digital citizen

Post on 22-May-2015






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nine elements of digital citizenship


• To educate our classmates on the Nine Themes of Digital Citizenship

• You will learn the appropriate and inappropriate elements of the digital world



a guy is having a party and sends his invitations only by e-mail .and if you don’t respond to the e-mail your not invited. He doesn’t realize that everyone doesn’t have computer access


he prints out the invitations for those who don’t have computer access to contact him .

• the buying and selling of goods online



a girl finds her dream prom dress on Craigslist and buys it without knowing the actual details of the dress .


the girl found the dress online and was reading the details to make sure the dress was ok to buy .

• the electronic exchange of information

Scenario Inappropriate

the students are using the web cams in their new computer lab to make funny faces at each other instead of discussing the assignment .


The teacher explains that web cams are a privilege and if they don’t use it right they will not be allowed on the computers and will be forced to write regularly on paper from now on.

• the capability to use digital technology and knowing when and how to use it


A student has a research paper on poets and uses wikipedia as his only source. He doesn’t realize that all of the facts were alleged .


The teacher provides credible resources to each student for use on the project , and the student uses it .

the standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users


a girl gets into an argument on a chat room on imvu chat room with a racist avatar and gets banned from the website

• Appropriate

she realizes that its pointless to argue with someone on the internet and logs off the chat room

the standards of conduct expected by other digital technology users

Scenario• Inappropriate

For her college essays, a student uses an SAT study guide example for “inspiration” for her own. When she submits the essay online, she’s turned down because the essay was already in the database.


She uses the format of the essay as an example for the style of her own essay. She finds a unique topic and writes on that instead.

• the privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users and the behavioral expectations that come with them


A boy wanted to post pictures of the landmarks he visited during his trip to Spain on his blog. And he post without crediting each picture


He takes the sources of each photo and posts them next to each matching picture .

the privileges and freedoms extended to all digital technology users and the behavioral expectations that come with them


a group of kids were at the community pool and they were texting each other on their cell phones .

• Appropriate

one of them realizes that its dangerous to text in water and stops his friends before they get hurt from electrocution .

• the precautions that all technology users must take to guarantee their personal safety and the security of the network


facebook users have been giving out personal information like their passwords online .


The user takes better precaution with his or her security information and keeps it safe and to their self's .

• Searcy , K (2008). The nine elements of digital citizenship. Retrieved March 5, 2009, from

• C, Nicole (2009, February 17). NOW OPEN: Moschino Online Boutique!. Retrieved March 12, 2009, from Web site:

• Shapiro, Norman Z., Anderson, Robert H. "Toward and Ethics and Etiquette for Electronic Mail." July 1985. Von Rospach, Chuq. "A Primer on How to Work With the USENET Community" Horton, Mark, Spafford, Gene. "Rules of Conduct on Usenet" Offutt, A. Jeff, Spafford, Gene. "Writing Style." March 6, 1989

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