d.health frameworkssynthesis

Post on 18-Nov-2014






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PAMF + IDEO Confidential

Finding Themes:introduction to making sense

How do we make meaning?

It’s about finding patterns

It’s also about creating context

Synthesis is the process of making sense of field research by bringing patterns of information together in a meaningful way.

Successful synthesis connects multiple layers together into compelling narrative.

SYNTHESIS is finding meaning

Developing a synthesis mindset

Synthesis is:» More art than science » Painful yet satisfying» Magical, when it all comes together» Start with finding themes

Developing a synthesis mindset

Balancing new & existing knowledge

During synthesis, it’s important to keep an open mind.

New Knowledge

Existing Knowledge

This is what it looks like:

2 weeks of synthesis in 3 minutes


This activity is about bringing visibility and clarity to human needs.

Observation: Elizabeth labels all her ointments with the body part they are for.

Quote: “I keep track of all her food intake and insulin needs in my head.” - Deirdre

Theme: Patients seek support in managing medication.


Observation: Sheila, Leslie and Rick all had trouble figuring out what a “portion” was when making a meal.

Quote: “I went out and bought smaller dishes to make sure I was closer to the sizes that portions seemed to be” -Sean

Theme: people need help in sticking to the right portions sizes-Sean had a work-around


Observation: Dan and Mary had trouble remembering what their primary care physician told them.

Observation: Celia had trouble recalling what her doctor told her so she asked if she could use a little digital recorder and record the visit.

Theme: People need help remembering doctors instructions-Celia had a work-around

TIP: Getting Unstuck

Tell the story now. Imagine that the CEO has just walked into the room. Immediately tell them the top 5 things you learned.

Tell it to a child. Imagine a 10-year-old asks you what you learned on the project. Explain it simply, without jargon. Bonus points for pictures!

Spend your own money. Which insights do you think will lead to the big ideas? Where would you place your bet if it were your own money?

Synthesis is challenging, messy and fluid, so it’s natural to feel unsettled and have emotional lows. Try to stay positive and follow these strategies when you’re stuck to get you back on track.

Trust in stories: Focus on the individual and resist the urge to generalize or hypothesize.

Don’t rush the process: It may take a while to find meaning, so give it some time to emerge.

Listen actively: Engagement from the whole team is critical to the process.

Go past the surface: Dig deeper by asking “why?” several times.

Look for patterns: Build up to the big ideas by putting together patterns along the way.

Edit and filter: Don’t be afraid to let go of superfluous information or patterns that don’t move the project ahead.

Synthesis Guidelines

Play with the data: Try out many ways of slicing and dicing the information, and don’t expect each try to be successful.

Build on the ideas of others: Use what others say as sparks for new thoughts.

Tell it through words and pictures: Experiment with words, charts, pictures and prototypes until you have a robust way to express your thinking.

Own your point of view: Don’t give up too quickly if others don’t get it; keep working at it if you feel there’s a “there” there.

Synthesis!What does what you are

hearing and learning with your patients mean?What are patterns?

How might this informationbe represented graphically?

We call these Frameworks

See Think

Do Feel

The 2 by 2 diagram

The 2 by 2 diagram

2 by 2 Diagram

2 by 2 Diagram

2 by 2 Diagram

Amtrak Acela Train

Amtrak Acela Train

Customer JourneyAmtrak Acela Train

Journey Diagram

The From-To Diagram

The From-To Diagram

Let’s work in our groups and create either a:

2 by 2 FrameworkPatient Journey diagram

From-To diagram

For one or more of your volunteers

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