determining the effect of felling method and season of

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Season of Year on Coppice Regeneration
A thesis submitted to the Graduate Faculty of
Auburn University
Master of Science
Copyright 2015 by Daniel Pegoretti Leite de Souza
Approved by
Thomas V. Gallagher, Chair, Associate Professor of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Mathew Smidt, Associate Professor of Forestry and Wildlife Sciences
Dana Mitchell, Project Leader United States Forest Service
Timothy McDonald, Associate Professor Biosystems Engineering
There is increasing interest in plantations with the objective of producing biomass
for energy and fuel. These types of plantations are called Short Rotation Woody Crops
(SRWC). Popular SRWC species are Eucalypt (Eucalyptus spp.), Cottonwood (Populus
deltoids) and Black Willow (Salix spp.). These species have in common strong growth
rates, the capability to adapt to several weather conditions, the ability to coppice and
rotations of 2-10 years. SRWC have generated interest for many forest products companies
and timber producers and although they might help with the supply for the expected growth
on the bioenergy and biofuels market, there are still several concerns about the best way to
harvest them maximizing their ability to coppice. SRWC have elevated establishment and
maintenance costs if compared to other type of plantations, but due the coppicing ability,
the same plantation may be harvested up to 5 times without the need of establishing a new
one. This will aid in the avoidance of the cost of establishing new plantations after the
harvest. Study plots were installed at several locations in Florida, Mississippi and
Arkansas, and were cut with a chainsaw and a shear head during summer and winter, to
determine the effects of felling method and season on coppice regeneration. Thus, plots
were divided in 4 treatments: shear-winter, saw-winter, shear-summer, saw-summer.
Harvesting eucalypt trees during winter resulted in 96% of the stumps with coppice
regeneration, while harvesting during summer resulted with 79% coppicing; however,
there was no effect from felling method on coppice regeneration. A harvest season effect
was observed on cottonwood, where harvesting during summer negatively affected coppice
regeneration when compared to harvesting during winter. On the other hand, there was no
significant effect observed on coppicing ability when trees were cut with the shear head or
the chainsaw. Finally, no statistically significant difference was found on coppice
regeneration of black willow when harvesting during winter or summer with a chainsaw or
a shear head.
This project could not have been completed without the help and support of an
entire team of people. First, I would like to thank the committee, comprised by Drs. Dana
Mitchell, Tim McDonald and Mathew Smidt. Your expertise and help was essential to the
realization of this work. Also, I would like to thank Jonathan Kenney, Wellington Cardoso
and Rafael Santiago, who gave their best on the field and office, with friendship and
support, to help me in the completion of this work. I am especially grateful to Dr. Tom
Gallagher for giving me the opportunity to work with him, and for his guidance. His
professionalism and support have become to me an example to follow. My parents and
siblings, who always encouraged me to follow and reach my goals, with love, knowledge
and patience. Finally, I want to acknowledge my loved wife who followed me in this phase
of my life, never doubting of me, and encouraging me in the hardest moments. You gave
me more support and love that I could ever imagine, and I would be eternally indebted to
you for everything you gave for me during this process.
Thank “y’all” for everything.
3.2 Introduction to Coppicing ......................................................................................... 9
3.3 Types of Sprouts...................................................................................................... 11
3.3.3 Sprouts from roots ............................................................................................ 13
3.3.4 Opportunistic sprouts ....................................................................................... 13
3.4.1 Season of harvest .............................................................................................. 14
3.4.2 Harvesting equipment ....................................................................................... 16
3.4.3 Tree Species ..................................................................................................... 18
4.1 Site Description ....................................................................................................... 22
4.1.1 Evans Properties ............................................................................................... 24
4.1.2 ArborGen Bates ................................................................................................ 26
4.1.3 Lykes Ranch ..................................................................................................... 28
4.2.2 Caterpillar 289C ............................................................................................... 37
4.2.3 Caterpillar 279D ............................................................................................... 38
4.3 Harvesting Methodology ......................................................................................... 39
4.5 Coppice Evaluation ................................................................................................. 42
4.6 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 43
5.1 Eucalyptus sites ....................................................................................................... 47
5.1.1 Evans Properties ............................................................................................... 47
5.1.2 Lykes Ranch ..................................................................................................... 49
5.1.3 Effects of felling method and season on eucalypt coppice regeneration.......... 51
5.1.4 Other factors affecting coppice regeneration of eucalypt ................................ 53
5.2 Cottonwood sites ..................................................................................................... 59
5.2.2 Admire Cottonwood ......................................................................................... 61
5.2.3 Effects of felling method and season on cottonwood coppice regeneration .... 63
5.2.4 Other factors affecting coppice regeneration of cottonwood ........................... 66
5.3 Black Willow site .................................................................................................... 73
5.3.1 Effect of felling method and harvest season on coppice regeneration of black
willow ........................................................................................................................ 76
5.3.2 Other factors affecting coppice regeneration of black willow ......................... 78
IV. Conclusions................................................................................................................. 82
Literature Cited ................................................................................................................. 86
List of Figures
Figure 1: Location of five sites selected for the project. Three in south Florida, one in
central Arkansas and one in western Mississippi. ............................................. 23
Figure 2: Layout of the study plot installed at Evans. The dots represent the number of
tree per row. Each dot represents a harvested tree. ............................................ 25
Figure 3: Evans Properties site. 50 foot wide bed with 5 rows at 9 feet apart and larger
gap of 14 feet between beds. .............................................................................. 25
Figure 4: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on left axis and average
precipitation on right axis at Evans Properties, FL, during winter and summer
months. ............................................................................................................... 26
Figure 5: Layout of the study plot installed at Bates. The dots represent the number of
trees per row. Each dot represents a harvested tree. .......................................... 27
Figure 6: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on left axis and average
precipitation on right axis, during winter and summer months, at ArborGen
Bates, FL. ........................................................................................................... 28
Figure 7: Lykes Ranch site with 8 years old Eucalyptu grandis. Large DBH and high
mortality are visible. .......................................................................................... 29
Figure 8: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on left axis and average
precipitation on right axis at Lykes, FL, during winter and summer months. ... 30
Figure 9: Layout of the study plots installed at Estes. The dots represent the number of
trees per row. Each dot represents a harvested tree. .......................................... 31
Figure 10: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on the left axis and average
precipitation on right axis at Estes, AR, during winter and summer months. ... 32
Figure 11: Layout of the study plot installed at the black willow site located in Admire.
The dots represent the number of trees per row. Each dot represents a harvested
tree. ................................................................................................................... 33
Figure 12: Layout of the study plot located at the cottonwood site in Admire. The dots
represent the number of trees per row. Each dot represents a harvested tree. .. 34
Figure 13: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on left axis and average
precipitation, during winter and summer months, at Admire Tract, MS. ........ 35
Figure 14: Fecon shear head with (a) grabbing arm, (b) accumulator arm, (c) moving
knife, and (d) fixed knife. ............................................................................... 37
Figure 15: Caterpillar 289C track skid steer used during the winter harvest at Evans,
ArborGen, Lykes, and Admire sites. .............................................................. 38
Figure 16: John Deere 329E track skid steer used during summer harvest in all sites. .... 39
Figure 17: Alternating rows methodology implemented at most of sites. Each flag color
belongs to a felling equipment. ....................................................................... 40
Figure 18: Frequency Distribution chart of the Diameter at Ground Level (DGL) of
eucalypt trees harvested at the Evans Properties study site. ............................. 48
Figure 19: Frequency Distribution chart of the DGL of eucalypt trees harvested at Lykes
Ranch study site. ............................................................................................. 50
Figure 20: Effect of season on stump survival of eucalypt harvested at Evans. ............... 53
Figure 21: Effect of the bark damage on the stump survival of eucalypt trees harvested at
Evans. .............................................................................................................. 55
Figure 22: Effect of the interaction between shear head and bark damage, affecting the
survival of the stumps at Evans site. ............................................................... 56
Figure 23: Scatter plot of the effect of DGL on the number of sprouts per stump on
Evans. .............................................................................................................. 57
Figure 24: Scatter plot of the effect of DGL on the number of sprouts per stump on
Lykes. .............................................................................................................. 58
Figure 25: Frequency Distribution chart of the DGL of cottonwood trees harvested at
Estes. ............................................................................................................... 60
Figure 26: Frequency Distribution chart of the DGL of cottonwood trees harvested at
Admire. ........................................................................................................... 62
Figure 27: Effect of harvest season on the survival of cottonwood stumps at Estes. ....... 65
Figure 28: Interaction between the felling equipment (shear head) and harvest season
(winter) on the effect of stump survival at Estes. ........................................... 68
Figure 29: Interaction between the felling method (shear) and bark damage on stump
survival of trees felled at Estes. ...................................................................... 69
Figure 30: Effect of the DGL on the stump survival at Admire. ...................................... 70
Figure 31: scatter plot for the effect of the DGL of the stumps on the number of sprouts
regenerated per stump, at Estes. ...................................................................... 72
Figure 31: Scatter plot for the effect of the stump DGL on the number of new sprouts per
stump at Admire. ............................................................................................. 73
Figure 33: Frequency Distribution chart of the DGL of black willow trees harvested at
Admire study site. ........................................................................................... 75
Figure 34: Average number of sprouts per stump regenerated at each harvest season, at
Admire site planted with black willow. .......................................................... 78
Figure 35: Effect of the stump’s DGL on the survival of the black willow trees felled at
Admire. ........................................................................................................... 80
Figure 36: Scatter plot of the effect of the DGL on the number of new sprouts regenerated
per stump of black willow harvested at Admire. ............................................ 81
List of Tables
Table 1: Models used to determine the felling techniques on coppice regeneration. ....... 44
Table 2: Key statistics of the DGL of harvested eucalypt trees at Evans. ........................ 47
Table 3: Bark damage distribution of the stumps cut at Evans, by felling method. ......... 49
Table 4: Key statistics of the DGL of harvested eucalypt trees at Lykes ......................... 49
Table 5: Bark damage distribution of the stumps cut at Lykes, by felling method. ......... 50
Table 6: P-values for effects of felling method and season on coppice regeneration of
eucalyptus plantations, with significant ones highlighted. .................................. 51
Table 7: Analysis of Variance for Model 1 used at Evans ............................................... 51
Table 8: Analysis of Variance of Model 2, used at Evans. ............................................... 52
Table 9: Model results of the Model 1 used at Evans. Details obtained from GLMM
procedure. Significant variables were found at α = 0.05. .................................... 53
Table 10: P-values for effects of DGL, bark and stump damage, and skidder on coppice
regeneration of eucalyptus plantations, with significant variables highlighted.
.......................................................................................................................... 54
Table 11: Model 2 details obtained from GLMM procedure, for the effect of DGL on
number of sprouts per stump in eucalypt at Evans. .......................................... 57
Table 12: Analysis of Variance of Model 4, used at Lykes. ............................................. 58
Table 13: Model 4 details obtained from GLMM procedure, in eucalypt site at Lykes.
Significant variables found at α = 0.05. ........................................................... 59
Table 14: Key Statistics of the DGL of harvested cottonwood trees at Estes. ................. 60
Table 15: Bark damage distribution of the stumps cut at Estes, by felling method. ........ 61
Table 16: Key statistics of the DGL of harvested cottonwood trees at Admire site. ........ 62
Table 17: Bark Damage distribution of the cottonwood stumps cut at Admire, by felling
method. ............................................................................................................. 63
Table 18: P-values for the effect of felling method and season on coppice regeneration of
cottonwood plantations, with significance highlighted. ................................... 63
Table 19: Analysis of Variance of Model 5 used at Estes ................................................ 64
Table 20: Model 5, used in Estes analysis to determine effect on stump survival. Details
obtained from GLMM procedure. .................................................................... 65
Table 21: Analysis of Variance of Model 8 used at Admire planted with cottonwood .... 66
Table 22: Model 8, used in analysis of number of sprouts per stump of cottonwood at
Admire. Details obtained from GLMM procedure. ......................................... 66
Table 23: P-values for the effect of DGL, bark and stump damage, and interactions on
coppice regeneration of cottonwood plantations, with significance highlighted.
.......................................................................................................................... 67
Table 24: Analysis of Variance of Model 7 used at Admire planted with cottonwood. ... 70
Table 25: Details of Model 7 used at Admire site, to determine effects on stump survival.
.......................................................................................................................... 70
Table 26: Analysis of Variance of Model 6 used at Estes planted with cottonwood ....... 71
Table 27: Model 6, used in analysis of number of sprouts per stump of cottonwood at
Estes. Details obtained from GLMM procedure. Significant variables are highlighted. .. 72
Table 28: Key statistics of the DGL of harvested black willow trees at Admire site. ...... 74
Table 29: Bark Damage distribution of the black willow stumps cut at Admire, by felling
method. ............................................................................................................. 75
Table 30: P-values for the effect of felling method and season on coppice regeneration of
black willow trees, with the significant highlighted. ........................................ 76
Table 31: Analysis of Variance of Model 8 used at Admire planted with black willow. . 77
Table 32: Model 8, used in analysis of number of sprouts per stump of black willow.
Details obtained from GLMM procedure. ........................................................ 78
Table 33: P-values for the effect of DGL, bark and stump damage, and interactions on
coppice regeneration of black willow plantation, with significance highlighted.
.......................................................................................................................... 79
Table 34: Analysis of Variance of Model 7 used at Admire planted with black willow. . 79
Table 35: Model 7, used in analysis of number of sprouts per stump of black willow.
Details obtained from GLMM procedure. ........................................................ 80
I. Introduction
The increasing necessity of finding new alternatives to produce fuel and energy has
never been so evident in the United States. Issues like the increasing population,
dependence on foreign oil, and the declining availability of fossil fuels have made
renewable energy sources, such as biomass, become a plausible and promising option to
address these issues. Moreover, researchers and politicians have developed some ideas,
where a major part of the nation’s energy needs will be sourced from renewable fuels. One
of these ideas is the 25x’25 Alliance (25 by 25), in which the goal is to replace 25% of the
nation’s fuel and energy consumption by some type of clean energy produced from
renewables by the year 2025. Several states in the U.S. are joining alliances similar to the
25x‘25, and as a result of that, a great amount of biomass will be required to produce clean
energy and accomplish the goals. A considerable amount of that biomass will be allocated
to woody biomass from harvest and forest products mill residues, but also from new
plantations intended to supply new biofuel and bioenergy mills.
The woody biomass supply is currently coming from logging operations and mills’
residues; however, they are not sufficient to meet the expected increase in market’s needs.
Recently, several companies and institutions have ventured into the short rotation woody
crops (SRWC) supply system. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (2011), a
SRWC is an intensively-managed plantation of a fast-growing tree species that produces
large amount of biomass over a short period of time, usually less than 10 years,
that can be shortened to as little as 3 years when coppiced, depending on the species and
production method. In other words, a SRWC is defined as a plantation established to grow
lignocellulosic material (wood) and biomass with the purpose of producing biofuel and
bioenergy. The characteristics that define the SRWC are the ability to coppice, rotations
between 2 and 10 years, and an impressive fast growth. It is also important to highlight that
SRWC generally have very high costs. Tuskan (1998) specifies that SRWC involve
appropriate site selection, use of improved clonal planting, extensive weed control,
fertilization as required, pest control, and efficient harvesting and post-harvest processing.
For this reason, to maximize the utilization of the plantation through the coppicing ability
is fundamental. The coppicing ability is the ability that a tree has to regenerated new stems
from the stump, after the harvest is performed. Depending on genetics, species, and other
factors, the same plantation can be harvested up to five times (Langholtz et al., 2007) due
the coppicing ability, thus reducing the costs and increasing the feasibility of the system.
The concept of SRWC became popular in U.S. in the early 1970’s, when the U.S.
Department of Energy (DOE) embraced this technology as a way of supplying biomass
feedstock for the conversion to liquid transportation fuels (Tuskan, 1998; Ranney et al,
1987). Since the SRWC supply systems came into existence in the U.S., many studies have
been implemented or undertaken to determine potential regions to establish SRWC
plantations, suitable species for each region, and silvicultural practices. Also, genetic and
biotechnological improvements have been realized (Tuskan, 1998). However, as with any
other new technology, the research on SRWC must continue and several questions still
remain unanswered.
Initially the efforts in SRWC supply systems focused on species-site trials within
potential production regions, and as a result from these efforts the north-central,
southeastern, northeastern and Pacific Northwest regions were defined as potential regions
to establish SRWC. The popular and most promising species at that time were poplar
(Populus sp.), sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.), silver maple (Acer saccharum Marsh),
and hybrid willow (Salix sp.), with poplar being the principal candidate through most of
the defined regions (Tuskan, 1998). Although research projects and genetic improvements
have been performed with poplar, there are some exotic species being used as SRWC in
other parts of the world and could also be used in the U.S. territory, potentially producing
better results than those obtained to date. One of the most promising species being
introduced in plantations in the U.S. is the Eucalypt (Eucalyptus sp.). The Eucalypt is one
of the most planted genera in the world, with more than 900 species. It has been extensively
studied, planted, managed, and genetically improved, being able to adapt to several weather
conditions and regions in the world. The United States Department of Energy (2011) states
that poplar, southern pine, willow, and eucalypt, are the most likely woody energy crop
species to be developed for bioenergy production today.
The short rotations may be attractive to landowners looking for quicker return on
investment and also looking to diversify their land use. The wider variety of species,
combined with all the research and genetic improvement made to those species, are making
SRWC productions more viable (Alig et al., 2000), giving the landowners more options to
venture on this “unknown” technology. As a result, there has been a considerable increase
in total acres of commercial and test SRWC plantations in the southeast region, with a
major focus on Eucalypt, Cottonwood and Willow.
Although the establishment of SRWC plantations is becoming popular in the SE
region, and the introduction of new species with better and promising results have been
proved possible, the biofuel and bioenergy markets are not yet completely developed. In
countries and regions where a bioenergy market is already established, the development
and use of machinery specialized to harvest SRWC is very common. However, in the U.S.
the absence of a solid bioenergy market has discouraged the development of a system
specialized in harvesting SRWC plantations, thus making the investment on a foreign
machine not feasible.
The conventional whole-tree harvesting system, where a feller-buncher with a
circular saw head fells and bunches the trees and a rubber-tired grapple skidder drags the
trees to the loading deck, is the most common system used in the Southeast (Wilkerson et
al., 2009). This system processes the trees at the loading deck. SRWC stands are planted
with high density spacing and managed under 3 – 10 year rotations, which mean that large
equipment, as those used in whole-tree systems, may not be feasible or productive, since
they are designed to harvest large trees planted in larger spacing, and SRWC trees are small
in diameter, possibly with more than one stem per stump (if coppice is used as
management). Besides, SRWC trees may be processed at the stump to avoid dirt
accumulation, which is not desired on fuel transformation. The utilization of smaller
equipment, with low capital and maintenance cost, such as a feller-buncher with a shear
head, may be a temporary option, while specialized machinery is being developed.
However, this equipment may cause damage to the stump’s structure and bark, which could
cause possible effects on coppice regeneration.
On the other hand, little is known about the optimal harvest scheduling in SRWC
in the Southeast. The effect of the season of the harvest has always been a subject of
interest. Theories state that harvesting during summer could damage the stump, preventing
coppice, and thus limiting the harvest to the winter season. If these theories are confirmed,
the impact on the developing SRWC supply systems in U.S. would be tremendous, with
elevated economic challenges; however this theory has not been proven nor tested yet.
It is evident that further research in SRWC harvesting techniques and machinery is
needed. This study will compare the effects of harvesting SRWC plantations in the
Southeast region with a small shear-head and with a chainsaw (simulating a circular saw-
head), and also examine the potential difference in coppice response between harvesting
during winter and summer seasons.
II. Objectives
The objective of this study is to determine the potential effects of the felling
method and the harvest season in coppice regeneration in short rotation woody crops in
the Southeastern United States.
The specific objectives encompassed by this project are:
1. Compare the effects on short rotation woody crops’ ability to coppice when
felled with a shear-head or a chainsaw.
2. Determine if the short rotation woody crops’ coppicing ability is affected by the
season of year (winter or summer) in which the harvest is performed.
3. Determine if the damage caused to the stump and to its bark during the harvest
operation have an effect on the coppice regeneration.
4. Evaluate the effect of the diameter of the stump at the cut level have an effect on
coppice regeneration.
Woody biomass represents a renewable resource with multiple industrial
applications. It serves as feedstock for the pulp and paper industry but also can be planted
specifically to address the feedstock need for the biofuels industry (Hinchee et al., 2009).
The concept of short rotation woody crops (SRWC) became popular during the 1960’s and
1970’s (Tuskan, 1998). Short rotation forestry refers to the cultivation of fast growing
deciduous tree species regenerating, generally through sprouts, using short rotation
periods, intensive methods and dense stocking (Hytönen et al., 1995). In other words,
SRWC are tree crops grown on short rotations, typically with more intensive management
than timber plantations (White, 2010), in order to produce lignocellulosic material for
bioenergy and fuel conversion.
SRWC are a renewable energy feedstock for biofuels, bioenergy, and bioproducts,
which can be strategically placed in the landscape to conserve soil and water, recycle
nutrients, and sequester carbon (Vance et al., 2010). Tamang (2005) found that given
adequate soil preparation, high density SRWC plantations of Eucalyptus spp. can exclude
cogongrass, speed dewatering in flooding areas, increase soil organic matter and facilitate
growth of native understory vegetation. Being so, willow (Salix spp.) or cottonwood
(Populus deltoides), may produce similar environmental benefits as the ones found with
eucalypt plantations.
According to Perlack et al. (1995), a successful SRWC is defined by:
More than 80% survival of the material planted.
Annual productivity greater than 10-12 dry tons/ha of harvested biomass.
Uniformity in diameter, height and straightness.
Less than $50/dry ton in delivered cost.
There are also other characteristics that distinguish the SRWC from other type of
plantations, such as the extremely high density, the short rotations, and the ability to
coppice. Establishment of SRWC is recommended at 1,200 – 1,400 stems ha-1, to reduce
establishment and harvesting costs (Tuskan, 1998). The rotation of a SRWC plantation
may vary between 2 – 10 years, depending on the species used, the final product, and the
region where it is established. The coppice regeneration is the ability a tree has to grow
new stems from the stump. Coppicing will occur when apical control is blocked or
destroyed by some extrinsic factor, like the harvest. Langholtz et al. (2007) states that
SRWC systems use fast-growing tree species that coppice, and typically involve 3 – 5
harvests before replanting, with 2 – 10 years between harvests.
Coppice regeneration is a characteristic that most of the SRWC tree species share.
However, some disadvantages have been noted. Tuskan (1998) declared that the use of
coppice as a regeneration option has been almost eliminated. The advantage that it offers
in improved yields are lost over longer rotations of 6 – 10 years, and the post-coppice tree
form increases harvesting costs. Genetic improvement of the trees results in substantially
greater increases in productivity compared to coppice. On the other hand, coppice
regeneration reduces the establishment costs of new plantations (site preparation,
seedlings, and planting costs), and increasing the productivity (or mean annual increment)
when compared to the initial single-stem harvest (Dougherty and Wright, 2012; Hinchee
et al., 2009; Kauter et al., 2003).
Increased productivity achieved by coppiced stems results from an established root
system designed for a larger plant. Thus, the new coppiced trees can draw water and
nutrients from a large soil volume and recycle carbohydrate reserves from the root tissues.
Over multiple rotations root systems decline in vigor, and genetically improved clonal lines
or seedlings can be planted (Steinbeck, 1978).
3.2 Introduction to Coppicing
The sprouts regeneration will occur when apical control is disturbed by some
external factor. Zimmermann & Brown (1974) declared that the development of form in
trees is controlled by growth regulators that emanate from the distal tip of a shoot. The two
mechanisms in charge of controlling tree growth are the apical dominance, which is a
temporary inhibition of the growth of axillary buds on a stem by an actively growing shoot
tip and the apical control, which describes the regulation of overall tree shape by the
terminal bud. The majority of tree species will only naturally produce secondary trunks
when apical control is destroyed, hence terminating the hierarchical relationships which
regulate the development of tree form. Thereby, coppice may be defined as the process
whereby a tree develops secondary replacement trunks (Del Tredici, 2001).
The coppicing ability, and sprout morphology, will vary considerably by tree
species. Also, several internal and external factors control the regeneration of new stems
from the stump. It has been shown with many tree species that several factors such as
cutting season, cutting equipment, stump height, tree diameter, tree age, growing site,
spacing, and rotation length have an effect on coppice regeneration (Hytonen, 1996;
Dougherty and Wright, 2012). Nonetheless, Ceulemans et al. (1996) declares that with the
species Salix and Populus, depending upon management and product objectives, the
particular hybrids grown, the length of the rotation, and the availability of improved clones
or cultivars, a harvested stand may be naturally regenerated by coppice.
Ceulemans et al. (1996) compared the coppicing ability of the genus Salix (willow),
Eucalyptus (eucalypt), and Populus (poplar) stating that in willow trees, the shoots develop
from dormant axillary bud groups on the remaining basal parts of the harvested stems and
on the original cutting stump. In eucalypt trees, the sprouts grow from epicormic buds
embedded in the bark, which originate from axillary meristems. On the other hand, poplars
of the Leuce section coppice primarily by way of root suckers, while poplars from the
Aigeiros and Tacamahaca sections sprout primarily from the stump.
Opie et al. (1984) commented that all eucalypts have some capacity to produce
epicormic shoots, which will arise from dormant buds that originate as meristematic tissue
in the axils of the leaves. When the crown is removed by fire, insect attack, or harvest,
dormant buds develop into epicormic shoots that are capable of completely replacing the
3.3 Types of Sprouts
Additionally, Del Tredici (2001) classified sprouts according to the size of the stem
that is sprouting, the number of sprouts produced, and the location of the sprouts in relation
to the trunk. There are four basic types of sprouts morphologies displayed by temperate
trees: collar sprouts, sprouts from specialized underground stems, sprouts from roots, and
opportunistic sprouts.
3.3.1 Collar Sprouts
For the vast majority of trees the greatest potential for the production of secondary
trunks is localized at the collar (Sutton & Tinus, 1983) which can be defined as the point
on the seedling axis where the root and the shoot systems come together. In angiosperms
and a few gymnosperms the collar on a tree originates from stem tissue immediately above
the cotyledonary node. In mature trees the collar develops at or just below ground level
and is readily identifiable by the presence of numerous suppressed buds that protrude out
from the trunk. Suppressed buds grow slowly, just enough to keep pace with the radial
growth of the trunk (Sakai et al., 1995; Wilson, 1968; Zimmermann & Brown, 1974).
Typically there is a strong density gradient of suppressed buds along the trunk of the tree,
with a maximum concentration at the collar that decreases as one moves up the trunk.
Carbohydrate storage at the base of the trunk causes swelling and functions to support the
growth and proliferation of suppressed buds and facilitate their development into leafy
shoots following traumatic disturbance (Sakai et al., 1995). The sprouts can originate from
below, above, or at ground level. If they originate from above ground level, they will be
dependent on the primary trunk and root system for water and mineral nutrients (Wilson,
1968). However if they originate from below or at ground level, they will be in direct
contact with soil and will have the opportunity to develop adventitious roots from the
buried portions of their stem and become autonomous from the parent trunk (Sakai et al.,
1995). Also, sprouts which arise from the collar of a mature tree are considered to be
juvenile relative to the mature parts of the tree (Fontainer & Jonkers, 1976).
3.3.2 Sprouts from specialized underground stems
As opposed to collar sprouts, this sprout typically emerges some distance away
from the primary trunk, which reduces the competition between the primary trunk and the
sprout. The separation facilitates the autonomous development of the sprout later in life
(Del Tredici, 2001). There are two types of specialized underground stems: lignotubers and
rhizomes. The first consists of a basal swelling, produced by suppressed buds and axillary
buds up on the stem that protrude out from the stem and may have a downward orientation
(Del Tredici, 2001). The lignotuber will store and produce suppressed buds, carbohydrates
and adventitious roots, which can facilitate resprouting following traumatic injury
(Canadell & Zedler, 1995; James, 1984). Examples of trees that produce lignotubers are
Eucalyptus marginata, Tilia americana and Quercus suber. On the other hand, rhizomes
grow out from the base of the trunk and produce aerial stems some distance away from its
parent (Del Tredici, 2001). Tree species such as Querus virginiana, Prunus virginiana, and
some species of the genus Populus are example of trees that develop rhizomes. In general,
the two types of specialized underground stems allow trees to survive the occurrence of
frequent disturbance. Their sprouts have a strong potential to form adventitious roots and
to develop into autonomous ramets, since they typically emerge from below ground (Del
Tredici, 2001).
3.3.3 Sprouts from roots
From the anatomical perspective, the tree roots produce two basic types of shoot
buds: additional buds and reparative buds. Additional buds are formed by the deep tissues
(endogenously) of young, uninjured roots. They will grow enough to keep up with the
diameter growth of the root, typically branching to form prominent bud clusters.
Meanwhile, reparative buds are formed near the surface of the root (exogenously) in
response to senescence or injury (Bosela & Ewers, 1997). Some trees produce new stems
spontaneously as part of their normal development. Nonetheless, most of the trees do not
begin suckering until the primary trunk has experienced some form of traumatic damage
(Del Tredici, 2001). Suckering can be define as the production of shoots from the root
system when the trunk of the tree has suffered some type of injury. Although the presence
of a healthy trunk does not seem to inhibit the production of buds, it often suppresses their
development into aerial shoots. Therefore, for most temperate trees, root sprouting appears
to be primarily a reparative response that only secondarily results in clonal growth (Burns
& Honkala, 1990).
3.3.4 Opportunistic sprouts
This type of sprout occurs only under specific environmental conditions. Layered
sprouts develop from low-hanging lateral branches that produce roots where they come
into contact with the soil. The sprout may eventually form vertical shoots that can develop
into autonomous trunks when the parent branch rots away (Del Tredici, 2001). It has been
proved that some species use this sprouting mechanism more to survive suppression than
to increase population of the site (Hibbs and Fischer, 1979). Buds on the horizontal trunk
of leaning or partially uprooted trees produce trunk sprouts, especially when they are
growing on open sites with wet, peaty soils or on forested sites with moist soils and heavy
shades (Del Tredici, 2001). This phenomenon has been documented mostly in conifers;
however, it can also occur with some angiosperms, such as Salix nigra (Del Tredici, 2001;
Burns and Honkala, 1990).
Regardless of the type of sprouting, the buds close to the point of the traumatic
damage, be they on branches or the trunk, show the most vigorous growth. This is an
indication that basal sprouting is generally an induced response. In other words, the primary
purpose is to replace the damaged trunk (Del Tredici, 2001). However, most of the
angiosperms trees produce numerous collar sprouts after logging. The majority of these
sprouts will die within five to ten years, leaving only the most vigorous or the most firmly
attached sprouts (Del Tredici, 2001; Burns & Honkala, 1990; Johnson, 1977; Wendel,
3.4 Factors affecting the coppicing ability
There are several factors that may affect coppice type, vigor and number of new
stems. Season of harvest, felling method, height of stump, growing site, tree diameter, tree
age, spacing, rotation length, and species influence the regeneration of coppice (De Souza
et al., 1991; Ducrey and Turrel, 1992; Hytonen, 1994, 1996, 2001; Simões et al., 1972;
Strong and Zavitovski, 1983).
3.4.1 Season of harvest
According to Hytönen, 1996, the reasons for differences in coppicing due to timing
of the cutting are not fully understood. The highest number of sprouts for downy birch
resulted from being cut back in the summer. Also, the buds of exotic willow species burst
even when cut in late summer or early autumn, but in the beginning of winter, such sprouts
were small and their moisture content was high. The study affirmed that one reason for
poor coppicing vigor and increased stump mortality following late autumn cutting may be
in the death of these small sprouts due to frost.
Additionally, Ceulemans et al. (1996) affirmed that dormant-season harvest ensures
maximum sprout vigor, because sprouting is apparently severely decreased when stools are
cut in an actively growing stage. This decrease may partly be attributable to low availability
of carbohydrate reserves in roots after the onset of shoot growth during the first part of the
growing season.
Steinbeck (1978) harvested Sycamore plots at various times throughout the year,
and observed that the trees produced more sprouts than desirable regardless of timing of
harvest, but the sprouts emerging in summer did not seem to match, for several growing
seasons, the growth of sprouts originating after other harvesting dates.
Hytönen (1994) studied the effect of cutting season on coppicing and growth of
exotic and native willows and downy birch in central Finland. The results showed that for
the exotic willow, the dominant height at one growing season after summer harvest was,
half of that when the cutting was done during the dormant period. Also, the heights of birch
and native willows one growing season after cutting were affected by the cutting season,
with the winter harvest resulting in highest stems. The results also showed that cutting
during the growing season decreased the survival of exotic willows, however, the survival
of native willow and birch was not affected by cutting season. Finally, the number of exotic
willow sprouts per living stump was lower when the harvest was performed during
summer, differing from the local willow and birch results, in which the highest number of
stems per stump was noted on the summer cut.
Strong and Zavitovski (1983) studied the effect of the harvesting season on hybrid
poplar coppicing. The results showed that stump survival was 92% for the harvests from
September to May, 65% for the June harvest and less than 10% for the July and August
harvest. The results conclude that coppicing ability of poplar in Wisconsin was affected by
harvesting season. The study also concluded that the average height of dominant sprouts
ranged from 0.9 for the June through August harvest to 2.3 meters for the dormant season
harvests, and that the DBH of dominant sprouts of individuals harvested during dormant
season was 0.9 cm, while the individuals harvested in September was 0.5 cm.
3.4.2 Harvesting equipment
In the U.S. the harvesting of SRWC relies upon traditional stop and go equipment
for felling, followed by skidding to a common landing, chipping at the landing, with chips
being blown into the back of tractor/trailer for transport to the conversion facility (Tuskan,
1998). Depending on the final product derived from the SRWC plantation, the harvesting
equipment, as well as the whole harvesting operation, may vary. If the primary product is
wood chips for pulp and paper, the stems will be debarked at the landing and the wood
chips placed directly into a trailer and the bark and branches may be segregated into hog
chip piles used as feedstock for direct combustion power production (Tuskan, 1998).
Simões et al. (1972) compared the effects of the cutting method on the coppice
regeneration of Eucalyptus saligna, in the southeast region of Brazil. For their study they
used a 10 year old plantation located in Mogi Guaçu, Brazil, and performed harvests using
a regular chainsaw and an ax. The results of the study concluded that there was no
difference in stump survival between the ax and the chainsaw (64% and 62% survival
respectively). Furthermore, they concluded that there was no difference between the stems
height of stumps cut with ax and stumps cut with chainsaw (2.83 m and 2.65 m
Harvesting damage inflicted on the stump during harvest may also affect the ability
to coppice of the tree. In many cases, the harvesting damage is attributed to the equipment
used. Hytönen (1994) studied the effects of harvesting damage on the sprouting and
biomass yield of willows in central and southern Finland. The study consisted of two sites
planted with Salix aquatica. The first site was planted during the spring of 1983 and cut
three times, during fall of 1983, 1985 and 1987, with a final harvest occurred in 1990. The
cutting was performed with a secateurs, or hand pruners, resulting in a smooth cutting
surface, and with a brush saw, leaving a rougher cutting surface. Additionally, half of the
stumps were damaged manually. Results for the first site showed that the difference in the
measured parameters between the cutting methods were small during all rotation periods.
However, the number of sprouts per stump was statistically different. In stumps cut with
the brush saw, there were, on average, 1.2 sprouts more per stump than in stumps cut with
secateurs. Also, damaging the stumps decreased survival by 8.8% in the first rotation,
10.7% in the second rotation, and 16.8% after seven growing seasons. The height of the
sprouts produced by the damaged stumps was also lower (16 cm lower in the first rotation,
and 12 cm at the second). The second site was also planted with S. aquatica in 1982, but
was cut when 8 years old in 1991. The harvest at this site was performed using a chainsaw
and a brush saw. Both treatments included a control, a light-weight Farmi Trac forwarder
driving on the row of stumps, and manual damage of the stumps. The results on the second
site showed no difference between the two cutting methods, but showed a lower number
of sprouts per living stump on stumps damaged by the mini-forwarder and manually.
Crist et al. (1983) evaluated the effect of severing method and stump height on
coppice growth in a short rotation intensively cultured Populus plantation one, two and
three years after the harvest in Wisconsin. The variables measured during the study were
total number of stems per stump, height and diameter (at 1 foot from the base) of each
stem. They compared a shearing method to a normal chainsaw, and found that there were
no effects on the coppice or differences between the methods, as long as the stumps did not
result excessively damaged during the harvest. Among the stump height, they compared
stumps with 3, 6 and 18 inches tall, and found that initially the height, diameter and number
of stems varied between stump heights; however, as the trees grew, the larger and more
vigorous stems would survive and dominate the stump, remaining between 1 and 3 stems
for stump for all the heights.
3.4.3 Tree Species
There is a considerable variety of species that can be considered for SRWC, and as
with every biological characteristic, the coppicing ability differs among the genus, and
even among the species. According to Tuskan et al. (1994) the U.S. Department of Energy
(DOE) initiated the Biofuels Feedstock Development Program (BFDP) in 1978, and during
the first 15 years of the program more than 150 woody plant species were evaluated,
selecting Populus spp., Acer saccharinum, and Salix spp. based on their productivity,
adaptability and suitability as biomass feedstock.
Sakai & Sakai (1998), and Sakai et al. (1995; 1997) mentioned that sprouting
involves at least two basic resource-allocation strategies. The first, called “Resprouters”,
involves the translocation of carbohydrate reserves from underground portions of the trunk
and/or root system to support rapid sprouting following serious damage to the above
ground portions of the plant. The other strategy is called “resource remobilization”, which
leads to the development of a multitrunked form in which each stem develops its own
adventitious root system. Trees sprouting with the resource remobilization strategy will
dramatically reduce sprouting after the removal of aboveground stems, in comparison with
trees that use the resprouters strategy.
According to Hytönen (1996), there are considerable inter-species differences in
the reaction to the timing of cutting. The study compared 5 willow species (native and
exotic) and one birch specie, in northern Finland. Results proved that inter-species
differences in survival were clearly evident. Contrary to the behavior of exotic willows, the
survival of downy birch and indigenous willow species was not affected by the timing of
cut, exceeding 80% throughout.
Ceulemans et al. (1996) made a comparison among eucalypt, poplar and willow
characteristics including the sprouting ability of each species. Eucalypt plantations differ
from poplar and willows in several ways. Eucalypts are evergreen species, differing from
poplars and willows. One of the characteristics found in many eucalypt species, but not in
willows and poplars, is the presence of lignotubers which is associated with sprouting. As
already mentioned before, eucalypt sprouts grow from epicormic buds embedded in the
bark which originate from axillary buds, while the coppice regrowth on willow trees
develop from dormant axillary bud groups on the remaining basal parts of the harvested
stems. On the other hand, poplar trees will coppice primarily by way of root suckers,
although young poplars may also produce sprouts from stumps.
Since eucalypts are an evergreen genus without a clear dormancy phase (Ceulemans
et al., 1996) the seasonality of the sprouting is different than on the deciduous genera.
Stems of eucalypt may sprout when felled at any time of the year, even in regions with a
temperate or Mediterranean type of climate (Ceulemans et al., 1996).
Not only will the stump survival rate vary among species; the number of sprouts
per stump also differs. Ceulemans et al. (1996) also made a comparison between the
number of sprouts per stump in poplar, willow and eucalypt. The study indicated that in
willows there were often 20 to 25 shoots per stump. Furthermore, the initial number of
sprouts after harvest increased with successive rotations, because the number of buds
depends on the number of remaining stem’s parts on the harvested stool. However, the self-
thinning rate is high, leaving no more than 25% of the sprouts at the end of the first growing
season, and less than 10% after 3 – 4 years. On the other hand most poplar clones yielded
from 5 to 8 sprouts (sometimes much more). In stands of Euramerican poplar harvested at
1 – 3 year intervals, harvested biomass increased over the first few coppice rotations, but
then declined. Stump survival and number of sprouts per stump declined steadily with
successive coppices.
In the case of eucalypt, the number of sprouts per stump may be very large. An
average of 20 sprouts per stump was reported for 6.5 year old E. camaldulensis in Israel,
at the end of the first year after felling. In Italy, an average of 7.5 sprouts per stump was
found in E. globulus and E. camaldulensis (Ceulemans et al., 1996). There was a
seasonality effect in the number of sprouts per stump, the maximum observed on stumps
cut during spring. However, the seasonality was not observed in Portugal, where the
number of sprouts per stump in E. globulus did not vary significantly with the time of
harvest, at approximately 4.3 per stump (Ceulemans et al., 1996).
Cremer et al. (1984) affirm that the coppicing ability of the species of the genera
Eucalyptus varies among them. In general, species with lignotubers coppice well and some
of the others do not. However, E. pilularis, E. grandis, E. sieberi, and many forms of E.
camaldulensis have no lignotubers, yet commonly coppice well.
Eucalypt, poplar and willow are similar in many aspects, but differ in others
(Ceulemans et al., 1996). Although there are several tree species capable of regenerating
coppice, their phenology gives the sprouts different morphologic and ecologic
characteristics. This indicates that factors that affect the coppicing ability of a specific tree
species may not affect the coppicing ability of trees from a different species.
4.1 Site Description
Five sites were selected to determine the effect of the felling method and the season
of year on the coppicing ability. The sites selected are located in south Florida, central
Arkansas, and western Mississippi (Figure 1). Two felling methods were compared to
determine the different effects they may have on coppice regeneration. They were a small
shear-head and a chainsaw (to simulate the effect of a circular saw-head). The harvests
took place at each study site in two different seasons of year: summer and winter. A
randomized block design was the experimental design used to install the treatments at each
study site, which were composed by a study plot divided into four treatments: summer/saw
harvest, summer/shear harvest, winter/saw harvest, and winter/shear harvest. The study
plots in all sites were ~1 acre in size. The specific area of the study plots were chosen in
concordance with the landowners, seeking for good tree growth, and avoiding wet and
marginal growing sites.
Since one of the objectives of the study is to compare the effects of the harvest
season on coppice regeneration, it is important to explain the climate conditions for the
study sites in each season, to comprehend the phenology of the trees at the time of harvest.
The two seasons compared will be summer and winter; therefore weather
conditions for the periods from December to March and May to August will be
summarized, since harvests are planned to occur among these months.
All soil information of the study sites used in this project was obtained from the
soil map of the USDA – Natural Resources Conservation Services Web Soil Survey
( All historic weather data
for this study was obtained online from the web page weather underground
( It is also important to highlight that the weather stations
are not located at the study sites; thus, we can deduce that there may be small differences
between the temperature and precipitation data collected at the closest weather station to
the temperature and precipitation occurred at the study site. Some weather stations were
located considerably close to the study sites (approximately 5 – 10 miles), but none was
located farther than 30 miles away.
Figure 1: Location of five sites selected for the project. Three in south Florida, one in central
Arkansas and one in western Mississippi.
4.1.1 Evans Properties
The Evans Properties site is located in south Florida, about 10 miles west of Fort
Pierce, at Latitude/Longitude coordinates: 27.398175,-80.490003. The soil type at this site
is defined as Winder loamy sand, mostly composed by sand and loam, and was previously
used for citrus plantations. The soil is a deep soil with the restrictive features at more than
80 inches deep and the water table is 12 to 18 inches deep. The site was planted with clonal
Eucalyptus urograndis on 50 feet wide beds and was 2 years-old at the time of harvest.
Trees were planted at 728 trees/acre, with 9 feet between rows by 6 feet between trees
(Figure 3). The average DBH for the trees was 4.8 inches, ranging from 1.8 to 7.6 inches,
and the average height was 45.6 feet. Due the configuration of the beds, there was a larger
spacing of 14 feet every 5 rows, which allows for a furrow/drainage row between the beds.
A study plot (Figure 2) was installed and divided in 8 subplots. A subplot consisted of a
bedded area, therefore, 5 rows with approximately 20 trees per row, totaling around 100
trees per subplot, and 200 trees per treatment. The harvests at this site occurred during the
months of December (winter harvest) of 2013 and May (summer harvest) of 2014. In total,
828 trees were felled.
Figure 2: Layout of the study plot installed at Evans. The dots represent the number of tree per
row. Each dot represents a harvested tree.
Figure 3: Evans Properties site. 50 foot wide bed with 5 rows at 9 feet apart and larger gap of 14
feet between beds.
The climate at this site is defined as tropical (under Köppen classification), with
hot humid summers and mild winters. The rainy season for this region is defined between
the months of June and December, with an average annual precipitation of 54 inches.
During winter, the average temperature is 64°F, while during summer the average
temperature is 80°F (Figure 4).
Figure 4: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on left axis and average precipitation on
right axis at Evans Properties, FL, during winter and summer months.
4.1.2 ArborGen Bates
This site is also located in south Florida, about 9 miles southeast of Lake Placid, at
Latitude/Longitude coordinates: 27.223599,-81.288292. The soil type is classified as
Tequesta muck, mostly composed by sand. This is a poorly drained deep soil, with the
restrictive features found at more than 80 inches deep and with a very superficial water
table (12 – 18 inches). This site was planted with clonal Eucalyptus urograndis, the same
clone planted at the Evans Properties site, and at the time of harvest it was 2 years old.
Trees were planted at 1,282 trees/acre with 8 feet between rows by 4 feet between trees.
Avg. Precipitation, Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature for Winter and Summer Months in Evans, FL
Avg. Prec. Max Temp.
Mean Temp. Min Temp.
The trees at this site averaged 4.6 inches in DBH, ranging from 0.2 to 7.9 inches, and 57.9
feet in height. The study plot for this site was subdivided into 2 subplots (one for each
season). Each subplot consisted of 15 rows, distributed between the two felling methods,
resulting in 8 rows to shear and 7 rows to chainsaw (Figure 5). Each row had approximately
30 trees, totaling between 210 – 240 trees per treatment, 450 trees per subplot, and 900
trees in total.
Figure 5: Layout of the study plot installed at Bates. The dots represent the number of trees per
row. Each dot represents a harvested tree.
The climate is defined as tropical (under Köppen classification). Precipitation at
this location is concentrated between June and December, with an annual average of 53
inches. Average temperature during winter is 64°F and 80°F during summer (Figure 6).
Figure 6: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on left axis and average precipitation on
right axis, during winter and summer months, at ArborGen Bates, FL.
4.1.3 Lykes Ranch
Also located in south Florida, this site is about 7 miles south of Venus, at
Latitude/Longitude coordinates: 26.993833, -81.341282, with a soil type classified as
Immokalee sand, which is a sandy, poorly drained and deep soil, with the restrictive
features found at more than 80 inches and the water table between 6 to 18 inches deep. The
Lykes Ranch site consists of an 8 year old Eucalyptus grandis plantation. The mortality
during early years of the plantation (probably during the first and second year) at this site
was high, around 70-80%, likely due to high vegetative competition and scarce
maintenance (Figure 7). As a consequence of the age and lower number of trees per acre
due to high mortality, the DBH for this site averaged 7.4 inches, ranging from 3 to 13
inches. A study plot was installed at the site, and subdivided into 4 subplots. The subplots
consisted of 5 and 6 rows, with approximately 5 trees per row, totaling between 25-30 trees
Avg. Precipitation, Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature for Winter and Summer Months in Bates, FL
Avg. Prec. Max Temp.
Mean Temp. Min Temp.
per subplot. The winter harvest occurred in December of 2013, and a total of 105 trees
were cut.
Figure 7: Lykes Ranch site with 8 years old Eucalyptu grandis. Large DBH and high mortality
are visible.
This site has a tropical climate (under Köppen classification), with a similar
precipitation regime explained in the previous study sites, and an annual average of 51
inches. During winter, the average temperature is 64°F and during summer, the average
temperature tended to be 80°F (Figure 8).
Figure 8: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on left axis and average precipitation on
right axis at Lykes, FL, during winter and summer months.
4.1.4 Estes
The Estes site is located in central Arkansas, about 20 miles southeast of Little
Rock, on the east side of the Arkansas River, and at Latitude/Longitude coordinates:
34.604027,-92.146046. Soil type for this site is classified as Keo silt loam, mostly
composed by silt loam. This soil type is a well-drained, deep soil with the restrictive
features and water table found at more than 80 inches deep. The site was planted with
Cottonwood (Populus deltoides) that was 3 years-old at the time of the harvest. The DBH
averaged 1.7 inches, ranging from 1 – 4 inches, and the average height was 29 feet. The
plantation layout consists of double rows, with 2.5 foot spacing, separated by a 6 foot gap
from the next double row. This plantation is also a spacing test, including 4 different
spacing between trees, but was generally 2 feet. In this site two plots were installed,
consisting of 6 double rows (one double row is equivalent to one row), equally divided
between the felling methods, with approximately 70 trees per double row, totaling around
Avg. Precipitation, Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature for Winter and Summer Months in Lykes, FL
Avg. Prec. Max Temp.
Mean Temp. Min Temp.
210 trees per treatment, and 420 trees per plot (Figure 9). The winter harvest occurred in
the month of March of 2014, while the summer harvest occurred in the month of June of
2014. A total of 803 trees were harvested.
Figure 9: Layout of the study plots installed at Estes. The dots represent the number of trees per
row. Each dot represents a harvested tree.
This study site has a climate defined as humid subtropical (under Köppen
classification), with hot humid summers and mild to cool winter. Heavy rainfall occurs
mostly during spring and fall, with spring being the most pronounced rainy season (Figure
10); average annual precipitation is around 50 inches. Snowfall may occur during winter.
The average temperature during winter is 47°F and 80°F during summer.
Figure 10: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on the left axis and average
precipitation on right axis at Estes, AR, during winter and summer months.
4.1.5 Admire Tract
This site is located in Leland, Mississippi, approximately 10 miles east of
Greenville, with the Latitude/Longitude coordinates at: 33.421484,-90.89633. The soil
type at this site is defined as Bosket very fine sandy loam, composed by loam. This soil is
moderately well drained, with the restrictive features found at more than 80 inches deep
and the water table between 24 to 36 inches deep. The site was planted with Cottonwood
(Populus deltoides) and Black Willow (Salix spp.); both were 5 years-old at the time of
harvest. The average DBH and height for the Cottonwood was 4.7 inches (ranging from
1.3 to 11.2 inches) and 23.3 feet, respectively, and for the Black willow it was 3 inches
(ranging from 0.6 to 7 inches) and 18.7 feet, respectively. The plantation at this site consists
of a block of 600 trees for each species, in a 5 x 5 foot spacing. One study plot was installed
in each species’ block, and divided in two subplots, one per season. The subplots in the
Black Willow consist of 14 rows, equally divided between the felling methods, with 20
Avg. Precipitation, Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature for Winter and Summer Months in Estes, AR
Avg. Prec. Max Temp.
Mean Temp. Min Temp.
trees per row, totaling approximately 140 trees per treatment, and 280 trees per subplot
(Figure 11). The harvests occurred during the month of March (winter harvest) and June
(summer harvest). A total of 583 trees were harvested. The Cottonwood block had a high
mortality after the planting, reducing considerably the original number of 600 trees in the
block; for this reason the subplots were installed according to the available number of trees,
resulting in approximately 77 trees per treatment and 155 trees for each subplot (Figure
12). The harvests at the study site located in Mississippi were performed during the months
of March (winter harvest) and June (summer harvest) of 2014. In total, 301 trees were
Figure 11: Layout of the study plot installed at the black willow site located in Admire. The dots
represent the number of trees per row. Each dot represents a harvested tree.
Figure 12: Layout of the study plot located at the cottonwood site in Admire. The dots represent
the number of trees per row. Each dot represents a harvested tree.
The climate at this site is defined as humid subtropical, with long summers, and
short mild winters. The rainfall is fairly evenly distributed through the year (Figure 13);
however the area is subject to periods of drought and flood. Yearly average precipitation
is 52 inches. The average temperature during winter is 46°F; snowfall may occur during
this season. The temperature during summer averages 78°F.
Figure 13: Average, maximum and minimum temperature on left axis and average precipitation,
during winter and summer months, at Admire Tract, MS.
4.2 Equipment Specifications
The felling machine for shear felling was a skid steer (Caterpillar 289C track skid
steer, Caterpillar 279D track skid steer or John Deere 329E track skid steer) with a Fecon
FBS1400EXC bunching shear head. Saw cut trees were felled manually with a chainsaw.
A Turbo Forest skidder (with 59 horsepower and 9,300 lbs.) was used at the Evans, Lykes
and ArborGen Bates sites, in both harvest operations (winter and summer) while the trees
at the Estes and Admire sites were hand-skidded, since their size was smaller and the
distance to the pile was shorter.
4.2.1 Fecon FBS1400EXC Shear Head
The shear head used for the harvests on this study was a single knife bunching shear
head manufactured by Fecon model FBS1400EXC. This equipment has a cutting capacity
of 14 inches diameter, and its dimensions are 65 inches high, 48 inches wide and 43 inches
Avg. Precipitation, Maximum, Minimum and Average Temperature for Winter and Summer Months in Admire, MS
Avg. Prec. Max Temp.
Mean Temp. Min Temp.
deep. The total weight for the shear head is 1,800 lb., and its bunching capacity is 350
square inches. This head is equipped with an accumulator arm, which gives the ability to
bunch several trees before dumping, one grabbing arm, one adjustable and moving knife,
and one fixed knife, as illustrated in Figure 14. During the harvests, the range of trees cut
per bunch was from one to 37. Due the small size of the trees felled at Estes and Admire –
Black willow, the operator was able to cut and bunch up to 37 trees per bunch; while on
the other sites the trees were larger, creating the need of sometimes cutting and felling one
tree at a time. The hydraulic and electric connections of this head fit almost all skid steers
models. Although this equipment has one moving and one fixed knife, the operator always
allowed the knives to meet very close to the center of the tree when cutting it, leaving a
clean cut with minimal damage on the stump.
Figure 14: Fecon shear head with (a) grabbing arm, (b) accumulator arm, (c) moving knife, and
(d) fixed knife.
4.2.2 Caterpillar 289C
The CAT 289C track skid steer (Figure 15) was used on the winter harvest
performed at the Evans, ArborGen and Lykes sites in Florida, and at the Admire site in
Mississippi. This is a 10,365 lb. machine, with 78 inches wide, 45 inches width between
tracks, and 16.5 inches wide tracks. The ground contact area of this machine is 2,504 square
inches, the length of the tracks on the ground is 69.6 inches, and the ground pressure is
equivalent to 4.1 lbs/inch2.
4.2.3 Caterpillar 279D
The CAT 279D track skid steer was used during the winter harvest performed at
the Estes site in Arkansas. This machine is very similar to the CAT 289C, with an
operational weight of 9,893 lb., a total width of 78 inches, 41 inches wide between tracks,
and 18 inches wide tracks. The ground pressure produced by this equipment is equivalent
to 4.4 lbs/inch2, with a ground contact area of 2,272 square inches and a track length of
64.2 inches.
Figure 15: Caterpillar 289C track skid steer used during the winter harvest at Evans, ArborGen,
Lykes, and Admire sites.
4.2.4 John Deere 329E
The John Deere 329E track skid steer (Figure 16) was used to perform the summer
harvest at all sites. Although this machine is very similar to the CAT equipment, the
operator observed that it was faster cutting and moving due to greater hydraulic flow rates.
The total operational weight of this equipment is 11,500 lb., with a total machine width of
79 inches, a distance between tracks of 47 inches, and 16 inches wide tracks. The total
track length in contact with the ground for this equipment is 63 inches, with a ground
contact area of 2,022 square inches, for a total ground pressure of 5.7 lbs/inch2.
Figure 16: John Deere 329E track skid steer used during summer harvest in all sites.
4.3 Harvesting Methodology
The orientation of the rows (long axis) in the study plots was preferable from east
to west to allow full sunlight reception and to minimize light competition. However, due
to the small size of most of the sites and some harvesting limitations, the only site where it
was possible to install the east-west directional study plot was the Evans site. On the Estes
study site, a buffer of one double row at each side of the plot and five to seven trees at the
end was cut to minimize light competition, on the other sites the entire plantation was
harvested thus eliminating the light competition.
The layout or design of the plantations was fundamental to the selection of the
harvesting treatment. The ideal methodology was the completely randomized design,
randomly cutting each tree, and controlling the effect of extraneous variables. However,
due to physical and spatial limitations, and to facilitate the felling operation, it was not
possible to implement the random design. As a consequence, alternating the felling
equipment between rows, harvesting one row with the chainsaw and the adjacent row with
the shear-head (Figure 17) was the selected experimental design. This methodology was
implemented in three of the four sites: ArborGen Bates, Estes and Admire. On both the
ArborGen and Admire sites, the harvest was conducted using one type of cut for every
other row, while, in the Estes site, since every double row was equivalent to one row, the
felling type was alternated every double row. In order to facilitate the felling, bunching and
the skidding of the trees, the harvest was performed row after row, alternating the
equipment after a row was cut; this was not the most productive methodology; however,
the objectives of this project do not focus on productivity, hence it was not an issue.
Figure 17: Alternating rows methodology implemented at most of sites. Each flag color belongs
to a felling equipment.
At the Evans site, the layout of the plantation and the 50 feet wide beds produced a
difference in yield between rows due to soil quality. If the alternating rows methodology
was implemented in this site, there could have been a row effect on the study.
Consequently, the methodology used on this site was to harvest five rows (which consist
on an entire bed) with one equipment type and then alternate the equipment type on the
following bed, thus creating plots consisting of five rows. In this case, the most efficient
way to harvest was to cut and bunch the five rows in each treatment with one felling method
and then proceed to harvest the following five rows using the alternate felling type,
facilitating both the felling and skidding operations.
After completion of the harvest at each site, an evaluation of damage caused to the
stump and stump bark was performed. According to studies previously mentioned in this
project, bark damage may have a significant effect on the coppice regeneration. For this
study, five damage classes were specified, each representing the percentage of the bark of
the stump that resulted damaged: 0 (0%), 1 (1-25%), 2 (26-50%), 3 (51-75%), and 4
(>75%). Additionally, the diameter of the stump’s cut surface was measured for each
stump, to account for the effect that diameter may have on the coppice regeneration. For
practical purposes the diameter of cut surface will be called DGL in this project. It was also
noted whether the damage to the bark was caused by the felling method or equipment
driving over the stumps. Whenever a rubber tire or track mark was noted at the stump, the
damage was determined to be caused by the skid steer’s track or skidder’s tire and not the
cutting operation. Harvest damage caused to the stumps was also noted. The type of harvest
damage observed were: barber chair, missing chunk(s), fiber pull, split, and shattered
stump. Different from the bark damage, the harvest damage was caused to the structural
part of the stump, or to the wood, and not to the exterior part.
4.5 Coppice Evaluation
The field evaluation of the coppice response occurred 5 months after the winter
harvest and 6 months after the summer harvest. The one-month difference between
evaluations appeared to have little impact, since the stumps had sufficient time to
regenerate sprouts in both cases. It is important to highlight that from the winter harvest
until the measurement date, 147 days with growing conditions past, while 152 growing
days past between the summer harvest and the evaluation date. This is relevant for the
cottonwood and black willow species but not for the eucalyptus, since it is an evergreen
species. The winter harvest of the cottonwood and black willow occurred in late
winter/beginning of spring, and buds were already visible in some of the felled trees.
For the coppice evaluation, each stump was individually analyzed. If the stump
presented any new stems regenerated, it was recorded as a live stump. However, if it had
no new stems it was recorded as a “dead” stump. The number of new stems regenerated
was counted at each stump. If the sprout was regenerated directly from the stump, it was
counted, but if it was regenerated from the base of another sprout, it was not counted.
Additionally, the height of each stump’s dominant sprout was noted. A dominant sprout
was the tallest one among all the sprouts in the same stump.
4.6 Data Analysis
The data analysis for this project used statistical tools, charts and tables to
determine the effects that the independent variables (felling equipment, harvest season, and
bark and stump damage) have on the dependent variables (coppice response), which were
classified as the coppicing ability (or stump survival) and the number of new stems
regenerated per stump. Additionally, DGL and skidder damage (when existing) were
considered, since they could be related to coppicing ability of the cut trees. R Software
(V3.1.2 for Windows) was used to perform the analysis. The Generalized Linear Mixed
Model (GLMM) analysis was used to compare the coppicing response of the stumps. The
results presented at this study are supported by the appropriate statistical tests resulted from
the “glmer” function of package “lme4” from R. The supporting statistics consist of z-
values with the associated p-values, obtained from Wald Z tests, which are recommended
for analysis of this type (Bolker et al., 2008; Bolker, 2015; Bates, 2006; Unpublished;
Berridge and Crouchley, 2011).
Although each stump was individually evaluated, due the experimental design, the
harvesting methodology, and the layout of the study plots, a random effect of rows nested
into plot was accounted for the Evans and Lykes sites, while a random effect of rows was
accounted for at the other sites. As a consequence, plots (for Evans and Lykes) and rows
(for the other sites) were considered as the experimental unit, and not the stump. The
variable “coppicing ability” was a binary variable, evaluated according to the successful
coppicing or not by the stump, being labelled as zero (0) or one (1) depending on the
response. As a result, this variable falls into the “binomial” family structure for analysis
with the GLMM procedure. On the other hand, the variable “number of new stems
regenerated” was evaluated according to the number of new sprouts grown after the
harvest. It was a continuous variable that fell into the “poisson” family structure for the
analysis with the GLMM procedure. Each study site was individually analyzed, with the
utilization of a full model.
Table 1: Models used to determine the felling techniques on coppice regeneration.
Site # Model
1 ~/ + + : + + + + (1/)
2 ~/ + + : + + + + (1/)
3 ~ + + : + + + + (1/)
4 ~ + + : + + + + (1/)
CR=Coppice regeneration
S=Season (winter and summer) FM=Felling Method (shear and chainsaw) Dam=Bark Damage Class
DGL=Diameter at Ground Level (inch) HD=Harvest Damage Type SD=Skidder Damage NS=Number of New Sprouts : = Interaction between
The same variables were included in all the models, with exclusion of SK which
was only present on the eucalyptus sites. Since the objectives of the project are to determine
the effects of harvesting techniques on coppice regeneration, a model selection was not
necessary, only utilizing the full model to determine the variables that affected the
regeneration of coppice. Although all models included all the variables studied in this
project, only the effects of variables that resulted statistically significant are explained and
addressed in the results chapter. If a variable did not have significant effect on coppice
regeneration, it was not explained in the results chapter. However, a summary table with
the p-values of all variables included in the models is displayed for each species studied on
this project.
V. Results and Discussions
After the coppice evaluation, it was decided that the Bates study site would not be
included on the analysis. Although this site was planted with the same clone and the trees
were the same age as the trees at Evans, and the harvest was performed at the same time
and with the same equipment, the survival rate was below 30% for each season. No logical
explanation was found for this behavior, with possible reasons being herbicide application
or height of cut. Freeze damage was discarded since the summer harvest showed similar
survival to the winter harvest. In addition to the Bates site, a summer effect could not be
determined at the Lykes site, since the summer harvest was not performed. The trees at
Lykes were larger than expected, with some reaching the shear head capacity of 14 inches,
causing problems to its operation. For this reason, it was decided not to perform the summer
harvest. However, a comparison between felling methods was performed for the winter
harvest. Although the effect of season on coppice regeneration was calculated for all study
sites, and the results are reported, the experimental design of the plots was not the ideal.
Hence, it can be inferred that the results presented for the effects of season on coppice
regeneration can be suggested but not considered definitive.
It is important to have knowledge about the mean DGL and bark damage
distribution of each study site before studying the dependent variables, since they both
could have an effect on the coppicing ability (Hytonen, 1994, 1996, 2001; Simões et al.,
1972; Ducrey and Turrel, 1992; Strong and Zavitovski, 1983; De Souza et al., 1991).
Consequently, a diameter distribution of the stumps DGL was developed for each study
site to better illustrate this parameter. In addition, the stump bark damage was classified by
felling method for each study site, resulting in the creation of a bark damage distribution
for each felling type.
5.1 Eucalyptus sites
5.1.1 Evans Properties
The average DGL of the trees was 5.2 inches, with a minimum of 1.3 and a
maximum of 9.5 inches, while the Basal Area (BA) was calculated to be 103.0 ft2.
Descriptive statistics for the DGL are listed by season and equipment in Table 2. The larger
mean DGL for the trees cut during the summer harvest may be attributed to the 5 months
difference between the harvests in which the trees had more time to grow.
Table 2: Key statistics of the DGL of harvested eucalypt trees at Evans.
N Mean DGL
(inch) Max DGL
(inch) Min DGL
(inch) Standard Deviation
Total 419 5.5
Total 409 4.8
Overall 828 5.1
The DGL distribution showed a normal distribution, in which the majority of the
harvested trees had a diameter on the range of the mean DGL value (Figure 18). This
corresponded to the observed homogeneity of the plantation.
Figure 18: Frequency Distribution chart of the Diameter at Ground Level (DGL) of eucalypt trees
harvested at the Evans Properties study site.
A summary of the bark damage caused to the stumps is presented in Table 3. The
total number of stumps cut with shear was slightly higher than the stumps cut with saw.
The majority of the stumps for both equipment types fell within the bark damage classes
0, 1 and 2. However, the shear head generally caused more damage to the bark of the
stumps than the saw. On bark damage classes 0, 1 and 2, sawed stumps were present in
higher numbers than sheared stumps; while in bark damage classes 4 and 5, sheared stumps
were present in higher numbers.
0.4% 3.9% 11.8%
N u
m b
e r
o f
St u
m p
Stumps Pct (%)
Table 3: Bark damage distribution of the stumps cut at Evans, by felling method.
0 1 2 3 4 Overall
5.1.2 Lykes Ranch
The mean DGL of trees cut at this site was 7.4 inches, ranging from 2.5 to 13.2
inches. The BA for

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