designing and assessing 21st century learning · 2019. 10. 27. · assessing 21st century learning...

Post on 20-Sep-2020






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Designing and Assessing 21st Century Learning

Presentation 2

Understanding21st Century Learners

Understand how to design and assess 21st century learning.

Presentation 2


Presentation 2

Learning Theories

Implications for instruction and the use of technology and media

Presentation 2

Presentation 2

Learning Theories

Implications for instruction and the use of technology and media

Presentation 2

Learning Theories

Implications for instruction and the use of technology and media

Presentation 2

Learning Theories

Implications for instruction and the use of technology and media

Presentation 2

Effective Instruction of 21st Century Learners May not connect classroom knowledge with

personal ideas Learners Expect

Hands-on learning The teacher to act as a coach and facilitator To multitask To use multiple avenues to reach expected

outcomes To use multimedia resources to gather information To share information with others

Metacognition & Motivation

Presentation 2

Effective Instruction of 21st Century Learners

Presentation 2

Information and Instruction

Presentation 2

Principles of Effective Instruction

Presentation 2

Principles of Effective Technology Utilization

Presentation 2

Principles of Effective Media Utilization


Presentation 2

Effective Learning Assessment

Presentation 2

Demonstrating Professional Knowledge Describe the similarities and differences in the

learning theories discussed in this chapter. What are the eight principles of effective

instruction for the 21st Century learner? Describe the similarities and differences in the

principles of effective technology and media utilization.

Describe similarities and differences in the different types of effective assessment presented in this chapter.

Presentation 2

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