diary.of.a.girl.in.pompeii 1

Post on 01-Sep-2015






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i love pompeii


Rebekah Smith

August 22, 79This morning, I was awakened by a great tremble of the ground below me, as if the whole earth was groaning in pain. Since I could not return to sleep, I decided to get up, get dressed, and begin my household chores. They mainly consisted of sweeping, dusting, taking away the garbage and starting the breakfast. Since we had had so many lately, I was becoming quite used to the little yet strong earthquakes. However, it stressed me because I didn't know what or who was causing them, or why they were happening to us. As the morning progressed, I became more and more worried and I couldn't help but thinking something bad was going to happen. By this time, my dad and brother had gone off to do their work: their fun interesting, entertaining work and go on adventures that I shall never be allowed to go on. Instead, I must stay home with my mother; my plain and ordinary, and consistent mother learning to do nothing but take care of a house. My life is all very depressing now. I feel like I must get away from here, just go far away and not return until things are different. The truth is, I just want to run. I want to run like the wind, run like no one has ever seen, just run until I can no longer lift my legs. My brother is a runner, and although he is good, I am better. I can outrun him and everyone else with no problem, but no one will ever know. No one will know because girls are not allowed to compete in marathon olympics. So, until they are, I will remain here: working and keeping the house. Since I have a break tomorrow, I will go for a long run. I shall run from morning to evening so if by chance, when the time comes for the world to see me, I will be ready.

August 23, 79Today, the 'pain' seems to be growing more and more. The most painful it's ever been. I'm glad I chose to run today because something is going happen. I can feel it in the air but the problem is, I don't know what 'it' is. I have a hunch, I just can't help but thinking it has something to do with the great Volcano Vesuvius that towers over our city of Pompeii. Well, I have to begin my run now or I shall not make it home for supper, so until then, farewell!

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