digital content leadingpractice_webconference9_aug3

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Web conference 9 – August 3 2012

Apologies:Sandie McCoy

Energise - WEBTOUR

Digital content takes many forms. So to trial and evaluate it requires some thinking. That is the basis for todays web conference, So let the thinking begin… after we watch this video!

Reflections on video…

How could this relate to today’s web conference topic

Learning intentions for today!

Discuss our emerging understanding of digital content so that we can draft some ideas to our fellow VET practitioners?

Navigate content

What have you sourced /discovered that has captured your attention over the last week – how does it add to your capability?

My delicious

What have you done recently?

Your contributions….

Mark Jones via yammer

Toni-Maree Pettigrew via yammer

File transfer the pdf read executive summary

Allow people time to go to the site

Read one article and share three key ideas with us in 5 minutes

Generate meaning?

We are going to go to google docs and view the draft document that describes what digital content is …. By customising the EDUCAUSE strategy “ 7 things you should know about…

File transfer a copy of the “EDUCAUSE flipped classrooms” example


File transfer and application share to google docs site

Research and synthesis - How?

Digital content – standards

Web Tour to:

Digital content – uptake

Research conducted by Professor Michael Gaffney

Enhancing teacher take up of digital content: Factors and design principles in technology adoption

(available in Digital Content my.tafe SITE under collation tab in useful documents page located in the research folder)

Trialling a digital content resource

Its not just about standards?

The August scenario!

For the last 5 months, we as a Digital Content - Leading Practice community have been focusing on communicating, connecting and collaborating to enhance our skills and knowledge around digital content design and development in the TAFE Queensland Vocational Education sector. …….Some of us have made progress on our Institute based project, some of us have had to call it quits, some of us are sharing our learning through our blog and or yammer and other communication strategies and some of us, to be brutally honest, I don’t know where you are at?

So… in the month of August it is time to take time to review what has been achieved and what is still to be started and or completed so that there are positive outcomes from your involvement in this capability program.

Apply to real world?

What is the best way to apply and share our developing digital content understanding?

How could you do this in your Institute as part of this capability program finalisation?

Gauge and celebrate!

What could the 7 questions be that encapsulate what has been learned in this capability program?

Scenario Your project contextYour current Institute context

Gauge and celebrate

Draft document – file transfer your project report draft format….

The money tree!

Discussion forum thread in my.TAFE site under Communication “5 things you want to do/see in our final 2 day workshop”

Add your thoughts…?


If you going to undertake RPL for TAADES503A – you need to email me by 10th August so I can negotiate with the provider how to complete this by September 30 deadline

File transferTAEDES503A competency unit TAEDES503A matrix

You need to schedule a 30 minute time slot with me in August to discuss the process and evidence required.

Extend learning to action…?

Our DC-LP document in google docs

5 workshop ideas to the discussion forum thread in my.TAFE

Evaluation ideas via wallwisher

David Martin’s discussion forum thread in my.TAFE

Or a persons blog…..

Your intention to complete RPL for TAEDES503A via email

With you mentor to attend final workshop via VC on Friday 14th September 8.30 – 12.30 for project presentations

Where to from here?

Next web conference

August 17, 12- 1pm

Digital content program reporting activities and workshop ideas strategies

Workshop scheduled for 13-14 September in Brisbane NOW VIRTUAL. VC and iConnect and other options now to be explored

Colleen Hodgins Digital Content TrainerLearning Management Services, QVDC 1 Cordelia Street South BrisbanePh:

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