dietary sodium and healthgrowth factor–beta (49). thus, high sodium stiffens the arteries, and...

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ª 2 0 1 5 B Y T H E A M E R I C A N C O L L E G E O F C A R D I O L O G Y F O U N D A T I O N I S S N 0 7 3 5 - 1 0 9 7 / $ 3 6 . 0 0

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Dietary Sodium and Health

More Than Just Blood Pressure

William B. Farquhar, PHD,* David G. Edwards, PHD,* Claudine T. Jurkovitz, MD,y William S. Weintraub, MDy


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J A C C V O L . 6 5 , N O . 1 0 , 2 0 1 5 Farquhar et al.M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 : 1 0 4 2 – 5 0 Dietary Salt and Health


Dietary Sodium and Health

More Than Just Blood Pressure


Sodium is essential for cellular homeostasis and physiological function. Excess dietary sodium has been linked to ele-

vations in blood pressure (BP). Salt sensitivity of BP varies widely, but certain subgroups tend to be more salt sensitive.

The mechanisms underlying sodium-induced increases in BP are not completely understood but may involve alterations in

renal function, fluid volume, fluid-regulatory hormones, the vasculature, cardiac function, and the autonomic nervous

system. Recent pre-clinical and clinical data support that even in the absence of an increase in BP, excess dietary sodium

can adversely affect target organs, including the blood vessels, heart, kidneys, and brain. In this review, the investigators

review these issues and the epidemiological research relating dietary sodium to BP and cardiovascular health outcomes,

addressing recent controversies. They also provide information and strategies for reducing dietary sodium. (J Am Coll

Cardiol 2015;65:1042–50) © 2015 by the American College of Cardiology Foundation.

S odium is essential for fluid balance and cellularhomeostasis. Claude Bernard was the first tohighlight the “milieu intérieur.” Walter Cannon

(1) more explicitly defined homeostasis when hereferred to the “fluid matrix” of the body and empha-sized the role of sodium. In the past several decades,there has been a tremendous amount of workexploring dietary sodium and health. The amount ofsodium needed to maintain homeostasis in adultsis exceedingly low (<500 mg) compared with theaverage intake of most Americans (>3,200 mg)(2). We review the effects of dietary sodium onblood pressure (BP) and outcomes, emphasizing thatexcess sodium has direct adverse effects ontarget organs, beyond the increased risk for hyperten-sion (HTN). We also review strategies for reducingsodium.


BP responses to alterations in dietary sodium varywidely, leading to the concept of salt-sensitive (SS)BP (3,4). There are no standardized guidelines orfirm BP cutoffs for classifying patients as having SSBP. If BP increases during a period of high dietarysodium or declines during a period of low sodium, apatient has SS BP. If there is no change in BP withsodium restriction, a patient has salt-resistant (SR)BP. Limited evidence supports the reproducibilityof these responses (5,6). Although individuals arecommonly dichotomized as SS or SR (3), BP responsesto sodium manipulation follow a Gaussian distribu-tion (7,8). Table 1 lists groups that tend to be SR orSS (4,9–14). Salt sensitivity in normotensive adultspredicts future HTN (14,15), and SS BP has been

associated with increased mortality (16). Althoughthere is interest in studying the pathophysiology ofSS BP, there is less interest in its routine clinicalassessment (17).



The physiological mechanisms underlying SS BP arenot fully elucidated, but they involve alterationsin renal function, fluid hormones, the vasculature,the heart, and/or central sympathetic outflow (CentralIllustration). There are also genetic mechanismsrelated to the SS phenotype (18–20).

Guyton’s studies demonstrated that sodium loadingcaused extracellular volume expansion and volume-loaded HTN in the context of induced renal dysfunc-tion in dogs (21), consistent with clinical studies inpatients with chronic kidney disease (10). The deoxy-corticosterone acetate–salt model of experimentalHTN in rats requires removal of 1 kidney, further sup-porting the kidney’s role in expression of salt sensi-tivity (22).

Impaired hormonal (renin-angiotensin-aldoste-rone) responsiveness during a sodium manipulationis linked to an SS BP response. Indeed, African Ameri-cans have a blunted plasma renin response to sodiummanipulation (23). The molecular signaling pathwaysinvolved in sodium-induced increases in BP arenot known but likely involve angiotensin II type 1receptors (24), found in the renal and nonrenalvasculature, and the central nervous system, whichare important for BP and/or fluid regulation. Micelacking renal angiotensin II type 1 receptors becomeSS (24).


High dietary sodium can potenti

total peripheral resistance. The c

TABLE 1 Salt Sensitivity in Various Groups*

Salt Resistant Salt Sensitive

Young Aged

Middle-aged Hypertensive

Normotensive African American

Caucasian Chronic kidney disease

History of pre-eclampsia

Low birth weight

*Data derived from Weinberger et al. (4), de Bier et al. (9), Koomans et al.(10), Martillotti et al. (11), Weinberger (12,13), and Weinberger et al. (14)



AHA = American Heart


BP = blood pressure

CV = cardiovascular

HTN = hypertension

LV = left ventricular

RCT = randomized

controlled clinical trial

SR = salt-resistant

SS = salt-sensitive

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Dietary Salt and Health M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 : 1 0 4 2 – 5 0


Smooth muscle in the peripheral vascula-ture has also been implicated in SS BP re-sponses. Studies suggest that elevated dietarysodium expands the extracellular volume andincreases cardiac output, which will increaseBP if there is no compensatory decline in pe-ripheral resistance (25). Thus, an unchangedor increased peripheral resistance, coupledwith a sodium-induced increase in cardiacoutput, results in an SS BP response, as ob-served in African Americans (25).

The autonomic nervous system may playan important role in SS BP. Rodent studies

demonstrate that modest plasma sodium elevationsfrom high dietary sodium may signal to the brain,causing elevated sympathetic outflow (26). Otherstudies demonstrate a central interaction betweensodium and angiotensin II, which increases sympa-thetic outflow, which targets the splanchnic (27) andrenal (28) circulations and may be an importantmechanism in SS BP. Studies in humans support a linkbetween plasma sodium and BP (29,30), and osmo-lality and sympathetic outflow (31), but these findingsare not consistent (32). Extremely low sodium diets(w230 mg) over a short time period (6 days) areassociated with increased sympathetic outflow inhumans (33).

The standard laboratory rat is SR, but SS strainshave been bred (34). For example, Dahl (35) fedSprague-Dawley rats high-sodium chow and groupedthem according to BP response, developing the Dahl

Dietary Salt and Health

ally exert its influence through various mechanisms to cause an inc

hange (D) in BP varies considerably, even within a given populatio

SS and SR lineages. Although SS BP is heritable,outside of monogenic renal tubular disorders causingsodium retention and HTN, the genetic underpinningsof “routine” salt sensitivity in humans are unknown(19). There has been recent progress in understandinggenetic mechanisms, such as the GenSalt studies inChina, which identified angiotensin II type 1 genevariants predictive of salt sensitivity (18). Genome-wide association studies and overall BP studies havehad limited success—genetic loci associated with asmall effect on BP have been identified (36), which islikely to be the case with SS BP responses.



There is evidence that in the absence of increasedBP, elevated dietary sodium can adversely affectmultiple target organs and tissues (19), including the

rease in blood pressure (BP) through alterations in cardiac output and

n (as depicted in the distribution). AT1 ¼ angiotensin II receptor type 1.

J A C C V O L . 6 5 , N O . 1 0 , 2 0 1 5 Farquhar et al.M A R C H 1 7 , 2 0 1 5 : 1 0 4 2 – 5 0 Dietary Salt and Health


vasculature, heart, kidneys, and areas of the brainthat control autonomic outflow (Figure 1).

ARTERIES. Rodent studies demonstrated impairedendothelial function during sodium loading, withoutalterations in BP (37–40). Sodium loading in normo-tensive men reduced endothelial function (41),and sodium restriction in adults with elevated BPimproved endothelial function (42). Additionally,high sodium impairs endothelial function in normo-tensive SR humans, providing support for a BP-independent effect of sodium on the endothelium(43,44). Sodium’s deleterious effects on endothelialfunction likely result from reactive oxygen species(38,44), such as superoxide (39,40), resulting inreduced nitric oxide bioavailability. Cell culturestudies support that high sodium exposure stiffensendothelial cells and damages the glycocalyx (45).

Animal studies show that elevated dietary sodiumcan increase arterial stiffness independent of BP (46).In human studies, increased arterial stiffness wasobserved in groups with higher sodium intake, inde-pendent of BP (47,48). This increased stiffness islikely related to the profibrotic effects of transforming

FIGURE 1 BP-Independent Effects of High Dietary Sodium

High dietary sodium can cause target organ damage andmay have

direct effects on the brain, heart, kidneys, and vasculature. These

effects can be independent of changes in blood pressure (BP).

growth factor–beta (49). Thus, high sodium stiffensthe arteries, and reducing dietary sodium lowersarterial stiffness in hypertensive patients (50,51).

HEART AND KIDNEYS. Increased BP is a major riskfactor for left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy; highdietary sodium may increase LV wall thickness(52) and mass (53), independent of HTN status. Forexample, among a cohort of healthy adults withminimal HTN, those with the highest sodium excre-tion had greater LV mass (53). High aldosterone levelsmay be important in mediating the effect of dietarysalt on LV mass (54). Also, a 12-month sodium re-striction intervention in hypertensive patients hasbeen shown to reduce LV hypertrophy (55).

There are a limited number of studies of subjectswithout kidney disease, but evidence suggests thathigh sodium is associated with reduced renal func-tion (56). Sodium loading in spontaneously hyper-tensive rats increased renal vascular resistance,glomerular pressure, serum creatinine, and protein-uria; sodium loading also caused a decline in single-nephron plasma flow. This decline in renal functionwas observed with only a minimal additional increasein BP (57). Sodium restriction has been shown toreduce protein excretion and BP in black hyperten-sive patients (58). Similarly, in the LowSalt CKDstudy (59), low salt reduced proteinuria, albuminuria,and BP.

BRAIN. Sodium may affect brainstem nuclei thatcontrol BP (34). Chronically elevated dietary sodiummay “sensitize” sympathetic neurons in the rostralventral lateral medulla of rodents (60–62), causing agreater sympathetic response to a variety of stimuli(63), including skeletal muscle contraction (64). Thisincreased responsiveness has been associated withincreased BP variability, even without an elevation inaverage BP (65); this is relevant because of the asso-ciation of BP variability with target organ damage(66). Even in the absence of increased BP, chronicallyincreased sympathetic outflow may have deleterioustarget organ effects.



Studying the effect of salt restriction on clinicaloutcomes raises significant challenges, including: 1)assessment of sodium intake (best evaluated bymultiple measurements of 24-h sodium urine excre-tion); 2) long-term maintenance on a defined saltintake regimen; and 3) the necessity for largenumbers of patients and long-term follow-up toobtain enough outcomes for analysis. Randomizedcontrolled clinical trials (RCTs) between groups with

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different amounts of sodium in the diet would reducebias but have largely been limited to short-termevaluation of the effect of salt restriction on BP, aslarger studies with the longer time frames requiredto evaluate the effects of sodium on cardiovascular(CV) events have not been feasible.

SALT INTAKE AND BP. Multiple meta-analyses andsystematic reviews of RCTs have shown a strongpositive association between sodium intake and sys-tolic BP (67–73) and a significant reduction in systolicBP with sodium restriction (74,75). A recent meta-analysis of 103 randomized interventions confirmedthese results, showing a linear association betweensalt restriction and systolic BP. The reduction waslarger with older age, among blacks, and among hy-pertensive patients (76,77). The incidence of HTNalso decreased after a sodium intake reductionintervention in the Trials of Hypertension PreventionII RCT (78).

SALT INTAKE AND CV OUTCOMES. Few randomizedtrials have sufficient power and long enough follow-up to examine the effects of sodium restriction onCV outcomes (79). In a meta-analysis of 7 randomizedsodium reduction trials with follow-up periods ofat least 6 months, Taylor et al. (80) did not find anyeffect of sodium restriction on all-cause mortality, CVmortality, or CV morbidity. However, He and Mac-Gregor (81) replicated this analysis after excluding 1trial with methodological issues related to the patientpopulation (patients with heart failure) and showedthat a modest reduction in salt intake resulted ina significant 20% decrease in CV and stroke events.

Most of the studies examining the association be-tween salt intake and CV events are observationalcohort studies and, as described in an American HeartAssociation (AHA) report (82), are subject to multiple

TABLE 2 Methodological Issues With Cohort Studies That Relate

Sodium Intake to Cardiovascular Disease*

Errors with the greatest potential to alter the direction of associationin either direction

� Systematic error in sodium assessment

� Reverse causality

Errors with some potential to alter the direction of association ineither direction

� Residual confounding

� Inadequate follow-up

Errors with potential to lead to a false null result

� Random error in sodium assessment

� Insufficient power

*Data derived from Cobb et al. (82) (source: American Heart Association, Inc.).

methodological issues. As listed in Table 2, errorswith the greatest potential to alter the associationin either direction are: 1) systematic errors in sodiumassessment, most frequently related to measure-ments of sodium intake through food frequencyquestionnaires, 24-h recall, spot or overnight urinecollection, or 24-h urine collection without evidenceof quality control measures; and 2) reverse causalityrelated to recruiting sick patients who may consumeless sodium as part of a therapeutic strategy orreduced overall food consumption or to not excludingsick participants from general population studies.Cobb et al. (82) found evidence of systematic errorin sodium assessment in 77% of studies that showeddirect associations between salt intake and CVevents, in 75% of those with inverse associations,in 100% (only 2 studies) of those with J-shaped as-sociations, and in 100% of those that showed nullassociations. Reverse causality was found in 31%of those that showed direct associations, in 38% ofthose with inverse associations, in 50% of those withJ-shaped associations, and in none of those with nullassociations. Considering these results, and that 3to 4 methodological issues were identified in eachstudy (82), systematic reviews and meta-analyses ofobservational studies should be evaluated withcircumspection. Since the AHA methodology reportwas published, O’Donnell et al. (83), in an analysis ofthe PURE (Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology)data, a prospective observational study of 101,945adults, described a J-shaped relationship betweensodium excretion and CV events, with increased CVevents at <3 and $7 g/day. This was maintained evenafter restricting the population to a low-risk cohortand excluding events occurring within 2 years to limitreverse causality. However, each patient’s sodiumexcretion was estimated from a single fasting morn-ing urine specimen, overestimating the 24-h uri-nary excretion and likely introducing a systematicerror in sodium assessment according to the AHAScience Advisory’s classification (82). There mayalso have been reverse causality. A subsequent anal-ysis of the observational follow-up of the Trials ofHypertension Prevention, which, according to theAHA methodology report, has a low potential forreverse causality and for systematic error in sodiumassessment, showed a 17% increase in CV events forevery 1,000 mg/day increase in sodium (p ¼ 0.054)and no evidence of a J-shaped relationship (84).

In conclusion, a large body of evidence confirms thebiological plausibility of the association between highsodium intake and increases in BP and CV events,whereas the evidence for an association between lowsalt intake and adverse events is unclear and largely

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conjectural. The association of low sodium intakewith mortality has been speculated to result fromelevated renin-aldosterone activity, sympatheticactivation, and lipid abnormalities (85). However,meta-analyses suggest no significant effect of lowsodium on lipids and no effect on catecholamines (74).Also, although dramatic short-term reductions in so-dium may increase renin-angiotensin-aldosteroneactivity (86), modest to moderate longer term re-ductions, as suggested by the AHA or the Institute ofMedicine (87,88), may produce only minimal in-creases (69). Finally, because of the multiple meth-odological issues associated with cohort studies andthe difficulty of organizing a trial to assess the asso-ciation between sodium intake and CV events, theAHA recommends sodium on the basis of the largebody of evidence linking sodium intake to BP (82).


Sodium is ubiquitous in the diets of most developedcountries. Although some sodium intake is necessary,recommendations vary for adequate intake andtolerable upper intake levels (79,89,90). Physiologicalrequirements for sodium are <500 mg/day in mosthealthy individuals, but the average consumption inthe United States is more than 3,200 mg/day(2,88,91,92). NHANES (National Health and NutritionExamination Survey) data reveal that sodium con-sumption increased between the early 1970s and theearly 1990s (2,91). NHANES data from 2003 to 2008,using 24-h dietary recall, show that 99.4% and 97%of U.S. adults consumed more sodium than recom-mended by the AHA and the 2010 U.S. Departmentof Health and Human Services dietary guidelinefor Americans, respectively (79,90). Although there isgeneral consensus that current sodium consumptionlevels are excessive and contribute to CV risk (79,88),the U.S. Food and Drug Administration considerssodium added in food preparation to be “generallyregarded as safe,” and there are no standards forits safe use in food (88).

Most people like some level of salt in food.Conceptually, there is a “bliss point” at which theeffect of sodium on flavor is optimal (93). However,this bliss point is malleable, and most people willadapt (94) to a reduction in dietary sodium (88).Sudden sodium changes are harder to accept, but ifthe United States gradually moves to a diet with lesssodium, many people will likely make the transitionwith little difficulty (94–96).

Approximately 70% of sodium in the diet is inprocessed foods (97–99) and used to prepare foodsas ubiquitous as bread (100). Sodium added in food

preparation and at the table contributes less (88,98).Restaurants are also more likely to have saltier foods,and more people are eating out in recent decades.

Market forces are a factor in the large amount ofsodium in the diet, so without a societal approach,pressure on individual stakeholders is likely to beresisted. Food processors have marketed low-sodiumalternatives without much success (101). A partner-ship of food processors and restaurant associationswith groups such as the AHA is more likely to suc-cessfully change diets (79). Efforts in Finland and theUnited Kingdom have successfully reduced sodiumintake (102–104).

A number of approaches can decrease dietarysodium: 1) a decrease in the sodium content of foods;2) a switch on the part of consumers from high-sodium to low-sodium foods by avoiding processedfoods and reading labels; 3) a switch to substitutesalts (105–107); 4) a reduction in sodium whileincreasing other flavors (96,100); and 5) the use ofengineering approaches to provide salty taste withless sodium or food processing with less sodium(88,108). Importantly, flavor must be maintained,because taste is the driving force behind salty foods(88,109). A decrease in sodium intake from currentlevels will represent a major change in our foodsupply and may be most successful as a series of smallsteps over several years. Coordination among foodprocessors, restaurants, and advocacy groups iscrucial and currently lacking (88). Importantly,increased dietary potassium intake may decrease saltsensitivity and favorably affect BP (110).

Altered dietary sodium intake targets should beconsidered for individuals engaging in high physicalactivity or exposed to heat stress (111). Althoughthere may be some sweat loss accommodation inresponse to sodium restriction (112), sodium recom-mendations should be assessed to ensure that sodiumintake matches sweat loss. Although there is generalconsensus that the current sodium intake in theUnited States (3,200 mg/day) should be lowered, theInstitute of Medicine cautioned against diets contain-ing <2,300 mg/day sodium for selected groups (113).


BP correlates with sodium intake, with multiplemechanisms underlying this relation. Pre-clinical andclinical studies demonstrate that sodium adverselyaffects multiple target organs independent of BP.Clinical trials have shown decreased BP withdecreased sodium intake, but the studies relatingsodium consumption to CV events have significantlimitations related to difficulty in assessment of

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sodium intake and confounding (79,82,114). Lack ofpower has been a barrier to demonstrating an effectof reduced sodium on hard outcomes in normoten-sive people. The difficulties of adhering to a sodiumrestriction diet over years may be an insurmountablehurdle for an RCT with enough power to detect adifference in CV events that could be generalizable tothe entire population. Because of the weight of evi-dence in favor of salt reduction and the difficultiesin organizing a clinical trial, the AHA recommendsa population-wide reduction in sodium intake (87).

Reducing sodium will take a coordinated effortinvolving organizations such as the AHA, food pro-ducers and processors, restaurants, and public policyaimed at education.

REPRINT REQUESTS AND CORRESPONDENCE: Dr.William S. Weintraub, Department of Medicine, Sectionof Cardiology, Christiana Care Outcomes Research,Christiana Care Health System, 4755 Ogletown-StantonRoad, Newark, Delaware 19718. E-mail:


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KEY WORDS dietary sodium chloride,hypertension, kidney, sodium-restricted diet

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