design process - how to get from problems to concepts to visuals for graphic design

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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Graphic Design communicates using graphics, images and/or text. The communication goal is always the same: make your audience care. A great design communicates an engaging concept and corresponding visual language. There are numerous ways to achieve a design solution. A great design solution is always born from a process. This document is a description of one such process.


Begin 1

How to get from an assignment to a great design solution.

Design Process

Intro 2

What is this?

Graphic Design communicates using graphics, images and/or

text. The communication goal is always the same: make your

audience care. A great design communicates an engaging

concept and corresponding visual language.

There are numerous ways to achieve a design solution. A great

design solution is always born from a process. This document

is a description of one such process.

P1 3

Make a plan.

Part 1:

Understand Research Focus

Planning: Step 1 4

_ What is the assignment?

_ What is your topic?

_ What are your parameters?

_ What is the category?

_ What are your client / instructor expectations?

Understand the Assignment

Planning: Step 2 5

_ Become well versed in the topic or category

_ Look for insightful information and ideas

_ Learn something new

_ Have multiple sources. Talk to people, read and search

_ Keep detailed notes and write down new ideas or perspectives you find


_ Decide on a concept

_ Don’t try to say everything, because you can’t

_ Make a concept statement that sets ambitious and unique goals that:

“Make me Care.”

_ Focus your ideas and concept into actionable design keywords

Planning: Step 3 6

Organize and Focus

P2 7

Execute your plan.

Part 2:

Inspiration Exploration Direction

_ Use keywords to find visual ideas and inspiration to “pull” from

_ “Pull” from great design, pop culture, architecture, folk art, etc. Find things that

relate to your keywords and your concept. Find things that are compelling or

give you ideas.

_ Find type, photo styles, composition, formats, materials, color paletes, etc

_ Stay focused on the keywords and your concept

_ Be open to where ideas can lead you

Execution: Step 1 8

Pulls / Moodboards / Inspiration

_ Play! (But stay on target)

_ Develop and expand on visuals and ideas from your pulls/moodboards

_ Try things out

_ Think big

_ Have a range and a variety of type, compositions, image treatments and ideas

_ Sketch and then make rough sketches on the computer showing type and

image usage.

_ Then do more

Execution: Step 2 9

Initial Exploration

_ Make a decision on your design direction and then make it work

_ Take the best ideas from your explorations

_ Create high res artwork that accurately represents your concept

_ Show exact alignments and grids

_ Work on creating type hierarchy and employing good type structure

_ Create a narrative that your audience can follow

Execution: Step 3 10

Choose a Direction

_ Is everything professional quality?

_ Take care of every detail

_ Be sure there is consistency in your system

_ Type excellence

_ Clear writing and content

_ Good pacing

_ Perfect production

Execution: Step 4 11

Refine Your Design

R 12


Understand Research Focus

Part 1:

Part 2:

Inspiration Exploration Direction

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