digital image processing

Post on 06-Jan-2016






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DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING. Instructor: Dr J. Shanbehzadeh DIGITAL IMAGE PROCESSING. Chapter 2 - Digital Image Fundamentals. Dr J. Shanbehzadeh Road map of chapter 2. 1.6. 1.3. 1.3. 1.5. 1.6. 1.4. 1.1. 1.1. 1.4. 1.5. 1.2. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation




Dr J.


Dr J.

Chapter 2 - Digital Image Fundamentals

Road map of chapter 2

1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.51.1

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception2.2-Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels2.6-An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception


Light and the electromagnetic SpectrumImage Sensing and Acquisition

1.3 1.4

Image Sampling and Quantization


Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels


An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1 Elements of Visual Perception

Elements of Visual Perception

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Structure of the Human Eye

Image Formation in the Eye

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

Elements of Visual Perception(Preview)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

DIP is built on a foundation of mathematical and probabilistic formulations, But, human intuition and analysis play a central role in the choice of one technique versus another, and this choice often is made based on subjective, visual judgments. Hence, a basic understanding of human visual perception is appropriate.

We cover the most rudimentary aspects of human vision.

We focus on the:mechanics and parameters related to how images are formed in the eye.physical limitations of human vision in terms of factors that also are used in digital images.

Factors such as: how human and electronic imaging compare in terms of resolution and ability to adapt to changes in illumination and to from a practical point of view.

Elements of Visual Perception

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Structure of the Human Eye

Image Formation in the Eye

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

Structure of the Human Eye

چشم از برداری تصویر دوربین تنظیم ( بیمار( سر دادن قرار طرز


Optic Disc


شبکیه برداری تصویر مدهای


تصویرآنژیوگرافیکFluoroscein Angiography (FA)

Indocyanine Green Chorioangiography (ICG)

رنگی تصویر( Fundus Images)

سبز تصویر ( Red-Free (RF

فلورسنس اتو تصویرAF

FA-ICGاول فاز

FA-ICGدوم فاز

FA-ICGسوم فاز

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

داخلي ترين غشاء چشم شبکيه است که داخل بخش پشتي، کل پوشاند. ديوار را مي

دو دسته از سلولها در چشم وجود دارند که وظيفه دريافت تصاوير

را بر عهده دارند. سلولهاي مخروطي و سلولهاي ميله اي.

سلولهاي مخروطي در منطقه اي که لکه زرد خوانده ميشود قرار دارند و نسبت به رنگ بسيار حساسند. انسانها مي توانند بوسيله

اين سلولها جزئيات ريز را تشخيص دهند.

تعداد سلولهاي ميله اي بسيار بيشتر از سلولهاي مخروطي است و در سطح شبکيه پخش شده اند.

وسعت ناحيه پخش اين سلولها و اتصال چندين سلول به يک پايه عصبي از جزئيات تصوير مي کاهد.

در حالت کلي براي توليد تصوير کلي و کامل از ميدان ديد به کار مي روند.

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

قرنيه آن پشت از كه است چشم كره جلوي شفاف قسمت قرنيه

مي ديده مردمك و عنبيه مثل چشم كره تر داخلي هاي ساختمان . كرد. تشبيه پنجره شيشه به توان مي را چشم قرنيه شود

ديده تار بيرون اشياء باشد كثيف پنجره شيشه اگر كه همانطورداشته وجود كدورتي يا لكه كسي قرنيه روي بر اگر شوند، مي

. يك پشت از كه همانطور عالوه به بيند مي تار را اشياء فرد باشد . شوند مي ديده ناصاف و كوله و كج اشياء مشجر يا موجدار شيشهديده   تار و ناصاف اشياء باشد ناهموار قرنيه سطح كه صورتي در . دارد پنجره شيشه با مهم تفاوت يك انسان قرنيه البته شوند ميقرنيه حاليكه در است صاف سطح يك پنجره شيشه اينكه هم آن و

. كه شود مي باعث كروي ساختمان اين است كره يك از بخشيمحيط از كه را نورهايي و كند عمل بين ذره يك مثل چشم قرنيه

درآورد همگرا پرتوهاي صورت به شوند مي چشم كره وارد خارج . اين افراد همه در البته كنند ايجاد شبكيه روي واضحي تصوير كه

. قرنيه انحناي اگر eمثال افتد نمي اتفاقي دقيق صورت به امرپرده روي آنكه جاي به تصاوير باشد طبيعي حد از بيشتر كسي

. فردي چنين شود مي تشكيل شبكيه پرده جلوي در بيفتد شبكيه . ) از ) كمتر كسي قرنيه انحناي اگر همچنين است ميوپ بين نزديك

در بيفتند شبكيه پرده روي آنكه جاي به تصاوير باشد طبيعي حد . ) ( . است هيپروپ دوربين فردي چنين شوند مي تشكيل آن پشت

دوربيني تعيين در مهمي نقش افراد قرنيه بينيم مي كه طوري به . روش اكثر علت همين به دارد افراد چشم شماره يا بيني نزديك يا

از بخش اين روي عينك شماره و ديد اصالح براي جراحي هاي( . ليزر هاي روش در eمثال گيرد مي انجام ،( PRKچشم

)LASIKليزيك) الزك( ،LASEK( )الماس تيغه با جراحي ( RKومي اصالح فرد چشم شماره و كند مي تغيير قرنيه انحناي مقدار ) كند. ) مي كمك لنز كنتاكت تماسي لنز از استفاده همچنين شود

فرد ديد و برسد مطلوب اندازه به eموقتا فرد قرنيه انحناي كه . شود اصالح

مردمك و عنبيه

عنبيه . كند مي تعيين را افراد چشم رنگ كه است قرنيه پشت رنگي بخش عنبيه

تا سبز و آبي از و است متفاوت مختلف افراد چشم در بخش اين رنگ. كند مي تغيير اي قهوه و عسلي

مردمك شده وارد نور مقدار كه دارد وجود مردمك نام به سوراخي عنبيه وسط در

. پنجره پشت كه است اي پرده مثل مردمك كار كند مي تنظيم را چشم به . وقتي كه همانطور كند مي زياد و كم را اتاق به ورودي نور و شده آويزانوارد اتاق به كمتري نور تا بنديم مي را پرده باشد، زياد و شديد خارج نورتا شود مي تنگ مردمك گيرد مي قرار نور پر محيط در چشم وقتي شود، . محيط در چشم وقتي صورت همين به شود چشم وارد كمتري نور مقدار

چشم وارد بيشتري نور تا شود مي گشاد مردمك گيرد مي قرار نور كمشود.

چشم ساختمانانسان


قدامي اتاق

. دارد قرار عنبيه و قرنيه بين كه است كوچكي فضاي قدامي اتاقتغذيه و شستشو به كه دارد جريان زالليه نام به مايعي فضا اين در

. استخر يك در كه همانطور كند مي كمك چشم داخل هاي بافتجاي به و شود مي خارج آب مقداري { مرتبا استخر ماندن پاك براي

از مقداري { مرتبا هم چشم در شود، مي وارد شده تصفيه آب آنتوليد چشم در كه جديدي زالليه مايع و شود مي خارج زالليه مايع

. توليد بين تعادل دليلي هر به اگر شود مي آن جايگزين است شدهافزايش چشم در زالليه مايع مقدار بخورد هم به مايع اين خروج و

مي بيشتر طبيعي حد از چشم كره داخل فشار و كند مي پيدابين. ) بالغ افراد در چشم فشار طبيعي مقدار ميلي 21تا 10شود

.) عصب و شبكيه پرده به چشم فشار رفتن باال است جيوه مترمي گلوكوم يا سياه آب بيماري باعث و زند مي آسيب بينايي


چشم ساختمانانسان

عدسي در كه است عنبيه پشت در شفاف ساختمان يك عدسي

به شبكيه روي بر نور پرتوهاي دقيق كردن متمركز . شرايط در چشم عدسي ضخامت كند مي كمك قرنيهنظر مورد شيء آنكه به بسته و كند مي تغيير مختلف

ضخامت باشد داشته قرار فرد از اي فاصله چه در . تواند مي فرد بنابراين شود مي زياد و كم عدسيحدود ) تا نهايت بي از مختلف فواصل در را 20اشياء

. ) ببيند واضح طور به تر نزديك گاهي و متري سانتيشكل تغيير قدرت شود مي بيشتر افراد سن هرچه

سن حدود در كه طوري به شود مي كمتر 40عدسيكه شود مي كم آنقدر عدسي شكل تغيير قدرت سالگي

كارهايي انجام و نزديك اشياء ديدن براي افراد اكثرنزديك ديد براي كمكي عينك به خياطي و مطالعه مثل

. ) حالتي) همان اين كنند مي پيدا نياز مطالعه عينك . شود مي گفته چشمي پير آن به كه است

عدسي شكل تغيير قدرت آنكه بر عالوه سن گذشت با . شود مي كم هم عدسي شفافيت ميزان شود مي كم

پرده مثل كه شود مي زياد آنقدر عدسي كدورت گاهي . را عدسي كدورت اين كند مي تار را فرد ديد اي

. گويند مي كاتاراكت يا مرواريد آب eاصطالحا

چشم ساختمانانسان


چشم كره داخل كه است شفافي مانند ژله مايع زجاجيه .. پشت از زجاجيه دهد مي شكل آن به و كند مي پر را .. سن گذشت با دارد وجود شبكيه پرده روي تا عدسي

جاها بعضي در و كند مي تغيير زجاجيه مانند ژله ساختمان . هاي قسمت بعضي حال اين در كند مي پيدا آبكي حالت

روي اي سايه و دهد مي دست از را خود شفافيت زجاجيهاجسام صورت به را آن فرد كه اندازد مي شبكيه پرده

باال بينايي ميدان در مگس مثل كه بيند مي كوچكي شناور . گفته پران مگس { اصطالحا حالت اين روند مي پايين و

. شود مي

چشم ساختمانانسان


) در ) كه است عكاسي فيلم شبيه نور به حساس نازك پرده يك شبكيه . مي برخورد شبكيه به كه نوري پرتوهاي دارد قرار چشم كره عقب

به بينايي عصب طريق از كه شوند مي تبديل عصبي هاي پيام به كنند . شوند مي تفسير مغز در و شوند مي منتقل مغز

وجود نوري گيرنده هاي سلول از مختلفي انواع انسان شبكيه در . هاي گيرنده است متفاوت نور به ها آن حساسيت ميزان كه داردمي كار به تاريك هاي محيط در ديد براي بيشتر اي استوانه نوريظريف. جزئيات و رنگ تشخيص براي مخروطي هاي گيرنده روند . طوري شبكيه در ها سلول اين گيري قرار ترتيب اند يافته تمايز

) مخروطي ) هاي گيرنده تعداد ماكوال شبكيه مركزي ناحيه در كه است . نگاه شيئي به مستقيم صورت به فردي وقتي بنابراين است بيشتركه افتد مي جايي در ماكوال روي eمستقيما شيء آن تصوير كند ميوضوح با شيء نتيجه در و است بيشتر مخروطي هاي سلول تعداد

. شود مي مشاهده بيشتري

چشم ساختمانانسان

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Pupil allows varying amounts of light to enter the eye.

Cornea is a transparent structure thatcovers the iris and pupil

Cones are concentrated in the center of the retina - the fovea

Lens helps to focus light on the retina.

Retina includes

- Rods (94%) (light sensitive)

- Cones (6%) (color sensitive)

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Rods are thin cells with slender rodlike projections that are the photoreceptors for:

Black and white visionVision in dim light

Cones are the receptors for:Color vision Visual acuity

There are three types of cones, each with a different visual pigmentOne sensitive to green lightOne sensitive to blue lightOne sensitive to red light

The perceived color of an object depends on the quantity and combination of cones that are stimulated

In very dim light, cones do not function

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Cons and Rods Distribution

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Color blindness occurs because there is an absence or deficiency of one or more of the visual pigments in the cones. So the person cannot distinguish certain colors.

Retina also contains the macula lutea which is a small pigmented area made up of closely packed cones that is responsible for central vision.

The fovea centralis is the center of the macula lutea and the area with the highest concentration of cones.

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Structure of the Human Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Elements of Visual Perception

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Structure of the Human Eye

Image Formation in the Eye

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

Image Formation in the Eye

Image Formation in the Eye

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Example: Calculation of retinal image of an object

15/100=h/17 or h=2.55 mm

Elements of Visual Perception

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Structure of the Human Eye

Image Formation in the Eye

Brightness Adaptation and DiscriminationBrightness Adaptation and Discrimination

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Range of light intensity levels to which HVS (human visual system) can adapt: on the order of 1010.

Subjective brightness (i.e. intensity as perceived by the HVS) is a logarithmic function of the light intensity incident on the eye.

The HVS cannot operate over such a range simultaneously.

For any given set of conditions, the current sensitivity level of HVS is called the brightness adaptation level.

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

The eye also discriminates between changes in brightness at any specific adaptation level.

ratioWeber I


Where: Ic: the increment of illumination discriminable 50% of the time I : background illumination

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Typical Weber ratio as a function of intensity

Range of subjective brightness sensations showing a particular adaptation level

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Basic Experimental setup used to characterize brightness discrimination

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Small values of Weber ratio mean good brightness discrimination (and vice versa).

At low levels of illumination brightness discrimination is poor (rods) and it improves significantly as background illumination increases (cones).

The typical observer can discern one to two dozen different intensity changes

i.e. the number of different intensities a person can see at any one point in a monochrome image

Brightness Adaptation and Discrimination

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Overall intensity discrimination is broad due to different set of incremental changes to be detected at each new adaptation level.

Perceived brightness is not a simple function of intensityScalloped effect, Mach band patternSimultaneous contrast

Mach Bands Effect

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

مایل بینائی سیستمناحیه مرز در استبه مختلف، شدت های . کند جهش باال یا پائیننوارها شدت گرچهالگوی یک است، ثابتدریافت را روشنائیدر شدیدا که کنیم میکنگره مرزها نزدیک

. میشود دیده مانند

Perceived Intensity is not a simple function of actual intensity.

Simultaneous Contrast

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

: با ای ساده ارتباط ناحیه، دریافتی روشنائی همزمان کنتراست. ندارد آن شدت

روشنتر زمینه چه هر اما دارند یکسانی شدت مرکزی های مربع تمام

. میشوند دیده تر تیره چشم در آنها شود می

Optical Illusions

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

پدیده نوری توهمچشم آن در که ایستمی پر اطالعاتی بایا ندارد وجود که شودنادرست طور بهاشیا هندسی خواص

. کند می دریافت را

2.2 Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (1)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

In 1666, Sir Isaac Newton discovered that when a beam of sunlight is passed through a glass prism, the emerging beam of light is not white but consists instead of a continuous spectrum of colors ranging from violet at one end to red at the other.

The range of colors we perceive in visible light represents a very small portion of the electromagnetic spectrum.

On one end of the spectrum are radio waves with wavelengths billions of times longer than those of visible light.

On the other end of the spectrum are gamma rays with wavelengths millions of times smaller than those of visible light.

Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (2)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

The electromagnetic spectrum can be expressed in terms of wavelength, frequency, or energy.

• h is Planck’s constant. • The units of wavelength are meters, with the terms microns and

nanometers being used just as frequently. • Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), with one Hertz being

equal to one cycle of a sinusoidal wave per second.• unit of energy is the electron-volt.


Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (3)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

نظر در سینوسی امواج پخش توان می را الکترومغناطیسی امواجآنها موج طول که .λگرفت است

به کدام هر که دانست جرم بدون ذرات از جریانی میتوان را آنها . کنند می حرکت نور سرعت با موج شبیه الگوی یک صورت

. است انرژی مقداری شامل جرم بدون ذره هر

. با الکترومغناطیس پدیده لذا دارد نام فوتون انرژی بسته هر. ( کند ( می حمل بیشتری انرژی کوتاهتر موج طول باالتر فرکانس

Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (4)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (5)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Electromagnetic waves can be visualized as propagating sinusoidal waves with wavelength, or they can be thought of as a stream of mass-less particles, each traveling in a wavelike pattern and moving at the speed of light. Each mass-less particle contains a certain amount (or bundle) of energy. Each bundle of energy is called a photon.

Energy is proportional to frequency, Higher-frequency (shorter wavelength) electromagnetic phenomena carry more energy per photon.

Gamma rays are so dangerous to living organisms.

Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum (Light)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Light is a particular type of electromagnetic radiation that can be seen and sensed by the human eye.

The visible band of the electromagnetic spectrum spans the range from approximately 0.43 micro m (violet) to about 0.79 micro m (red).

For convenience, the color spectrum is divided into six broad regions: Violet, Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red.

The Origins of Digital Image Processing (color)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

The colors that humans perceive in an object are determined by the nature of the light reflected from the object.

A body that reflects light and is relatively balanced in all visible wavelengths appears white to the observer.

A body that favors reflectance in a limited range of the visible spectrum exhibits some shades of color.

For example, green objects reflect light with wavelengths primarily in the 500 to 570 nm range while absorbing most of the energy at other wavelengths.

The Origins of Digital Image Processing (Achromatic or Monochromatic)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Light that is void of color is called achromatic or monochromatic light.

The only attribute of such light is its intensity, or amount.

The term gray level generally is used to describe monochromatic intensity because it ranges from black, to grays, and finally to white.

The Origins of Digital Image Processing (Chromatic light)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Chromatic light spans the electromagnetic energy spectrum from approximately 0.43 to 0.79 m, as noted previously.

منبع کیفیت توصیف برای اساسی کمیت سه فرکانس، بر عالوهمی رود : کار به رنگی نور

: می جاری نور منبع از که است انرژی کل میزان تابندگیشود

از: بیننده که است انرژی میزان برای معیاری درخشندگیمیکند دریافت منبع

آن: گیری اندازه که است ذهنی توصیف یک روشنائیاست غیرممکن

The Origins of Digital Image Processing (Chromatic light)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Radiance is the total amount of energy that flows from the light source, and it is usually measured in watts (W).

Luminance, measured in lumens (lm), gives a measure of the amount of energy an observer perceives from a light source.

For example, light emitted from a source operating in the far infrared region of the spectrum could have significant energy (radiance), but an observer would hardly perceive it; its luminance would be almost zero.

Brightness is a subjective descriptor of light perception that is practically impossible to measure. It embodies the achromatic notion of intensity and is one of the key factors in describing color sensation.

2.3 Image Sensing and Acquisition

Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Acquisition Using a Single Sensor

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Strips

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Arrays

A Simple Image Formation Model


2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Incoming energy is transformed into a voltage by the combination of input electrical power and sensor material that is responsive to the particular type of energy being detected.

The output voltage waveform is the response of the sensor(s), and a digital quantity is obtained from each sensor by digitizing its response.


2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

ورودی، انرژیتوان ترکیب توسطو ورودی الکتریکیکه حسگری مادهتشخیص مسئولانرژی خاصی نوعولتاژ یک به است، . ولتاژ میگردد تبدیلشکل، موج خروجیحسگرها پاسخکمیت یک و است،هر از دیجیتالمی بدست حسگرکار این برای که آیدرقمی آن پاسخ باید


Single imaging Sensor

Line Sensor

Array Sensor

Image Acquisition Using a Single Sensor

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Acquisition Using a Single Sensor

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Strips

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Arrays

A Simple Image Formation Model

Image Acquisition Using a Single Sensor

Image Acquisition Using a Single Sensor

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

The most familiar sensor of this type is the photodiode

It is constructed of silicon materials and whose output voltage waveform is proportional to light.

The use of a filter in front of a sensor improves selectivity. For example, a green (pass) filter in front of a light sensor favors light in the green band of the color spectrum.

As a consequence, the sensor output will be stronger for green light than for other components in the visible spectrum.

Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Acquisition Using a Single Sensor

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Strips

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Arrays

A Simple Image Formation Model

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Strips

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Strips

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Acquisition Using a Single Sensor

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Strips

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Arrays

A Simple Image Formation Model

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Arrays

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Arrays

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Arrays

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

آمده قبل شکل در حسگرها از ای آرایه کارگیری به اصلی روشدر. که دهد می نشان روشنائی منبع از را انرژی شکل، این است

. است محیطی عنصر یک از انعکاس حال

شکل این در تصویربرداری سیستم توسط شده انجام کار اولینتصویر صفحه روی آن کردن متمرکز و ورودی انرژی آوری جمعنوری. لنز یک سیستم، جلوئی بخش باشد، نور روشنائی اگر استتصویربرداری لنز کانونی صفحه روی را شده دیده صحنه که است

. کند می

را هائی خروجی است، کانونی صفحه با مطابق که حسگر، آرایهحسگر هر در دریافتی نور انتگرال با متناسب که کند می تولید


Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Acquisition Using a Single Sensor

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Strips

Image Acquisition Using Sensor Arrays

A Simple Image Formation ModelA Simple Image Formation Model

A Simple Image Formation Model

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

مثل دوبعدی تابع یک توان می را که f(x,y)تصویر گرفت نظر xدردامنه yو و هستند مکانی مختصات fمختصات از جفت هر در)x,y . وقتی) است نقطه آن در تصویر خاکستری سطح یا شدت ،x وy شدت مقدار را fو تصویر باشند، گسسته هائی کمیت و متناهی

. نامیم می دیجیتال تصویر

دامنه یا فضائی (fمقدار مختصات مثبت) x,yدر اسکالر کمیت یک . شود می مشخص تصویر منبع توسط آن فیزیکی معنای که استآن شدت مقادیر شود، می تولید فیزیکی فرایند از تصویری وقتی . است شده ساطع فیزیکی منبع توسط که است انرژیی با متناسب

نتیجه .f(x,y)در باشد صفر غیر باید

A Simple Image Formation Model

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

: f(x,y)تابع شود مشخص مولفه دو با تواند میدیدن حال در که ای صفحه روی که منبع روشنائی میزان

( ) . روشنائی مولفه میشود ساطع استدر موجود اشیای توسط شده منعکس روشنائی میزان

( انعکاسی. ( مولفه صحنه

f(x,y) = i(x,y) r(x,y)0 < i(x,y) < 0 < r(x,y) < 1(from total absorption to total reflectance)

Sample values of r(x,y):0.01: black velvet0.93: snow

A Simple Image Formation Model

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Intensity of a monochrome image f at (x0,y0): gray level l of the image at that point

l=f(x0, y0)

Lmin ≤ l ≤ Lmax


Lmin: Positive

Lmax: Finite

A Simple Image Formation Model

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

In practice:

Lmin = Imin rmin

Lmax = Imax rmax

e.g. for indoor image processing:

Lmin ≈ 10 Lmax ≈ 1000

[Lmin, Lmax] : gray scaleOften shifted to [0,L-1] l=0: black

l=L-1: white

2.4 Image Sensing and Acquisition

Image Sampling and Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Basic Concepts in Sampling and Quantization

Representing Digital Images

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

Image Interpolation

Basic Concepts in Sampling and Quantization

Basic concepts in Sampling & Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

و دامنه که است شکل موج ولتاژ یک حسگرها اغلب خروجیاست شده حس حال در که ای فیزیکی پدیده به آن فضائی رفتار . حس های داده است الزم دیجیتال، تصاویر ایجاد برای دارد ارتباط . فرایند دو شامل کار این آید در دیجیتال شکل به پیوسته شدۀ�

است :برداری نمونه

کردن کوانتیزه

پیوستۀ� تصویر بعد، شکل fشکل به خواهیم می که میدهد نشان را . مختصات به نسبت است ممکن تصویر کنیم تبدیل و yو xدیجیتال

. تابع باید دیجیتال، شکل به آن تبدیل برای باشد پیوسته دامنه، نیز . کردن دیجیتال کنیم برداری نمونه دامنه و مختصات نظر از راکردن کوانتیزه را دامنه کردن دیجیتال و برداری نمونه را مقادیر

. گویند می

Basic concepts in Sampling & Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Basic concepts in Sampling & Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

مختصات از جفت هر به شدت مقدار یک می) x,y(اختصاص کردن کوانتیزه راگویند.

آرایه روی پیوسته تصویرحسگر

کوانتیزه و برداری نمونه نتیجهکردن

Sampling & Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Important terms for future discussion:Z: set of real integersR: set of real numbers

Sampling: partitioning xy plane into a gridthe coordinate of the center of each grid is a pair of elements from the Cartesian product Z x Z (Z2)

Z2 is the set of all ordered pairs of elements (a,b) with a and b being integers from Z.

Sampling & Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

f(x,y) is a digital image if:

(x,y) are integers from Z2 andf is a function that assigns a gray-level value (from R) to each distinct pair of coordinates (x,y) [quantization]

Gray levels are usually integersthen Z replaces R

The digitization process requires decisions about:values for N,M (where N x M: the image array) the number of discrete gray levels allowed for each pixel.

Sampling & Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Usually, in DIP these quantities are integer powers of two:N=2n M=2m and G=2k (number of gray levels)

Another assumption is that the discrete levels are equally spaced between 0 and L-1 in the gray scale.

Image Sampling and Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Basic Concepts in Sampling and Quantization

Representing Digital Images

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

Image Interpolation

Representing Digital Images

Representing Digital Images

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Representing Digital Images

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

: تصویربرداری سیستم پویای بازه

قابل شدت حداکثر نسبت

سطح حداقل به گیری اندازه

سیستم در اندازه گیری شدت

. شود می تعریف

اشباع باال حد قانون، یک عنوان به

. می گوئیم نویز را پائین حد و

ترین پائین بین تفاوت به کنتراست

که شدت، سطوح باالترین و

را آن نمایش قابلیت سیستم

. میشود گفته دارد

بیشتر پائین کنتراست با تصویر

. می رسد نظر به خاکستری

Representing Digital Images

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

The number , b, of bits required to store a digitized image is:b = M * N * K

When M=N, this equation becomesb = (N2)*K

Image Sampling and Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Basic Concepts in Sampling and Quantization

Representing Digital Images

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

Image Interpolation

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

کوچکترین : از معیاری فضائی دقت

تصویر در تمیز قابل بخش


را فضائی دقت کمی، نظر از

بیان مختلفی روشهای به میتوان

واحد هر در خط جفتهای که کرد

( ) هر در پیکسل نقاط و فاصله،

ترین متداول فاصله واحد


: قابل تغییر کوچکترین شدت دقت

. است شدت سطح در تشخیص

1250DPI 300DPI


Spatial and Intensity Resolution

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

How many samples and gray levels are required for a good approximation?

Resolution (the degree of discernible detail) of an image depends on sample number and gray level number.i.e. the more these parameters are increased, the closer the digitized array approximates the original image.But: storage & processing requirements increase rapidly as a function of N, M, and k

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Different versions (images) of the same object can be generated through:

Varying N, M numbersVarying k (number of bits)Varying both

Spatial and Intensity Resolution(Ex1)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Spatial and Intensity Resolution(Ex1)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Spatial and Intensity Resolution(Ex2)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Spatial and Intensity Resolution(Ex2)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Isopreference curves (in the NM plane)

Each point: image having values of N and k equal to the coordinates of this point

Points lying on an isopreference curve correspond to images of equal subjective quality.

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing


Quality of images increases as N & k increaseSometimes, for fixed N, the quality improved by decreasing k (increased contrast)For images with large amounts of detail, few gray levels are needed

Detail Level

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Sampling and Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Basic Concepts in Sampling and Quantization

Representing Digital Images

Spatial and Intensity Resolution

Image InterpolationImage Interpolation

Image Interpolation(1)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

مقادیر برآورد برای شناخته داده های از استفاده فرایند درونیابی،. است ناشناخته مکانهای در

مکان : هر به که است روشی همسایه نزدیکترین درونیابیرا اصلی تصویر در همسایه اش نزدیکترین شدت جدید، . در نامطلوب نتیجه احتمال روش این در میدهد نسبت

. دارد وجود مستقیم ها لبه شدید خمیدگی

برآورد : برای همسایه نزدیکترین چهار از دوخطی درونیابی. میشود استفاده نظر مورد مکان در شدت

یک : همسایه نزدیکترین شانزده شامل مکعبی دو درونیابی. است برآورد برای نقطه

Suppose that we want to find the value of the unknown function fat the point P = (x, y). It is assumed that we know the value of fat the four points Q11 = (x1, y1), Q12 = (x1, y2), Q21 = (x2, y1), and Q22 = (x2, y2).

We first do linear interpolation in the x-direction. This yields

We proceed by interpolating in the y-direction.

We proceed by interpolating in the y-direction.

Unit Square

If we choose a coordinate system in which the four points where f is known are (0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), and (1, 1), then the interpolation formula simplifies to

Or equivalently, in matrix operations:

Bicubic interpolation

Image Interpolation(2)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

(a) Image reduced to 72 dpi and zoomed back to its original size ( pixels) using nearest neighbor interpolation. (b) Image shrunk and zoomed using bilinear interpolation. (c) Same as (b) but using bicubic interpolation. (d)–(f) Same sequence, but shrinking down to 150 dpi instead of 72 dpi [Fig. 2.24(d) is the same as Fig. 2.20(c)].

Nonuniform Sampling & Quantization

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

An adaptive sampling scheme can improve the appearance of an image, where the sampling would consider the characteristics of the image.

i.e. fine sampling in the neighborhood of sharp gray-level transitions (e.g. boundaries)Coarse sampling in relatively smooth regions

Considerations: boundary detection, detail content

2.5 Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Neighborhood of a Pixel

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

Distance Measures

Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Definitions:f(x,y): digital imagePixels: q, pSubset of pixels of f(x,y): S

Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Neighborhood of a Pixel

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

Distance Measures

Neighborhood of a Pixel

Neighborhood of a Pixel

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

A pixel p at (x,y) has 2 horizontal and 2 vertical neighbors:

(x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)

This set of pixels is called the 4-neighbors of p: N4(p)

The 4 diagonal neighbors of p are: (ND(p))(x+1,y+1), (x+1,y-1), (x-1,y+1), (x-1,y-1)

N4(p) + ND(p) N8(p): The 8-neighbors of p

Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Neighborhood of a Pixel

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

Distance Measures

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

A pixel p at (x,y) has 2 horizontal and 2 vertical neighbors:

(x+1,y), (x-1,y), (x,y+1), (x,y-1)

This set of pixels is called the 4-neighbors of p: N4(p)

The 4 diagonal neighbors of p are: (ND(p))(x+1,y+1), (x+1,y-1), (x-1,y+1), (x-1,y-1)

N4(p) + ND(p) N8(p): The 8-neighbors of p

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Two image subsets S1 and S2 are adjacent if some pixel in S1 is adjacent to some pixel in S2.

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Connectivity between pixels is important:Because it is used in establishing boundaries of objects and components of regions in an image

Two pixels are connected if:They are neighbors (i.e. adjacent in some sense -- e.g. N4(p), N8(p))Their gray levels satisfy a specified criterion of similarity (e.g. equality)

V is the set of gray-level values used to define adjacency (e.g. V={1} for adjacency of pixels of value 1)

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

For any pixel p in S, the set of pixels in S that are connected to p is a connected component of S.

If S has only one connected component then S is called a connected set.

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Region: R a subset of pixels is a region if R is a connected set.

Its boundary (border, contour) is the set of pixels in R that have at least one neighbor not in R

Edge can be the region boundary (in binary images)


2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

A path (curve) from pixel p with coordinates (x,y) to pixel q with coordinates (s,t) is a sequence of distinct pixels:

(x0,y0), (x1,y1), …, (xn,yn)

where (x0,y0)=(x,y), (xn,yn)=(s,t), and (xi,yi) is adjacent to (xi-1,yi-1), for 1≤i ≤n ; n is the length of the path.

If (x0, y0) = (xn, yn): A closed path.


2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

4-, 8-, m-paths can be defined depending on the type of adjacency specified.

If p,q S, then q is connected to p in S if there is a path from p to q consisting entirely of pixels in S.

Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Neighborhood of a Pixel

Adjacency, Connectivity, Regions, and Boundaries

Distance MeasuresDistance Measures

Distance Measures (1)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

For pixels p,q,z with coordinates (x,y), (s,t), (u,v), D is a distance function or metric if:

D(p,q) ≥ 0 (D(p,q)=0 iff p=q)D(p,q) = D(q,p)D(p,z) ≤ D(p,q) + D(q,z)

Euclidean distance:De(p,q) = [(x-s)2 + (y-t)2]1/2

Points (pixels) having a distance less than or equal to r from (x,y) are contained in a disk of radius r centered at (x,y).

Distance Measures (2)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

D4 distance (City-Block Distance):

D4(p,q) = |x-s| + |y-t| forms a diamond centered at (x,y)

e.g. pixels with D4≤2 from p

D8 distance (Chessboard Distance):

D8(p,q) = max(|x-s|,|y-t|)forms a square centered at p

e.g. pixels with D8≤2 from p

Distance Measures (3)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

شهری D4فاصله بلوک فاصله یا

شطرنجی D8فاصله فاصله یا

مسیر Dmفاصله کوتاهترین بین mیا گانهنقاط

Distance Measures (4)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

D4 and D8 distances between p and q are independent of any paths that exist between the points because these distances involve only the coordinates of the points (regardless of whether a connected path exists between them).

However, for m-connectivity the value of the distance (length of path) between two pixels depends on the values of the pixels along the path and those of their neighbors.

Distance Measures (5)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

However, for m-connectivity the value of the distance (length of path) between two pixels depends on the values of the pixels along the path and those of their neighbors.

e.g. assume p2, p4 = 1 p1, p3 = can have either 0 or 1

If only connectivity of pixels valued 1 is allowed, and p1 and p3 are 0, the m-distance between p and p4 is 2.

If either p1 or p3 is 1, the distance is 3.

If both p1 and p3 are 1, the distance is 4 (pp1p2p3p4)

Labeling Connected component in binary Image

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

(We consider 4-connectivity)Scan the image from left to right and top to bottomfor every pixel (x,y) in the image consider p=f(x,y) r=f(x-1,y) q=f(x,y-1) if p==0 , go to next pixel else if p==1,

if both neighbors are zero, assign new label to p and go to next pixelif one of neighbors is 1 assign its label to p and go to next pixelif they both are 1 and have the same label assign their label to p and go to next pixel if they both are 1 and have different labels assign one of the label to p and make a note that the labels are the same then go to next pixel

EndScan the labels and re-label the connected components considering equivalent labels.

2.6 An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic Methods

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic Methods

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Array Versus Matrix Operations

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

ای آرایه ضرب

ماتریسی ضرب

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic Methods

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic Methods

Arithmetic Operations

Arithmetic Operations

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Addition(Averaging)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Subtraction

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Subtraction

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Multiplication(Division)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Multiplication(Division)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic Methods

Set and Logical Operations

Set and Logical Operations

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic Methods

Spatial Operations

Set and Logical Operations

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Spatial Operations (1)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Spatial Operations (2)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Spatial Operations (3)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Spatial Operations (4)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic Methods

Vector and Matrix Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic Methods

Image Transforms

Image Transforms (1)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Image Transforms (2)

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Array Versus Matrix Operations

Linear versus Nonlinear Operations

Arithmetic Operations

Set and Logical Operations

Spatial Operations

Vector and Matrix Operations

Image Transforms

Probabilistic MethodsProbabilistic Methods

Probabilistic Methods

2.1- Elements of Visual Perception

2.2- Light and the Electromagnetic Spectrum

2.3- Image Sensing and Acquisition

2.4- Image Sampling and Quantization

2.5- Some Basic Relationships Between Pixels

2.6- An Introduction to the Mathematical Tools Used in Digital Image Processing

Chapter 2 - The end

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