digital portfolio 1

Post on 24-May-2015






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Digital portfolio


+ Aimal for a day

I`m a Cheetah .I can run very Fast, and I can run10Mts.befor you finish writing “EXELLENT”.I eat meat but I don’t eat people.

That’s me.

I’m a cheetah I am the faster animal in the world. I eat meat, but I don’t eat humans. Luckily for you!!! My food is not easy but don’t hard to find it. I live in Africa, Asia and small area in Europa.

A like run and eat. Sometimes I like sleep, be a Cheetah is not easy !!!I wood like to sleep old the time, but I can’t. I’m not afraid of lots of animals but Im scared of the lion .I’m in danger of EXTINTION.

PROJECT 2Story!!!!!!!A long time ago in a far far away country ….. Febuploss and James were fighting with Phoenix ,when Phoenix summoned his animal. His animal was very good at fighting and it hurt James in the face. Febuploss heated his enemies and shouted `noooo*

A few minutes later Febuploss destroyed his enemies and went home:___-Sir Theatrep…James ………he’s dead!!!!!___-…………He was a good man! I need you to ……___-To what…

___To command his army …and kill …Gormy__Next year the notice of Febuploss was there…He was dead1!!!But he killed Gormy!! -Hi sir, I have some notices: _We killed him,…but there are armies who are behind us!_Don’t worry, I’m going to move the national army…Then you attack!!!And that was it .They won the war but 2.000.000 lost their lives in the war.Febuploss too!!!!!Here end the history of two soldiers who kill Gormy.


I am BOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!I am from n.carolina.  Jan 30 I am the class/school clown today my teacher got cords tangaled arrownd her desk so she runs arownd her desk whith the

cord in her hand,so I start singing ring arownd the rosie pokets full of posey ashes ashes we all fall down.  I got the whole class laghing, yes even the teacher.

yea I got some jokes for ya / If there is a roster on top of a barn leying a egg and the wind is blowing east whitch way will the egg roll trick questen it wont becuse they dont ley eggs. do you want to know the hard way to make hotdogs???? got a dog and rost it in a fire. hey I twisted my arm so the doc. told me to wear a sling so I putt a woppy kushen in it and squized it every time someone bent down... it was funny I all ready know what you will ask me next so hear it is I was wrestleing with my dad and he fell on it gess who won. I did !!!!! oops I got to go the bells abowt to ring bie see ya if ya come hear/write ya.

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