did you know? in america today, it is safer to be an old tree or a bald eagle than an unborn child!

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Did You Know?In America today, it is safer to be an

old tree or a bald eagle than anunborn child!

Shocking Statistics!

4000 babies murdered every day in America because of legalized abortion!

A baby is aborted every 20 seconds

That is over a 100 abortions in the time that it will take me to deliver this lesson today!

Shocking Statistics!

In the U.S. this year, there will be anywhere from 1.3 to 1.5 million abortions performed

52 million abortions have been performed in the U.S. since 1973

January 22, 1973 – The day the United States Supreme Court unloosed a river of blood

resulting in the death of more than 52 million innocent children!

52 Million Aborted Babies

That is more than the population of Canada!

That is almost 15% of the current U.S. population!

Worldwide – That is more than a HALF BILLION abortions in the last 30 years!

One in Four Missing!

If you watch a graduation ceremony

this spring, you should know that every fourth

place should be occupied by a cap and

gown that is empty, for the child will not be


The next several slides are very

graphic and may not be suitable for

young eyes

What is Abortion?

Suction Abortion at 10 Weeks

What is Abortion?

D & C Abortion at 12 Weeks

What is Abortion?

Salt Poisoning at 19 Weeks

What The Word Of God Says About Life

Life is Precious…Because God Made It

It was created by God – Genesis 1:27 – Colossians 1:16

It is protected by God – Job 10:12 – Psalm 91:11

It is valued by God – Isaiah 49:16 – Jeremiah 1:5 – John 10:10

Have you ever invested time and effort in a very personal project?

Imagine how God feels when the sacredness of His creation is just thrown away

What The Word Of God Says About Life

Life Begins at Conception

Acknowledged by Doctors

Ashley Montague, Professor at Harvard & Rutgers

“The basic fact is simple: life begins not at birth,but conception”

Dr. Bernard Nathanson, (over 60,000 abortions completed)

“Modern technologies have convinced us that beyond question, the unborn child is simply another human being,

another member of the human community, indistinguishable in every way from any of us”

What The Word Of God Says About Life

Life Begins at Conception

Jeremiah 1:5

Psalm 139:13-16

Luke 1:41,44

Job 3:11

In order to die you must…live, Job points out that life is in the womb

What The Word Of God Says About Life

We must not overlook those who have challenges in this life

90% of couples who are faced with an amniocentesis report of Down Syndrome will choose to abort

Story of Tyler Gattis

What We Can Do About Abortion

Explain illogical Pro-Choice Arguments

“Every woman has a right to control her own body”

“Abortion is a woman’s legal right”

“The fetus is mere tissue and not a person”

“Abortion is the best solution to a crisis pregnancy”

Show Compassion

Speak the truth concerning abortion

Imagine this conversation

She had no right to abort ME, after all, it was MY body!

Will you stand for the truth of God’s Word and help keep the hearts


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