development and validation of a supervised autonomous ...€¦ · robot-enhanced therapy...

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Robot-Enhanced TherapyDevelopment and Validation of a Supervised Autonomous Robotic Sys-tem for Autism Spectrum Disorders Therapy

Hoang-Long Cao1*, Pablo G. Esteban1*, Madeleine Bartlett2, Paul Baxter3, TonyBelpaeme2,4, Erik Billing5, Haibin Cai6, Mark Coeckelbergh7, Cristina Costescu8,Daniel David8, Albert De Beir1, Daniel Hernandez2, James Kennedy2, Honghai Liu9,Silviu Matu8, Alexandre Mazel10, Amit Pandey10, Kathleen Richardson7, EmmanuelSenft2, Serge Thill2, Greet Van de Perre1, Bram Vanderborght1, David Vernon5,11,Kutoma Wakunuma7, Hui Yu9, Xiaolong Zhou12, and Tom Ziemke5,13

1Robotics and Multibody Mechanics Research Group and Flanders Make, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium2Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems, Plymouth University, Plymouth, U.K.3Lincoln Centre for Autonomous Systems, School of Computer Science, University of Lincoln, Lincoln, U.K.4IDLab – imec, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium5Interaction Lab, School of Informatics, University of Skovde, Skovde, Sweden6Department of Computer Science, Loughborough University, UK7Centre for Computing and Social Responsibility, Faculty of Technology, De Montfort University, Leicester, U.K.8Department of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca, Romania9School of Computing, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, U.K.10Softbank Robotics Europe, Paris, France11Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University Africa, Rwanda12College of Computer Science and Technology, Zhejiang University of Technology, China13Human-Centered Systems, Department of Computer & Information Science, Linkoping University, Linkoping, SwedenEC-FP7 DREAM Project –

R obot-Assisted Therapy (RAT) has shown po-tential advantages to improve social skillsfor children with Autism Spectrum Disor-

ders (ASD). This paper overviews the technologydevelopment and clinical results of the EC-FP7funded DREAM project that aims to develop thenext level of RAT in both clinical and technologi-cal perspectives – which we term Robot-EnhancedTherapy (RET). Within the project, a supervisedautonomous robotic system is collaboratively de-veloped by an interdisciplinary consortium, includ-ing psychotherapists, cognitive scientists, roboti-cists, computer scientists and ethicists, allowingthe robot control to go beyond the classical remotecontrol methods (Wizard of Oz – WoZ) while ensur-ing safe and ethical robot behavior. Rigorous clin-ical studies are conducted to validate the efficacyof RET. Current results indicate that RET can ob-tain equivalent performance compared to human

*H. -L. Cao and P. G. Esteban contributed equally to this work.

standard therapy for children with ASD. We alsodiscuss the next steps of developing RET roboticsystems.

Towards Robot-Enhanced Therapy

Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) are identified bywidespread abnormalities in social interactions andcommunication together with restricted interests andrepetitive behavior [1]. For children with ASD, thesesymptoms can be efficiently reduced through early(cognitive-)behavioral intervention programs ideallystarting at the preschool age [2]. This type of interven-tion is taught on a one-to-one basis in school and/orat home by caregivers (therapists, teachers, parents)and need to be both intensive and extensive [2, 3].This process requires a significant amount of humanworkload to carry out therapeutic sessions as well asto manage child’s performance data.The use of robots in autism therapy has received

Figure 1: Different robot control paradigms: Wizard of Oz, full autonomy, and supervised autonomy.

attention over the past two decades, with a significantincrease in the past one [4]. Similar to animals andcomputers, robots can provide simple and predictableinteractions, in which people with ASD generally feelcomfortable, but with several advantages compared toclassical therapies [5], as repeatability of the medium’sbehavior, the embodiment of the medium and the hy-gienic safety. Robot-Assisted Therapy (RAT) enablesembodied interactions that are appealing for manychildren with ASD, increasing their engagement andattention, and decreasing social anxiety [6]. Duringchild-robot interaction, RAT robots can simultaneouslyprovide social cues while maintaining simplicity andpredictability [7]. These robots are diverse in appear-ance from mobile platforms to humanoid robots. Al-though RAT robots have shown advantages, most ofthe studies are exploratory and have methodologicallimitations [4] such as low participant number or nu-merous protocol breach.

Regarding the technology development, most of RATstudies are limited to the Wizard of Oz (WoZ) tech-nique in which the robots are remotely controlled, un-beknown to the child, by a human operator (Figure1-left) [2, 7]. The WoZ technique allows human thera-pists to achieve a high level of social interaction withouta complex robotic system. However, it requires a signif-icant amount of human workload and is not suitablein the long term [8]. There is a need to increase thelevel of autonomy of robots in RAT research both tolessen the human workload and to deliver consistenttherapeutic experiences [2, 3]. Full autonomy (Fig-ure 1-middle) indicates that the robot makes decisionsand adapts its actions to any situation by itself. This isnot feasible at this point as the robot’s actions must becompliant with the therapeutic goals, the interactioncontext, and state of the child while its action policiescannot be perfect. Further, fully autonomous roboticsystems can raise some critical ethical concerns andare not socially accepted by the general public in thecontext of interaction with children [9, 10]. However,a “supervised autonomy” is feasible to achieve in whichthe robot works autonomously towards achieving giventherapeutic goals under a supervisor’s guidance (Figure

1-right). When necessary the supervisor can overridethe robot’s actions before execution to ensure that onlytherapeutically valid actions are executed.

DREAM Project

The DREAM project aims at implementing Robot-Enhanced Therapy (RET) – the next generation of RAT– for children with ASD. This approach calls for therobot’s ability to assess a child’s behavior by inferringthe child’s psychological disposition andmap the behav-ior to appropriate actions within specified constraintsunder supervision of a therapist (i.e. supervised au-tonomy). The therapist thus is not replaced but rathertakes full control of the therapeutic environment withan effective tool and mediator [3].This paper overviews the technology development

and validation of a supervised autonomous robotic sys-tem for ASD therapy. The project consortium includescognitive scientists, roboticist, computer scientists, psy-chotherapists and ethicists who are collaboratively in-volved in the development of the system following re-quirements from different perspectives. The system isvalidated in a clinical study to assess the effectivenessof socially assistive robots in enhancing social skills i.e.imitation, turn taking, and joint attention. Most impor-tantly, no full-scale randomized clinical trials haven’tbeen carried out in previous research. This has beenone of the main goals of the DREAM project. In thisproject, we also investigate the therapists’ attitudestoward the DREAM system and ethical issues related tousing (supervised) autonomous robots in ASD therapy.

Requirements for RET systems

The use of robots in social therapies requires a highlyinterdisciplinary collaboration. In the DREAM project,all parties (i.e. psychotherapists, engineers, ethicists)have been involved throughout the system develop-ment process in a concurrent manner. A robotic systemused in RET should meet requirements from both ther-apeutic and robotic perspectives. Key elements of the

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Figure 2: Elements that a RET robotic system should considerto generate robot behaviors [11].

requirements are illustrated in Figure 2 and summa-rized as follows, see [11].First, the system should enable the robot to generate

task-based and social behavior to achieve therapeuticgoals, which is the ultimate goal of using robots intherapeutic contexts. Second, the robot control shouldbe shared with human therapists to ensure safe andethical behaviors. Third, the system should be applica-ble to various therapeutic scenarios and robot platformsto reduce engineering workload e.g. reprogrammingrobot’s actions. Lastly, the system should provide andanalyze data (e.g. user’s performance and performancehistory, robot operation) recorded in structured formsto different parties.These requirements serve as guidelines as well as

evaluation criteria for RET systems. Some system de-sign principles to obtain these requirements can be:

multi-layer behavior organization for generating socialand task-based behavior, personalization for provid-ing personalized interaction, and modularity for theease of applying the system to different scenarios androbot platforms [12]. Under the development of theDREAM project, we have adopted some of these de-sign principles to develop a supervised-autonomoussystem for different tasks in autism therapy (see Sec-tion Supervised-Autonomous System).

Clinical framework

To assess the socially assistive robots’ effectiveness inenhancing social skills in children with ASD, certainbehaviors have been frequently targeted by therapeu-tic interventions. Among them, for the specific goal ofthe DREAM project, we have targeted the followingbehaviors: imitation, turn taking, and joint attention.These behaviors could be considered as possible mecha-nisms underlying the general clinical picture includingcommunication and social interaction deficits, and willbe taught by a social robot during repeated therapysessions of interactive games.

Supervised-Autonomous System

Controlling a robot to deliver a therapy is a complextask, and in the case of supervised autonomous RETit requires ways to: sense the state and performanceof the child, select and execute an action for the robot

Figure 3: DREAM system architecture. Arrows represent communication between components.

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(according to a therapeutic plan) while providing over-sight of the robot’s behavior to the therapist. Thisprocess is engineered by an interconnected networkof components as depicted in Figure 3. These com-ponents are responsible for sensing and interpretingthe surrounding environment, classifying child behav-ior and controlling robot behavior. The system alsoprovides an intuitive Graphical User Interface (GUI) al-lowing the therapist to supervise the system operationand ensure an efficient robot behavior, see Figure 6.All system components are released1 under the GNUGPL v3 license and documented allowing researchersto replicate, modify or expand the DREAM system fordifferent target applications.

Sensory System

An advanced sensory system interprets multi-sensorydata into meaningful information about the interac-tion between children and the robot e.g. gaze, child’smovement, vocal prosody, emotion expression, ASDstereotypical behaviors. Different techniques have beenapplied on raw images captured by RGB cameras andMicrosoft’s Kinect sensors for gaze estimation, skele-ton joint-based action recognition, face and facial ex-pression recognition, object tracking and audio dataprocessing.Gaze estimation is significantly important to iden-

tify shared attention in child-robot interaction for jointattention tasks. Challenges for gaze estimation thatemerge during therapeutic sessions are related to largehead movement, illumination variation, and eyelid oc-clusion. Feature points on the face are located by aSupervised Descent Method based on the best viewof the child’s frontal face. Head pose is calculated byan object pose estimation method. Iris centers are lo-calized by a hierarchical adaptive convolution method(see red dots in Figure 4a). The final point of gaze iscalculated based on the obtained head pose and iriscenters by a two-eye model-based method (see thewhite line in Figure 4a) [13].

Human action recognition, i.e. child’s actions duringinteraction, plays a key role in evaluating the child’sperformance in imitation tasks. A novel skeleton jointdescriptor based on 3D Moving Trend and Geometryproperty is applied on skeleton data extracted fromKinect depth sensors (Figure 4b) [14]. The descriptoris then used to recognize actions (e.g. waving, touch-ing his/her head with two hands, moving the armsimitating an airplane or covering his/her eyes) by alinear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classificationalgorithm.Facial expression recognition provides an understand-

ing of the child’s emotion i.e. anger, disgust, fear, happi-ness, sadness, and surprise. This is achieved by using afrontalization method to recover frontal facial appear-ances from unconstrained non-frontal facial images


Figure 4: Performance of the advanced sensing system. Imagesobtained from the interventions.

followed by a Local Binary Patterns feature extractionmethod on Three Orthogonal Planes to represent facialappearance cues. Finally, we applied an SVM to iden-tify and classify those facial expressions [15] achievinga recognition rate of 63.71% within real-life conditions.We found quite difficult to achieve a clear partition ofemotions as children tend to perform a combinationof emotions. However, we obtained better results thanother state-of-the-art algorithms.Object tracking helps to observe the child’s behav-

ior regarding the toys on the intervention table, i.e. aplane, a flower, and a cup. A blob based Otsu object de-tection method is first employed to detect the objects.Then, a Gaussian Mixture Probability Hypothesis Den-sity (GM-PHD) tracker is used to effectively detect andtrack objects in real time, even when being occludedby hands (Figure 4c) [16].Audio processing provides information for the robot

to perform social attention and evaluate the child’s ver-bal response. Speech recognition and sound directionare based on Kinect SDK. Voices from the therapist andthe child are labeled by classifiers such as GaussianMixture Model, and Vector Quantification in combi-nation with Mel Frequency Cepstrum Coefficients andLinear Predictive Coding features [17].

Child Behavior Assessment

Aiming at achieving a supervised autonomous system,the current behavior of the child needs to be appraised.Within this project, this happens in two phases as illus-trated in Figure 5.Data is collected from the Sensory System and

mapped onto the identified child behaviors during thefirst phase. This mapping is based on training and vali-dation sets of child-robots interactions that were pre-viously annotated by knowledgeable therapists. Fromthis process the classifiers provide the probability that

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Figure 5: Child behavior analysis flow.

each behavior, among all of them, is currently observed.These probabilities are used into the second phase,where, based on the interaction history, the systemattempts to infer the child’s level of engagement, moti-vation and its performance on the task in hand. Thissecond phase relies heavily on the semantic interactionknowledge of the therapists to provide insights intoexpected patterns.Classifiers within this system aim at generating

real-time annotations of a therapy session as thera-pists would normally create. Therefore, these auto-generated annotation files might be submitted to ther-apists for verification and be compared to existing an-notations from therapists using standard inter-rateragreement measures. Outcomes of these classifiersare fed into the Robot Behavior Controller allowing thesupervised-autonomous operation of the robot.Additionally, these classifiers might offer other bene-

fits, as being used as a diagnostic tool, relieving ther-apists of some of their burden. Similar developmentshave been published but as a binary classification (e.g.non-ASD vs. ASD) [18]. Intermediate degrees of sever-ity of ASD should be accurately identified ranging from“typical of the general population” to “severely atypical”.Within the DREAM project, we have started the devel-opment of a diagnostic tool based on these classifiersusing neuro-computational mechanisms that can beused for learning a large number of dynamical patternsnamed as conceptors [19].

Robot Behavior Controller

The robot behavior controller enables the robot to gen-erate task-based and social behaviors, and share therobot control with the human therapist in a super-vised autonomous manner. The behavior generationis organized in three layers i.e. attention-reaction, de-liberative and self-monitoring, see right side of Fig-ure 3. Behaviors and therapeutic scripts are abstractand non-robot-specific, and later translated into robot-specific motor commands. This allows the system tobe platform-independent and scenario-independent.The whole system operation is supervised by a humantherapist via a GUI (Figure 6).The attention-reaction system provides the robot with

life-like behaviors e.g. eye blinking, micro-motions,

Figure 6: A Graphical User Interface allows human therapiststo supervise the system operation.

gaze [20]. These behaviors are essential in socialrobots. In this system, state information coming fromthe sensing system is immediately acted upon withappropriate motor outputs. The system also allows therobot to react to the relevant stimulus in the surround-ing environment by directing its gaze towards theirsource. This is achieved by a combination of percep-tual and task-related attention, and a target selectionalgorithm.The deliberative system is responsible for producing

task-based behaviors following therapeutic scripts de-fined by therapists. These scripts describe step-by-stepthe high-level desired behaviors of the robot. There arehowever circumstances that the interaction does notgo as planned and the proposed script-based action isnot the most appropriate one to perform. For instance,if the child has a low level of engagement with the task,the script following process is paused. The robot seeksfor appropriate actions for re-engagement and thenreturns to the script following process.In case the action autonomously decided by the robot

is not proper, the therapist can deny the suggested ac-tion and manually select a more appropriate one. Wehave proposed a Learning from Demonstration methodcalled SPARC (Supervised Progressively AutonomousRobot Competencies) so that the robot can learn fromthe manual actions of the therapist and improve itssuggested actions next times [21]. As shown in Fig-ure 7, SPARC aims at maintaining high performance

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Figure 7: Expected ideal behaviors over time of SPARC in comparison with Wizard-of-Oz (WoZ) and Autonomous Learning (AL)on therapist’s workload, robot’s performance and autonomy.

throughout the interaction (as in WoZ) while keeping alow therapist’s workload (as in Autonomous Learning).The self-monitoring system aims to overcome possible

technical and ethical limitations. The system currentlyacts as a logging mechanism and is connected withthe therapist’s supervision interface. The therapist canoverrule the robot’s proposed actions via the GUI. Asfuture developments, it would act as an alarm systemto be triggered when the robot detects technical limi-tations and ethical issues based on a set of rules. Thissystem also provides recorded data, e.g. child’s perfor-mance, robot operation, for therapists and engineersto evaluate the efficacy of a RET system.

Clinical experiments and results

From a clinical perspective, this project seeks to de-termine how much RET can improve joint attention,imitation and turn-taking skills in ASD children, andhow the gains obtained within these interactions com-pare to standard interventions. Therefore, the clinicalexperiments were divided into two phases: one usingRAT robots under a WoZ system, and another one us-ing RET with a supervised autonomous system. Bothphases have been compared to Standard Human Treat-ment (SHT) conditions.The experiments were conducted using a classic

single-case alternative treatment design. Children par-ticipated in six to eight baseline sessions followed byeight SHT sessions and eight WoZ or RET sessions.Within the baseline sessions, the child interacts witha human partner who does not offer any feedback re-garding the performance of the child. The purpose ofthese sessions is to identify the initial level of skills andits variability before the child receives any of the twointerventions (SHT or RET, where either the human orrobotic partners give feedback that is contingent to theperformance of the child).Conditions were randomized to mitigate the order-

ing effect. After baseline sessions, the order for eachintervention session (either SHT or RAT/RET) was es-tablished based on a random schedule which containeda random sequence indicating which session should beperformed next. The schedule was different for eachchild.

Figure 8: The intervention platform used in DREAM. A childsits in front of a robot and an interactive screen.

Before the baseline session, we used the ADOS instru-ment [22] to confirm children’s diagnosis of autism andto assess which were their social and communicationabilities. We also employed ADOS as a measurementtool, to quantify, before and after interventions, thedifferences in the scores.Once the initial ADOS measures were taken and the

baseline session finished, children interacted with ei-ther a robot or a human, always keeping an additionalperson as a mediator between the child and the interac-tion partner. The tasks to be tested were implementedfollowing the discrete trial format: highly structuredenvironment, behaviors broken into discrete sub-skills,and child taught to respond to explicit prompting (e.g.“Do like me!”).

We have employed the humanoid robot NAO2 to as-sess our hypothesis. For certain tasks, we used theelectronic “Sandtray” [23], a 26-inch capacitive touch-screen and an associated control server, where imagescan be manipulated by dragging (on the side of thehuman partner), or simulated dragging (on the sideof the robot partner). Moreover, an intervention tablewas designed to capture sensory information (shownin Figure 8) employing three RGB cameras and twoMicrosoft Kinect sensors.Children’s performance was assessed in the task by

measuring their performance based on task solvingaccuracy (e.g., accuracy in the imitation task, correctgazing in the joint attention task, appropriate pausesduring the turn-taking task).


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First phase

As stated above, within the first phase of the ex-periments we used RAT robots being remotely con-trolled under a WoZ setup. Results from these experi-ments were used as a basis for the development of theSupervised-Autonomous System. For this phase, elevenparticipants with ASD aged between three and fiveyears old were recruited from the Autism Transylva-nian Association.After completing this first phase, we obtained mixed

results. These results were different depending onthe task in hand. During the turn-taking task, the WoZsetup seemed to achieve gains as good as or even betterthan under SHT condition, especially for children withlower levels of prior skills. Regarding joint-attention,RAT and SHT yielded similar outcomes for the majorityof the participants. Specific to the RAT intervention,the results have also pointed that the level of promptingoffered by the robot mediator has a direct impact onthe performance of ASD children, with more promptincreasing the performance [24]. For imitation task,most of the children had already good performances inbaseline sessions and the RAT condition did not leadto an improvement in these skills.

Second phase

In the second phase of the experimental investigations,we are comparing the efficacy of RET and SHT us-ing a randomized clinical trial design3. For such pur-pose, twenty-seven children have been recruited to par-ticipate from different organizations and institutions,which provide educational and/or psychotherapeuticservices to children with autism, most of them in thecity of Cluj-Napoca. Twenty-one have completed thefull protocol at the moment.Results on the Last Observation Carried Forward

scores have indicated both groups showed signs ofimprovement, with a significant time effect, Wilks’Lambda=.62, F(8,16)=3.19, p=.023, η2p=.62, andno significant group or interaction effects. Univari-ate analysis indicated that scores have improved forimitation (F(1,25)=21.79, p<.001, η2p=.47) and foreach of the turn-taking tasks (sharing informationabout what one likes, F(1,25)=4.50, p=.044, η2p=.15;completing a series of figures following a pattern,F(1,25)=10.22, p=.004, η2p=.29; and categorizingitems, F(1,25)=11.61, p=.002, η2p=.32), but not forjoint attention, where baseline differences favoringthe SHT group were observed, F(1,23)=6.66, p=.017,η2p=.23. However, post-test differences between groupswere not significant for joint attention, even when con-trolling for baseline scores. In future studies, this out-come will be carefully monitored and more childrenand sessions might change it in the expected direc-tion. Both interventions had also a positive impacton the clinical ASD symptoms, with children who had ID: NCT03323931

completed the final assessment reporting lower ADOSseverity scores at the end of the treatment in bothgroups, t(5)=3.50, p=.017 in SHT, and t(4)=3.25,p=.031 in RET.

Therapists’ attitudes toward thesystem

We conducted an interview to investigate the therapists’attitudes toward the DREAM system. We recruited fourtherapists that have been working with the system forsix months on average. We invited the therapists foran interview via email. During the interview, we usedopen-ended questions and a short usability survey. Ascreen-shot of the GUI was used to elicit memoriesabout their experiences with the system.The DREAM system was generally appreciated by

the therapists (n=4). According to the questionnaireresults (5-point Likert scale), the therapists showed pos-itive attitudes toward the system i.e. useful (M=4.1,Min=4.0, Max=4.1), satisfying (M=3.6, Min=2.4,Max=4.0), easy to use (M=4.2, Min=4.2, Max=4.4),and easy to learn (M=3.8, Min=2.0, Max=5.0). Theyfound that the interface of the GUI is easy to use andhelps them deliver an intervention that is both attrac-tive and effective. The automatic detection of the be-haviors was useful for the treatment of ASD childrenas it reduced the burden of the intervention for themas therapists. They also found the system as safe andacceptable. Yet, some improvements would be neededi.e. increasing the accuracy of the recognition, reduc-ing the technical complexity of the system, simplifyingof the GUI. Regarding the possibility to use the sys-tem for other types of therapies, they suggested havingcustomized GUIs for different applications.

Ethical perspective

Lately, research in the area of ethics of social roboticshas seen significant growth in interest, more specificallyin the areas of health-care and children [25].What are the particular problems raised by au-

tonomous interaction with mentally disabled children?How can we protect children from exploitation? Whatif the robot gets the behavior assessment of the childwrong? How and when does the therapist need to over-rule the behavior of the robot when needed? Thesequestions all raise important ethical concerns. Withinthe DREAM project, we have conducted several studiesto explore this and other ethical issues.In one of these studies, Coeckelbergh and colleagues

aimed at understanding the opinions of parents andtherapists about the appropriateness and benefit of so-cial robots being used in therapy for children with ASD[9]. An important finding was the high acceptabilityof these robots for helping children with autism (85%).During the study, among the 416 subjects, 22% were

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parents of children with ASD and 16% were therapistsor teachers of children with ASD. They were surveyedwith questions as “Is it ethically acceptable that socialrobots are used in therapy for children with autism?”or “Is it ethically acceptable to use social robots thatreplace therapists for teaching skills to children withautism?” This survey indicated the importance of stake-holder involvement in the process with a focus on spe-cific health care issues.In another study developed within DREAM, Peca and

colleagues explored whether age, gender, education,previous experience with robots, or involvement withpersons with ASD influences people’s attitudes aboutthe use of robots in RET [10]. Results show that thesesocial-demographic factors have a relevant impact onhow social robots are perceived e.g. men seem to have ahigher level of ethical acceptability compare to women,younger participants seem to be more open to acceptthe use of social robots in RET for ASD compared toolder participants. In terms of the involvement of theparticipant with children with ASD and the use of socialrobots in RET, the study show that parents who arenot involved directly with ASD children have a higherethical acceptability level than those who are directlyinvolved.Finally, Richardson and colleagues have addressed

a debate to discuss the risks and challenges of devel-oping research by a multidisciplinary research teamwith a vulnerable population as children with autism[26]. Given the different backgrounds, research goals,assumptions, and practices, each multidisciplinary re-search team would approach the research topic fromdifferent perspectives: experimental, clinical, engineer-ing, philosophical, and anthropological. Each disci-pline counts with its own history, terminology, methodsand preferences, so that synthesizing these approachescan be challenging.

Discussion and Conclusions

With the DREAM project, we aimed at implementingRobot-Enhanced Therapy in children with autism in-terventions. In this paper, we have highlighted thetechnical development and clinical validation of thisapproach.Given the sensitive environment where RET takes

place, the DREAM system was developed taking into ac-count requirements from both therapeutic and roboticperspectives, see Section Requirements for RET sys-tems. The supervised-autonomous system follows amulti-layer behavior organization for generating so-cial and task-based behaviors. It was engineered fol-lowing a modular approach so that, along with beingopen-source software, the system might be easily used,adapted and/or extended by other research teams todifferent therapeutic scenarios and robotic platforms.Our system reaches a performance in par with hu-

man therapies commonly used today in clinical stud-

Figure 9: Control panel on teacher tablet.

ies. Despite the mixed results obtained during thesingle-case experiments, these studies offered valuableinsights about the variability of the response of ASDchildren to RET and pointed to some important issuesthat should be accounted when developing such inter-ventions (e.g. the need for personalized interventionsthat match the level of skills of each child). Furtherexploration needs to be done using variables involvedin outcomes such as social engagement; positive andnegative emotions; adaptive and maladaptive behav-iors; and rational and irrational beliefs [27]. Thesevariables have already been studied for the first phaseof the clinical trial. In terms of social engagement, thechildren showed more interest in the robot partnerfor the duration of the intervention. Positive emotionsappeared more often while interacting with the robotduring the imitation and joint attention tasks. The pres-ence of the robot usually acts as a behavioral activator,so that both adaptive and maladaptive behaviors seemto appear more often in the WoZ condition comparedto SHT condition. The same study is currently beingdone for the second phase, and it will offer better an-swers regarding the relative efficacy of RET and ASDinterventions. Future investigations should aim for newresearch questions beside concerning to whether RETis more or less effective than standard treatment RET faster than therapist mediated interventions,which children could benefit most from RET interven-tions and under which conditions. As a final clinicalconclusion, and supported by the data obtained duringthe experiments, we can say that RET is a promisingapproach that could be as efficient as (or even moreefficient than) classical interventions for a large varietyof outcomes in the case of children with ASD.Given the technical requirements of this project, un-

fortunately, very few end-users might benefit from thesystem developed in this project. For that reason, asimplified version of the DREAM system has been im-plemented as one of the Ask NAO4 Tablet applications(Figure 9). Its functionality is as follows. The care-giver uses the application as an administrator (whichallows him/her to monitor NAO’s activities and to ac-


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cess the control panel), and the child uses anothertablet, that can only interact with the information thatNAO sends. This way, the caregiver never has to phys-ically move away from the child and the robot to setup activities. This solution facilitates the ability of thecaregiver, being an observer, to retrieve answers andsend encouragement messages, while the robot is in-teracting with the child. Currently, thirteen Ask NAOTablet applications have been developed in the DREAMproject. These applications will be tested with childrenwith ASD following the testing protocol created by ourtherapists. Results and feedback from therapists afterthis testing will be used to update the Ask NAO Tabletapplications.


The work leading to these results has received fund-ing from the European Commission 7th FrameworkProgram as a part of the DREAM project, grant no.611391. The Authors obtained consent for the use ofall the photos in this publication.


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