dietary assessment seminar

Post on 17-Dec-2014



Health & Medicine



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  • 1. GENERAL METHODS OF DIETARYASSESSMENT Presented byDr.S.D.ShekdeJR 2 Guided byDR. V. M.HOLAMBEH.O.D.Assist. ProfessorDept Of Comm. MedicineG.M.C. LATURDate-09/09/14

2. CONTENTSIntroductionDefinitionsPurpose of diet surveyTypesMethodsLimitationsNational agenciesNNMBSummaryReferences 3. Food : Food is a substance eaten or drunk tomaintain life and growthNutrients : The nutrients are chemical substancesthat are present in the food we eat.The important nutrients are proteins, fats,carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. 4. Nutrition: Nutrition may be defined as the science offood and its relationship to health. It is concerned primarily with the part played bynutrients in body growth, development and maintenanceNutritional status is the current body status, of a personor a population group, related to their state ofnourishment (the consumption and utilization ofnutrients).Dietetics : It is practical application of principles ofnutrition. 5. NUTRIENT INTAKE : depends on actual foodconsumption which is influenced by factors suchas economic situation, eating behaviour,emotional climate, cultural influences, effects ofdisease states on appetite and the ability toabsorb nutrientsNUTRIENT REQUIREMENTS : are determinedand influenced by age, sex, BMR, physiologicalstatus, activity patterns, physiologic stressors(infection, disease) 6. Functions of food :a) Food builds body tissues : The structuralmaterials of food, proteins, minerals, vitaminsand water are needed for growth anddevelopment.b) Food regulates body processes :c) Food supplies energy : 7. The Major Food GroupsThere are innumerable food items that constitute humandiet. The major foodstuffs can be broadly classified into tenmajor groups. 8. Balanced diet : A balanced diet is defined asone which contains a variety of foods in suchquantities and proportions that the need forenergy, amino acids, vitamins, minerals, fat,carbohydrate and other nutrients isadequately met for maintaining health,vitality and general well being and also makesa small provision for extra nutrients towithstand short duration of leanness . 9. PRUDENT DIETThe dietary goals ( Prudent diet )recommended by the various expertcommittees of WHO are as below:Dietary fat -

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