backscatter signal.














Figure 7. Block Diagram of a typical commercial RFID tag.

Figure 8 and Figure 9 show modern EPC Class 1 Gen2 RFID tags. The tags

shown consist of printed copper antennas bonded to a chip. Modern UHF tags, such as

the Atmel ATA5590 [1], consume less then 12 µW of power when active and have a

read range of 10 meters.

Figure 8. Alien RFID tag, Model ALN-9540 "Squiggle"

(antenna with label backing is 10mm x 1.5mm).


Figure 9. Alien RFID tag, Model: ALL-9460 "Omni-Squiggle"

(antenna with label backing is 7.6mm x 7.6mm).

2.4.2 Active Tags

Active RFID tags run the gamut from simple battery assisted identification

devices to full embedded systems, such as wireless sensor network nodes. The defining

factor is that the addition of a battery makes it an “active” device, which allows the

possibility for extra functionality.

If you recall, for passive RFID tags, the primary engineering challenge is to

minimize the power consumption, thus increasing range. In contrast, the addition of a

power source changes the design constraints and allows designers to focus on specific

applications. Often times active RFID tags do not need to have any custom silicon.

Instead, they are constructed of multiple printed circuit boards and can be quite large in


Active RFID tags generally fall into three categories: identification with

increased reliability, sensing and monitoring, and localization. As is the case with any

RF device, interference and multi-path effects can cause significant performance

problems. Thus, one of the advantages when considering active tags is increased


readability in difficult RF environments where metal, liquids, or RF noise is prevalent.

Since active tags can transmit a signal rather then simply using backscatter modulation,

they generally have much longer read ranges with higher reliability.

As active RFID tags transition into embedded RFID devices, additional features

such as microcontrollers, buttons, sensors, and large data storage modules are often

added. Since they are battery powered, active tags can have much higher activity and

data transmission rates. Additionally, for applications that need real-time localization,

there are now tags that come equipped with WIFI and GPS [11][6].

Unfortunately, active tags can cost $20 to more than $150 each. Users are often

forced into using a proprietary protocol that does not integrate into the well established

EPC passive tag framework. Finally, the need for batteries limits the lifetime for active

tags to a few years and restricts them from being embedded into objects.

2.5 State of the Art - Sensor Enhanced RFID Tags

Industrial efforts in the development of RFID technology have produced a robust

physical layer, capable of wirelessly powering and querying a tag. This core technology

enables a new class of wireless, battery-free devices with communication, sensing,

computation, and data storage capabilities. Unconstrained by batteries, these devices

have the potential to operate for years, if not decades.

2.5.1 Prior Work

The authors in [21] present network architectures for an RFID-enhanced

environment where objects are seamlessly tracked and monitored. The implementation

of an environment augmented with RFID to enhance the quality of life and independence

of elderly citizens is discussed in [19]. In this example, participants wear small RFID

reader bracelets that report interaction with tagged objects. Activities can be inferred

from this data and reported to caregivers. Specific applications for sensor-enhanced

RFID tags are identified in [30] and include infrastructure and object monitoring,


automatic product tamper detection, identification of harmful agents, and biomedical

devices for noninvasive monitoring.

Conventional RFID applications are also benefiting from sensor-enhanced RFID

tags. A commercially available RFID tag for detecting dangerous temperatures in food

products during transit is reported in [30]. This product suggests the possibility that

although the price of RFID tags may not decrease sufficiently for all potential

applications, sensor-enhanced tags may provide a substantial increase in functionality for

the same price as conventional RFID tags.

To date, there are several approaches for incorporating sensing capabilities into

RFID. Active tags, a subclass of RFID tags, use batteries to power their communication

circuitry, sensors, and microcontroller. Active tags benefit from relatively long wireless

range (approximately 30 m) and can achieve high data and sensor activity rates.

However, the batteries required by active tags are disadvantageous for device cost,

lifetime, weight, and volume.

In contrast, passive sensor tags receive all of their operating power from an RFID

reader and are not limited by battery life. There are several examples of application-

specific, non-programmable passive tags with integrated temperature and light sensors,

as well as an Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) [4][16]. One attractive feature of

passive sensor tags is the prospect of permanently embedding them in objects for

structural, medical, or product monitoring. Another advantage is their suitability for

applications in which neither batteries nor wired connections are feasible, due to weight,

volume, cost, or other reasons. One limitation of purely passive sensor tags is the

required proximity to an RFID reader. However, other methods such as solar, thermal, or

kinetic energy harvesting could be used as a secondary power source, if needed.

A further consideration is the configurability and computational power of RFID

sensor tags. Existing devices are generally fixed-function with respect to sensory inputs

and they lack computational capabilities. A commercially available RFID tag with some

additional functionality is described in [18]; however, this device can only transmit one

bit of sensor data in addition to its ID. Furthermore, it is limited by a short read range,

due to its 125 kHz operating frequency.


2.5.2 Prior Work on WISP

The general-purpose WISP described in this thesis, was preceded by several less

capable devices (also called WISPs) that were described in earlier publications by our

group. The first venture into sensor-enhanced RFID was the α-WISP shown in Figure 10

and published in [20]. With this device, one bit of sensor data was encoded by using

anti-parallel tilt switches to multiplex one of two RFID tag ICs to a single antenna.

Thus, a reader could infer three states about a tagged item (tag right side up, upside

down, or not present). This simple example of overloading the EPC ID to encode sensor

data allowed inference of very coarse orientation information. However, the use of

commercial RFID tag ICs restricted our ability to control the RFID communication

channel and in turn our ability to configure WISPs for new applications.

Figure 10 The α-WISP uses two tilt switches orientated in opposite directions as a simple one bit RFID


The π-WISP [27] used a microcontroller powered by harvested RF power to

activate a GaAs RF switch, which multiplexed two commercially available RFID ICs

into one tag antenna. This device could transmit at most one bit of sensor data per query,

and used two separate antennas for communication and power harvesting. The

significant difference between the previous work and the WISP presented in this paper,

is that the microcontroller is now implementing the EPC protocol and no commercially

available RFID ICs are used in the design. This gives the WISP the ability to control all


64 bits of the ID for data encoding, versus 1 effective bit for the previous approaches

based on enabling and disabling commercial tag ICs. Furthermore, the device described

in this thesis uses a single antenna for power harvesting and communication, while the

approach of [27] required separate antennas for these two functions.


Chapter 3 Wireless Sensing & Identification Platform

The WISP is manufactured as a printed circuit board (PCB), which offers a

number of benefits when compared to traditional Integrated Circuit (IC) tag designs. A

few of these advantages include low development cost, fast design cycles, and easy

debugging and measurement of circuit parameters. The PCB implementation allows the

flexibility to physically add and remove sensors and/or peripherals to create devices for

new applications. In contrast, IC implementations offer the ability to customize

components and decrease power consumption (yielding better range), as well as creating

devices with a smaller form factor and at a lower cost when manufactured in high


A block diagram of the WISP is shown in Figure 11 and is similar in function to

traditional IC RFID tags. The antenna is balanced by an impedance matching network

and is fed into the RF power harvester. The Radio Frequency (RF) signal transmitted by

the RFID readers is rectified into DC voltage to power the rest of the tag. The

demodulator block converts the Amplitude Shift Keyed (ASK) data that is superimposed

on the RF carrier into a logic level stream of serial data. This extracted serial data is

parsed by the MSP430 microcontroller (MCU) to receive downlink data from the reader.

Uplink data is sent via the modulator circuit, which “back-scatters” the signal by

changing the antenna impedance. Finally, the microcontroller’s internal temperature

sensor, as well as any external sensors, are powered and measured by the MCU.

Since the power consumption of the microcontroller, sensors, and peripherals are

much greater then that seen in traditional passive RFID technology, the WISP duty

cycles between active and sleep mode. In sleep mode, the WISP shuts down and reduces

its current consumption to a few micro-amps and energy is accumulated by the

harvesting RF power over multiple EPC queries. Once sufficient voltage is obtained, the

WISP polls sensors and communicates with the RFID reader.











Impedance Matching




Sensors and


Figure 11. Block Diagram of the WISP.

Figure 12 depicts the WISP platform, made of a four layer FR4 PCB with

components on both sides and an integrated dipole antenna. The WISP in its base

configuration has several onboard sensors: a circuit for measuring the rectified supply

voltage, a temperature sensor, and a 3D accelerometer. Small header pins expose all

ports of the microcontroller for expansion to daughter boards, external sensors, and

peripherals. Finally, a low current surface mount LED is included in the design. Figure

13 shows the data logger version of the WISP which has additional features, such as a

larger microcontroller, a real time clock, external EEPROM, and an optional 0.1 Farad

super capacitor for extended lifetime.

Figure 12. Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform (WISP).


Figure 13. Data logger version of the Wireless Identification and Sensing Platform.

3.1 Analog Front End

The defining characteristic of far field RFID systems is that tags can be read at a

significant distance, generally on the order of 2-10 meters. For passive RFID, this

requires that the RFID reader transmits sufficient energy to power the tag at large

distances. However, due to regulatory limits on the amount of power that can be

transmitted and the path loss associated with electromagnetic propagation, there is very

little power that actually reaches the tags. Therefore, the power harvesting circuit must

maximize the operating distance by converting the very limited incoming RF power to

DC power with sufficient voltage to activate the tag.

The RF power received by the WISP’s dipole antenna is fed to the analog front

end depicted in Figure 14. A discrete matching network is used to provide the maximum

power transfer from the antenna to the rectifier. RF Schottky diodes, specifically

designed for 915MHz low power application, were selected to make a five-stage voltage

doubling circuit. This circuit converts the AC input signal to DC power which is fed into

a storage capacitor.


RF Rectifier

Rectified DC Power

Figure 14. Schematic of the Analog Front End.

For RF rectifiers of this type, the input and output impedances are not well

isolated. Further confounding the problem, the output impedance of the rectifier is fairly

high; an undesirable trait for any power source. This means that as the load on the

rectifier changes the input impedance also changes, resulting in the analog front end

becoming mismatched to the antenna. This leads to the problem of selecting values for

the impedance matching network when it is not possible to guarantee constant input


To determine the correct values for the matching network the operating cycle of

the WISP must be taken into account. First, the WISP is most effective at storing

harvested energy when it is in sleep mode, as the current consumption is minimal.

Second, the WISP will spend most of its time repeatedly charging up to 1.9v and then

discharging to approximately 1.8v. Thus, to determine the correct values, the WISP is

placed into sleep mode and the impedance matching network is swept with a variable

capacitor until 1.9v is produced for the lowest possible input power. Stated another way,

the key parameter for maximizing the read distance of the WISP is minimizing the

quiescent current consumption so that the minimum operating voltage of 1.9V

(supervisor threshold) can be rectified with the lowest possible input power.


3.2 Demodulation and Modulation

The EPC Gen 2 standard defines that reader-to-tag communication uses ASK

modulation on a carrier wave in the range of 902-928 MHz. When not transmitting data,

the carrier waveform remains at a constant amplitude; when bits are transmitted, the

amplitude of the carrier drops to at least ten percent of its normal value and the phase of

the carrier may be reversed. The duration of the continuous waveform between these low

amplitude pulses indicates logical “ones” or “zeros.”

Figure 14 shows a schematic of the WISP’s demodulator circuit. The output of

the harvester is fed through the diode, which supplies power to the comparator and acts

as a reference for the level shifter. A capacitor is used to filter out transients while

allowing proper biasing at varying distance and received power levels. When activated,

the current consumption of the comparator functions as a constant-current source,

pulling current through the diode. In this way, the voltage drop across the diode is used

as a detector, where current supplied by the harvester (high amplitude RF modulation)

results in positive voltage, and a lack of current (low amplitude RF modulation) yields

negative voltage. The comparator is used to generate a rail-to-rail logic level waveform,

and the level shifter converts the unregulated logic level to the regulated logic level. It is

important to optimize current consumption and speed when choosing a comparator.

Further savings can be achieved by disabling the comparator when there is insufficient

voltage to start up the MSP430.

An example of a demodulated signal is shown in Figure 15. This oscilloscope

plot shows the 915MHz RFID waveform and the resulting demodulated signal. Note that

time frame is 20µs per division and thus, the individual cycles of the 915MHz carrier are

not visible. However, the ASK modeled data is visible as gaps in the carrier and

enveloped signal.

RFID tags do not actively transmit radio signals. Instead, they modulate the

impedance of their antenna which causes a change in the amount of energy reflected

back to the reader. This modulated reflection is typically called backscatter radiation. In

order to change the impedance of the antenna, a transistor is placed between the two

branches of the dipole antenna. When the transistor conducts current, it short-circuits the


two branches of the antenna, changing the antenna impedance. In the non-conducting

state, the transistor has no effect on the antenna and thus, the power harvesting and data

downlink functions occur as if it were not present. This impedance modulation is

currently implemented with a 5 GHz RF bipolar junction transistor, which allows for

effective shunting of the 915 MHz carrier wave.

Figure 15. Oscilloscope plot of the demodulated data extracting data from the RF waveform transmitted

by the RFID reader.

3.3 Digital Section and Power Conditioning

Since the power available to RFID tags is extremely limited, careful component

selection must be made to minimize current consumption. As advances in IC

manufacturing now allow discrete components with less than 1 µA of current


consumption and operation at 1.8 V, it is now possible to construct working, wirelessly

powered RFID tags with discrete components.

The general purpose computation capabilities of WISP are provided by an ultra-

low power microcontroller. This 16-bit flash microcontroller, the MSP430F1232, can

run at up to 4 MHz with a 1.8 V supply voltage and consumes approximately 600 µA

when active at those frequency and voltage settings. Of particular interest for low power

RFID applications, the MSP430 has various low power modes. Its minimum RAM-

retention supply current is only 0.1 µA at 1.5 V. The device provides over 8 kilobytes of

flash memory, 256 bytes of RAM, and a 10-bit, 200 kilo-samples-per-second Analog to

Digital Converter (ADC). The low power consumption of this relatively new device is a

critical factor in enabling use of a general purpose microcontroller in passive RFID


Another critical design consideration is operation with uncertain power supply

conditions. Because the available RF power varies greatly throughout device operation,

supervisory circuitry is necessary to wake and sleep the device based on the supply

voltage level. WISP uses a 1.9 V supervisor and a 1.6 V power-on-reset to control

device state and reset the microcontroller, respectively. The supervisor provides roughly

100 mV of headroom on the storage capacitor above the 1.8 V of regulator voltage. This

serves to buffer the supply voltage from dropping below 1.8 V, due to the large power

consumption of the microcontroller in active mode.


Chapter 4 Firmware & Power Management Algorithm

The WISP is essentially a software defined RFID tag, which uses the MSP430 to

implement the EPC Class-1 Generation-2 protocol and performs sensing and

computation tasks. There are significant challenges when developing applications on the

WISP as compared to battery powered embedded systems. Primarily, there is no

guarantee that a given task can be completed before running out of power. Although the

voltage supervisor provides headroom above 1.8 V, the rate at which the energy stored

in the supply capacitor is consumed is directly affected by the design choices of the

programmer. Failure to properly manage sleep cycles when the WISP harvests energy or

inefficient coding practices can result poor performance.

The WISP software can be described on three levels. At the lowest level is the

power management algorithm, which is responsible for managing the device state,

including sleep vs. active modes. Built on that is the communication layer, which

enables bi-directional communication by sampling downlink data bits, implementing a

Gen 2 state machine, and generating uplink data bits. The third level is the application

layer where users implement custom function and encoding data in the appropriate EPC


4.1 Power Management Algorithm

Meeting the low power requirements of passive RFID tags requires that the MCU

consumes, on average, as little power as possible. As mentioned previously, this is

achieved by duty cycling between active and low power sleep states. The key is that the

WISP receives a constant amount of power as defined by Friis’ path loss equation 1 for a

set distance. When the WISP is in active mode the power consumption far exceeds the

power harvested. However, when the WISP is in sleep mode, the total current

consumption of all the circuits is a few micro-amps and there is a net power gain which

charges the storage capacitor. Therefore, duty cycling does not simply yield lower power

consumption; it represents two different states, power harvesting and active operation.


Figure 16. Block diagram of the power management algorithm for the WISP.

The state diagram for the power management layer is shown in Figure 16. State

transitions are primarily driven by hardware interrupts from the voltage supervisor,

which indicate if there is sufficient energy stored for operation. Initially, the WISP is

away from a RFID reader and is in a power down state. When the WISP is brought

within range of a reader, it begins to harvest power and the voltage across the storage

capacitors begins to rise. At approximately 1.6 V the MSP430 powers up in a reset state

and begins executing code. Since this event is not driven by the supervisor, it is

important that the code enters sleep mode (LMP4) as quickly as possible in order to

repeatedly avoid browning out on start up. Once in LMP4, the WISP waits for sufficient

voltage (1.9 V), as indicted by the supervisor interrupt. Next, the state machine

transitions to the application layer, which performs user defined functions, such as

sensor measurements. Here, an EPC packet is generated and the WISP sets up and waits

for a commutation interpret which indicates the beginning of an EPC packet. In the

communication layer, the WISP processes the incoming data, executes the EPC Gen 2

protocol, and transmits its response. While not shown in Figure 16, the communication

layer often reports the same data twice to increase communication reliability.


4.2 Communication and Application Layers

A considerable challenge when programming the MSP430 involves meeting the

timing constraints of the EPC protocol while still maintaining a low clock frequency.

RFID tags that have custom state machines are designed at the hardware level to receive

and send using the EPC protocol. The general-purpose MSP430 must be carefully tuned

to perform EPC communication, both for receiving and transmitting data. In particular, a

mix of C and assembly language is used where the C code maintains ease of

configurability for the firmware for different sensor applications and the assembly code

allows fine-grained control of the timing of the MSP430 for EPC communication.

As previously described, the demodulator envelops and thresholds the Phase-

Reversed Amplitude Shift Keyed (PR-ASK) signal from the reader into a serial data

stream representing the data bits 1 and 0 as long and short pulses, respectively. To

interpret data from the reader, the MSP430 uses the periodic edge of the waveform as a

hardware interrupt, and then during the interrupt service routine re-samples the bit line to

detect a 1 or 0 during the differentiated part of the waveform. This data is quickly shifted

into memory before repeating this process. To detect the end of a transmission, a timer is

refreshed during each bit. When bits are no longer received the timer expires, the packet

is interpreted and, if appropriate, a response is sent to the reader. A detailed description

of how the WISP uses and implements the EPC specification is described in 2.3.

Figure 17 shows a set of EPC queries and responses along with the

charge/discharge cycle of the WISP. Since the operating voltage range of the WISP

occurs between 1.9v-1.8v the rectified voltage appears to be nearly constant. In actuality,

the WISP enters active mode at 1.9v, consumes the energy in the storage capacitor until

approximately 1.8v, then enters a sleep state and harvests power until 1.9v is reached.

This duty cycling can be seen in the packet transmitted plot. Here, the WISP does not

respond to every packet sent by the reader, instead it spends most of its time in a sleep



Figure 17. Oscilloscope scope plot of the WISP responding to EPC queries along with its rectified


Performing application level tasks, such as sensor measurement, is generally

done in tight conjunction with the EPC protocol. In this scenario, the completion of a

receive/transmit cycle triggers the application layer to immediately take a sensor

measurement, generate the desired EPC packet, and setup for a Query. This protocol

centric approach works well for sensor driven applications where data is requested from

the RFID tag at regular intervals. However, applications which leverage the wirelessly

powered computing capability of the WISP benefit from a loose coupling with the

communication layer.


Chapter 5 Power Budget

One of the significant challenges of incorporating microcontrollers, sensors, and

peripherals into passive RFID technology is the ability to manage the large power

consumption of these devices. For example, the MSP430F1232 running at 3 MHz

consumes approximately 470 µA at 1.8 V. The resulting power consumption is

significantly larger then typical passive RFID tags. Under these conditions the harvester

cannot continuously supply power to the WISP during a single reader query.

One method to overcome this challenge is to use a large storage capacitor (on the

order of ten microfarads) to accumulate charge over multiple EPC queries. Once

sufficient voltage is obtained, the WISP can operate in a burst mode, polling sensors and

communicating with the RFID reader. This approach of duty cycling is often used in low

power applications; however, this presents a challenge for RFID networks when the

WISP is not necessarily able to respond to each reader query.

The next section examines the issues related to powering the WISP from three

perspectives. First is the received RF power required to turn on the device, the second is

the operating duty cycle based on input power, and the last is the energy needed in the

storage capacitor for active operation of the microcontroller and additional sensors.

5.1 Turn On Power Requirement

In the presence of the RFID reader, the WISP’s RF rectifier will charge the

storage capacitor until the power input to the device equals the power lost due to

quiescent current.

in loss rectified lossP P V I= ≡ × (3)

Thus, a key parameter for maximizing the read distance of WISP is minimizing

the quiescent current consumption so that the minimum turn on voltage of 1.9V

(supervisor threshold) can be rectified with the lowest possible input power. In order to


characterize the system, a network analyzer was used to inject a continuous 915 MHz

waveform into the antenna ports of the WISP. Figure 18 shows the resulting plot of

rectified voltage and output power vs. input power when the WISP is in sleep mode.

Rectified voltage was measured with the WISP in sleep mode (only quiescent current

draw), and shows the minimum input power needed to start operation. After the 1.9 V

supervisor threshold has been met, the rectified voltage continues to increase with input

power, until the over-voltage protection diode activates at 5.4 V. In the actual

implementation of the WISP, the MPS430 activates at 1.9 V and starts consuming

power. Thus, the rectified voltage never rises above the supervisor threshold.

Using the minimum input power needed for activation from Figure 18, the

expected operating distance for the WISP can be calculated with the logarithmic form of

the Friis equation (3) for path loss, with a term for polarization loss included.


PP −++


log20 (4)

The transmit power of the reader PT = 30 dBm (which is equivalent to 1 Watt).

Its center frequency is 915 MHz, corresponding to wavelength λ = 0.33m. The transmit

antenna gain GT = 6 dBi (this yields an effective isotropic radiated power of 4 WEIRP,

the United States’ regulatory limit for this ISM band). The receive antenna gain GR = 2

dBi (the standard gain figure for a dipole antenna), and the polarization loss LP = 3dB.

Lossed LP occurs because only half of the power transmitted from the circularly-

polarized transmit antenna is received by the linearly-polarized receive dipole antenna.

Using the operating thresholds of -9.5 dBm from Figure 18, equation (4) predicts a

maximum operational range of 4.3m.


Figure 18. Rectified voltage (left scale) and output power at 1.9V (right scale) are plotted verse input

power measurements using multi-meter and network analyzer for RF signal insertion into the antenna


5.2 Duty Cycle

While rectified voltage (rather than power) determines the maximum achievable

range, the operational duty cycle (percentage of the time WISP can be active), is

determined by the amount of rectified power. In practice, the rectified voltage will

typically remain near the threshold voltage (1.9 V). This is due to the operation of the

supervisor, which transitions the WISP from sleep to active mode, resulting in the

consumption of power whenever the stored voltage exceeds this operating point.

Therefore, it is important to characterize the output power of the harvester at 1.9 V.

Figure 18 shows the result of output power verse input power at 1.9 V. This is

accomplished by fixing the output voltage at 1.9 V using a power supply and measuring


the amount of current that is supplied by the WISP. Then, the duty cycle of WISP

(percentage of the time in active mode) is estimated as the ratio of rectifier output power

to WISP active power consumption.








out =+

= (5)

In this equation, Pout is the output power of the WISP, Pactive is the active power

consumption, Ton is the time in active mode, and Tsleep is the time in sleep mode. For

example, the power rectified at 0 dBm (310 µW) divided by the active power

consumption (1.8 V * 600 µA = 1.12 mW) yields a duty cycle of 27%. This agrees well

with experimental values, which are presented in Chapter 7.

5.3 Active Energy Consumption

Since the rectifier cannot supply enough power for continuous operation, it is

important to quantify the amount of energy that needs to be stored in order to power the

WISP during active periods. During one EPC Gen 2 communication cycle, the complete

WISP (not just the microcontroller) consumes on average 600 µA * 1.8 V = 1.08 mW. A

single query takes 2 ms including reader and tag communication. Using the expression

for the energy stored in a capacitor (E=½CV2, with C=10 µF), the amount of voltage

headroom needed above 1.8 V is 116 mV, resulting in a total minimum voltage threshold

of 1.91 V for a complete packet transmission. It should be noted that the MSP430 will

operate down to 1.7 V, even though this value is below the specified supply voltage.

However, operation is not guaranteed; it has been observed that the Digitally Controlled

Oscillator (DCO) can begin to slow down. Thus, it is not recommend that the designer

rely on the extra 100 mV of headroom below 1.8v. In the case of the previous example,

the use of 16 mV out of specification headroom (1.90 mV - 116 mV) has proven to give

reliable results.

The same method for calculating the required stored energy can be used when

selecting sensors for the WISP platform. Sensor tasks and packet generation are

generally done prior to the EPC query. However, it is reasonable to assume that when


performing sensor applications the MCU will exhibit similar current consumption.

Inequality (6) expresses an energy feasibility condition for a particular sensor; the

energy required to read the sensor must not exceed the usable stored energy. This

expression can be used to calculate the capacitor size and voltage headroom required to

operate a particular sensor, which in turn determines the range at which the sensor can

be operated.

( ) ( )22


1ddrecWSdd VVCTIIV −≤+ (6)

The current consumption for the sensor and WISP are Is and Iw, respectively; C is

the capacitance of the storage capacitor and T is the total time of active operation. The

rectified voltage is Vrec and Vdd is the required operating voltage. Assuming that the

sensor has the same voltage supply as the WISP, Vdd = 1.8 V. The left hand side of

inequality (4) represents energy consumed by the sensor and WISP during one

measurement. The right hand side represents usable stored energy above Vdd, the

minimum operating voltage of WISP. Inequality (6) makes it clear that the limiting

factor when selecting sensors is not only the current consumption (which determines

power) but, also the total required execution time of the sensor and WISP (energy, rather

than power).


Chapter 6 Communicating with the WISP

The EPC Class-1 Generation-2 protocol (henceforth referred to as Gen 2) was

designed to rapidly identify tags with static IDs. However, when implementing sensing

applications with the WISP, it is necessary to transmit and receive higher order data. The

Gen 2 protocol provides several mechanisms that can be used to implement a two way

communication layer. First, the WISP can send uplink data by overloading the identifier

and by using Gen 2 Read command. Secondly, applications that need to transmit data to

the WISP (e.g. to actuate its behavior), can use the Select command and the Write


6.1 Overloading the Identifier

The Gen 2 protocol efficiently reads tag identifiers and by overloading the

identifier to include sensor data, a collection of WISPs can also report data efficiently. In

our initial applications, the identifier was replaced with the sensor data of interest.

However, when using more than one WISP, data from different devices cannot be

differentiated. Additionally, this approach breaks the semantics of the protocol and limits

the interoperability of WISPs and standard tags.

The Gen 2 specification allows for the transmission of up to 496 bits of identifier,

while current tags generally have an identifier of only 96 bits. Hence, up to 400 bits of

sensor data can be piggybacked along with the ID, enabling data from different devices

to be differentiated while at least partially maintaining the original semantics.

Unfortunately, by sending sensor data along with the identifier the read time per tag is

increased and the time required to read data from a particular tag can be prohibitively

high. For many sensing applications, particularly those that use a large number of

devices, reading all sensor data from every tag will be undesirable and overloading the

identifier may be insufficient to meet the application requirements.


6.2 Gen 2 Read Command

After singulating a tag, the reader can issue a series of Read commands to read

the contents of tag memory, with each command eliciting up to 512 bytes of data. Before

issuing a Read command, the reader requests a temporary, random 16 bit handle from

the tag. This handle is used in the Read command to address the tag, and an arbitrary

number of Read operations can be issued in sequence. Using this mechanism, a reader

can selectively read sensor data stored in the user memory of a single WISP.

Using the Read command to gather sensor data has drawbacks with respect to

efficiency and flexibility. First, to read new data from a WISP the device must again be

singulated and a new handle must be obtained. With a large number of tags, singulation

is time intensive. Even in the best case, where a single device is selected with the Select

command, the singulation process must still be conducted, albeit with only a single tag

responding and a new handle must be obtained; only then can data be read from the

WISP. This results in a large amount of the WISP’s active time being spent on protocol

overhead. Additionally, the identifier of the device with the desired data must be known

prior to the read event, along with detailed knowledge of the memory layout with respect

to sensor data location.

By overloading the identifier or using the Read command, basic sensing

applications can be implemented using the WISP. However, when deciding which

technique to use, the energy cost must also be considered. Specifically, using the Read

command consumes more energy than returning the data with the ID. This presents a

trade-off between range and speed, with the proper balance being largely application


6.3 Gen 2 Select Command

The Select command is intended to limit the number of tags that respond in a

Query round. For example, a collection of retail items may have identifiers that indicate

their model number and the Select command can be used to inventory only items of a

given model by providing a memory pointer and bitmask which matches only that


model. However, this mechanism can be repurposed to function as a general purpose

broadcast channel, with the pointer and mask being interpreted by the WISP software as

opcodes and data. As an example, we have implemented software for the WISP which

interprets Select commands as instructions to blink LEDs.

6.4 Gen 2 Write Command

Along with the general purpose broadcast facility of the Select command, the

Gen 2 Write command can be used for unicast down-link communication. After a tag is

singulated, the reader can write arbitrary memory locations on the tag in 2 byte words.

Additionally, the BlockWrite command can be used to write up to 256 words at a time.

This mechanism can be used to transfer data to the WISP; for example, to store location

information on the tag as it moves through a supply chain. Additionally, a WISP could

be programmed to look to certain memory locations for parameters that affect its

operation. For example, to modify the sampling rate of the WISP, the Write command

could be used to transmit the desired rate to a known memory location and the WISP

would refer to this value when setting its sampling rate.


Chapter 7 Experimental Results

Figure 19 shows experimental results of the WISP performance: rectified output

voltage, tag responses per reader query, and the rate of tag-to-reader packet errors are

plotted vs. received power (dBm). The experimental set up consisted of an EPC Gen 1

RFID reader driving a 6 dBi circularly-polarized patch antenna. The reader’s antenna

and WISP were placed one meter apart and one meter above the ground to minimize

multipath effects. An adjustable attenuator inserted between the reader and its antenna

was used to vary the power transmitted to the WISP.

Finally, equation (4) is used to calculate the path loss over the one meter

separation between the WISP and RFID reader. Thus, the WISP received power is

defined as reader transmit power (1 Watt), minus variable attenuator, minus transmission

path loss. It should be noted that the 1 watt source represents peak output power of the

RFID reader, while the average output power (not considered here) is highly dependent

on reader transmission rate and the specific implementation of the EPC Gen 1 protocol.

To measure rectified Output Voltage, the WISP is placed in its low power state

and voltage is averaged over a ten second interval using an oscilloscope. This is

necessary to account for the variation in output power as the reader implements the EPC

protocol. The resulting plot shows the WISP turns on with a peak received power level

of -5.9 dBm, which is significantly more than the average power level of -9.5 dBm

measured with the network analyzer in Figure 19. In order to verify that this difference

in turn-on threshold is caused by lower average power in the experimental setup, the

RFID reader was replaced with a 915MHz, 1 W continuous wave source and the turn on

power was found to be -8.7 dBm. The 0.8 dBm difference between the continuous

source and the network analyzer is thought to be due to impedance mismatch between

the dipole and the analog front end of the WISP as well as antenna non-idealities. The

2.8 dBm difference between the continuous source and the RFID reader is then due to

lower average power output by the reader.

The plot of tag Responses per Query shows the number of successful tag

responses received by the reader normalized over the total number of queries made. This


is equivalent to the operating duty cycle of the WISP and, as expected, is proportional to

received power. The response rate drops to zero at -7 dB because there is insufficient

voltage for operation. At 0 dBm input power, section IV.B predicted an operational duty

cycle of 27% using equation (3), which is close to the experimental value of 25% from

Figure 19. The reason that duty cycle (unlike turn-on voltage) is not diminished by the

lower average power of the RFID reader is because duty cycle is normalized to the query

rate of the reader. In other words, Responses per Query excludes times in which the

reader is not transmitting.

The Uplink Packet Error represents the percent of query responses made by the

tag that are not correctly received by the RFID reader. Due to the limited data interface

with the RFID reader selected for the experiment, the number of reader rejected uplink

packets is not directly available. To collect this data, the WISP counts the number of

query responses it has made and reports the current tally as data encoded in each uplink

packet. When the RFID reader application software receives gaps in the running tag

response tally an error is recorded. Figure 19 shows that as received power decreases to

the point at which sufficient voltage can no longer be rectified for operation, the uplink

packet error rate increases. It is theorized that this system instability is due to the brown

out state of the MPS430, along with the ring oscillator, used as the system clock,

becoming detuned as the 1.8 V regulator drops out.


Figure 19. WISP performance: harvested voltage, Uplink Packet Errors, and Responses per Query as a

function of input power.


Chapter 8 Sensors and Peripherals

Several types of sensors have been successfully integrated into the WISP

platform: light, temperature, push-buttons, rectified voltage, and 3D acceleration. As a

rule of thumb, sensors that operate as resistive transducers are good candidates for the

WISP. These devices typically require a small amount of current and when placed in a

voltage divider configuration they can be easily be measured with the MSP430’s Analog

to Digital Converter (ADC). One example is the measurement of rectified voltage, which

is easily accomplished with a voltage divider that scales the signal down to the range of

the 1.8 V ADC. Alternatively, active sensors are much more demanding in terms of

current consumption and required operating voltage.

Real-world environmental noise often requires band-limiting the sensor signal to

a few kilohertz or less. Such a filter may have a long time-constant. Energy

considerations should also be examined using equation (6) to choose a sufficient

capacitor size for the system. For example, powering a 500µA sensor for 10 ms requires

a great deal more energy than RFID communication; a 50µF capacitor charged to 1.9 V

would be needed to provide enough energy to measure the sensor.

In order to enable environmental monitoring applications, the WISP was

enhanced with temperature sensors. The MSP430 does have an on-chip temperature

sensor. However, its accuracy and power consumption is poor compared to signal chip

solutions and the LM94021 low power analog temperature sensor from National

Semiconductor was added. Figure 20 shows a time series of temperature measurements

reported by WISP using the external temperature sensor. An inverted can of compressed

air was used to generate a low temperature impulse. After the WISP’s temperature

sensor had recovered for about 30s, a heat gun was used to generate a high temperature

impulse. The LM94021 has 1.8 °C accuracy and a Fluke thermal probe was used as

reference for the system. The maximum error recorded between -20 °C and 50 °C by the

WISP was 2 °C.


Figure 20. Cold impulses are applied to WISP and a Fluke thermal probe and plotted over time.

Another example of environmental sensing has been demonstrated using the

WISP with a photo resistor as a light sensor. The WISP was mounted by suction cup to

the inside surface of an exterior window in an office environment, with the sensor

oriented inward. Figure 21 shows the light level measured by the WISP over a 13 hour

period. The measurement began at 5:20 pm and the initial part of the measurement

shows the light level dropping due to sunset. After sunset, the light level remains

constant for about three hours. We believe that all the interior lights were on during this

period. Then the interior lights nearest the WISP were extinguished, with lights further

away remaining on for about one hour. Next, the light level dropped to a minimum


when all the remaining interior lights were extinguished. This low light level persists

until sunrise begins the next morning.

Figure 21. Light level measured by WISP in a 13 hour period

Figure 22 shows data collected using the three dimensional accelerometer on the

WISP. The Analog Devices ADXL330 MEMS accelerometer draws 200uA at 1.8V. Due

to the relatively high current consumption of these devices, continuously powering them

would cripple the range of WISP. To overcome these high power requirements, the

sensor is only powered for a short period of time, just long enough to take a

measurement. Provided that the sensor and conditioning electronics can stabilize

sufficiently quickly, this allows for a wide range of sensors to be measured over UHF

RFID. Powering this accelerometer, the WISP is able to provide accelerometer

measurements at rates of approximately 10 to 20 samples per second, depending on


range. After the measurement is taken and the data packed into the EPC ID, the WISP

calculates the correct CRC. Then the “ID” is reported to the RFID reader and the

information is then decoded in real time by the computer. Although the WISP’s

accelerometer data rate is too low for many industrial applications, it provides good

absolute orientation data that is suitable for gaming and input devices.

-1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5-1.5







X acceleration (G)

Y acceleration (G)

Wirelessly-powered acceleration measurements

collected while WISP is rotated with respect to gravity

Figure 22. Received measurement of the acceleration of earths gravity long two axes using the WISP

enabled with a 3D accelerometer.

There are many examples that demonstrated novel uses of passive RFID

technology, which benefit from wireless, battery-free operation. However, these

systems are inherently limited by the requirement of tag proximity to a reader for power


and finite wireless range, due to RF path loss over distance. One particularly interesting

class of applications involves a tagged item that travels between two reader-equipped

locations but does not have reader proximity during transit. For example, this situation

occurs during cold chain transport of food and chemicals between warehouses. One may

be interested in tracking the temperature or vibration of goods during transit where there

is no reader coverage.

To enable these applications, the authors in [31] have proposed a new tag device

called a passive data logger (PDL). A PDL is a battery-free RFID tag with a large

capacitor for energy storage. The PDL seamlessly recharges its capacitor when it is near

a reader and uses the stored energy to measure attached sensors and log data to non-

volatile memory (NVM) when it is away from a reader. As a proxy for cold chain

monitoring, a refrigerated milk container was instrumented with a WISP-PDL and

monitored throughout its consumption. For this study, the WISP-PDL sampled and

logged data in 10 second intervals and consumed 1.8 µA on average from a 1.8 V

supply. Over the course of 24 hours, the temperature and fill level of the carton was

measured and written to memory. At the end of the study, the data was read from the

WISP-PDL using the Gen 2 Read command showing the complete history of the milk

carton. As the refrigerator acted as a faraday cage, the WISP-PDL harvested energy only

when removed from the refrigerator but continued to sense when not directly powered

by a reader.

Building off of the work in [31], a fully integrated WISP-PDL has been

implemented by the author of this thesis and is shown in Figure 23. The 0.1 Farad red

super capacitor is clearly visible on top of the WISP. Additional features, such as a 1.8v

external 8k EEPROM, and a 350 nA Real Time Clock have been added to expand the

capabilities of the PDL. Presently this platform is still under development.


Figure 23. WISP data logger with operational Super capacitor.


Chapter 9 Conclusion

In order to explore RFID applications beyond simple barcode replacement, this

thesis argues the need for a reconfigurable, computation and sensor enhanced device,

capable of being wirelessly powered and interfacing with standard RFID technology. It

is believed that such a device will lead to the discovery and rapid implantation of

innovative RFID applications that can not be developed by traditional CMOS tag design

alone. Furthermore, the cost structure of traditional RFID applications is focused on

manufacturing tags that can be sold at the lowest possible price, as a replacement for

barcodes. However, it has been shown that by adding even a small amount of increased

functionality to RFID tags, new markets can become available and the profitability of

the tags can be substantially increased.

This thesis presents the design and performance of the Wireless Identification

and Sensing Platform, a programmable, sensor enhanced, passive UHF RFID tag. The

WISP is powered by a standard, commercially available UHF RFID reader and

implements the Electronic Product Code (EPC) Class 1, Generation 2 protocol.

The first half of this thesis describes the implementation of the major functional

blocks of the WISP: RF harvester, downlink demodulator, power management,

microcontroller, and uplink modulator. Additionally, the power management algorithm

is presented along with a general overview of how the WISP uses the EPC Gen2

protocol to communicate data to and from the reader. This is followed by a detailed

analysis of the power budget and performance of the WISP, which shows an ideal range

of 4.3 m. Finally, several low power sensors that have been integrated into the WISP are

presented: light, temperature, and acceleration.

More generally, WISP has proven the feasibility of powering devices with

relatively large power consumption (such as a microcontroller and sensors) using only

the RF energy transmitted by a standard RFID reader. To the author’s knowledge, the

WISP is the first of a new class of battery-free, wireless sensing and computational



In the introduction, the author argued that implementing the WISP as a flexible,

PCB based platform, instead of a higher performance silicon intergraded circuit, would

allow people from a wide variety of fields to develop RFID technology. Since the

completion of the first few prototypes, there have been a number of independent

research efforts using the WISP to create new RFID applications. The following

passages summarize two research projects, first the usage of the computational power of

the WISP for encryption, and the second, which uses the WISP’s sensing capability as a

user input device.

Conventional wisdom states that strong cryptographic algorithms are unrealistic

for RFID considering the computational constraints and power issues of IC tags. As a

result, various lightweight cryptographic protocols have been proposed and implemented

[15]. However, many of these protocols have serious vulnerabilities and were

subsequently hacked or exploited [17]. However, the computational power and

flexibility of the WISP enables the realization of stronger, more conventional

cryptographic techniques designed to enhance both privacy and security.

In [3], the WISP was used to demonstrate RC5 based symmetric cryptography

for use on UHF RFID tags. The particular RC5 variant implemented uses a 32-bit word,

12 rounds, and a 16-byte secret key, which is stored in flash. While there were practical

challenges in implementing RC5 on such a resource-constrained platform, the authors

showed that with careful implementation strong cryptography is within the scope of

UHF RFID. Additionally, their choice of RC5 was partly because RC5 can be efficiently

implemented in both hardware and software, so their work can be used as a basis for IC


Even when strong cryptography is used, RFID is still susceptible to “man in the

middle” attacks. For instance, RFID is widely used for access cards where an RFID

enabled employee badge uses a cryptographically strong challenge/response mechanism

to open doors to a secured building. An attacker in this scenario does not need to break

the encryption but, only needs to generate the correct response to the RFID reader

challenge. On the other hand, RFID enabled credit cards have no encryption and the

information transmitted via RFID is virtually identical to that printed on the card.


Gathering this information no longer requires the conscious act of removing the card

from a wallet and swiping the card through a magnetic reader. Consequently, thieves can

steal the card information wirelessly, even while the card remains securely in the

cardholder’s wallet or purse.

In [5] ,the 3D accelerometer on the WISP was used to implement a “secret hand

shake” based authentication system to protect against “ghost and leech” and skimming

attacks. When the user wants to authenticate a transaction or gain building access, they

first perform a gesture with the card which unlocks the card and enables communication.

The gesture could be a figure eight or any unique movement that the card would not

experience in everyday activity. Only if this handshake is correct will the WISP unlock

and transmit its ID to the reader. This approach leverages not only the computational

power of the WISP, but also its sensing capabilities to provide a level of security that is

not possible using standard IC tags.


Chapter 10 Future Work

Up to this point, WISP has been viewed in the context of a single device

interacting with a RFID reader. Now that the hardware and software design of the WISP

is robust enough for a variety of applications, there is the potential to deploy a large

number of WISPs through out an environment.

In [2] we proposed to extend RFID beyond simple identification to in-depth

sensing using WISPs to form RFID Sensor Networks (RSNs). This combines the

advantages of RFID technology with those of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). The

WISP demonstrates the technical feasibility of building small, battery-free devices that

use the RFID PHY and MAC layer to power themselves, sense, compute, and


WSNs, based on “mote” sensing platforms, have been applied to many real-

world problems. Remote monitoring applications have sensed animal behavior and

habitat, structural integrity of bridges, volcanic activity, and forest fire danger, to name

only a few successes. These networks leveraged the relatively small form-factor

(approximately 1”x 2” x 3”) of motes and their multi-hop wireless communication to

provide dense sensing in difficult environments.

While the feasibility of WISPs has been established by this thesis, how to harness

many such devices to create RSNs is an open question. An RFID sensor network

consists of multiple WISPs and one or more readers. Consequently, realizing full-scale

RSNs will require development of both the WISP and the reader, as new protocols and

techniques must be developed unlike those of either RFID or WSNs. Since the

traditional RFID usage model is very different from that of WSNs, RSNs face

substantial challenges when trying to integrate the two technologies. For example, unlike

WSNs, RSNs must cope with intermittent power, and unlike RFID, must support sensor

queries rather than simple identification. Some of the key research challenges are

outlined below.


Tasks and Intermittent Power

There are two fundamental differences when developing application on WISP as

compared to battery powered systems; first, the available power is dependent on the

range of the WISP form the reader. Secondly, the time available to execute instruction is

rigidly enforced by the amount of energy stored in the supply capacitor and it’s

discharge rate. Thus, completion of a task can not be guaranteed because the application

does not have complete control of the duty cycling schedule. New methods for dealing

with these types of power constraint systems will have to be investigated.

Unpowered Operation

In many cases, WISPs may need to gather sensor data when they are not in the

proximity of an active RFID reader. For example, the temperature of blood plasma

should be monitored while it is out of the refrigerator; even though these periods should

be relatively short they are crucial for the application. One approach is to provide a small

amount of energy storage as was done with the Passive Data Logger WISP. However,

the large storage capacitor simply increases the RC time constant of the system (and thus

decreases the rate of voltage discharge). A more complete approach to dealing with

intermittent power in needed. Alternatively, RSN topologies that can deal with sensor

black outs while still being effective at gather data may also be a viable solution for

some applications.

Sensing Protocols

Currently, WISPs with new sensor data must wait until they are interrogated by a

reader. This increases the likelihood of many devices wanting to use the bandwidth

limited channel at the same time. Techniques to perform data preprocessing within the

network (on each RSN device) can help to some extent. However, the standard RFID

strategy of identifying and then communicating with each device is wasteful as most

devices may not have relevant data. A more dynamic strategy based on the value of the

sensor data would be more effective.


Repurposing EPC C1G2

As previously mention the EPC Gen 2 protocol is not particularly well suited to

transmitting sensor data, which would be necessary for practical implementation of

RSNs. However, the Gen 2 protocol does provide mechanisms such as the Select

command and the option to overloading the ID field which have proven successful for

initial applications. Furthermore, commercially available EPC RFID readers provide a

valuable piece on infrastructure that can not be readily replace. Plus keeping RSN

development tethered EPC provides a standard interface for research to collaborate

around. Further experimentation is needed to see is current EPC RFID readers are

flexible enough to allow researcher sufficiently control in implement real world RSNs.



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