desktop support student support standard operating procedures · student support standard operating...

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Desktop Support

Student Support

Standard Operating Procedures

Mission Statement of DS

The mission of Desktop Support (DS) is to provide technology services in an efficient, effective,

and accurate manner. DS will provide reporting, analysis, research, security, training, trouble-

shooting, integrating, programming, support, and data throughout the campus community,

prospective students, and outside sources.

General Information

Who are our customers?


Faculty members


What services do we provide?

Answer questions in regards to software for on workstations

Trouble-shoot hardware issues on printers and other peripherals

Updating workstations

Keep inventory up-to-date

Other duties as assigned by DS Technical Staff


Communication Policy Consultants are expected to be available for communication of changes, updates of policy, and other DS related issues

at any time. Failing to read e-mails can result in disciplinary action. Communication to you is accomplished through:

SIU E-mail

o The primary method of communication that DS staff will communicate to you is e-mail. These e-mails

provide DS with written documentation of work requests and follow up. You are required to check your

e-mail daily (M-F) during the semester. Additionally, you are required to keep a frequent eye on any

service requests that may come in to the support email address during working hours.


o Occasionally, a DS Staff member may call you to communicate a request or change in work schedule.


o You must document all of your trouble-shooting and computer updates within SCSM.

Customer Service Policy

Providing excellent internal customer service is one of our main goals in DS. All student workers in DS are expected to

conduct themselves in a highly professional manner. You must remember that every time you make or receive a

telephone call, respond to an email, or respond to another staff in person, you are representing yourself, the department,

and SIU. Below are some basic tips and how to’s when handling office communication:

Be patient and courteous. These are characteristics of a good service provider and quality customer service.

When arriving at a staff member’s office, you will announce yourself and state the reason of your visit. You will then ask if it is a good time to provide help or to work on their computer. If not, schedule a date and time range that works for them. If you aren’t scheduled to work at that time, tell them that, but tell them that it may work and check with your supervisor if another staff can visit at that time and confirm the time with the staff member before you end your shift.

If a staff member is not at their desk and NOT logged into their computer, you may log into their computer and perform any work that has been requested. However, please leave a note notifying them that you were there, and place it on their workstation.

If a staff member is not at their desk and logged into their computer, do not work on their computer until they are back to log in.

Never at any time, go into a staff member’s desk. You are there to work on their computer only. The only indication that you worked on a computer in an office should be the note left that you were there performing work. Everything else should be exactly how it was when you entered the office.

If you are requested to do a duty and do not understand, please ask for clarification. You will be held responsible for completing tasks. Supervisors will follow up to make sure that they are completed.

Give good advice. If you do not know the answer to a question, be honest; use the materials and information

available to you to search for the answer. If you cannot find the answer, say so and direct the user to the best

possible resource available. You should also follow up and make sure any questions get resolved.

Be aware of the resources that are available to you and know how to use them. This includes manuals and help

utilities associated with software that is often times embedded in the software itself.

Be aware of other users waiting for help. Address the user and let them know when you will be able to answer

their question (i.e. “I will be with you in a moment.”).

NEVER say, “I don’t know…” Solutions to problems can often be found in the resources given to you. Stating

ignorance causes users to lose confidence in our abilities as troubleshooters.

Always answer the phone by the end of the second ring when at all possible. You should answer by saying, “Good

morning/afternoon, this is _______, how may I help you?”

Smile. Always speak clearly and slowly, do not mumble or slur your words together. Take detailed notes so that

you may transfer them into the computer easily.

When making a call, state your name and department name and the reason that you are calling. This is also true

for leaving a voicemail. When leaving a voicemail, also leave the best time to reach you and leave your name and

telephone number again.

Pay attention when a co-worker is on the phone. The individual on the other end of the line may be able to hear

every word that you are saying.

For email, keep it brief and to the point. Always write your e-mails by using proper spelling and grammar, just as

you would in a formal document. Write a short description of what the email is about in the subject line. If you

need to forward the email on to someone else, let the sender know so that they know who to expect a reply from.

At any time, if you are uncomfortable communicating with anyone, allow or ask a supervisor or another staff

member for assistance.

Always smile and listen when dealing with face-to-face information.

Never, ever, tell someone an answer if you are unsure if it is correct. It is okay to tell a customer, “I will have to

look into this, and may I get back to you in __ minutes?”

Pay Policy

Time Sheets, Pay Days, and Work Schedule Make sure to clock in and out to start and finish your shift. Clock in only when you arrive in the office and clock

out immediately before leaving the office.

Any fraudulent or misuse of the Time Management System will result in disciplinary action.

Adjustments can be made when clocking in and out for shifts with approval of your supervisor

Make sure to have your supervisor approve your hours every two weeks.

Any issues should be first directed to your supervisor.

In general, you are expected to be scheduled to work between 10-20 hours per week. There is a maximum

allowed of 20 hours per week when school is in session. Intersession and break periods, (break periods with a

duration of 5 days or more), you’ll be allowed to work up to 37.5 hours.

Your work hours will be decided between you and your supervisor before the start of each semester.

If you are planning on working the following semester, please let your supervisor know your class schedule as

soon as you have it completed.

During the semester, please let your supervisor know immediately if your class schedule changes.

Attendance Policy

General Please arrive for your shift 5 minutes early. Student workers (including GAs) will not be allowed to punch in earlier

than 5 minutes without prior approval from your supervisor.

Do not leave your shift early. If you have class immediately after your shift, please let your supervisor know. In

this case, you may leave up to 10 minutes early.

You must cover your entire shift. However, if you work more than four consecutive hours, you may take a paid 15

minute break. You must work before and after your break. It should not be used to cover a late arrival or early


While at work and in the office, the office door is to remain open. If you are leaving and no one else is in the

office, please shut the door when you leave.

Excuse/Unexcused Absences

If a situation arises within 24 hours of the shift and you cannot come in, the absence will be determined to be

excused at the discretion of your supervisor. You must email your supervisor before the start of your shift.

o Acceptable Excuses include, but not limited to:

Family Emergency

Illness/Calling in

If you are ill or facing an emergency situation you must follow the calling tree. You must

leave a message with each person if they cannot be reached.

Sickness is not an immediate excused absence; if you miss 3 or more consecutive shifts, a

doctor’s note may be required at your supervisor’s discretion.

o Excuses not accepted

Alarms not going off

Self-inflicted illness

Failure to contact your supervisor by e-mail before your shift starts.

Any other excuse not accepted by your supervisor

Disciplinary Action

Strikes will be reviewed and discussed in the evaluations each semester and considered in promotions and raises. If you

reach 3 strikes before the evaluation period you may be terminated. You may receive more than one offense or strike at a

time if necessary. Strikes will expire 1 year after receiving them. Each time you do not abide by the SOP, disciplinary

warnings or strikes will be given by your supervisor. Most strikes will be given one at a time; however, there are some

occasions that multiple strikes will be given.

Food and Drink Policy

Eating lunch or a meal while on the job is prohibited, unless you have been given permission by your supervisor. Small

snacks and office parties are exceptions. All drinks should be in covered containers and kept away from computer


Cell Phone Policy

Cell phone usage while on the clock, other than checking DS emails, is prohibited. If you need to make a personal call, do

so on a break or at the end of your shift. If it is an emergency, please let your co-worker(s) know and excuse yourself from

the area while you take the call.

Password Policy

All passwords are considered highly sensitive. They should not be e-mailed or told over the phone when others are

around that could over hear the conversation.

Homework and Computer Use Policy

Studying or reading during your shift is prohibited unless you have prior approval from a supervisor. You are not allowed

to use office equipment or computers to conduct personal business. Any student worker using the internet for personal

purposes will be subject to disciplinary action.

Dress Policy

There is not a strict dress code; however you are expected to dress modestly (no short-shorts, tank tops, low-cut tops,

midriff tops, or shirts with wording that could be viewed as offensive. Your appearance should always be neat and clean.

Clothing associated with other universities is not permissible while working.


You will train with your supervisor and/or co-worker for at least three weeks to help you gain an understanding of the

offices and knowledge of the job. You are expected to take notes and use the manuals created and given to you to use.

You are also encouraged to conduct online training via Microsoft’s website on a semester basis. This will help assure that

you are keeping up-to-date on new technology.

Tracking System

You are expected to log all trouble-shooting work that you do via SCSM. You will need to keep details of what, when,

where, and how long it took.

New Computer Setup

Boot computer and immediately hit the F12 key

Select BIOS Setup

Click on System Configuration and select SATA operation. Make sure AHCI is selected

Computer will reboot and immediately hit F12 again

Select Boot from USB storage device

Select 32 bit or 64 bit (most of time it probably will be 64 bit)

Microsoft Deployment Toolkit box will pop up within 30 seconds or so and click on Run the Deployment

Wizard to install a new Operating System

Select the programs that you want to install and click next

It will then start running scripts and it will look like this. This process will take a while to complete

(roughly around 20-30 minutes or so and the computer will reboot a couple of times)

For laptops: you need to either install the VPN client or go through the configuration steps for SIU-


VPN steps

Go to

Under step 1 click on the link for Windows 7

Follow instructions listed on the page


Go to and click on click here to view the new SIU Indoor instructions

Click the option for automatic/configuration utility

Accept the terms of the End User License Agreement and click start

Click Run

Click Run again

Select SIU-indoor and click continue

Enter your SIU network id and password. You should now be connected to SIU-indoor

Restoring a Computer

Before reloading image to the PC

1. Does the machine have multiple partitions? The small system hidden partition doesn’t count as


2. Make sure that you backup users’ bookmarks to desktop (Ex: Firefox and Chrome).

3. Make sure that you write down the user’s account of Entrust (they may only know the


4. Delete C:\Dell, C:\Drivers, and C:\MININT (Very important. If you forget to delete these folders,

the process may FAIL)

5. Record any nonstandard programs that will need to be reloaded.

6. Is the user using Outlook? Do they have any archive files (back-up if necessary).

Loading the image to the PC

1. Run the following script in command prompt windows (make sure that you login with an

administrator account), or, run litetouch.vbs from a flash drive.


If you see this screen, change destination partition to “2”.

2. Select “Deploy Windows 7 Enterprise x64 to Staff Machine” and click on next button.

3. Make sure that the machine name is correct and then click on the next button.

4. If you want to save users’ data to a specific location, then choose “Specify a location”.

Otherwise, we would use the default setting “Automatically determine the location” (If the HD

has enough space, the users’ data will be saved via hard link on the local HD, (hard link does not

require very much space). If the free space of the HD is not big enough to save the users data,

user’s data will be saved to the server, which will take longer to back up the data to the server.

5. Enter the local administrator password you want for the machine.

6. Enter network administrator credentials

7. Make sure the settings that you have selected are correct and then click on the next button to


8. You will see the following screen, indicating that the image is being reloaded to the machine.

The machine will re-boot several times during the process.

9. At the end of the installation, you will see the Deployment Summary window, if it is a WHITE

window, it means that no errors and warnings during the installation. If it is a YELLOW window,

it means that there are errors and warnings during the installation and they are not critical. If it

is a PINK window, it means that the installation failed.

Replace a Computer

This process will transfer user data from XP to 8.1, XP to 7, or 7 to 8.1

Before saving user data from the PC:

7. Make sure that you backup users’ browser bookmarks to the desktop (Ex: Firefox and Chrome).

Internet Explorer bookmark backup is not necessary, that one is automatically transferred.

8. Make sure that you write down the user’s account name for Entrust if they use Entrust for a

digital signature, (they may only know the password).

9. Record any nonstandard programs that will need to be reloaded. (ie. Dropbox, Adobe Pro, etc.)

10. Is the user using Outlook? If so, check for any .pst files that they may be using for archive or

other purposes. If there are check to see if those files are located in the App Data directory

within their profile. This directory does not get saved in the capture process, so these files must

be copied to the users’ Documents folder.

11. Record Computer Name and IP Settings.

Note: If there is any encrypted data on the machine, it will not transfer. It must be decrypted

first. If you are unsure about any data encryption, the process will give an error upon

encountering it, usually a “cname loop detected” error.

Saving the Users’ data:

10. Run the following script from command line (make sure that you login with an administrator

account), or, run litetouch.vbs from a flash drive.


11. Click Open

12. Select “Save User Data” and click on Next button.

13. If you want to save users’ data to a specific location, then choose “Specify a location”.

Otherwise, we would use the default setting “Automatically determine the location” (The data

will be saved on \\\userdata$ under the machine name.

14. Enter network administrator credentials

15. You will see the following screen, indicating that user data is being saved.

16. At the end of the user state capture, you will see the Deployment Summary window, if it is a WHITE

window, it means that no errors and warnings during the installation.

Restore User Data

Restore users’ data on new machine:

1. Log onto new machine as Domain Admin.

2. Open an elevated command prompt by right clicking the windows button and choosing

“Command Prompt (Admin).”

3. Run litetouch.vbs at the command line.


4. Click Open

5. Select “Install Applications and Restore User Data” and click on Next button.

6. In Specify location, (if you saved to the network share), enter

\\\userdata$\”machine name being replaced”

7. Select any applications you want installed on the system.

8. Enter network administrator credentials

9. You will see the following screens, indicating that apps are being installed and user data is being


10. At the end of the user state restore, you will see the Deployment Summary window, if it is a WHITE

window, it means that no errors and warnings during the installation.

11. Be sure to clean up the saved profile folders from the userdata$ share on the server to keep the

drive size down and the navigation to cumbersome.

Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Desktop Support


As an employee of the Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Desktop Support, I am aware that the

data and materials, to which I may have access, are to be treated in a professional and confidential


I understand that the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 prohibit the disclosure of

personally identifiable information from student records. I further acknowledge that intentional

disclosure by me of this information to any unauthorized person could subject me to criminal and civil

penalties imposed by law.

I am aware that any breach on my part of the confidentiality of this material or any abuse of my

position, including but not limited to, the alteration of records, the destruction of records, or other

similar acts, may constitute a basis for immediate termination of employment.

I have read and understand the procedures listed here. If for some reason I do not perform the duties I

understand I will be given written warnings and may be terminated.


Employee Name (Print or Type)

______________________________ ___________

Employee Signature Date

_______________________________ ___________

Supervisor’s Signature Date

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