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Pavlo Ružić, Ph.D.Marinela Dropulić, B. Econ.

Institute of Agriculture and Tourism, Poreč


The albergo diffuso model of tourist accommodation aims to create suitable conditions for visitors to rural areas. It is a way of getting the guest involved in all aspects of the locals’ everyday life by offering them an organized system of rooms and apartments with varied ownership structures. The author maintains that this model is beneficial for the overall development of rural areas in that it protects the environment, keeps the locals from relocating, improves relationships between guests and employees, and increases expenditures. The albergo diffuso model is different from the standard hotel model in that it does not promote the idea of an artificially built object designed to accommodate tourists. The goal of this project is to investigate the possibility of utilizing the albergo diffusio model in the rural areas of Istria. It asks the following: Can this model achieve symbiotic relations between owners, locals, and guests? And to what extent is it possible to take advantage of all that each rural area has to offer while making sure that the locals are united in their vision, that the community profits, and that it ultimately establishes itself as a desirable tourist attraction. The best way to investigate this is to get feedback from the residents via a case study.Key words: rural area, albergo diffuso model, tourist offer, tourist expenditures, symbiotic relations


Can you imagine arriving in a rural town kilometres away from your homeland and, after only a few minutes at the reception desk, feeling that you have already been there before and that the local people know you like a neighbour?Given today’s trend of living, in which the individual as well as the tourist are experienced as a “number” or a “case”, such a positive situation is hard to imagine. As the daily pace becomes more and more unrelenting, people the year round eagerly look forward to those moments of relaxation and self-indulgence they call “leisure”. When deciding upon a destination, they are aware that they are giving up their most valuable possessions: time and money. This is not an unconditional relationship, and it is time for all those with whom tourists share common ground to understand this. Tourists give their time, money and trust, and they expect service, an offering and a sense of belonging. The equation is a simple one, and it is the basis of this paper.


Time, money, trust= service, offering, belonging

(tourist) = (rural destination)

Characteristic of both sides of this equation is the fact that they must give something to achieve the desired outcome, in which the underlying imperatives are satisfaction and profit.

The albergo diffuso is designed as a concept for creating a symbiosis between tourists, renters and residents in which all three sides are interconnected in efforts to abolish the ballasts of the insalubrious rivalry that tourism brings in its wake. By decomposing the factor of giving within a rural destination, the result is a consummate and diverse offering, free of trappings, that will enable tourists to integrate with the community, time and changes in which they find themselves.

The objective of this paper is to introduce the term albergo diffuso (multi-building hotel) into the vocabulary of tourism and to explain why this concept of integrated multi-building accommodation could help in raising the rural milieu of Istria to the level it deserves.

The following methods were used in research: the interview method, the survey method, the descriptive method and SWOT analysis.

The interview method was applied in October 2007 on albergo diffuso owners in Italy. The first hotel, “Al Vecchio Convento” located in the town of Portico di Romagna in Italy, is a family-run hotel. The second interview took place with the owner of the hotel “Locanda Senio” in the town of Palazzualo sul Senio in Tuscany.

Surveys were conducted in the rural communities of Istria in June, July, August, September and October of 2007. In agreement with tourism boards, questionnaires were forwarded to the various kinds of rural tourism establishments. The questionnaire is composed of 13 questions grouped to obtain opinions and information on travel motivations, desired activities, gastronomy and fulfilled expectations. Survey results presented in this paper are based on a sample of 150 respondents.

Based on our observations of the operations of the hotel “Al Vecchio Convento” during a three-day stay as guests at the hotel, the descriptive method was used to create a picture of how the albergo diffuso functions.

Finally, a SWOT analysis illustrates the importance on introducing this type of accommodation model to rural areas.

In elaborating the albergo diffuso concept, use was made of newspaper articles, Web pages and personal contacts with the Italian professor Dall’Ara, the theoretical pioneer of the idea of albergo diffuso in Italy.The above methodology was used as the means to prove the formulated hypothesis that the albergo diffuso concept is effective in revitalising rural communities, respects the environment and helps to retain the rural population, overcome the distorted tourist-guest relationship and enhance tourist spending.


The Italian term albergo diffuso can be explained in the English language as a multi-building hotel or integrated (multi-building) accommodation. The Italian


professor Giancarlo Dall’Ara set the initial theoretical basis for this concept by introducing the albergo diffuso as a new type of tourism offering in Italy.The idea emerged in 1980 with the reconstruction of abandoned buildings in the tourist village of Carnia in Italy. The definition of albergo diffuso is linked to the first project of “Tourism in the Municipality of San Leo in Montefelto” 1. An analysis of this project presents the elements required for an albergo diffuso to be established: 2

A cultural concept Buildings (structures, facilities) of artistic and historical value A sufficient number of available abandoned structures suitable for

reconstruction in tourism purposes The presence of commercial, cultural and tourism services within the town for

domestic and foreign guests The possibility of setting up a base for receiving guests A sufficient number of town inhabitants to ensure interpersonal relationships Signs providing tourists with freedom of movement and helping them to get to

know the town Friendly residents with a spirit of hospitality Activities and entertainment organised by associations and inhabitants A wish to present local traditions Hotel operators interested in experimenting with this form of accommodation.

Next on the timeline of albergo diffuso development is the year 1995 and Sardinia with its project Piano di Sviluppo del Marghine Planargia that focused more on tourist reception than on facilities. The following year, an albergo diffuso was established in Bosi, with the restaurant “Borgo San Ignacio” becoming the core around which was developed the albergo diffuso “Corte Fiorita”. The idea then spread to Umbria.

Italian legislation prescribes the basic preconditions required for an albergo diffuso to be established in a given rural community. The town must have a pharmacy, a grocery shop, a newsstand, a bank and an institution for cultural events. The albergo diffuso, as an organised system of rooms and suites located in the old town centre and making use of existing houses and flats, may have three types of ownership. The hotel may have a single owner, usually one family that enters into special rental agreements with the proprietors of rooms and flats. In the second ownership form, the municipality is the hotel owner, whereas the third alternative involves the founding of an association to manage a common stock of rooms.

Italian legislation further prescribes that an albergo diffuso must have at its disposal at least seven rooms, of which only 30 percent may have kitchen furnishing. It is characterised by the fact that its accommodation units are located in various different buildings and houses, spread across the entire town. It differs from the private accommodation system. An albergo diffuso does not have a typical front desk. Instead, reception activities take place in two locations: one is at the entrance to the hotel; the other is in the local square or main street where the townspeople gather to receive the guests. Figure 1 is a schematic drawing of the scattered accommodation units that make up an albergo diffuso.

1 www.albergodiffuso.com2 www.albergodiffuso.com


Figure 1. Albergo diffuso “Borgo Soandri”

Source: www.albergodiffuso.org

Interestingly, Italian laws allow each county the right to regulate its own minimum conditions required for an albergo diffuso to be established, and following on this, legislative regulations are formulated at the regional level.


Research was conducted in the town of Portico di Romagna at the albergo diffuso “Al Vecchio Convento”, said to be one of the best hotels of this type.3

The idea for the hotel emerged in 1975 when the then owner decided to buy a large,derelict bulding and bring her entire family into the business. Beginning with nine rooms and a restaurant, the hotel was reconstructed in a way that preserved its authentic and indigenous character. Other houses (buildings) were bought in 1981 and integrated into the existing hotel. Business was later expanded to include the renting of available flats in the neighbourhood and incorporating them into the hotel’s offering.Rental agreements were concluded with renters for a four-year period and a fixed rental fee in the amount of EUR 300/month. During the rental period, the hotel manages the apartments and furnishes them as it chooses. Figure 2 illustrates the different building belonging to the hotel.

3 According to the words of the Italian professor, Giancarlo Dall' Ara


Figure 2. Buildings of the albergo diffuso “Al Vecchio Convento”

Source: the authors

Figure 2 makes it evident that an albergo diffuso is not spatially limited to only one facility, but rather that its accommodation units are located in various streets.A vital role in the hotel’s operations was played by the restaurant, which has become well known for its appealing gastronomic offering.

A three-star hotel, the albergo diffuso “Al Vecchio Convento” is open year-round, but records its highest occupancies rates in the summer months and at Christmas time. 4 The composition of guests is diverse and not strictly defined. Guests stay for an average of three days. A considerable boost to business was the opening of Italian-language classes, greatly appreciated by German tourists. The hotel also offers other activities such as cooking classes and excursions in which tourists can participate during their stay.

The hotel’s marketing activities focus on participating in tourism fairs, advertising in tourist guidebooks and advertising via the Internet and newspapers, but the most important factor, they say, is the by-word-of-mouth recommendations of satisfied guests. Rates are presented in Table 1.

Table 1. Rates at the Hotel “Al Vecchio Convento”--in EUR

Hotel Al Vecchio Convento

Overnight B & B Half board Full board

Single room 50 58,5 80 92Double room 37 45 74 82

Source: www.vecchioconvento.it

As Marisa the hotel’s owner states, the philosophy of the albergo diffuso is based on selling the entire town, and this has become a way of life and business. The

4 According to the words of the owner of the Hotel “ Al Vecchio Convento”


albergo diffuso “Al Vecchio Convento” employs four family members plus two full-time employees plus two seasonal workers. The hotel’s neighbours, however, also play a very important role in its business by providing the most important dimension: cordiality and the acceptance of “strangers” into their midst. She goes on to say that the secret of the business is in caring for guests and organising their time, because although the suites are dispersed throughout the town, the guests have a base where they can always find someone who will have time for them. Tourists appreciate it when their time and money are reckoned with, because these are the values that they bring with them.

The second model of an albergo diffuso is the “Locanda Senio” located in the town of Palazzuolo sul Senio. This hotel has six uniquely decorated rooms and two suites sporting fireplaces. A three-star hotel, the “Locanda Senio” belongs to the “Charme & Relax” category, as it is equipped with a small wellness-centre offering hydro-massages, aromatherapy and saunas. The hotel also has a restaurant, swimming pool, its own shop of indigenous products, a terrace (indoors and outdoors) and facilities for leisure and socialising.

If we compare the hotel “Locanda Senio” with the hotel “Al Vecchio Convento”, we see that, despite being in the same category and having the same facilities, the former has higher rates as specified in Table 2.

Table 2. Rates at the Hotel “Locanda Senio”- in EUR

Room and Breakfast 100 / 170Suite and Breakfast 160 / 200Half-board 80 / 125Restaurant 35 / 45

Source: www. locandasenio.com

The reason behind these higher prices is the hotel’s wider range of facilities and services. Although the concept of both hotels is similar, the owners of the albergo diffuso “Locanda Senio” have secured high prices by focusing on a wellness offering.A parallel can be drawn between the two hotels with regard to the composition of guests, as attendance rates for both hotels are identical across all age groups despite the wellness offering of the hotel “Locanda Senio”. In this hotel, guests stay an average of five days.

The activities through which symbiosis, the cornerstone of business in an albergo diffuso, is achieved are similar to those at the hotel “Al Vecchio Convento”. In collaboration with the entire town, the hotel owners organise various events based on medieval themes. Having all the elements needed, they also organise weddings in a medieval setting. Guests are also taken on visits to the producers of wine, olive oil and cheese, with which the hotel is connected.



The rural community has ceased to be an exclusive area of natural living, as well as an area of an organised farming and agrarian society. Gone is the life that was endorsed through symbiosis with nature, through equilibrium between rural residents and natural resources, through work done to ensure survival, and through the autarky of local collectivity (Mendras, 1986:61-79)5. Household communities – the pillar of the farming society – and neighbourhood communities are now dysfunctional because of industrialisation. Solidarity and reciprocity have given way to profit-making interests (Weber, 1976: 259-97)6

As today’s living habits differ substantially from those of the past, so will they differ from those of the future. In this cycle of change, it is vital to preserve true values and quality of life. Finding communities in which people still respect and help each other is becoming increasingly difficult.

The concept of an albergo diffuso seeks to bring down the neighbourhood barriers that have been erected and, through collective action, to attain common goals = satisfaction and profit.

The idea of symbiosis between the three mentioned parties represents a challenge to rural tourism in Istria, and it raises the question of how this symbiosis can be achieved.There is a folk saying: “Most people seek happiness under certain conditions, but happiness can only be found when no conditions are made”. Is it possible to achieve such wisdom in the field of tourism? If we view tourists as individuals with their own wants, needs and expectations, is it possible for them not to set any criteria or conditions for the holiday time they have been looking forward to all year?It is time for the actors in rural tourism to understand that the conditions tourists pose should be seen as an opportunity and should be transformed into a new offering that will, ultimately, yield income.

The results of surveys conducted in the rural areas of Istria clearly indicate that tourists arriving to this region have certain expectations and set certain conditions. The following charts are intended to represent a basis for creating symbiosis in Istria’s rural communities. Investments in these relationships are small, but in the long run, cost-efficient.

5 A Šundalić: „Ekocentrični pristup ruralnom prostoru“ ,Soc.ekol. Zagreb, Vol. 15 (2006), No. 3, p. 207 .6 Ibidem., p. 207


Chart 1. Travel motivations of tourists visiting family farms

        landscapes and


        wanting peace and quiet


        vicinity of the destination


        affordable prices18%

        wanting to learn about the

people and traditions


        other reasons


What motivated you to come to our tourist farm?

Source: Institute of Agriculture and tourism, Poreč

Chart 1 lists the travel motivations for which tourists decided to visit Istria’s rural regions. “Attractive landscapes and scenery” is highest on the list, followed by “wanting peace and quiet” and “affordable prices”. “The vicinity of the destination” ranks fourth and is closely followed by “wanting to meet people and learn about their traditions”. The lowest percentage is linked to “other reasons”, the most frequent of which were “good wine” and “clean sea”


Chart 2. Activities in which tourists would like to engage while staying in a rural community

Source:Institute of Agriculture and tourism, Poreč

Chart 2 presents a clear picture of the activities in which tourists would like to engage during their vacation in rural Istria. Mostly, they are interested in:

1. Hiking2. Wine tasting3. Wine roads4. Bicycle routes5. Excursions

These results indicate a composition of tourists that differs from that in the coastal region of Istria, where the major travel motivation is “the sun and the sea”. Tourists arriving in rural Istria are nature lovers and fans of outdoor activities.

The trilateral relationship that is imperative to creating an albergo diffuso must be understood from three different aspects and in three different ways. Let us compare the present image of this relationship with its future image:Present image: The very fact that tourists have selected “our” destination means that they are giving us their time and money, and they expect a reaction to this trust. Expecting to make money, hotel owners give tourists their facilities and services. The local population is a passive observer who neither gives nor expects anything.Future image: Tourists select our destination because the albergo diffuso has been recommended to them or because they have learned, first hand, about the hotel’s advantages. They give us their time and money, and expect a reaction to this trust. Expecting to make money and gain mutual satisfaction, hotel owners give tourists their facilities and services. The local population is an active participant that, through various activities, storytelling, excursions, workshops and daily business, gives tourists a part of its everyday life, expecting satisfaction and earnings in return. This future image is a model on which an albergo diffuso is based. Chart 2 points to the activities tourists would be interested in while staying in a rural community. If we incorporate these activities with the concept of the albergo diffuso, we see the entire town


becoming an actor in the tourism offering, with the tourist being in the focus of attention in this scenario.

Science, practise and tourism organisations are mostly focused on the needs of tourists and the ways of meeting these needs, whereas the albergo diffuso concept takes it one step further by equating all three sides that constitute the basis from which tourism activities result. Figure 3. “Magic circle” as a precondition to establishing an albergo diffuso

Source: The authors

It is necessary to spin this “magic circle” in rural tourism and achieve ultimate objectives through joint action and activities. This is a cycle that demands the active participation of all three sides in designing a new tourism offering.


Alone, the advantages and opportunities that rural Istria has for integrating the albergo diffuso into its offering are not enough; the major precondition is creating a symbiosis, the factors of which are the tourist, the renter and the resident.All steps to be taken in designing a new tourism offering start with this trilateral relationship.

The Italian example of three-sided cooperation indicates the possibility of realising such a relationship. The below pictures present an example of how one day at the albergo diffuso “Al Vecchio Convento” is organised, starting immediately upon check-in.

Figure 4. Symbiosis in the example of the albergo diffuso “Al Vecchio Convento”






2 PM – Check-in 2:40 PM– visit to musical instrument workshop

4:00 PM.- visit to olive, wine and brandy producer

5:00 PM- tasting of all products

Source: the authors

7: 00 PM – return to the albergo diffuso.

The outcome of such a day includes: Satisfied tourists, because they had a full and rewarding day without prior

notification or payment in advance, Satisfied hotel owners because of the earnings gained from the tourist’s

overnight stay and because they have integrated the tourists into the town’s everyday life,

Satisfied residents, because they have sold their products and met new people.

This is an example of how tourists have been integrated into an Italian rural town. The extent to which the same could be achieved in Istria becomes evident once


a comparison is made between the activities tourist would like to engage in during their holidays in rural Istria (Chart 2) and the potential that Istria has be offer. The results are remarkable.Hiking – Those who enjoy hiking can take advantage of the hundreds of kilometres of sign-posted trails, ranging from the least to the most demanding. In Istria, some ten hiking trails have been recorded, the oldest of which is the Trail of St. Simon.7

Wine tasting- Wine tasting is organised in 85 wine cellars in Istria, producing and selling top-quality and valued Istrian wines such as Istrian Malvazija, Teran, Borgonja, Hrvatica and others.Wine roads – Istria has made its name in the atlas of world-class wine meccas8. Four wine roads have been mapped:

The wine road of the Buje region, The wine road of the Poreč region, The wine road of the Buzet and Pazin regions The wind road of the Rovinj and Vodnjan regions.

Bicycle routes – Stretching from the west to the east of Istria, there are 430 kilometres of bicycles routes. Central Istria has 230 kilometres of marked bicycle routes; northern Istrian, 400 kilometres; and southern Istria, about 300 kilometres. Also important are international bike races such as “Parenzana”, “Giant Grand Prix” and “Giro d’Italia” in which tourists can participation.Excursions – depending on tourist preferences. Cultural and spiritual excursions offer a wide selection of towns in which history has left its permanent mark. Such are Grožnjan, Oprtalj, Motovun, Hum, Roč, Pićan, Gračišće, Dvigrad and Barban. The opportunities available in rural Istria for bringing about symbiosis are only the first stepping-stone to designing a new tourism offering. Tourists have made their expectations and wants heard; the possibilities for making this happen largely already exist; what is needed next is to get town inhabitants involved and motivated, because they are the best marketers of the town to which they are emotionally attached.

Listed above are the activities that are in great demand. However, other, still undiscovered, potential that exists in everyday life should not be neglected. These examples confirm the hypothesis of the effectiveness of the albergo diffuso, because by creating a symbiosis within the town, guests are integrated into the daily routine of the townspeople, the rate of emigration is reduced, and a healthier attitude towards tourists is generated.


It is important to point out the difference between the concept of an albergo diffuso and the hospitality shown by the host on a private family farm. Although hospitality and amity are their common ground , an albergo diffuso represents a serious concept that does not depend upon the nature and will of the host. Instead, to be classified as an albergo diffuso the hotel must bring together all actors in tourism to sell the entire town.

7 Ružić, P.:“Ruralni turizam“, Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam, Pula 2005, p. 1428 Ibid, p. 140


How the “character” of an albergo diffuso differs from that of a standard hotel is best illustrated in Table 3.

Table 3. Differences between albergo diffuso and a standard hotel


No limitations in terms of space Accommodation units in different

buildings in different streets Accommodation units differ from

one another Ownership structure is not limited

to one owner Operates year-round The Front Desk is a base for

arranging activities Amity and friendly service Concern for the guest’s free time Authenticity Concern for details Closeness with residents Informal setting Encourages residents to

participate in tourism Impacts on the development of

the rural community Sells the entire town

Most often limited in terms of space

Accommodation units usually in one building

Accommodation units identical, uniform

Most often 1 owner or 1 company

Mostly operates on a seasonal basis

Typical Front Desk – check in, check out

Professional service Guests are left to themselves Commercial trends Standards are met Contact with other hotel guests Strict privacy No impact on residents No substantial impact on the

community’s development Sells its package services

Source: the authors

The objective of an albergo diffuso is to tap into the potential of its dispersed surroundings and bring together residents in activities that will be new and interesting to tourists, with the long-term outcome being satisfaction and repeat visits.The equilibrium in the rural community achieved through the mutual relationships of tourists, farm owners and residents produces the preconditions to designing a new tourism offering that would impact on improving quality of life in rural regions.Rural tourism development in Istrian is fostered by the region’s advantageous natural preconditions (healthy climate, absence of noise, fairly well-preserved nature), its preserved architectural and socio-cultural heritage and the vicinity of foreign tourism-generating regions (Italy, Germany, Austria). SWOT analysis was used to assert Istria as a destination with potential for establishing albergo diffusos.

Table 4. SWOT analysis


Strengths Weaknesses

No competition, because this is a new offering

Natural wealth, preserved environment

Rich cultural and historical heritage

Rich gastronomic offering Growing tourist demand for rural

regions Vicinity of tourism generating

areas (Italy, Germany, Austria) Good road transportation links and

the vicinity of the sea Existing infrastructure and

facilities in rural towns Good cooperation with local

authorities Upward trend in rural tourism

development in Istria Preserved rural architecture Re-using indigenous and authentic

structures The existing offering of activities

in rural Istria

Non-existence of albergo diffuso in legislative regulations

Dependence on the law in regulated minimum requirements and standards for an albergo diffuso

Insufficient training and information regarding the albergo diffuso

Opportunities Threats

Introduction of a new tourism offering

Training programs regarding albergo diffuso, and motivating townspeople to take an active part in designing the offering

Selling each town as a “brand” (e.g. Kaštelir as the Town of Potatoes, Tinjan as the Municipality of Istrian Dried Ham; Buzet as the Municipality of Truffles)

The distinctiveness of rural Istria as an “albergo diffuso destination”

Using crafts, customs, workshops and everyday activities as a tourist attraction and offering, and a source of income for townspeople

The hotel operates year round.

Slow legal regularisation


Source: the authorsThe SWOT analysis leads to the conclusion that Istria has great potential for

applying the concept of the albergo diffuso as a new tourism offering. In addition to involving a large number of rural towns with fairly well developed infrastructure, this concept provides an opportunity for year-round hotel operations. Considering that only 25 percent of Istria’s hotel facilities are operational all year long, the albergo diffuso as a new tourism offering has more than adequate grounds for its development. Only 28 out of the total of 115 hotels in Istria are open over the winter, and in rural regions, this figure is considerably smaller.9 The more important hotels in rural regions that remain open in winter are the Hotel “Kaštel” in Motovun, the Hotel “Fontana” in Buzet and the Hotel “San Rocco” in Bartoniglio.

Given this situation, the concept of the albergo diffuso could initiate a trend of year-round operations with well-designed facilities, services and programs that would help to stop Istria being labelled as a “summer destination”.

The focal points of rural tourism in Istria are the Labin region, the region stretching from Svetvinčento towards Pula, the Buje region with Motovun and the municipality of Cerovlje. The fewest are in the environs of Pula, around Vodnjan, although this region has many rural estates (stancija) suitable for rural tourism development.

Measures that need to be taken to introduce the albergo diffuso as a new tourism offering in rural Istria consist of the following steps:

Providing information to the authorities, competent bodies, rural tourism organisations and other actors involved in rural tourism regarding the albergo diffuso as a new tourism offering.

Connecting up with experienced Italian lecturers and albergo diffuso owners to better understand the issues linked to this type of offering

Passing legal regulations on minimum conditions and categorisation of the albergo diffuso

Educating residents regarding ways to improve rural towns and the benefits they can gain from the albergo diffuso

Devising subsidising programs on the part of the government aimed at encouraging this form of small entrepreneurship.


The research conducted and the insight gained into the philosophy, operation and opportunities of an albergo diffuso have led to the following conclusions:

The albergo diffuso is a new term in the Croatian language that needs to become a part of the vocabulary of tourism.

The albergo diffuso is a new model of accommodation that needs to be regularised and defined in terms of law.

The foundation of an albergo diffuso is the creation of symbiosis of tourists-hotel owners- townspeople.

9 www.vijesnik.hr


The entire concept depends on the individual, which gives rise for caution

The purpose of an albergo diffuso is to sell the entire town and in this way to impact on the development of rural communities in Istria

Rural Istria has a great natural, cultural and transport-related potential for realising the concept of the albergo diffuso

The activities tourists expect in rural Istria are in line with the possibilities of most rural destinations

The year-round operations of an albergo diffuso opens up the opportunity of creating a new image of rural Istria as a destination

The introduction of the business philosophy of the albergo diffuso would help to change the way tourism is currently perceived as a depleting sector of dissatisfied workers aimed solely at making money while disregarding the human dimension.


Books:Avelini H. I, Kontroling upravljanje poslovnim rezultatom, Sveučilište u Rijeci, Hotelijerski fakultet Opatija, 1998.Bistričić D., Investicijski programi u turističkom okruženju, Inart, Poreč, 2005.Ružić, P., Ruralni turizam, Institut za poljoprivredu i turizam Poreč, Pula, 2005.

Scientific papers:Šundalić, A.; Ekocentrični pristup ruralnom prostoru, Soc. ekol. .Zagreb, Vol. 15 (2006), No.3 , 203-218Wilson , S., Fesenmaier R. D., Fesenmaier J., C. vn es J., Factors for success in rural tourism development, Journal of Travel Research, Vol 40., November 2001, 132-138, Sage publications

Newspaper articles:Prodan G: Da gost bude sumještanin , a ne prolazni turist, Glas Istre, 22 October 2007. p. 35

Other sources: www.albergodiffuso.comwww.alvecchioconvento.itwww.locandasenio.comwww.vijesnik.hr


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