design the new business & zilver innovation @dmy

Post on 24-Jun-2015






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DESCRIPTION This presentation was made for the "Designing Business" Symposium. DMY Berlin 07 June 2012 A team of 6 master students from the industrial design faculty at TU Delft, were hired by Erik Roscam Abbing from Zilver Innovation, the producer and initiator of the movie, for a summer internship to make a documentary. Its objective was to explore how designers and design thinkers are dealing with rapid change, complexity, user centredness and future strategies, in a way that is helping organisations redefine their business. The team travelled accross Europe to interview though leaders, clients and partners of Zilver, and organisations at the forefront of redesigning their business. This presentation is about the drivers that motivated the team to do the movie, the journey of filming and editing it, how the movie has been picked up globally, and how Zilver is applying the various insights from the movie in their daily practise, designing the new business for various large organisations.


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