dfat presentation at aptea congress 2015 and subsequent comments

Post on 06-Aug-2015



News & Politics



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Presentation and speech at APTEA 2015 Congress in Tallinn

Comment by S.B.: currently Australia plays in Asia a role of military supervisor (“gendarme “) on behalf of its Patron – United States.

Comment by S.B.: This is a typical Anglo-Saxon hypocrisy – to say “contribute to support of global security” while the real task is to keep the world under the US (and in general under Anglo-Saxon) control.

S.B. Still Australia is a US colony while it allows US troops to stay in Darwin. Any signs of independent policy of Australia can not be noticed.

S.B. coment: US, US, always US… There is no own role of Australia.

S.B.: Now Australian government is not capable to behave decently with those political players who have their own points of view on the world agenda.

N.B. (by S.B.) Strictly according to the US instructions.

Comment of S.B.: Support of the Feb. 2014 coup in the Ukraine and its help to Nazi guerillas there shows absolute incapability of Australian DFAT to understand the situation in the Ukraine / Donbass/Odessa and to make the steps and decisions that can stop Nazis.

(The end of presentation). S.B.: No chances for Australia to become really independent.

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