designing and localizing websites for the chinese markets

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Designing and Localizing  Websites  for the Chinese Market: Do’s and Don’ts

Join us in tweeting this webinar#LIOX @Lionbridge

Presented By Rebecca Ray

Moderated By Tracey FeickDecember 2009 

About Lionbridge

Global ScaleGlobal Scale Market LeadershipMarket LeadershipGlobal ScaleGlobal Scale4,600 employees 26 countries

• Global network of 25,000 translators

Market LeadershipMarket LeadershipLeader in $14B services industry• Translation and adaptation of products

and content for international markets

Global ClientsGlobal ClientsRecurring relationships with 500+

Hosted TechnologyHosted TechnologyW b b d l t h l Recurring relationships with 500+

global clients• 80% of revenue comes from recurring clients• 12 of the Fortune 20 companies are client

Web-based language technology platform• Enhances competitive advantage• Drives efficiency

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About LISA in China

The Localization Industry Standards Association ( has been actively engaged in Greater China for more than a d ddecade

Forums, Executive Roundtables, workshops, standards development and research/publications on the ground in thedevelopment and research/publications on the ground in the region

Several of its members have become leaders in the globalization gservices, IT and BPO sectors sin China

Contact LISA as a resource when attempting to solve challenges in the Chinese market

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Why ‘8’ Matters

Seismic shift to Asia for consumption

The demand from Asian households will be 8x larger than that of U.S. households by 2013

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SOURCE: Shanzhaiji, Karl Weaver, Newport Technologies,

Why the 2nd Generation Matters

The 2nd generation of Chinese consumers has arrivedA population = W. Europe is now at a flashpoint for di tidiscretionary

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Why Sanzai Phones Matter

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Source: Jake Hsu, Symbio, LISA China Focus 2009

Growth of the Global Internet Population

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Oops! I Meant Mobile Statistics

The prediction is for two billion people on the web by 2011, along with one trillion devices!

China now has 640,000,000 mobile subscribers vs. 300,000,000i t tinternet users

“Techspeak” Version = The platform is less and less importantTechspeak Version = The platform is less and less important these days, as products and services move to the cloud 

“Peoplespeak” Version = Isn’t the iPhone (and all of its relatives and knock‐offs) simply another interface for accessing online products and services?

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products and services?

Globalizing Your Business Strategy ‐ Do #1

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Globalizing Your Business Strategy ‐ Do #2

How can we adapt our What innovative

Market‐centric strategyProduct‐centric

How can we adapt our products/services/we

bsite for China?

What innovative products/services/website do we need to build for China?

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Globalizing Your Business Strategy ‐ Do #8

Address the…

in the room

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Do you provide e‐commerce capabilities for the Chinese market?

[   ] Yes

[   ] No, but we plan to do so within 12 months

[   ] No, and we have no plans to

[   ] Don't know

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Designing Your B2B Website ‐ Do #1

To what experiences/sites will your site be compared?compared?

Local/regional competitors?Western brands in your industry sector?

What, specifically, will be their expectations?

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Designing Your B2B Website ‐ Do #2

“Art of the Global Gateway” (John Yunker ‐

Good example (for really big companies):

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Designing Your B2B Website ‐ Do #2

Another good example of a global gateway:

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Designing Your B2B Website ‐ Do #2

A bad example of a global gateway:

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Designing Your B2B Website ‐ Do #3

Centralization vs. Decentralization

Templates, templates, templates

Engage your subsidiaries, local partners, local suppliers and language service provider from Day 1

Design your promotions and web offerings with China in mind, g y p g ,even if it doesn’t/can’t participate

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Designing Your B2B Website ‐ Do #4

Mobile, Mobile, Mobile!


Virtual currencies

Mobile coupons

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HP (U.S.)

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HP (China)

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SAP (China)

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SAP (Global)

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China Mobile

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Verizon (U.S.)

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China Mobile, continued

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VeriSign (China)

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Localizing Your B2B Website ‐ Do #1

Leverage the expertise of your language services id (i h )provider (in more ways than one)

... with other departments within your organization... with other departments within your organization

... for all technical issues related to website globalization

... for recommendations for local content

... for Chinese SEO

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Localizing Your B2B Website ‐ Do #2

More on Chinese SEO> 87 MM Chinese bought goods online in 2009 (an increase of 39%) = $36.6 billion dollars

“The Big 3” = Baidu, and

Wh if G l fi d ( Chi d ’ !)Who cares if Google can find you (most Chinese don’t!)

Baidu currently holds 77% market share to Google’s 17%

You can buy your way to the top on BaiduYou can buy your way to the top on Baidu

But, organic search still matters

To rank highly on Baidu, you must be hosted inside China (it’s basically a 2‐To rank highly on Baidu, you must be hosted inside China (it s basically a 2tier internet system)

Caveat ... higher‐income Chinese use Google as well

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Political, Legal, Ethical Issues

Doing business in China is no different than doing it anywhere else, except that the scale requires a response that may affect your entire organizationorganization. 

IP protection ‐ don’t be misled

The Great Chinese Firewall ‐ it’s a fact of life, so get over it

Leverage the local Chambers of Commerce in China, along with local t itiexpat communities

Respect for companies like HP and IBM runs very deep in all of Greater China Find a mentor and listen closely!China. Find a mentor and listen closely!

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5+1 Don’ts ‐ And How to Avoid Them

Multiplying 1.3 billion consumers x the price of your product/service = your gross sales

F il t d t d th d ilit d i ti biliti fFailure to understand the speed, agility and innovation capabilities of your competitors

Going general and broad vs. laser‐focused and deepGoing general and broad vs. laser focused and deep

Ignoring potential key partners in your ecosystem

Localizing just a few pagesLocalizing just a few pages

Providing no real way to incorporate global input at the right times for your site design/implementation processes

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“Website Globalization and E‐Business China” (Globalization Partners International White Paper)

“China as a Global Development Center”

“Ten Best International Web Sites Book”‐International‐W.513.0.html

“7 Steps to Successfully Managing Partners: East and West”‐Steps.976.0.html

Byte Level Research (“The Art of the Global Gateway”)

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Knowledge Center

• Building Stronger Brands Around the World: A Guide to Effective Global Marketing

Download White Papers

to Effective Global Marketing

• Strengthening Global Brands: Key Steps for Meaningful Communications around the World

• Building a Global Web Strategy: Best Practices for l i i l O li d

View Webinars On‐Demand

Developing your International Online Brand

• The Art and Science of Global Navigation

• The Best Global Web Sites (and Why)

• Mastering Multilingual Marketing

• The Art and Science of Global Navigation

• The Best Global Web Sites (and Why)

• Mastering Multilingual Marketing

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