digi pack analysis

Post on 21-Jun-2015



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digi pack


Digi-Pack Analysis

Hayley Boyle

This Digi-pack includes the typical features you would expect to find i.e. the artist face. Also artwork of the artist through out, this complies with the genre pop.

The title of the album is also included on the front cover of the Digi-pack which ids also stereo-typical of the genre.

The name of the artist is also displayed on the front cover of the Digi-pack, therefore promoting the artist but also making the CD recognizable to its audience.

The use of the image in the backgroundPresents a lot of emotion in the artist facePerhaps illustrating that the artist is passionateAbout the music she is making. Furthermore the use of the rosesConnote that the songs of the album are going to be about love and passionMaybe even a break-up, this may be presented as the artist (protagonist) is laying on them presenting perhaps a sense of weakness, perhaps she has lost something.

The theme of the Digi-pack I would say is weakness And loss which contrasts to the name of the album “LOUD”This may be perhaps a representation of the artist herself andWord socialized with her as she is presented in the media as a strongIndependent female. In contrast to this CD cover where she appears To be lonely and vulnerable.

The back of the Digi-pack includes a list of the song titles that are on the CD.

On the back of the Digi-pack there is a sexualized image of the artist Rihanna, this again is commonly found in the pop genre as it is away of selling and promoting the artist. Relating to Mulvey’s theory the male gaze, that the woman is there to be looked at.

The Digi-pack also has a spine again which has the artists Name and the name of the CD on. This making it recognizable To the target audience, which is teenagers even on a shelf, Where the cover may not be visible.

Furthermore the Digi-pack also includes a barcode.

The use of the provocative image used on the Digi-packPerhaps would appeal to men, this is due to the amount of Skin on show and also the suggestive facial expression on the Artist.

The record label the artist is also Signed to or in association with is Also visible on the CD cover. PromotingBoth the artist and record label.

The art on the CD cover of the album in contrast to the artwork on the album is Quiet a innocent colour, The colour pink connotes femininity and perhaps I think a softness Feel factor in contrast to the red used on the album cover with I feel represents lust, passion, love and More importantly fierceness also a sense of hidden danger. However by the use of the colour pink within the CDCase it could be trying to portray that although the artist portrays a strong independent fierce exterior on the inside There is a sense of softness and loneliness, perhaps it could be suggested that the artist herself is trying to portray to herAudience that she is just alike every other female, that behind the mask and her persona that she has been portrayed in The media she is actually quiet normal and wants to find love she perhaps even feels lonely and vulnerable in the industry she is conversed in.

The typography used on both the front cover of the Digi-pack to present the artists name and the title of the album and also the typographyOn the CD disk itself, the font used is very minimal and designed in light colour such as Whites and pale pinks. The use of the white font on the front cover may be in contrast to her dark skinPresent her innocence and purity along with the ideology that the artist herself also has a dark side.

On the CD there also present Is the record labels logo, thereforeAlso promoting the record label she is signed To therefore promoting her as a brand or product Of this institution. Furthermore the record labelsShe is signed to suggests that she is a talentedHighly respected artist, therefore promoting her to the Audience.

The poster for the album is mainly basedAround the artist herself. Promoting her to An audience and also making her more Recognizable nationally.

The name of the artist is also clearly shown Again promoting her as a brand.

The use of the red hair makes the album Cover striking however the use of the softening Effects used on the image make it appear Less harsher. This is comparison with the pale pink Rose placed on her finger suggests that there may be A light hearted feel to the music on the CD. Involving the Theme of love. The facial expression and the positioning ofThe artists hand covering her lips and also her facial expression Looking sad suggests that this album may be based aroundThe theme of betrayal, which has made her become weak. As theArtist is wearing sunglasses this may suggest that as a result of the Betrayal the artist has lost who she is as she has lost part of her independenceAnd strength due to this.

On the poster there is also the name of two Songs that may have perhaps been a hit on radio Shows or been in the charts, if the audience thenLike these songs it will encourage them to buy the album.

The images used of the artist on this Digi-pack present promiscuity this is presented by theClearly naked images of the artist with are disguised by objects. The clouds represent thatThe artist is laying on a bed.

The theme of CD suggests that it is sweets this is presented by the art work notOnly on the CD cover but also used on the discs themselves. However I think the idea of the Sweets in a underlying meaning for the theme of fantasy and desire, it could be suggested that the album relates to the tale of ‘Hansel andGretel’ where their desire and temptation leads them into trouble.

On the back of the Digi-pack there isAlso a list of the song titles includedOn the CD, therefore giving the Audience a sense into what sort of genre of music the artist produces in this instance it is pop music.

The use of pale colours Such as the Pinks connote that the Album is targeting females. PerhapsThe CD is also relating to the problems femalesHave with men this I feel is becauseOf the use of the blue also present on the Digi-pack.

Due to the artist have the dark black hairThis could suggest her as being a temptress, this ideaIs furthermore backed-up by the sexual poses occurringThrough the album art work.

The use of this poster to presentKaty Perry’s California girls uses a bright colour palletSuggesting that there is a upbeat feel to the musicOn this CD. Furthermore the poster also looks as if it has been taken A beach creating the idea that the album ahs a sense of fun to itAs the audience may be able to relate it to their childhoods at the beach.It could be suggested that due to this idea it could also be suggestingThat the album has a sense of innocence about it, in contrast to the Provocative sexualized pose of the artist.

The use of the polarize effect on the posterGives the album a 90’s feel this could perhaps Be Katy Perry trying to expand her audienceTo a older generation.

The use of the provocative pose and also theOutfit which reveals a lot of skin this also may give the Impression that she is targeting a male audience as they Would find her attractive.

The typography used also gives the idea thatThe CD is going to be unique and also fun and light hearted As it is quiet a childish font. Furthermore the colours used also Present the CD as being presented to both a male and femaleAudience and there is a colour pallet of pink and blue. Interestingly The blue/purple font is used solely on the word “Girls” only whichI think may be relating to the idea of voyeurism that women are objects to beViewed by men, almost suggesting that women are owned by men.

The style of the discs on the Digi-pack appear to be of A similar style to an old vinyl. Suggesting that Beyonce is promotingHer CD to a mass audience of all ages.

As similar to most artist and album art workIn the pop industry the poses are extremely Sexualized and provocative.

Furthermore interestingly on the back page of the Digi-packThere are also small images of Beyoncé's other work, therefore Promoting her as an artist. Also present on the CD cover is theLogo of the record label she is associated with promoting the label as well.

The front cover of the Digi-pack is in a toned down black and white, this could be a Suggestion that Beyonce is making a statement that not everything appears to be asIt is, this could perhaps be a reference to her own life and marriage to Jay-Z.

Similarly the artists name is presented on the CD coverBoldly however the artist herself is blocking part of it Suggesting that Beyonce has become so big she no longerNeeds to be recognized by her name, but she is an idyllic Figure and a brand on own.

The use of the terminology “I AM SASHA FIERCE”Is in reference to Beyoncé's alter ego. This could be A suggestion that due to Beyonce becoming such a Huge public figure she is trying to re-invent and Brand herself in a new way, and the only way she can do that is By creating a alter ego.

The use of the dramatic make-up presents Beyonce or herAlter ego “Sasha Fierce” and being a strong feisty

independent woman.

This poster for Beyoncé's new CD release Conveys her two personalities herself and her darker side, her alter ego Sasha Fierce.

However yet it still establishes the artist nameEstablishing her as a brand. The colours used in thePoster contrast each other the use of the lighter coloursSuch as the pink suggests femininity whereas the use of the Dark colours and the shadowing light conveys her as dangerousMysterious, however it could be suggested that she is tryingTo present herself as being equal to men, as the image has no Feminine traits.

This Digi-pack perfectly represents Jay-z and his genre of music as it represents Street art and the grime lifestyle. The use of the colour blue on both the album artWork and the disc suggests the sense of masculinity.

Furthermore on the CD cover it also has the recordCompanies logo, therefore promoting the record label also

And presenting the artist as a subversion of the record label.

The back of the Digi-pack also includes A barcode again this is a necessity whenProducing a cover.

By using the drawn on speakers it Implies that the genre of music is going to be fast, Upbeat and loud. Conforming to its

genre stereo-type.

This poster displays some of the song titles that are on the CD disk, Therefore his audience will be able to recognize the songs they likeEncouraging them to purchase the CD.

It also shows that it has been previewed on MTVWhich is a highly respected TV channel therefore meaning

That more people are likely to invest in the CD because of this.

The images/pic-art used in the poster Is very messy and hard to make out what all the Images are, suggesting that the music on the disk is going to be fastPerhaps a like out of the ordinary, suggesting that it is somethingNew and fresh that his audience haven’t heard yet, influencing Them to buy the CD. The colours used again are very masculine Therefore the CD I would say is mainly targeted at males. In addition To this the audience may also want to buy it due to the collaboration , Which is another selling point.

The colours used i.e. the black and whites suggest that these men want a mysteriousElement to their music or the CD, encouraging the audience to buy it in order to experience what is on the disk.

The setting of the images taken look to be a deserted desert this could suggest that the musicIs based around the theme of loss. Or even perhaps loosing yourself and growing up. This is Also made evident by the initial idea that they are all wearing blacked out glasses which can be A connotation of death or loss even mourning.

The disk has been created to look like a 7inch vinyl this gives the album a more Authentic feel. Again following up from this ideology of death and loss this is also Suggested through the use of the red typography which connotes blood adding to thisIdea of death.

The poster for the bands album Goes against the pop conventions of displaying The artist face. Only identifying them by the bandsname and the name of the album.

Again the use of the black and white themeFits in with the CD.

The girl in the poster due to her being half dressedSuggests a sense of naivety which is also made evidentThrough one of their songs on the Cd ‘When you were young’, Which again explores the sense of teenage ignorance.

Present on the poster is their signed record labelsLogo, therefore promoting them as well and the bandThemselves.

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