dialogue with ceo - kuwait petroleum corporation · 2014-09-01 · dialogue with ceo it is...

Post on 29-May-2020






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Farouq Hussein Al-ZankiChief Executive Officer

Dialoguewith CEO

It is indisputable that the demand on energy is incessantly increasing; therefore, it is necessary to invest in the various resources of energy to meet its demand. The resources of the renewable energy, which are no longer monopolized by the developed countries, are of great importance to partake in fulfilling such obligation which is represented in meeting these increasing demands. However, the developing countries now have the opportunity to take advantage of the renewable energy through collaborating with the countries which possess such latest technologies; the matter will enable them to meet the hike in demand on energy with alternatives which are friendlier to environment and of less cost.In the same context, Kuwait Petroleum Corporation seeks diligently to harness the resources of the renewable energy which are available in Kuwait such as the solar energy. Thereof, it has taken a number of practical steps in collaboration with Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR) which conducted a study to assess the technical and economic feasibility of applying the techniques of solar energy in the oil sector.This study included a thorough review for the various technologies applied to utilize the solar energy besides the role of the international oil companies in using such resource and its economic feasibility. It also included a primary survey to the rates of consuming energy in a number of buildings and industrial utilities affiliated to KPC and its subsidiaries. Accordingly, it has become easy, through a developed mechanism, to select the appropriate projects that help utilize the solar energy well.Thanks to the common devoted efforts put forth by KPC and KISR, the first phase of such vital project has been successfully accomplished. Consequently, KPC has signed another contract with KISR to develop the applications of the solar energy in three new areas – the gathering center of Kuwait Oil Company in west Kuwait, a petrol station affiliated to Kuwait National Petroleum Company and the gas plant in Mina Abdullah Refinery. We hope these projects to achieve success like their previous counterparts.

126In This Issue..

By Al-Khat Printing Press



In This Issue


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HH the Amir receives high-level delegation from oil sector

Annual meeting for officials of Kuwait’s oil sector held





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To be acquainted with the latest oil discoveries

HH the Amir receives high-level delegation from oil sector

His Highness the Amir of Kuwait Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah received on Wednesday June 20 a high-level delegation from the Kuwaiti oil sector headed by HE Min-ister of Oil, Chairman of KPC board of directors, Mr. Hani Hussein besides Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki, Chief Executive

Officer of KPC, Mr. Sami Al-Rushaid, Managing Director and Chairman of board of directors of Kuwait Oil Com-pany (KOC) and Mr. Hashim Sayed Al-Hashim, DMD of South and East Kuwait in KOC. The delegation dis-played an elaborate presentation in front of HH the Amir regarding the oil discoveries in Kuwait besides other re-lated issues. Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid Al-Sabah, Spokesman of the Kuwaiti oil sector, Managing Director of Governmental, Parliamentary, Public and Media Rela-tions, said the delegation displayed a detailed presentation about seven oil discoveries fulfilled within the past three years locally. He added the del-egation made another presentation regarding studies conducted on oil de-

pots within the past two years and led to increasing the oil reserves.Al-Khalid added the delegation lis-tened to the directives of HH the Amir who hailed also the devoted efforts exerted by the oil sector’s personnel, urging them to exert more effort to Ku-wait’s progress and prosperity.


Organized by Leadership Training Center

Lecture dubbed “Knowledge economy and its role in bolstering the oil sector” held

Leadership Training Center headed by Mrs. Salma Hajaj organized a lecture on “Knowledge economy and its role in bolstering the oil sector” on Sunday May 27, 2012 at the auditorium of the oil complex.The lecture was attended by Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki, KPC’s CEO and member of Trustees' Board of Kuwait for Knowl-edge Economy, and a number of senior officials from the oil sector besides Dr. Khalid Al-Hashash, Director of Kuwait Center for Knowledge Economy and founder Knowledge Economy Award.Al-Hashash clarified that Kuwait Center for Knowledge Economy is affiliated to Kuwait University, and it includes mem-bers from GCC countries. He added the center is aimed to raise employees' awareness on the concept of knowledge economy in GCC countries. He referred that the concept of knowl-edge economy is new thought aimed to gain financial and administrative ben-efits through changing the elements of production as per the requirements of

globalization and the technological ad-vancement taking place internationally. He further indicated that Kuwait still paces its first steps towards applying the concept of knowledge economy com-pared to Saudi Arabia which established a city of economic knowledge and Qatar

which has a strategic tendency to con-vert completely to the concept of knowl-edge economy by 2030. Add to this, are the experiences of Egypt, Tunisia, Ma-laysia, Singapore and other countries which exported such concept all over the world.


Kuwait Petroleum International (KPI) convened the annual meeting of the oil sector's officials on Monday May 21 at Sheikha Salwa Al-Sabah Ballroom at Marina Hotel to tackle the achievements of the fiscal year of 2010/2011 and dis-play the future steps required to fulfill the sector’s projects allotted in the fi-nancial year 2011/2012.Addressing the attendees at the meeting, Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki, KPC’s Chief Ex-ecutive Officer, stressed the importance of workforce for the oil sector as they are the key engine for all achievements. Ac-cordingly, he announced KPC adopts a new number of training programs aimed to rehabilitate the sector’s personnel as per the new strategy and projects which the sector tends to execute. Hailing the sector’s achievements which were carried out during the past finan-cial year, Al-Zanki affirmed these great achievements would not be fulfilled un-less the sector’s personnel cooperated devotedly regardless of their various ca-reer positions.

To underline achievements of last year and current plans

Annual meeting for officials of Kuwait’s oil sector convened

“These achievements include the sec-tor’s ability to increase the gross produc-tivity up to 3.2 million bpd, operating the utilities of importing liquefied gas to meet the needs of Ministry of Electric-ity and Water (MEW), getting the ap-proval of Supreme Petroleum Council (SPC) to implement the projects of the new refinery and the environment fuel, signing the covenant of the implementa-tion of the second phase of the project which is aimed to avail of the solar en-ergy in a number of the sector’s utilities in cooperation with Kuwait Institute for

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Scientific Research and finally achieving profits amounting over KD2 billion.”On his part, Mr. Hussein Ismail, Managing Director and Chair-man of Kuwait Petroleum International’s (KPI) board of direc-tors, thanked the personnel of the Kuwaiti oil sector for their devoted efforts exerted to fulfill such achievements hoping them to fulfill more goals for the sector within the coming years. He further clarified that KPC’s general strategic directions have been updated until 2030 as per the recent developments and an-ticipations in the oil industry. It is mentioned that the meeting included a number of prominent activities such as hosting the British musical actor John Hex who astonished the attendees by presenting a portrait for HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah; in addition to a brief on the positive thought given by Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, Program-matics Specialist. Add to this, is a documentary film about KPI activities including its new project in Sweden.


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Petrochemical Industries Company (PIC) held a celebration Thursday May 31, 2012 at Boubyan Club to mark the World No Tobacco Day (WNTD).On this occasion, Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki, KPC’s Chief Execu-tive Officer, hailed in his keynote speech during the celebra-tion this appreciable initiative which PIC hurled to partake in such international occasion, hoping this participation to be a starting point for all smokers in the Kuwaiti oil sector to give up smoking whose healthful problems are lethal.He further bid for applying the laws of banning smoking be-sides imposing strict procedures on importing such poison to rescue the society and youths from this fatal danger. Meanwhile, Mrs. Maha Mulla Hussain, Managing Direc-

tor and Chairperson of PIC’s board of directors, stressed this participation is part of the company’s responsibility

towards its personnel and the civil society as well, con-sidering this day is a good chance to attract people’s attention to the danger of this bad habit against man and environment. She also bid the concerned authorities to follow the ex-ample of many developed countries which apply laws that ban smoking in public areas to protect individu-

als’ health and trim down the amount of losses which the society affords due to smoking.

Marked by PIC

CEO takes part in WNTD celebration


In unofficial celebration

CEO welcomes new recruits

Leadership Team headed by Mr. Khalil Ibrahim, Deputy Man-aging Director of Information Technology at KPC, and the team of Employee Engagement Project headed by Mrs. Hanaa Al-Sumai’e, DMD of Administrative Affairs Sector at KPC, orga-nized a celebration Monday May 28, 2012 at the auditorium of the oil sector in honor of KPC’s new recruits.In his inaugural speech, Mr. Farouq Al-Zanki, CEO of KPC, welcomed the newly-recruited employees describing them as the “distinguished elite” that has recently joined the family of

the Kuwaiti oil sector. He hoped them to have successful career future remembering with them the difficulties and challenges he confronted in his career journey in the oil sector. He further encouraged them to learn enthusiastically all new career experi-ences to improve their skills as they belong now to KPC which believes that the element of manpower is the key support of development not only in the oil sector but also in the country’s various sectors. Furthermore, a number of officials from KPC’s various sectors underlined the systems with which the new recruits will deal such as the message of KPC and its subsidiaries, official work-ing hours, Oracle system and its applications, the organizational structure of KPC’s various sectors and other systems.


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Public Relations Department at KPC organized a blood donation campaign on Thursday June 14, 2012 in the lob-by of the oil sector’s complex.On this occasion, Sheikh Talal Al-Kha-lid Al-Sabah, Managing Director of Governmental, Parliamentary, Public and Media Relations, said, “This cam-paign is stemmed out from the deep belief of KPC in the importance of the humanitarian activity which epito-mizes the keenness of the oil sector’s personnel on consolidating communi-cation and cohesion with the various groups of the society. Thereof KPC is keen on rooting deeply this concept.” Al-Khalid added the remarkable par-ticipation of the employees, who are used to sacrificing and donating for other people, is normal as they used to work hard even in tough circumstanc-es; the matter helps push forward the wheels of development and progress in Kuwait.

As per its social responsibility towards the society

KPC personnel take part in blood donation campaign

He further stressed this campaign re-inforces the ideology of social respon-sibility which KPC espouses since its establishment towards the institutions of the civil society.It is noteworthy that a large number of employees from the oil sector took part in the campaign.


gies that can confront efficiently the future challenges and cope also with the international development in the architectural engineering field. He further indicated that the computer and the developed programs are currently utilized to develop ideas, capabilities and expanding horizons or creation particularly the AutoCAD program which is key element currently in planning and designing. This program has become a key tool for all ar-chitectural engineers who initiate the first step of the idea and after that is it computerized through 2D and 3D designs.On his part, Dr. Dashti expressed his pleasure over the engi-neering designs which are displayed in open exhibitions to let people be acquainted with such novel designs, hailing at the same time the students who put forth devoted efforts inces-santly to fulfill their goals.

Under the patronage of Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid Al-Sabah, Managing Director of Governmental, Parliamentary, Public and Media Relations, Dr. Hussein Mousa Dashti, one of the Teaching Staff of Architecture Section at Kuwait University, inaugurated a pavilion designed by the students of Architec-ture Faculty among the Architectural Design Exhibition which was organized by the Architecture Faculty in participation of a large number of students on 7-14 June, 2012 at Arraya Hall Complex in Sharq Area. Mr. Ali Murad, Manager of Public Relations at KPC, conveyed in a speech on behalf of Sheikh Talal the latter’s greetings and appreciation for the students’ distinguished efforts to succeed the exhibition. He further extended delight over their innova-tive and unique designs which refer to youth talents and ener-

Under auspices of Sheikh Talal Al-Khalid

Pavilion exhibition of Architecture Faculty’s students opened


I n T h i s I s s u e


First of all, we thank Allah, the Almighty, and glorify His honest prophet Muham-mad (PBUH). This is a devoted dispatch to each Muslim person receives the holy month of Ramadan in a good health to utilize this priceless holy month in inten-sifying the rites of worshipping Allah, the Almighty, entreating Him to help us succeed in performing this worship for His sake.How to receive the holy month of Ra-madan?The Muslim person should not miss the special seasons of worship in which the good deeds are doubled and multiplied. Therefore, the Muslim person should receive the holy month of Ramadan by some appropriate ways among which what follows:

The first way is to entreat Allah, the •Almighty, to help you receive the holy month of Ramadan in a good health to worship actively Allah, the Almighty, and recite the holy Qur’an


besides performing prayers specially the voluntary late prayers known as “Taraweeh”. Anas bin Malik (May Allah be pleased with him) said prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was entreating Allah, the Almighty, when Rajab approaches saying, “Oh, Al-lah, bless Rajab and Sha’ban and let us receive Ramadan.” Moreover, the good ancestors were beseeching Al-lah to let them receive Ramadan and

accept their worship also during this holy month in which the requitals of the good deeds are doubled.The second way is to thank Allah •for receiving this holy month. Imam Al-Nawawi, may Allah rest his soul, said, “I know that the Muslim who gets a material blessing or avoids a material harm should thank Allah. In addition, the ability to worship Al-lah devotedly is one of the biggest blessings. Therefore, it is blessing to receive the holy month of Ramadan in a good health; accordingly, the Muslim person should thank and


glorify Allah, the Almighty for this blessing. The third way is to cheer and show •delight once you receive the holy month of Ramadan. It is verified that the prophet (PBUH) was addressing his companions telling them that the holy month of Ramadan approached, adding, Allah opens the doors of the Paradise and closes the doors of Hell during this holy month. The proph-et’s companions were receiving joy-fully this holy month in which mer-cies come down from Heaven upon Muslims.The fourth way is to determine and •plan in advance to benefit from this holy month as many of us disregard planning for the religious benefits which one can acquire from this month. They plan unfortunately for their life neglecting the key duty of the Muslim in life. They are seem-ingly unaware of such holy days on which Allah, the Almighty, doubles the awards of good deeds for Mus-lims. These days or occasions are significant for qualifying the self to come closer to Allah through wor-ship. Therefore, the Muslim person should take advantage of the days and nights of the holy month of Ra-madan through allot a prior program to worship Allah. The fifth way is to determine faith-•fully and devotedly to take advan-tage of this holy month in worship-ping and performing good deeds as Allah promises to help those who are faithful with Him to worship Him and ease their life.The sixth way is to increase aware-•ness of the rules of this holy month

because the Muslim should know how to worship Allah as he is not excused if he is not familiar with the duties that Allah imposes on Muslims. Among these duties is to fast the holy month of Ramadan; consequently, the Muslim person should logically be acquainted with the instructions of fasting Ramadan to perform the worship correctly and devotedly. Thereof, Allah instructs us in Qur’an to ask the concerned experts and specialists. The seventh way is to determine, •when you receive this holy month, to abandon sins, bad deeds and to come closer to Allah. It is a month of devoted repentance.The eighth way is to rehabilitate the •self spiritually and psychologically through reading more books and lis-tening to religious lectures and les-sons which clarify the virtues of fast-ing and its verdicts since the prophet (PBUH) was keen on rehabilitating the spirits of his companions to re-ceive this holy month.

The ninth way is to prepare the self •well to spread awareness among Muslims for the sake of Allah, the Almighty, through distributing booklets, instructions and guidelines related to worship in Ramadan, re-mind people of the poor Muslims who deserve alms.The tenth way is to receive the holy •month of Ramadan by turning a new leaf with Allah, the Almighty, through a devoted and sincere re-pentance from all sins committed before. Turn a new leaf with the prophet (PBUH) through obeying his instructions. Open a new page with parents, relatives, wives and children and turn a new leaf at the same time with the entire society through conciliating with all people.

This is how the good Muslim should re-ceive the holy month of Ramadan exactly like the dry land which receives rains and the patient who receives the physician. We finally entreat Allah, the Almighty, to let us receive Ramadan and accept our worship as well.


Services Department organized, in collaboration with Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research (KISR), a lecture on the steps applied to enable the Ku-waiti oil sector to acquire Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) certificate of the green build-ings for KPC’s personnel on Thursday May 31, 2012 at the auditorium of the oil sector.In his inaugural speech, Mr. Ahmad Al-Omani, Manager of Services De-partment, welcomed the attendees whom he briefed on the importance of safety criteria. On her part, Dr. Dina Al-Naqeeb, from KISR staff, spotlighted the methodol-ogy of the sustainable green building which is based on preserving the con-sumption of resources whether they are resources of energy or any other kind such as papers and even waste in the building, indicating these preserved items are re-designed internally to cre-ate more comfortable environment for personnel.She further pointed out that LEED is granted from the US Green Building Council, adding the Kuwaiti oil sec-tor seeks, after acquiring it, to approve the certificate from a number of inter-national pioneering authorities in this regard as per its initiatives launched to consolidate the Kuwaiti oil sector’s status locally and internationally.“Acquiring LEED certificate depends basically on the percentage of con-suming energy in the building, the en-vironmental aspect inside and outside

In collaboration with KISR

The oil sector to get certificate of sustainable green building soon

the building and the comfort provided to the individuals inside the building.” It is noteworthy that the steps of ac-quiring such certificate include trim-ming down the consumption of energy which will help reduce the percentage

of burning fuel and the warm gases’ emissions. Add to this, is the step of reducing the amount of waste par-ticularly from papers besides meet-ing Health, Safety and Environment (HSE) criteria.

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Kuwait Petroleum Corporation represented by KPC Lens Team organized a photography exhibition for Mr. Nezar Al-Otaibi, one of KPC personnel, entitled “ A journey through US cities” on 30-31 May, 2012 in the lobby of the oil sector.A large number of photographs, which were taken by Al-

Otaibi during his several visits to USA, were displayed in the exhibition. A large number of KPC personnel besides Mr. Anwar Al-Hassawi, Manager of Photograph Department in Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) attended the exhibition.

Organized by KPC Lens Team

Nezar Al-Otaibi…and an artistic journey in US cities


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Under the patronage of Mr. Bader Al-Khashti, Managing Director of Re-search, Development and HSE at KPC, HSE Department held two awareness sessions, Thursday June 7, 2012 at the Diwaniya of the oil complex, in which some experts from US CI Agent which is specialized in managing oil spills and hydrocarbon lectured on oil spill response strategy.The lecturers spotlighted the latest technologies applied in the marine oil spills field, adding US CI has created a new substance called “Polymer”, which is made from natural substances and friendly to environment, is able to absorb any oil leakage or hydrocarbon

Under the auspices of MD of Research, Development and HSE

Lecture on the latest technologies of oil spill response strategy conducted

planktons in water 100%. This sub-stance is also able to treat the deep and shallow water and even the running water in cataracts and rivers to be used after that in drinking and irrigation.

It is worth mentioning that US CI Agent provides innovative solutions to control marine and land oil spills in collaboration with international oil service companies.

Kuwait Petroleum Corporation (KPC) hosted a student del-egation from US Colorado University on Wednesday May 23, 2012 at the Diwaniya of the oil sector.The delegation that visited Kuwait to be acquainted with the various social and economic aspects in the State of Ku-wait was received by Mr. Mohammed Al-Shatti, Manager of CEO’s Office at KPC, who displayed a thorough presen-tation on the oil industry in Kuwait as a key resource for the local economy besides the role of KPC and its subsidiaries in this regard. Al-Shatti underlined the important role which GCC coun-tries particularly Kuwait in supplying the international en-ergy market with its needs from oil and its derivatives as well as the role of OPEC in organizing the relation between consumers and producers to stabilize the global energy market and achieve luxury. He also highlighted the impor-

During their visit to Kuwait

KPC hosts student delegation from US Colorado University

tance of the Arabian Gulf as one of the key water passages worldwide. He further underlined expectations on oil demand within the coming few years as well as Kuwait’s contribution in meet-ing such demands, indicating the bilateral Kuwaiti-American relations in the oil field are deeply-rooted.


International Corrosion Congress-Ku-wait’s branch, held its quarterly meet-ing in Al-Manshar Rotana Hotel on Tuesday April 24, 2012 in collaboration with Best Practices Program which is affiliated to Inspection and Corrosion Community (ICC). Dr. Abdulhameed Hashim, Head of International Corrosion Congress, Ku-wait’s branch, underlined the goals and roles which International Corrosion Congress shoulders besides the diffi-culties which the entire world confronts in this regard, indicating to the future plans which the branch will carry out.On his part, Eng. Asaad Al-Sa’ad, Managing Director and Chairman of Kuwait Aviation Fuelling Company (KAFCO) and ICC sponsor, stressed the importance of bolstering coop-eration between ICC and International Corrosion Congress. “This cooperation is definitely unprec-edented and it is added value to ICC as

it opens big horizons for the Kuwaiti oil sector’s personnel through benefit-ing from the experiences of experts,” added he. He went on to say, “We look forward to developing the skills of the oil sector’s personnel in this vital specification due to its importance for the safety and se-

In the presence of Asaad Al-Sa’ad, sponsor of ICC

ICC- Kuwait’s branch holds its quarterly meeting

curity of employees and equipments in the oil sector. From this point, we will organize quarterly introductory lec-tures to increase the awareness of the personnel besides technical courses specialized in inspection and corrosion field.”Meanwhile, the representative of Jo-tun Painting Company gave a lecture on the latest developments applied in the field of painting and the ways of protection against corrosion and its problems. Furthermore, Eng. Tariq Masoud, Head of Inspection and Corrosion Commu-nity, underlined the goals of the Best Practices Program since its establish-ment in October 2008 so far. He added ICC has provided a number of effi-cient experts to exchange experiences among the Kuwaiti oil companies; the matter helps save $5.5 million for the good of the sector.



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For more information please contact Miss Dalal Al-Nouri : Ext. 4782 Email: d.nouri@kpc.com.kw

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New Appointmentsالتعيينات

حمد هالل الدروي�ش

مبيعات امل�ستقات الو�سطى

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عمليات التزويد

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دائرة التعوي�سات

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�سئون جمل�ش التعليم والتطوير

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اإدارة املبيعات

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العالقات احلكومية والربملانية

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دائرة التعوي�سات

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التمويل وال�ستثمار

فالح الدو�سري

تقنية املعلومات

ريا�ش خليفة ال�سطي


فاطمة حممد اخلمي�ش

دائرة التعوي�سات

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القانونية – الت�سويق

•ر�سا جهاد بدران

دائرة التعوي�سات

•خالد مرزوق املطريي


•ح�سن عبدالرحمن ر�سيد

دائرة التعوي�سات

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•عبداهلل يو�سف الكندري


•هنادي في�سل اأحمد

�سئون جمل�ش التعليم والتطوير

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العالقات احلكومية والربملانية

•رباب كمال امليزرا


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Compensation Department•

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Legal (Marketing(•

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Service Department•

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Service Department•

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Learning & Development Council Affairs•

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Service Department

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