design of distributed software chapter 3: middleware services – part ii overview of 10 important...

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Design of Distributed Software

Chapter 3: Middleware Chapter 3: Middleware Services – part IIServices – part II

Overview of 10 important middleware services and examples in CORBA, RMI, JEE, Web Services and .NET

(During the lesson, it will be indicated which parts are highly important and which are not important for the exam)

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Naming Service Event and Notification Service Messaging Service Persistence Service Transaction Service Activation Service Loadbalancing Service Session Tracking Security Service Dynamic Invocation Service

Design of Distributed Software

3.5 Transaction 3.5 Transaction ServiceService

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Set of operations need to move data from one consistent state to another

The set of operations should be indivisible If one or more operations fail, the entire set should be undone


Account 1

Account 2


5. Transactions

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Possible ApproachPossible Approach

By means of exception handling: Catch all possible exceptions of involved methods In case of exceptions: undo already finished operation

Drawbacks: Code spread across many exception handlers

Less readable Less maintainable

In case of network failures Has the operation been completed or not ? Remote object should roll back automatically if the network

becomes unavailable

=> Use of transactions

5. Transactions

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What is a Transaction?What is a Transaction?

A transaction is a set of operations that moves data from one consistent state to another

If one or more operations fail, the entire set is undone Success: the transaction "commits" Failure: the transaction "rolls back"

For example:

begin transactiondebit checking accountcredit savings accountupdate history log

commit transaction

5. Transactions

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Transaction DefinitionsTransaction Definitions

Transactional Object: An object which is used (methods invoked) within a transaction

Can only be associated with one transaction at a time

EJBs can be transactional objects Transactional Client: A program which invokes

methods on transactional objects Transaction Manager: A program that

coordinates transaction processing

5. Transactions

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The Transaction ContextThe Transaction Context

A single transaction can involve multiple objects and operations

A transaction context represents the transaction shared by all these participants

By default, it is automatically propagated between transactional objects (EJBs).

5. Transactions

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Java APIs for TransactionsJava APIs for Transactions

The Java Transaction API (JTA) is used by application developers Specifies the interface between the transaction manager and

all involved objects Main class: the UserTransaction interface.

The Java Transaction Service (JTS) is used by developers of transaction managers

Developers of application servers, EJB containers, etc. Not used by application developers

5. Transactions

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Transaction Types with EJBsTransaction Types with EJBs

Normally, : use container-managed transactions (CMT) The EJB container manages transactions automatically

Interaction with databases Starting and ending transactions Creating and propagating the transaction context Even two-phase commit (2PC)

For databases with JDBC drivers that support XA You can dictate the transactional behavior of specific methods

No programming required -- just edit the deployment descriptor XML

In addition, bean-managed transactions (BMT) and client-managed transactions are also available.

5. Transactions

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Container Managed TransactionsContainer Managed Transactions

Can be used with both session and entity beans.

The container begins a transaction immediately before an enterprise bean method starts (if declared to be transactional).

The transaction is committed before the method exits

Not all methods should be associated with transactions

=> Use of transaction attributesat deployment time

5. Transactions

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Transaction Attribute ValuesTransaction Attribute Values

When using CMT, beans (or specific methods within beans) have a transaction attribute

Attribute controls scope of transaction One of six possible values:

Required RequiresNew Mandatory Never NotSupported Supports

5. Transactions

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Transaction AttributesTransaction Attributes


.methodA() {






.methodB() {







methodB() part of TX1 ?

5. Transactions

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Required If the invoker has a transaction context, it is propagated to the bean If not, the container creates a new transaction context I.e., the method always executes within a transaction context, but does

not create a new transaction needlessly This is the default value

Bean1 methodA() Bean2 methodB()Transactional TX1 TX1Context None TX2

5. Transactions

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RequiresNew If the invoker has a transaction context, it is suspended for the

duration of this method's execution Either way, a new transaction context is created Use when you want the method to execute within a transaction,

but you do not want failure to roll back the whole transaction

Bean1 methodA() Bean2 methodB()

Transactional TX1 TX2Context None TX2

5. Transactions

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Mandatory If the invoker has a transaction context, it is propagated to the

bean Otherwise, an exception is thrown

TransactionRequiredException Use when you want the invoker to provide the transaction

Does not necessarily imply BMT or client managed transactions: the invoker can be a different method in the same EJB

Bean1 methodA() Bean2 methodB()Transactional TX1 TX1

Context None EXCEPTION

5. Transactions

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Never If the invoker has a transaction context, an exception is thrown

RemoteException or EJBException Otherwise, the method proceeds normally, without a context Used for non-transactional resources

Bean1 methodA() Bean2 methodB()

Transactional TX1 EXCEPTIONContext None None

5. Transactions

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NotSupported If the invoker has a transaction context, it is suspended for the

duration of this method's execution If not, no transaction context is used Either way, the method executes without transaction context For performance optimization

Bean1 methodA() Bean2 methodB()

Transactional TX1 TX1 suspendedContext None None

5. Transactions

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Supports If the invoker (client, or a different method) has a transaction

context, it is propagated to the bean If not, no transaction context is used Use this for "don't care" situations

Bean1 methodA() Bean2 methodB()Transactional TX1 TX1

Context None None

5. Transactions

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Transaction Attribute Values: SummaryTransaction Attribute Values: Summary

Invoker's transaction context Method's action

Supports T1 Use T1

None Work with no transaction context

NotSupported T1 T1 suspended

None Work with no transaction context

Required T1 Use T1

None Create and use T2

RequiresNew T1 T1 suspended, create and use T2

None Create and use T2

Mandatory T1 Use T1

None Throw exception

Never T1Throw exception

None Work with no transaction context

5. Transactions

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Exceptions and TransactionsExceptions and Transactions

An application exception does not abort the transaction However, note that if the exception causes the method that

initiated the transaction to end, then the transaction will be stopped

If the client invokes m1, m1 initiates the transaction (due to its Requires attribute) and invokes m2, and m2 throws an application exception, then m1 can try to continue the transaction

If m1 throws (or does not catch) an application exception, the transaction will roll back

A system exception aborts the transaction The container will log the error and mark the transaction

"rollback only" Any attempt to proceed with the transaction would be futile

5. Transactions

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Rolling back a TransactionRolling back a Transaction

1. By the container: if a system exception is thrown

2. The bean method can instruct the container to roll back a transaction

By invoking setRollBackOnly on its EJB context object

Usually done before throwing an application exception

5. Transactions

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Roll back exampleRoll back example

public void transferToSaving(double amount) throwsInsufficientBalanceException {

checkingBalance -= amount;savingBalance += amount;try {

updateChecking(checkingBalance);if (checkingBalance < 0.00) {context.setRollbackOnly();throw new InsufficientBalanceException();}updateSaving(savingBalance);

} catch (SQLException ex) {throw new EJBException("Transaction failed due to SQLException: "+


} System exception : automatic roll back

Application exception : explicit roll back

5. Transactions

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Java 5 Annotations ExampleJava 5 Annotations Example


public class OrderManagerBean {

@Resourceprivate SessionContext context;...@TransactionAttribute(TransactionAttributeType.REQUIRED)public void placeOrder(Item item, Customer customer){

try {if (!bidsExisting(item)){validateCredit(customer);chargeCustomer(customer, item);removeItemFromBidding(item);}

} catch (CreditValidationException cve) {context.setRollbackOnly();

} catch (CreditProcessingException cpe){context.setRollbackOnly();

} catch (DatabaseException de) {context.setRollbackOnly();



5. Transactions

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@ApplicationException@ApplicationExceptionpublic void placeOrder(Item item, Customer customer) throws CreditValidationException,

CreditProcessingException, DatabaseException {

if (!bidsExisting(item)){validateCredit(customer);chargeCustomer(customer, item);removeItemFromBidding(item);

}}...@ApplicationException(rollback=true)public class CreditValidationException extends Exception {...@ApplicationException(rollback=true)public class CreditProcessingException extends Exception {...@ApplicationException(rollback=false)public class DatabaseException extends RuntimeException {...

5. Transactions

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Roll back of Instance variablesRoll back of Instance variables

Container always undoes the changes to DB data, made by SQL calls within a transaction

Only in entity beans the container will undo changes to instance variables By ejbLoad method

Session beans must explicitly reset any instance variables changed within a transaction

=> Use of SessionSynchronization interface

5. Transactions

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The SessionSynchronization InterfaceThe SessionSynchronization Interface Stateful session EJBs (only) that use container-managed

transactions can request notifications for transaction events Enables the bean to maintain a cache that will remain

synchronized with the DB To do this, the bean should simply implement

SessionSynchronization interface There are three methods in this interface:

afterBegin Load instance variables from database

beforeCompletion Possibility to abort the transaction by calling setRollbackOnly on the session context

afterCompletion(boolean) The parameter indicates commit (true) or rollback

5. Transactions

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SessionSynchronization : exampleSessionSynchronization : example

public void afterBegin() {System.out.println("afterBegin()");try {

checkingBalance = selectChecking();savingBalance = selectSaving();

} catch (SQLException ex) {throw new EJBException("afterBegin

Exception: " + ex.getMessage());}


public void afterCompletion(boolean committed) {System.out.println("afterCompletion: " + committed);if (committed == false) {try {

checkingBalance = selectChecking();savingBalance = selectSaving();

} catch (SQLException ex) {throw new EJBException("afterCompletion SQLException:" +



5. Transactions

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Bean-Managed TransactionsBean-Managed Transactions

NOT ALLOWED for Entity Beans A business method can use JTA create a new UserTransaction

object (effectively initiating a transaction), and use it as its own transaction context

UserTransaction methods : begin, commit, rollback, setRollbackOnly

This method will be propagated when invoking method on other EJBs (depending on the invoked methods' settings)

The bean that created the transaction is responsible for committing/rolling it back

In stateless session beans, the method that initiated the transaction must end it.

An instance that starts a transaction must complete it before starting a new one.

5. Transactions

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JDBC TransactionsJDBC Transactions

• controlled by the transaction manager of the DBMS• use methods of the java.sql.Connection interface• transaction start is implicit• typical structure

try {Connection con=makeConnection();con.setAutoCommit(false); // explicit commit !// call methods that update/query DB

con.commit();} catch(Exception ex) {

try {

con.rollback();throw new EJBException(“Transaction failed.”);

} catch (SQLException sqx) {throw new EJBException(“Rollback failed.”);

}} finally {


5. Transactions

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JTA TransactionsJTA Transactions

• controlled by the J2EE container transaction manager• can control transactions involving different DB systems• NO nested transactions• explicit demarcation of transaction

call begin, commit, rollbackon javax.transaction.UserTransaction interface

5. Transactions

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JTA TransactionsJTA Transactions

typical structure

UserTransaction ut = context.getUserTransaction();

try {ut.begin();// business logic ut.commit();

} catch (Exception ex) {try {

ut.rollback();} catch (SystemException syex) {

throw new EJBException("Rollback failed: " + syex.getMessage());

}throw new EJBException

("Transaction failed: " + ex.getMessage());}

5. Transactions

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Transaction scopeTransaction scope

Stateless SB transaction limited to method scope !

Stateful SB JDBC :

when commit encountered when connection to DB closed

JTA : when commit encountered

5. Transactions

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Recommended PracticesRecommended Practices

Always prefer container managed transactions. Prefer Required, RequiresNew and Mandatory over

other options Supports, NotSupported and Never are not

implemented by all containers - compromises portability

5. Transactions

Design of Distributed Software

3.6 Activation Service3.6 Activation Service

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Activation ServiceActivation Service

responsible for activating objects when requests arrive passivating objects when they are idle for some time

Java RMI Activatable server objects: extend from the java.rmi.activation.Activatable class constructor with two arguments should be available: an

ActivationID and a MarshalledObject

CORBA Implementation Repository Functionality offered by JEE application server

Design of Distributed Software 37

CORBA : architectureCORBA : architecture

ORB Core ORB Core

client server



skeletonObject Adapter

Implementation Repository

ImR : 1. contains location information about CORBA objects 2. can activate objects that are not running

Design of Distributed Software 38

Implementation RepositoryImplementation Repository

Responsible for activating registered servers on demand locating servers that are currently running

Object Adapter name is used for registration and activation

Implementation Repository entry:

Object Adapter Name Pathname of Object Implementation Host name and port number of server

Extra information : access control information

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Implementation RepositoryImplementation Repository On ImR machine: start ImR

$ imr –p 2446 –f /etc/imr.db –i /etc/imr/ior_file

On participating hosts: startup daemon

$ imr_ssd

Register a program:$ imr_mg add “echoServer” –c “java echoServer” $ imr_mg add “echoServer” –c “xterm –e java echoServer”

Automatic creation of new entries when activating objects:$ imr –p 2446 –f /etc/imr.db –i /etc/imr/ior_file –a

Design of Distributed Software

3.7 Loadbalancing 3.7 Loadbalancing ServiceService

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Loadbalancing ServiceLoadbalancing Service Goal: transparent distribution of load between the available

servers i.e. without need for programmers’ intervention

Broker component is often used for this purpose: component with the same interface as the replicated service instead of executing the service, the broker forwards an incoming

request to one of the available servers. server selection can be performed in a random way, round robin, or

based on the load of the available servers. two ways a server can keep track of the load of the available servers:

•the broker maintains a list of forwarded requests to each of the server, with the aim to provide them with an as even load as possible;

the servers report their load to the broker (i) on a regular basis or (ii) when a threshold is exceeded.

often used in combination with a naming service communication via servlets: HTTP redirect option application servers:

HA (High Availability) option FT (Fault Tolerance) option

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3.8 Session Tracking3.8 Session Tracking

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Session Tracking Service Session Tracking Service

Goal: track user sessions without having to manually program it

JEE web centric architecture: HTTP is a stateless protocol, in that when a client accesses

a server, the next time the same client accesses the server, the server cannot know that it is the same client.

HTTP has no direct means to maintain a client session

Support in JEE architecture Explained on next slides

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How to track sessions ?How to track sessions ?

HTML tricks• add hidden field in form to submit

<INPUT TYPE=“HIDDEN” NAME=“session” VALUE=“1234”>requires dynamic generation of each page

• URL rewritingappend data to URL identifying sessionuse HttpServletResponse methods

public void String encodeURL(String url)public void String encodeRedirectURL(String url)

• use secure sockets• use cookies

ServletHttpSession object

-> managed by web container-> uses HTML trick

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CookiesCookies• string sent to client, to be resent in any further requests• users often/sometimes reluctant to accept cookies• many Cookies can be sent to client

Creating a Cookie

Retrieving info from a Cookie

Cookie c=new Cookie(“userName”,”10001”);res.addCookie(c); // content type already set

Cookie[ ] c=req.getCookies();if(c!=null) for(int i=0;i<c.length;i++)

if(c[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase(“userName”)) {userName=c[i].getValue();i=c.length;


public String getValue()public void setValue(String val)public void setMaxAge(int expire)

//maximum age before destruction of Cookie//value 0 destroys Cookie immediately

public int getMaxAge()// -1 indicates persistence until browser shutdown

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CookiesCookiesServlet to count number visits for single user (session)

public class Counter extends HttpServlet { private int num=0; private synchronized void inc() {num++;} private synchronized int getNum() {return num;} public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException,IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=res.getWriter(); out.println("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Counter Output</TITLE></HEAD>"); inc(); out.println("<BODY>You have visited this site : "+getNum()+" times.<BR>"); out.println("<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8080/counter/count1\">This site</A>"); out.println("</BODY></HTML>"); out.close(); } public void doPost(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException,IOException { doGet(req,res); }}

Shows total number of visits

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CookiesCookiesVisit count per user : Cookie solution

public class CounterCookie extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException,IOException { Cookie numCookie=null; res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=res.getWriter(); Cookie[] c=req.getCookies(); if(c!=null) { for(int i=0;i<c.length;i++) if(c[i].getName().equalsIgnoreCase("num")) { numCookie=c[i];i=c.length; } } else { numCookie=new Cookie("num","0"); } numCookie.setValue(""+(Integer.parseInt(numCookie.getValue())+1)); numCookie.setMaxAge(-1);res.addCookie(numCookie); out.println("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Counter Output</TITLE></HEAD>"); out.println("<BODY>You have visited this site : "+numCookie.getValue()+" times.<BR>"); out.println("<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8080/counter/count2\">This site</A>"); out.println("</BODY></HTML>"); out.close(); }}

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• binds client to servlet over multiple requests• supported by cookies or URL rewriting• retrieved from HttpServletRequest object

public HttpSession getSession(boolean create)

• can be used to store session scope attributes

public Object getAttribute(String name)public Enumeration getAttributeNames()public void removeAttribute(String name)public void setAttribute(String name,Object obj)

public long getCreationTime()public long getLastAccessedTime()public int getMaxInactiveInterval() //session timeout in spublic void setMaxInactiveInterval()public void invalidate() // session no longer validpublic int getID() //unique session ID

Same as for context and request object,But for Session Scope attributes

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public class CounterSession extends HttpServlet { public void doGet(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse res)throws ServletException,IOException { res.setContentType("text/html"); PrintWriter out=res.getWriter(); HttpSession session=req.getSession(true); int num=0; if(session.getAttribute("num")!=null) num=Integer.parseInt((String)(session.getAttribute("num"))); session.setAttribute("num",""+(num+1)); out.println("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Counter Output</TITLE></HEAD>"); out.println("<BODY>You have visited this site : "+session.getAttribute("num")+" times.<BR>"); out.println("<A HREF=\"http://localhost:8080/counter/count3\">This site</A>"); out.println("</BODY></HTML>"); out.close(); }}

Visit count per user : Session solution

Design of Distributed Software

3.9 Security3.9 Security

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J2EE Security Terminology (1)J2EE Security Terminology (1)

A principal is “something” that can be authenticated For example, a user or a server

Each principal has an associated set of security attributes Used to identify which resources the principal can access

A principal is identified using credentials A credential contains or references security attributes Credentials are acquired via authentication Credentials can also be acquired through delegation from

another principal

5. EJB Security

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J2EE Security Terminology (2)J2EE Security Terminology (2)

Group: A set of authenticated users, defined in the Application Server.

Role: An abstract name for the permission to access a particular set of resources in an application. A role can be compared to a key that can open a lock. Many people might have a copy of the key. The lock

doesn’t care who you are, only that you have the right key.

5. EJB Security

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Two possible waysTwo possible ways

Declarative security: defined using deployment descriptors Includes definition of security roles, access control rules and

authentication requirements Mapped by the application deployer to the specific runtime

environment Programmatic security: explicit use of security APIs by application

code Provides increased flexibility

e.g., the same method can function differently for different pricipals

Key methods: getCallerPrincipal and isCallerInRole, defined in EJBContext.

5. EJB Security

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Authentication in J2EEAuthentication in J2EE

J2EE does not dictate any authentication method Each implementation should provide its own

authentication tools Common solutions include authentication via HTTP,

HTTPS (HTTP over SSL), and form-based authentication There are also solutions for non-web-based

authentication An implementation could rely on OS-provided

authentication services e.g., user login under Unix or NT

5. EJB Security

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Declarative exampleDeclarative example

@DeclareRoles("BIDDER", "CSR", "ADMIN")@Statelesspublic class BidManagerBean implements BidManager {

@RolesAllowed("CSR, ADMIN")public void cancelBid(Bid bid, Item item) {...}

@PermitAllpublic List<Bid> getBids(Item item) {...}}

5. EJB Security

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Programmatic exampleProgrammatic example

@Statelesspublic class BidManagerBean implements BidManager {

@Resource SessionContext context;...public void cancelBid(Bid bid, Item item) {

if (!context.isCallerInRole("CSR")) {throw new SecurityException("No permissions to cancel bid");



5. EJB Security

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The Bean Provider's RoleThe Bean Provider's Role

Security mechanisms should not be implemented in EJBs

Security policies should not be hard-coded The same application, when deployed by different

companies, could use different policies Conclusion: The bean provider should not be involved

in EJB security. The bean provider can convey security requirements

(e.g., what roles he assumes are defined) via the deployment descriptors

5. EJB Security

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APIs Available for the Bean ProviderAPIs Available for the Bean Provider getCallerPrincipal returns the current caller's

principal name Can be used for logging, or as a key for accessing

database information No assumptions should be made regarding specific

names i.e., avoid code like if (principal.equals("root")) ...

isCallerInRole(String roleName) allows the bean provider to code security checks that cannot be defined using method permissions

A method that will behave differently for different users In many cases, it is better to simply provide different methods,

each with its own role requirements

5. EJB Security

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Method PermissionsMethod Permissions The application assembler (or deployer) can specify

which methods can be invoked by which roles Example:



</method>... more methods ...





5. EJB Security

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Security Service in other technologiesSecurity Service in other technologies

The .NET framework provides a comparable security service and offers also support for declarative and programmatic security.

Corba defines a security service with support for: Identification and authentication of principals Authorization, i.e. deciding whether a principal can access an object or

operation on an object Security of communication between objects through encryption and

exchange of certificates WS-Security (Web Services Security) is a communications

protocol for applying security to Web services. originally developed by IBM, Microsoft, and VeriSign, and released in

2006. WS-Security describes how to attach signatures and encryption

headers to SOAP messages and how to attach security tokens to messages.

Design of Distributed Software

3.10 Dynamic 3.10 Dynamic Invocation ServiceInvocation Service

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Dynamic Invocation Service

Goal: support for invoking an object whose interface is not known at compile time, but all at runtime the interface can be discovered.

Java offers the Reflection API for the other technologies another approach is needed.

CORBA provides support for dynamic invocation through the Interface Repository.

For designing web services, dynamic invocations are also possible (through WSDL retrieval and consequent construction of messages).

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CORBA : architectureCORBA : architecture

ORB Core ORB Core

client server



skeletonObject Adapter

Interface Repository

or dynamic invocation or dynamic skeleton

IR : allows to request, inspect and modify IDL type information dynamically

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Interface RepositoryInterface Repository

Provide information about registered IDL interfaces

Can supply the names of the methods the corresponding names and types of arguments and

exceptions Reflection facility Useful when client has no proxy for object

Not required when static invocation with client stubs and IDL skeletons

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Dynamic InvocationDynamic Invocation

Dynamic Invocation Interface Useful when new objects are added dynamically NO run time downloads of classes for proxies

(cfr Java RMI) Clients obtain from the interface repository the

necessary information Invocation with required arguments is constructed and

sent to the server Dynamic Skeleton Interface

Allows to accept invocations on an interface for which there is no skeleton

Inspects the request: discovers target object and invokes the target

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Static Stub Clients JAX-RPC Static Stub Clients JAX-RPC 3. Java WS

Uses automatically generated stub classes

package randomclient;

import javax.xml.rpc.*;import javax.xml.namespace.*;import javax.naming.*;import*;import random.*;

public class RandomServiceStaticStubClient { public static void main(String[ ] args) { try {

Stub stub=(Stub)(new RandomService_Impl().getRandomServiceIFPort()); // 1stub._setProperty(javax.xml.rpc.Stub.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY,

"http://localhost:8080/random/rs"); // 2RandomServiceIF proxy=(RandomServiceIF)stub; //3 System.out.println(proxy.sayHello("student"));

for(int i=0;i<5;i++) System.out.println(""+i+" -> "+proxy.getRandomNumber(10)); } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} }}

1. Create Stub-object2. Set endpoint address for the stub3. Cast the stub to correct runtime type4. Use the stub as local proxy

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Dynamic Proxy Clients JAX-RPC Dynamic Proxy Clients JAX-RPC 3. Java WS

Client retrieves WSDL-document at runtime and creates proxy class dynamically

package randomclient;

import javax.xml.rpc.*;import javax.xml.namespace.*;import javax.naming.*;import*;import random.*;

public class RandomServiceDynamicStubClient { public static void main(String[ ] args) { try { String UrlString = "http://localhost:8080/random/rs?wsdl"; String nameSpaceUri="urn:RandomService"; String serviceName="RandomService"; String portName="RandomServiceIFPort"; URL randomWsdlUrl=new URL(UrlString); ServiceFactory serviceFactory = ServiceFactory.newInstance(); // 1 Service randomService=serviceFactory.createService(randomWsdlUrl,new QName(nameSpaceUri,serviceName));// 2 RandomServiceIF proxy=(RandomServiceIF)(randomService.getPort(

new QName(nameSpaceUri,portName),RandomServiceIF.class)); // 3 System.out.println(proxy.sayHello("student2")); for(int i=0;i<5;i++) System.out.println(""+i+" -> "+proxy.getRandomNumber(10)); } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} }}

1. Create Service-factory object2. Create Service-object (= factory for proxies)3. Create proxy, specifying dynamic IF-type4. Use the proxy as before (i.e. static stubs)

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Dynamic Invocation Interface ClientDynamic Invocation Interface Client3. Java WS

Service name unknown until runtimeService method signature unknown until runtimeUses reflection-type of approach

package randomclient;

import javax.xml.rpc.*;import javax.xml.namespace.*;

public class RandomServiceDIIClient {public static void main(String[ ] args) {

String qnameService = "RandomService"; String qnamePort = "RandomSerivceIF"; String bodyNameSpaceValue="urn:RandomService"; String encodingStyleProperty="javax.xml.rpc.encodingstyle.namespace.uri"; String nsXsd=""; String uriEncoding="";

// …

Design of Distributed Software 69

Dynamic Invocation Interface ClientDynamic Invocation Interface Client3. Java WS

try { ServiceFactory serviceFactory = ServiceFactory.newInstance(); // 1 Service service=serviceFactory.createService(new QName(qnameService)); // 2 QName port = new QName(qnamePort); Call call1 = service.createCall(port); // 3 call1.setTargetEndpointAddress("http://localhost:8080/random/rs"); // 4 call1.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY,new Boolean(true)); // 5 call1.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY,""); // 5 call1.setProperty(Call.ENCODINGSTYLE_URI_PROPERTY,uriEncoding); // 5 QName qnameTypeString = new QName(nsXsd,"string"); call1.setReturnType(qnameTypeString); // 6 call1.setOperationName(new QName(bodyNameSpaceValue,"sayHello")); // 6 call1.addParameter("String_1",qnameTypeString,ParameterMode.IN); // 6 String[] params1 = {"student"}; // 7 System.out.println(call1.invoke(params1)); // 8

1. Create Service-factory object2. Create Service-object (= factory for proxies)3. Create generic proxy : Call-object4. Set endpoint for call5. Set SOAP-related properties6. Set method signature7. Define actual parameters8. Invoke the WS through the call-object

Design of Distributed Software 70

Dynamic Invocation Interface ClientDynamic Invocation Interface Client3. Java WS

Call call2 = service.createCall(port); call2.setTargetEndpointAddress("http://localhost:8080/random/rs"); call2.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_USE_PROPERTY,new Boolean(true)); call2.setProperty(Call.SOAPACTION_URI_PROPERTY,""); call2.setProperty(Call.ENCODINGSTYLE_URI_PROPERTY,uriEncoding); QName qnameTypeInt = new QName(nsXsd,"int"); call2.setReturnType(qnameTypeInt); call2.setOperationName(new QName(bodyNameSpaceValue,"getRandomNumber")); call2.addParameter("int_1",qnameTypeInt,ParameterMode.IN); Object[] params2 = {new Integer(10)}; for(int i=0;i<5;i++) System.out.println(""+i+" -> "+call2.invoke(params2)); } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();} }}

Code does NOT contain static type info concerning WSUsed in discovery-based invocations

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